W''. '^^W* 3i7.3M31 1 /•?CHIVES Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston littp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1811amer s^ ^ uiSw;^lflA'^'/^^^;;?^;^^^^ THE MASSACHUSETTS AND UnitedStates Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 1811, the Thirty-fifth of j^merican Independencs, CONTAINING Civil, Judicial, Ecclrfiailicai, and Military Lifts in I ~' MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for literary, agriLuilural, and ckaritable Purpi.les. A Liji of Post-Towns in Majacfuifetts, with th Names of tiie Post-Masters. A r <0, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its feveral Departments and Lftabiifhments ; Times of the Sittings of the feveral Courts ; Governors in each State ; PubUc Duties, &c. USEFUL TABLES; And a Variety of other interefting Articles. boston: Publifhed by JOHN WEST & Co. and MANNING & LORING. Sold, ^vholefale and retail, at their Book Stores, Cornhill. r ECLIPSES FOR 1811. THERE will be four eclipfes this year : two of the Surt^ and two of the Moon, as follows : I. The firft will he a small eclipfe of the Moon, Marcb loth, in the morning, vifible, and by calculation as follows H. M. Beginning o 25 ") Middle 1 43^ Apparent time End 3 o ^ morning. Duration 2 35 Digits eclipCl'd 3° 23' on >'s N- limb. II. The fecond will be of the Sun, March 24th, ph. s8m. in the cvf-ning, invifible to us, but vifible andcen- t>al in the Southern Ocean, at 9 o'clock in the foienoon :. >'s latitude 38' S. III. The third will be of the Moon, Sept. 2d, ia the evening, partly vifible only, as follows :. Beginning 4 40 \ ^'^dle 5 fC Apparenttime Moonnfes 6 QiC^ ewmnfr End 7 16) ^^^"'"«' Duration 2 36 Digits eclipfed, 7^ zi' otx > '& S. limb. IV. The fourih and last will be of the Sun, September 17th, in the evening, vifible. Beginning oh. 58m. ") Middle 2 38 > Apparent time even. End 44) Duration 3 6 Digits eclipHd, io<5 1'. Rate of PosTJGE of every fmgle Letter by Land, MILES. MILES. CENTS. 300 17 500 20 For more than 500 25 Ev- No allowance is to be made for intermediate miles. every triple ery double letter is to pay doubk- ihe faid rates ; letter, triple. Every packet weighing one ounce, at the rate of four fmgle letters for each ounce. Every fliip lener originally received at an office for delivery, 6 cents. Mag- azines and pamphlets, not over fifty miles, 1 cent per fheet i, over 50 miles, and not exceeding 100 miles, i^ccctsj ovet ?oo miles, s cents. Al 7. 2>/M3| ^If FEBRUARY, i8u, begins on Friday. Full Moon 8th day, 6h. 43m. morning. Laft Quarter i6th day, 711. 19m. morning. New Moon 22d day, i ih. 19m. evening. M.W ^Qbferv^.bie_I)ays^£^ i_r,,0 s. ;r.^s. Morf pLtafant 7 6 5 2 Pur. V. M. or Candlemas. ?7 3 4th Sun. pail Epiph. '7 4 Cer.armsb.Am.& G.B.'SaJ; Sudd-:n change yj 6 High <?/" Toeather,\'j 7 Yd L. fouth 7h. 50m. 16 tides. > apogee. 6 9 7*s fet ih. 26m. Snow 6 IC Septuagefima. or rain^ 6 11 an:: probably both- 6 Cool 6 bluji^ring 6 u - Valentine Day. weather. 6 156 iLow tides. More 6 lb -; agreeable for tht 6 IJ-F Sexagefima. feajon. 6 18:2 A btt.lc fnozo 6 19U C. P^ Paris & Nor- > eelipf. Coorr for fome 20J4 2M5 7*S fet oh. 40m. days, 22.6 Wafliingtonb 173a. > per. 23|7 Uncommon high ^ow 24iF Quinqu. or Shove Sunday, tides. comes on a thaw, 26J3 27i4 AOi-Wedn.or Lent. 2'' id Hia/i winds. MARCH, 1811, begins on Friday. APRIL) 1811, begins on Monday. MAY, 1811, begins on Wednefday. JUNE, 1811, begins on Saturday. Full Moon 6th day, 6h. 23m. evening. Lafl Quarter 13th day, oh. 32m. evening. New Moon 20th day, ^h. i8m. evening. Firft Quarter 28th day, yh. 34m. evening. M| W| Obfervafale Days, life. r s. s.iF. Sea. | © |r.g Vtry Jinc 33 1 4c 7 2.2 'Whit-Sunday, weather 2 33 9 ? 7 jC.P.Co.Art. El. Bof. a^aiv. 82 2 38 854 43 ;S.J.C. Ang.&Somerf. K.G. .S2 3 »» 9 43 5 |Gen.El.N.H. [m.b.1738. 31 3 46 10 35 So Mid. tides. Thunder with 31 • rife 11 3c 6 7*s nie 3h. morn, figns of\A. 30 8 13 morn. 0/ rain. k 27 \ 30 9 I Trinity Sun. Good weathcr]A 29 9 58 1 25 102 C.P.Wor. Taunt. for 4 29 10 41 2 23 S. J. C. Wifcaf. vegetation }\ 28 8in 23 3 1 i2;4 Maf. Agr. Soc. El. > per.i4 28 8|ii 56 4 13 ! Drying njinds, U 28 8'morn. 3 6 14 Middling tides. andfigns-^ 28 81 o 29! 5 58 57 ofrain. 14 27 81 41 6 48 i6;f j liftS.p.Tr. G.ec.Suni8o6.i4 07 8! I 38 7 39 2 Battle Bunk. Hill, 177 '^. '4 27 82 13 8 29 8i3 iS.J.C.Caft. C.P.Portland.'4 27 8; 2 54! 9 21 I Eajterly winds, ^9;4 14 27 8, 3 36:10 u °5 which denote 4 27 81 > lets 11 4 iLongeft a long " day. J4 27 8 511 55 [7*3 rife 2h. mor. JlQrm\\ 27 8 .5iev. 45 23 2d Sund. paft Trinitv. 4 9 3^ 1 33 24 C.P.Sal. St.JohnBap.' Fine 10 7 2 19 weather again^ 10 39 3 3 but > apogee. 1 1 10 3 47 Mid. tides. cool nights. 11 37 4 29 280 Battle at Monmouth, 1778. 8 mom. 3 12 St. Peter. Some o 4 5 55 3d Sun. paft Trinity, rain. o 33 6 40 JULY, 1811, begins on Monday. AUGUST, i8i I, begins on Thurfday. Full Moon 4th day, loh. 9m. morning. Laft Quarter nth day, ih. 23m. morning. New Moon i8th day, ph. 28m. evening. Firft Quarter 2 (5th day, iih. 58m. evening. M|W| Obftrvable r s. 'r.^s. jF. Sea. Days, ^^. I Q Fine ti^i Lammas. owx ng 4 50 8 1 34| ^ 45 p.j6 Yd. L. rifes 2h. 44m. mor. 4 5» 8 2 29j 9 44 3 7 weather, 4 52 8 3 Ji 10 44 8th S. pad Trill. Tkuvder 4 54 ©rifclii 44 2 rife 8 7*s iih. Very high 4 55'i 47|morn 3 tides, loith rain, ^per.4 56 B 25 O 42 of Jefus. Very 1 4 Name 578 9 » 5 fultry 58 8 9 37 33 96 zpeather, 59 10 13 26 7 St, Lawrence. andjigvs o 10 51 iS F 9th Sund. paftTrin. of 2 11 3"^j lol 2 C. P. Cafb. Prince of W. b. 3 morn J 1 C. P. Plym. rain. 15 3 [1762.J5 4 52 4 Clear weather 5 5 1 2 7 43 5 Afliim. Bonap. born, i769.'5 6 1 54 8 38 6 ForJomt days. 5 8 2 48 9 22 7 Middling tides. 5 9 3 44! ID 10 F loth S. paft Trin. Hazy, 10 > fetsj ) 56 190 ) andjome rain. 1 7 13P1 40 C.P.Machias&Aug. > apo. 7 43 ev. 24 Comm. Middleb. Col. V. 8 18 I 6 22|5 7*8 rife 9h. 53m. ^5 8 40 1 49 236 Grows cooler^ 17 '9 8 32 247 !St. BartlioL with fine 18 9 38 16 25 F 1 ith S. paft Trin. dreezes. »9 10 11 2 262 C. P. Northa. Topf. Sc Len 21 10 48 50 2 7i3 A littL 52 11 32 42 £8:4 Com.Camb. & Daitm. Col. 23 morn. 36 John Bap. beh. mere 525 21 30 6 rain. 26 1 ^-j 8 31 ^317 Yd. L. rifes ih. morn. 27 2 22 9 30 i 1 SEPTEMBER, 1811, begins on Sunday. Full Moon 2d day, 5h. 51m. evening. Laft Quarter 9th day, iih. 55m. morning. New Moon 17th day, 2h. i3na. evening. Firft Quarter 25th day, i ih. 4m. morning. M[W] Obfervable Days, Iffe. f.© s. |r,#s.'F,Sea iF izth Sund. paft Trill. 5 29 3 31.10 29 7|"^^ "" C.P.Wo. High lecl.p.vif. 5 30 rife; 1 27 Ver. Elect, tides. > per. b 31 morn, Com. Prov. & Brunf. A 5 33 o Dog-days end. Jiorm may be 5 34 1 ao expected. .5 36 2 1.5 Enurchus. 7*s rife ^h. 5 37 r3thS.p. T. Nat. V. M. 38 C. P. Cone. Alfred & Taunt. 40 S.J.C.Lenox. Fine weather 41 58 Comm. N. Haven Col. 43 Low tides for 44 the feajon. 5 45 8 15 2 Holy Crofs. |5 47 9 4th Sun. paft Trin. Grows\^ 48 9 47 '.P. Dedh. cooler. >apo.!5 50 o 30 S.J.C.Nort.Wif. C.P.Norr.U 51 >fets II 14 Comm. N. Jerfey. [0ecl.!,5 52 6 50 11 56 Mid. tides. ///l^/4 JwzV/t/. 7 20 lev. 40 at N. W. 7 49 St. Matthew. Now look 8 22 5th Sund. paft Trin. for 8 hi ajlorm. 9 37 S.J.C.Wor.C.P.Barn.&Par. 10 23 Com. Williamft. Grows 11 15 *s fouth 3h. 19m. fine morn. St. Cyprian. again. 15 Cooler roith 1 20 i6tli Sund. paft Trin. 2 29 C.P. Newb. rain. >per. 3 4 K OCTOBER, r8i I, begins on Tuefday. Full Moon 2d day, 2h. 32111. morning. Laft Quarter 9th day, 2h.
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