February 14, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S787 By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. The legislation I am reintroducing in the National Football League after recov- WHITEHOUSE, Ms. WARREN, and today with my colleagues from Rhode ering from a torn tricep earlier in the sea- Mr. COWAN): Island and Massachusetts seeks to es- son; S. 371. A bill to establish the Black- tablish the two-state partnership park Whereas linebacker Terrell Suggs tore his achilles tendon in the offseason but made a stone River Valley National Historical described in the study, with sites in- full recovery to play in the Super Bowl; Park, to dedicate the Park to John H. cluding the Blackstone River and its Whereas quarterback Joe Flacco led the Chafee, and for other purposes; to the tributaries, the Blackstone Canal, the Baltimore Ravens to victory by throwing for Committee on Energy and Natural Re- historic district of Old Slater Mill in a total of 287 yards, 3 touchdowns, and no sources. Pawtucket, the villages of Slatersville interceptions, earning the award for Most Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I am and Ashton in Rhode Island, the vil- Valuable Player; reintroducing legislation with my col- lages of Whitinsville and Hopedale in Whereas receiver Jacoby Jones caught 1 leagues Senators WHITEHOUSE, WAR- Massachusetts, and the Blackstone pass for 56 yards and a touchdown and re- turned a kickoff a record-tying 108 yards for REN, and COWAN that would create the River State Park. The National Park another touchdown; Blackstone River Valley National His- Service would partner with the local Whereas receiver Anquan Boldin caught 6 torical Park. Our legislation seeks to coordinating entity of the surrounding passes for 104 yards and a touchdown; preserve the industrial, natural, and Heritage Corridor, the Blackstone Whereas the Baltimore Ravens dedicated cultural heritage of the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Cor- their play during the season to the memories Valley, assist local communities by ridor, Inc. That non-profit would then of Art Modell, the former owner, and Tevin providing economic development op- lead efforts with other regional and Jones, the brother of receiver Torrey Smith; portunities, and build upon the founda- local groups to preserve the sur- Whereas the leadership and vision of head tion of the John H. Chafee Blackstone coach John Harbaugh propelled the Balti- rounding rural and agriculture land- more Ravens back to the pinnacle of profes- River Valley National Heritage Cor- scape within the greater Blackstone sional sports; ridor. River Valley. Whereas members of the Baltimore Ravens In 1793, Samuel Slater began the Creating a national historic park will organization have helped their community American Industrial Revolution in enable us to safeguard our cultural her- through charitable work and advocacy; and Rhode Island when he built his historic itage for future generations; improve Whereas the Baltimore Ravens have mill along the Blackstone River. the use and enjoyment of the area’s re- brought great pride and honor to the City of Today, the mills and villages found sources, including outdoor education Baltimore, its loyal fans, and the entire throughout the John H. Chafee Black- State of Maryland: Now, therefore, be it for young people; enhance opportuni- Resolved, That the Senate— stone River Valley National Heritage ties for economic development; and in- (1) congratulates the Baltimore Ravens for Corridor in Rhode Island and Massa- crease protection of the most impor- winning Super Bowl XLVII; chusetts stand as witnesses to this im- tant and nationally significant cul- (2) recognizes the achievements of all the portant era of American history. tural and natural resources of the players, coaches, and staff who contributed Not only is the Blackstone Valley a Blackstone River Valley. to the 2012 championship season; and window to our nation’s past but it is I am proud that this park would be (3) requests that the Secretary of the Sen- also includes thousands of acres of pris- dedicated to my late colleague John H. ate prepare an enrolled version of this reso- tine, undeveloped land and waterways lution for presentation to— Chafee, who worked tirelessly for many (A) the owner of the Baltimore Ravens, that are home to a diverse ecosystem. years, along with others in Rhode Is- Steve Biscotti; The combined efforts of the National land and Massachusetts, to protect and (B) the head coach of the Baltimore Park Service and Federal, State, and preserve the Blackstone River Valley. Ravens, John Harbaugh; and local officials in our or two states, I look forward to working with my (C) the now-retired field leader of the Bal- along with dedicated volunteers, have colleagues to pass this legislation to timore Ravens, Ray Lewis. rejuvenated the communities within establish the Blackstone River Valley f the Corridor and renewed interest in National Historical Park. the rich history of the Blackstone SENATE RESOLUTION 36—RECOG- f River and valley. This kind of eco- NIZING FEBRUARY 19, 2013 AS nomic and environmental revitaliza- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS THE CENTENNIAL OF MOSAIC, A tion is indicative of the tradition of the FAITH-BASED ORGANIZATION valley in its successful reinvention THAT WAS FOUNDED IN NE- SENATE RESOLUTION 35—CON- over the past two centuries. BRASKA AND NOW SERVES For example, the Ashton Mill in GRATULATING THE BALTIMORE MORE THAN 3,600 INDIVIDUALS Cumberland is an excellent illustration RAVENS FOR WINNING SUPER WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABIL- of local redevelopment. With the des- BOWL XLVII ITIES IN 10 STATES ignation of the National Heritage Cor- Mr. CARDIN (for himself and Ms. MI- Mr. JOHANNS (for himself, Mr. HAR- ridor, the cleanup of the river, the cre- KULSKI) submitted the following resolu- KIN, Mrs. FISCHER, Mr. DURBIN, and Mr. ation of the state park, and the con- tion; which was considered and agreed GRASSLEY) submitted the following res- struction of the Blackstone River Bike- to: olution; which was considered and way, the property was restored for S. RES. 35 agreed to: adaptive reuse as rental apartments. Whereas, on February 3, 2013, the Balti- S. RES. 36 Once again, the mill and its village are more Ravens won Super Bowl XLVII, defeat- Whereas the roots of Mosaic, a faith-based a vital part of the greater Blackstone ing the San Francisco 49ers by a score of 34 organization that serves individuals with in- valley community. to 31 at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in tellectual disabilities, trace back to the I have been pleased over the years to New Orleans, Louisiana; commitment of a Nebraskan to ensure that help support the preservation and re- Whereas Super Bowl XLVII marks the sec- individuals with disabilities were cared for newed development of the Blackstone ond Super Bowl win for the Baltimore and inspired by a loving community; Ravens, the third Super Bowl win for a Balti- Whereas, on February 19, 1913, a Nebraska River Valley. more football team, and the first time in his- pastor, the Reverend K.G. William Dahl, In 2005, I cosponsored legislation with tory that siblings have coached opposing founded Bethphage Inner Mission Associa- former Senator Lincoln Chafee, now teams in the Super Bowl; tion (referred to in this preamble as our State’s governor, requiring the Whereas the victory by the Baltimore ‘‘Bethphage’’) in Axtell, Nebraska as a min- completion of a Special Resource Ravens was the culmination of a regular sea- istry for individuals with intellectual dis- Study to determine which areas within son with 10 wins and 6 losses and a series of abilities; the Corridor were of national signifi- exhilarating playoff performances; Whereas, on October 20, 1925, a school en- cance and possibly suitable for inclu- Whereas the Baltimore Ravens exhibited a deavoring to create opportunities for chil- sion in the National Park System. stellar offensive performance, with 93 rush- dren with disabilities took root in Sterling, After extensive input from local stake- ing yards and 274 passing yards; Nebraska when the Reverends Julius Moehl, Whereas the Baltimore Ravens’ defense August Hoeger, and William Fruehling, and holders and historians, in 2011 the com- forced turnovers that were critical to achiev- laymen John Aden and William Ehmen, es- pleted study recommended the creation ing a victory; tablished Martin Luther Home Society, of a new unit of the National Park Sys- Whereas middle linebacker Ray Lewis won which later became known as Martin Luther tem. his second Super Bowl ring in his last game Homes; VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:38 Feb 15, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14FE6.043 S14FEPT1 tjames on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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