i I j November, 1952 Vol. XXIII, No. 5 Vol. XXIII, No. 5 llluineraitl1 of l\ri~ouu HOWARD PYLE, LL.D. (e iJulletiu MARION L. BROOKS, B.S., (ex officio) . ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES WALTER R. BIMSON, Preside LYNN M. LANEY, B.S., J.D..... JOHN G. BABBITT, B.S..... MICHAEL B. HODGES, Tre JOHN M. JACOBS . MRS. EVELYN JONES KIa ALEXANDER G. JACOME, W:ILLIAM R. MATHEWS, PEGMATITE DEPOSITS OF THE WHITE PICACHO DISTRICT, MARICOPA AND YAVAPAI COUNTIES, ARIZONA ARIZONA T. G. CHAPMAN, Director G. R. FANSETT, Mining Engin R.T.Mo By Richard H. Jahns SERVICES OFFERED B California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Among the many lines of a lowing have proved especiall .1. The preparation and pu 1 iug authoritative information 0 prospectors, miners and others zona's mineral resources and in free of charge to residents and request. 2. The classification of min iug rocks and giving the co qualitative tests for important e ing the probable market for an samples submitted. This servic the specimens originate wit . specimen is made for sam assays, quantitative chemi scopic or thin sections are desi Price $1.25 by law, a schedule of which W (Free to Residents of Arizona) (Continue STATEMENT The University of Arizona Bu April,July, October, and Novem Entered as second-class mail PUBLISHED BY Office at Tucson, Arizona, un ~uifr.e:utttl for mailing at special rate 0 of J\:riJ!llUU of October 3, 1917, authorize TUCSON, ARIZONA MINING AND PROSPECTING 73 Methods and past developments 73 TABLE OF CONTENTS Production ~......................................................................... 76 Future possibilities ...................................................•.................................... 76 PAGE DESCRIPTIONS OF SELECTED MINES AND PROSPECTS 78 INTRODUCTION . 5 Morning Star prospects 78 Background of investigations :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5 North Morning Star mine 80 Field and laboratory work . 8 Sunset prospect ,.................... 83 Acknowledgements , . 9 Lower Jumbo mine 84 GEOGRAPHY . 9 White Jumbo prospect 86 Location and accessibility . 9 Sunrise prospect c............................................................ 87 Topography and drainage . 10 Picacho View mine 90 Climate and vegetation . 11 Outpost mine 93 Outpost Extension prospect 96 GEOLOGIC SETTING . 11 Friction mine 97 Older rocks c••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••...•••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••.•••••.• 11 Midnight Owl (Lithia King) mine 98 Younger rocks " . 13 Independence prospects 103 Structural features . 14 Long Dike mine 103 PEGMATITES . 15 New Lookout prospects 104 Distribution and occurrence ~ . 15 Lone Giant prospect __ 104 Form, size, and attitude . 18 Relations to country rock : . 21 Internal structure . 22 General features . 22 Zones . 24 Border zones . 24 Wall zones . 25 Intermediate zones . 26 Cores c••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.••••...••••••••••••••• 28 Fracture fillings and other units . 30 Mineralogy . 32 32 g:~~ti~ls~!~:.~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 34 Varietal minerals . 36 Accessory minerals . 44 Other minerals . 50 Sequence of mineral formation . 52 Genesis of the pegmatites . 54 ECONOMIC FEATURES OF THE PEGMATITE MINERALS . 57 Feldspars . 57 Uses, classification, and marketing data . 57 o.ccurrence . 59 Quartz . 60 Lithium minerals . 60 Uses and marketing data . 60 Determination of grade . 62 Occurrence . 65 Beryl . 67 Uses and marketing data . 67 Determination of grade . 68 Occurrence . 69 Mica , , . 70 Class1fication, uses, and marketing data . 70 Occurrence ; . 71 Columbium-tantalum minerals . 72 Bismuth minerals . 73 PEGMATITE DEPOSITS OF THE WHITE PICACHO ILLUSTRATIONS DISTRICT, MARICOPA AND YAVAPAI COUNTIES, PAGE ARIZONA I.-INDEX MAP OF THE WHITE PICACHO DISTRICT, MARICOPA AND YAVAPAI COUNTIES, ARIZONA, SHOWING LOCATIONS OF MAJOR PEGMATITE AREAS AND PRINCIPAL PEGMATITE DE- INTRODUCTION POSITS SUp. BACKGROUND OF INVESTIGATIONS Il.-MAIN CUT OF THE PICACHO VIEW MINE, LOOKING NORTH- WEST - -- -- __ , __ 16 Deposits of pegmatite minerals are known from many parts IlL-TYPICAL POD-LIKE MASS OF PEGMATITE, WEST SIDE OF of Arizona, and from time to time efforts have been made to MITCHELL WASH __ _i 7 develop some of them as commercial sources of feldspar, quartz, IV.-SMALL, CROSS-CUTTING MASS OF PEGMATITE IN FELDS­ mica, beryl, lithium minerals, tungsten minerals, tantalum­ PATHIC HORNBLENDE GNEISS, MASS OF MITCHELL CANYON NEAR LOWER JUMBO MINE 22 columbium minerals, and other salable commodities. The peg­ PLATE V.-TYPICAL SMALL PEGMATITE DIKE, WALL OF MITCHELL matites occur mainly in terranes or relatively old, crystalline CANYON NEAR LOWER JUMBO MINE _ 23 rocks that appear within the Mexican Highland and Sonoran PLATE VI.--MAIN SPODUMENE-BEARING BULGE IN LOWER JUMBO PEG- Desert portions of the state. These physical divisions of the MATITE __ __ __ . 28 Basin and Range province extend southeasterly from the Colorado PLATE VII.-DETAIL OF THE PEGMATITE BULGE SHOWN IN PLATE VI .. 29 River to the southern and eastern borders of the state, and PLATE VIIl.--MuscOVITE __ __ __ . 37 lie southwest of the broad Colorado Plateau province (Fig. 1). PLATE IX.-LEPIDOLITE __ __ .. __ __ __ . 39 Most of the largest and best known deposits lie within the PLATE X.-SPODUMENE . __ .. __ __ __ __ __ __ """"'" 41 so-called Arizona pegmatite belt, which is about 250 miles long, PLATE XI.-AMBLYGONITE __ __ .. __ __ __ __ . 42 30 to 80 miles wide, and extends south-southeastward from Lake PLATE XII.-VEINING OF PERTHITE AND AMBLYGONITE __ . 43 Mead through parts of .Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma, and Maricopa PLATE XIlI.-LITHIOPHILITE __ __ __ __ . __ . 47 counties to points south of Phoenix (Fig. 1). PLATE XIV.-TRIPLITE __ . 48 The mine and mill of the Consolidated Feldspar Corporation, PLATE XV.-VIEW OF MIDNIGHT OWL PEGMATITE, LOOKING NORTH .. 74 a few miles northeast of Kingman in the northern part of the PLATE XVI.-ANDERSON MICA MILL, IN UPPER PART OF SAN DOMINGO pagmatite belt, represent by far the largest and longest-lived WASH --..................................................................... 75 of the commercial operations for pegmatite minerals. A pro­ PLATE XVIl.-GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE NORTH MORNING STAR MINE ........ SUp. duction of more than 100,000 tons of crude and ground feldspar PLATE XVIlI.--CROSS SECTIONS THROUGH THE NORTH PEGMATITE BODY has been obtained during the past three decades, and future MORNING STAR MINE, SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF PEGMA~ operations should contribute substantially to this total. Both TITE ZONES AS INTERPRETED FROM EXPLORATORY DRILL HOLES ..-- __ __ __ SUp. feldspar and ceramic-grade quartz have been taken from other PLATE XIX.-IsOMETRIC PLATE DIAGRAM OF THE LOWER JUMBO PEG- deposits in the belt, but on a considerably smaller scale. Some MATITE BODY. SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF PEGMATITE sheet mica was produced during World War II from the Mica ZONES AS INTERPRETED FROM SURFACE EXPOSURES AND Giant pegmatite, southeast of Kingman, and modest amounts of EXPLORATORY DRILL HOLES . __ __ .. __ SUp. scrap mica have been mined over a long period of years from PLATE XX.-GEOLOGIC AND ECONOMIC MAPS OF THE PICACHO VIEW other properties in the Hualpai Mountains, as well as from MINE --- __ __ __ SUp. pegmatites north of Chloride, in central western Mohave County; PLATE XXI.-GEOLOGIC MAP AND SECTION OF THE OUTPOST MINE SUp. others in the Weaver, Bradshaw, and Wickenburg Mountains of PLATE XXII.-EcONOMIC MAP OF THE OUTPOST MINE . SUp. southern Yavapai County; and from still others in various parts PLATE XXIII.-EcONOMIC MAP OF THE FRICTION MINE SUp. of Maricopa County. PLATE XXIV.-GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE MIDNIGHT OWL MINE SUp. Beryl has been obtained in small lots from many parts of the pegmatite belt, and from scattered localities farther east in FIGURE l.-INDEX MAP OF ARIZONA, SHOWING- RELATION OF WHITE the state, as well. Several pegmatites in the Cottonwood and PICACHO DISTRICT TO THE ARIZONA PEGMATITE BELT AND TO PRINCIPAL PHYSICAL DIVISIONS .....................................................• 6 Aquarius Ranges have yielded tungsten and rare-earth minerals, FIGURE 2.-ExPLODED BLOCK DIAGRAMS, SHOWING THREE-DIMENSIONAL and pegmatitic deposits of wolframite and scheelite have been RELATIONS OF PEGMATITE DIKES AND OTHER BODIES 20 worked in numerous areas farther south and southeast. Prospect­ FIGURE 3.-GENERALIZED PLANS OF TYPICAL PEGMATITE BODIES, SHOWING ing for deposits of these and other pegmatite minerals has been CHARACTERISTIC DISTRIBUTION OF ZONES WITHIN THEM _ 27 intensified during recent years, in part because of increased de­ FIGURE 4.-GENERAL AGE-ABUNDANCE RELATIONS OF PRINCIPAL MINERALS mands for a surprising variety of relatively rare minerals. IN THE PEGMATITES 53 FIGURE 5.-SKETCH MAP OF THE SUNRISE PEGMATITE BODIES 88 5 UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA BULLETIN PEGMATITE DEPOSITS OF THE WHITE PICACHO DISTRICT 7 r---·'7"-----------·------ lithium mmerals known to occur in Arizona are lepidolite in --------'------------'-l the Bagdad area of Yavapai County, and zinnwaldite in the .I// !/ Duquesne area of Santa Cruz County." He appended the state­ 1/ I ment that "further prospecting for lithium minerals in pegma­ '/ tites seems to be justified," and the soundness of this suggestion I has been demonstrated by recent discoveries of numerous lithium I deposite in several areas near Bagdad, in the Vulture Mountains I area west-southwest of Wickenburg. All of these areas are in I I the southern half of the Arizona pegmatite belt. : The pegmatites
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