FIND THE LATEST NEWS UPDATED EVERY DAY AT CARIBBEANLIFENEWS.COM Vol. 29, Issue 51 BROOKLYN EDITION DON’TDec. 21–27, 2018 FISH HERE Suriname stops Chinese Kids learn table manners mega trawlers from Creator of the class, Amarimba Charles, shows a student how to manage his plate. Students learned about proper dining and table manners in the classroom and ap- plied that at the event. See story on Page 38. Photo by Alexandra Simon operating in its waters By Bert Wilkinson local regulations so authorities Fearing that a fleet of six had no choice but to turn them Weed legalization ‘overdue’: Adams Chinese mega fishing boats down and ask them to leave including two processing moth- local waters. By Nelson A. King nisms in place that ensure the misdemeanors. er vessels would quickly deplete The matter had caused so Brooklyn Borough Presi- public is protected from rec- He, however, said a legal fishing grounds off Suriname, much tension that it reached dent Eric Adams has wel- reational marijuana’s harmful marijuana market requires authorities there have asked the 51-member national comed Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s effects, as well as that create setting stringent health stand- the captains of the group to assembly where lawmakers proposal for legalization of truly meaningful pathways for ards, just like recommended leave the Caribbean trade bloc were almost unanimous in marijuana, saying that “it is historically disadvantaged and dosages for alcohol and warn- nation as soon as possible after their rejection of their applica- time overdue for New York to persecuted communities to be ing labels for cigarettes. rejecting their applications for tions in a country where offi- chart a path toward” regular- uplifted out of the shadows “Without these kinds of permits to work in the coun- cials already complain about izing the herb. and into the bright light of advisories and protections, we try. the less than acceptable abil- “As legislative debate begins a new economic and social risk exposing our communi- The appearance of the ves- ity of enforcement agencies to on this issue in Albany, we opportunity for themselves, ties to lifelong health dam- sels in local ports in recent properly monitor activities off must keep mindful of long- their families and the com- age, which could also lead to weeks had triggered alarm bells Surinamese waters. standing disparities between munities in which they live,” an increasing burden on our among the country’s fishing In 2015, representatives communities across our state he added. health care system,” Adams community and calls from law- from a company calling itself in commercial entrepreneur- Adams said that includes warned. “We cannot have makers for their applications to Fuzhou Hongdong Pelagic ship, criminal justice and expunging the records of indi- legalization lead down a path be rejected forthwith. Fishery had applied to neigh- public health,” Adams said on viduals previously convicted toward irresponsible use of Minister of Fisheries, boring Guyana for permits for Tuesday. of low-level marijuana-related marijuana that exacerbates Lekhram Soerdjan said the 35, 120-foot trawlers and drift “There must be mecha- crimes, such as possession Continued on Page 1 100-foot vessels did not meet Continued on Page 1 3007 Farragut Rd., Brooklyn, NY 11210 (corner of Nostrand Ave.) LAB TESTS SONOGRAMS EKG’S *À>ÀÞ NO i>Ì Ê >ÀiÊ iÌiÀ]Ê INSURANCE? STOP BY 718-253-WELL (9355) U 718-434-0711 TO FIND OUT Diagnostic and Treatment Center HOW NYS Article 28 Facility YOU CAN MEDICAID, MEDICARE GET INSURED MEDICAID, HMO’s & Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted TODAY! 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Dec. 26, sending thousands of bar hop- Most of the locations from the last pers to 31 black-owned bars and restau- two crawls have joined in again, along rants in Brooklyn and in Manhattan’s with several new additions, including Harlem neighborhood. The day-long Negril BK, Nzuri Lounge, and the Slope event is the brainchild of two Carib- Lounge, among others. bean-American sisters who wanted to Local businesses have been espe- focus on black economic power on the cially thrilled with the results of having first day of the pan-African holiday. a giant crowd coming out on the day In a year when a white manager after Christmas, traditionally a slow called the cops on two black men sit- time, said Coddett. ting inside a Starbucks , and Flatbush “We had one owner in particular who nail salon employees attacked two black hadn’t even been open for a year and customers , it is more important than was a first time restaurant owner when ever for the black community to pri- she participated, and she welled up in oritize black businesses, said the event’s tears saying that we helped saved her co-founder. business,” she said. “When companies or businesses like The siblings say hearing that type of that nail salon or Starbucks mess up, testimony is not only rewarding, but that’s when we start to look for black- a clear example of the positive effect owned coffee shops and black-owned the crawl has throughout the year, by nail salons,” said Kerry Coddett. “With exposing the businesses to new people, the Kwanzaa Crawl, I want black people said Stark. to start becoming more active than Participants will gather at a meet- reactive.” ing location in Brooklyn or in Harlem, The bar crawl also puts a positive where they will be divided into teams. focus on spots that are often the subject Each group will set out on a different of negative stereotypes, she said. route to visit at least four bars, many of U.N.I.T.Y: Particpants in the annual Kwanzaa crawl trek Brooklyn and Har- “We don’t celebrate our businesses which offer drink and food specials. lem exploring black-owned businesses on the fi rst day of Kwanzaa, Umoja, enough and say they have bad service, This year the sisters will also add which means unity. Deneka Peniston but this is a chance to go to all venues,” social media awards for best outfit, said Coddett.
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