ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CATHOLIC CHURCH 135 East 96th Street ● New York, NY 10128 Phone (212) 289-0425 ● Fax (212) 996-2028 www.sfdsnyc.org Pastoral Staff Mission Statement Taking Jesus' message of loving service to heart, all are wel- come in our vibrant, hopeful, diverse, Eucharistic Communi- ty where we break the bread and open the Word and discover Rev. Philip J. Kelly, Pastor God in our midst. Rev. Mr. Sonny Ungco , Deacon Ms. Jayne Porcelli, Pastoral Associate, DRE, Tomando el mensaje de Jesús de servicio amoroso a Adult Faith Formation corazón, todos son bienvenidos en nuestra Comunidad Euca- rística vibrante, lleno de esperanzas , diversa, donde Sr. Lynne Jacoby, RSHM, Pastoral Associate James Stayton, Music & Liturgy rompemos el Pan y abrimos la Palabra y descubrimos a Bradley Behrmann, Digital & Young Adult Dios en medio de nosotros. Ministry Kathleen Calderon, Office Manager Alberto Pena, Plant Manager Weekend Associates Msgr. Robert Stern Rev. Anthony Ciorra MASS SCHEDULE Sundays 9am, 11am, 12:30pm* Saturdays 5:00pm** Weekday Mass Schedule Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:30am Mass WEDNESDAYS Morning Prayer 8:30am *Misa en Español **Vigil- Sunday Mass Celebrated PARISH INFORMATION SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Contact any staff or clergy through our website or by calling the church rectory and leaving a message. (212) 289-0425 OFFICE HOURS Baptism/Bautismo: We celebrate the baptism of infants & young children Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday on the third Sunday of the month during the 11:00AM mass. Baptism class 9am—8pm is held the first Wednesday of the month. Bautizos en Español son celebra- Thursday and Friday dos el tercer Domingo del mes a las 12:30PM. Come to the office to talk to a 9am—5pm staff person to register for baptism Please bring Birth Certificate when you CHURCH HOURS come in to register. Call us or visit our website for more information. Weekdays: 8:00 am—4:00 pm Marriage: Couples should make an appointment at least 6 months in ad- Weekends: 8:30 am—4:00 pm vance of possible date. Please call the Rectory and make an appointment with the priest. CONFESSIONS Sacrament of the Sick- Please call and let us know if a family member is Saturdays 4:30 pm—5:00 pm sick and would like to be anointed. and by Appointment Faith Formation for All– Our Religious Education classes are held on Sunday Mornings (10:00 a.m.) for children in grades 1-8. In addition fami- GROUPS & PROGRAMS lies are expected to participate in monthly Family Faith Days WITH their 20/30’s Young Adults RCIA-Sunday,11 Mon 7PM children, as well as Family Mass on the First Sat of each month (Oct-May) at Religious Education-Sunday 10AM 5p.m. Mon 4PM, Catholic Sports, Gay Straight Catholic Alliance (4th Wednesday of the Month 7:00PM), Children will participate in the program for a minimum of 2 years to prepare for sacraments. Monday classes (4:00 p.m.) are offered for those older youngsters and their MINISTRIES families who are seeking sacraments of initiation. Adult Choir, Hospitality Ministry, Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.)—Adults who are interested in learning Eucharistic Ministry, Ministry of Lector, Altar Servers/Acolytes, Coro more about the Catholic faith gather on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Para Adultos en Español , Youth parish house. The door is always open to newcomers. All questions welcome Choir STAY IN TOUCH Email Addresses Fr. Kelly: [email protected] Facebook Jayne Porcelli: [email protected] Kathleen Calderon: [email protected] James Stayton: [email protected] St. Francis de Sales Parish Bradley Behrmann: [email protected] #SFDS_NYC New Parishioners Please register online @ sfdsnyc.org or pick up a registration form after mass. Reg- istration helps us to serve you more efficiently, especially in matters such as testi- monial letters, sponsor certificates and school registration. WELCOME! WEBSITE: WWW.SFDSNYC.ORG Staff Corner Your Ministry IS More Than Just Volunteerism!!! As our universal church evolves to be an open door welcoming community that we at St. Francis have already accom- plished, and continue to accomplish, I think we sometimes forget that living the Christian life requires sacrifice and consistent leaps of faith. Isn't that one of the reasons we come to church? To be strengthened in our conviction and made courageous to live as we are called to. Also, isn't our time in church one that we are instructed and inspired in what that call is? The Christian ideal is a vocation that calls us into ministry. Our ministry has been given to us as a gift. For all of us, our call to serve is different and is centered in the gifts we have been given and the passion with which we live them. It is, for all of us, a tool that centers us to a life filled with God's love. When we cherish and nurture our ministry, it inevitably leads us to fulfill the mission which we have been entrusted with. Our ministry leads us back to our com- munity, our church family. It is a call to service and a tremendous responsibility. Being a Christian is a radical, challenging and sometimes frustrating thing. When I live out my call to ministry, it is easier to take the jumbled up things in my life and organize them into priorities. When I live my ministry, I recognize the radical call and the road that I must travel. Because my ministry becomes a gift to God, and therefore, a gift to others. So, what is your ministry? To what have you been called? Whether it be a minister of the Word or Eucharist, the ministry of serving at the altar or lending your talents to music, social ministry, digital ministry or even a ministry that you would like to lead, say YES. Make the commitment of time and talent because this commitment is all part of the radical faith we are called to. May we live our ministry courageously, knowing that there is a place for us to be strengthened and encouraged. Every time you walk into St. Francis, we journey with you, your ministry becomes our ministry and we are all brought closer to God. There are so many ways to get involved. Make today the day that you say to yourself: "I am ready to serve." Take the step into your ministry and you will find that it is much more than just being a volunteer, it is a gift that will bring you, and us, closer to God and each other. We are ready to welcome you!!! Jim Are you a millennial looking for a unique way to use your talents for the church? The fledgling DIGITAL MINISTRY at St. Francis de Sales is seeking people to become involved in making the message of Jesus and the work of the church more present online through videos, podcasts, and social media. Does this sound intriguing? We are seeking the digitally literate with a flair for creativity. Contact Bradley at [email protected] for more information. Calling All Single Parents! We know you barely have time to breathe, what with everything you do for your family! We want to offer you a bit of time that's just for you! Time to de-stress and relax, time to talk with other single parents, time to pause, perhaps reflect on all that's good and pray for the strength to get through those tough moments. If this sounds like something you might want to be a part of, please contact Jayne as to your availability for a gathering. We can provide babysitting if that makes coming together easier. Talk with Jayne after Mass, during the week or drop an email: [email protected]. Looking forward to getting together with you soon. Feast of Pentecost On May 20 the Feast of Pentecost, we will rejoice in the Spirit being poured out all over our parish. At our 9 and 12:30 Masses we will welcome new little ones through the wa- ters of baptism. At 11am Mass we will cele- brate with our English speaking adults the completion of their initiation through Confir- mation and Eucharist, as well as those who are coming into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. To top it all off, we will celebrate with Fr. Kelly, his 25th anniver- sary of ordination to the priesthood. (yes, there will be cake!) We have much to be grateful for. God is truly good, all the time! Confirmation and First Eucharist Scholarship Winner! Today at our 12:30 Mass we are thrilled We want to take this opportunity to to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation congratulate our own Elijah West on the following adults: Carmela and who is one of the recipients of the Tania Tapia, Angelica Andrade, Jose- 2018 Pierre Toussaint Scholarship fina Reynoso, Reina Navarrete, Catarino Award. Students who receive this Reyes, Placida Garcia and Jose Luis Cortes. award have shown strong academic talent as well as sig- They will also join us at the Eucharistic table for the nificant participation and service in both their parish and first time along with: Maria Isabel Mejia and Adria- school communities. Elijah has been a student at Xavier HS for these past four years, and a faithful altar server at na Mejia. Please keep them in your prayers on this our 9:00 Sunday Mass. Congratulations to Elijah, as important day. well has his mom Lorna and his entire family for this award. i2 Camp at Marymount (STEM Camp ) STEM-related courses! Each i2 course is one week, daily from 9:00 - 4:00.
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