11(5 rnr. WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA JAMKS, Major H. E. R. : Army Medical Service Jomt, Mr. : sentenced for carrying on illicit reform work, vf 542 liquor traffic, '00, i 122 JAMES, Lieut. (R.N.): at Colenao, ii 442; at JOHANNESBURG : Spion Kop, lit 283, 286 Administration during early months of JAMES, Lieut. : at Lichtenburg, v 223 war, iv 149-52; after British occupation, vi JAMESON, Dr. A. : appointed Commissioner of 683-01, iv 497 Land* in Transvaal, vi 57 Begbie's factory manufactures ammuni- : Director General iii 82 ii iv 150 JAMESON, Surg.-Gen. Army tion, ; wrecked, 70, Medical Service, vi 02, 643 Boers approve Kruger's franchise pro- : 1 i JAMKSON, Dr. L. S. portrait, 150 ; Adminis- posals, 288 i trator of Rhodesia ; prevents Boer invasion, Bogus conspiracy May 16 '99, 301, 302 1891, 106 ; undertakes to smuggle rifles into Chamber of Mines President endeavours ] 53 i 141 Johannesburg, ; force on Transvaal to allay excitement. '94, ; protests a ,-i i MSI, i 121 border, 160 ; Reformers request his aid, liquor traffic, ; attitude on raid into Transvaal 235 163, -164 ; makes ; cap- dynamite monopoly, in of tured at Doornkop, 167 ; leader of Cape Chamber of Trade favour Chinese, Progressives, vi 192 ; forms ministry, 193 ; vil!9 appreciation of administration, 193; ad- Chamberlain, Mr. arrives, vi 80 ministrative difficulties, 194 ; efforts to enlist Civil administration municipal govern- support of Moderates, 194 ; review of ministry ment conferred by Kruger, 218 ; condemiifd 195 227 vl (1904-8), 193-5 ; resignation and defeat, ; by Uitlanders, ; organization, v 270, supports movement for South African Union, 15, 16 iii 210 ; services at Convention, 214 ; suggests Clothing factory started by Boers, 82 title for Orange River Colony, 217 Commando see under REOIMENTA i. : i JAMESON RAID analogy, 6 ; described, 149- BOKU COMMANDOS Transvaal 79 i , opinion on its objects, 161 ; its originator, Diamond Jubilee celebration, 218 162 Gen. ; attitude of the Reformers, 165 ; strength District French appointed to com- v 49 of the force, 166 ; Transvaal invaded, 166 ; mand it, ; importance of it, 58 force captured, 167 ; alarm of Boers, 168 ; District West of commanders and extent, V results, 180 , effect on British Empire, 193 ; 227, 496 and on Uitlanders, 215 ; the claim for com- Dynamite factory manufactures ammuni- iii 82 pensation ; Kruger demands settlement of tion, Education technical and indemnity, 276 ; arbitration proposed by engineering 277 skill institute vi 143 Chartered Company, ; tactical started, ii for i 147 but indifferent shooting of Boers, 65 ; Forts money voted erection, ; guns recaptured by British at Elandslaagte, demolition urged by South African League, 195 ii 66 ; one in Buluwayo ; both in action, 289 ; construction decided, ; Uitlanders Feb. '00, iv 201; Inquiry 1897, i 196-9; complain of, i '!'!> of Summary Report of Committee, 197, 198 ; Garrison required to preserve order iv v prisoners sentenced, 179 ; leaders sentenced, insufficient, 392; Sept. -Nov. '00, 47; 59 196 ; Pretorius-Kmger Free State raid com- Nov. '00, of threat to i parison, 48; feeling regarding safety Krugrer Uitlanders, 90 ; speech prisoners, 178; petition for release of at Wanderers' Hall, 136 prisoners, 179; Committee of Inquiry and Military Governor Lieut. -Col. Mackenzie of iv 153 office telegrams Mr. Rhodes, 199 appointed, ; abolished, vi 15 JAMESTOWN : Boers occupy it, ii 294; numbers Milner, Lord makes it his headquarters, en route vi 13 his 32 ; belief to Dordrecht, 363 ; Gen. Brabant ; reasons, in its potential iii 593 v 19 addresses of occupies it, ; captured by Kritzinger, influence, ; welcome from 310 vi Transvaal towns, 117 ; farewell speech, JAMMERSBERO BRIDGE : siege, iv 56-66 168-70 JAN MASSIBI : relief Plumer joins Mafeking Mines danger to, iv 151 ; rapid expansion s column, v 208, 220 the key of Milner's policy, vi 18, 19 JAPAN : attitude, iii 60, 61 Name origin, i 108 JASFONTEIN : Boers driven out of position, iii Operations May-June '00, iv 138-48 127 Plot to capture officers at race meeting, J. T. : Naval JKANS, Surgeon "The Brigades iv 392, vi 593-4 ; foreign consuls support in South African War," referred to, vi 470 English action, 393 : at iv 454 killed i i 303 JEFFCOAT, Capt Bergendal, ; Police Edgar case, 223 ; disarmed, ; at Tafel Kop, v 426 for performances during war, see tinder Col. H. B. : at Putter's ii JEFFREYS, Kraal, REGIMENTAL UNITS, Boer Commandos ; 362 at 376 in iv 150 ; Stormben;, ; great de Wet force organized by mine owners, ; v 152 in 153 hunt, 137, 138, 151, ; North-Eastern Major F. J. Davies appointed chief of, 200 at 204 Transvaal, ; Pietersburg, Population number of burghers and Lieut. R. X. : JELF, work with army tele- Uitlanders, i 227 ; exodus of Uitlanders, 243. vi 355 336 Uit- graph, ; normal proportion of Dutch and JENKINS, Lieut. : killed at Colenso, ii 457 landers, iv 149 JENNER, Col. : chief of staff to Rhodesian Field Press advocates 5 years' franchise, i 260 iv Force, 368 ; at Oshoek, v 453 Protected area formed, v 324, 325 ; JEPPESTOWN : commando tee REGIMENTAL Nov. '01, 399 UNITS, BOER COMMANDOS Transvaal Refugees number returning, 1901-2, v : v JKRICHO raid, 60 404 ; vi 22-24 Col. : i JKRVIS, Sir J. at Colesberg, Hi 132 ; at Revolution imminence in '95, 158; iv Diamond Hill, 285 ; at Zilikat's Nek, 350 ; negotiations with Rhodes, 169, 161 , the operations against Kritzinger at Zastron, v Reform Committee's letter, 162-4 ; the flag 385 in Kalkoenskraal. 454 Sir FI. ; action at ; suc- question, 165 ; upset by raid, 167 ; ceeded 456 by Major Vallentin, ; transferred Robinson induces Reformers to lay down to Free State, 456 ; composition of column, their arms, 173, 175 ; case for the Reformers, 473, 477; in North-Eastern Free State, 473 178 JKRVIS, Capt. Hon. St. L. : wounded at Riot at labour meeting, i 348 Colenso, ii 457 Stock Exchange in favour of Chinese JEODWINK, Major : in Cape Colony, v 311, 313 labour, vi V.Q INDEX 117 JOHANNESBURG continued. JOUBERT, Asst.-Geu. David : head of Carolina iv iv : at ii Surrender demanded by Lord Roberts, commando, 513 Estcourt, 308-11 ; at 149 Weenen, 308 ; at Mooi River, 311 ; at Gras- i iv Trade serious condition, Aug. '99, kop, 384 ; attacks railway near Volksrust, 899 135 ; near Amersfoort, 438 ; to Amsterdam, 439 Uitlanders meeting of protest broken up ; escorts Government across Delagoa line, Jan. i 224 at v 451 by Boers, 14 '99, 223, ; meeting 450, : in Wanderers' Hall, 242, 243 ; reject franchise JOUBERT, Comdt. Brandwater Basin, iv 336 342 proposals, 306 ; exodus, Sept. '99, 243, ; tield-cornet fails to keep list of names regis- JOUBERT, General Frans : portrait, i 372 . tered for franchise, 135 JOUBERT, Comdt. Gideon : in command of Waterworks attacked by Theron's Scouts, Bethulie and Smithfield commandos, v 235 iv430 JOUBERT, Comdt. Joshua : at Talana, ii " JOHANNESBURG LEADER" : editor arrested, 155 i336 JOUBERT. Field-Cornet : at Elandslaagte, ii : "JOHANNESBURG MINING JOURNAL" charge 180 ; killed, 194 against Netherlands Railway Co., i 116 JOUBKRT, Field-Cornet : captured at Bothas- JOHANNESBURG MOUNTED RIFLES -.see under berg, v 465 REGIMENTAL BRITISH General Piet : i ii UNITS, JOCBERT, portrait," 134, 352, JOHANNESBURG POLICE: tee under REGI- 54 ; sketch, iv 25 ; known as Slim Piet," iii in ii 61 MENTAL UNITS, BOER 70 ; war against Sechele, ; with depu- : i "JOHANNESBURG STAR" suspended, 1897, tation to London, 1878, 63 ; quotation from i 336 71 217 ; attempted arrest of editor, ; letter to Lobengula, ; conducts campaign ii editor resigns on Chinese labour question, against Kaffir chiefs, 64 ; Leader of Pro- i vi 119 gressive Party, 132 ; opposed to 1889 fran- iii JOHNSON, Col. : at Waterval Drift, 398, 399 ; chise scheme, 134 ; supports 7 years' term, at Kimberley, 492 299 ; helps to organize Banyailand Trek, 105, : of 106 JOUNSON, Lieut. wounded at battle Lady- ; defeated at presidential election 1893, ii smith, 255 138, 139 ; attitude after election, 140; conducts JOHNSON, Lieut. : at Welgevonden, v 172 successful war against Malaboch's Kaffirs in : ii 65 JOHNSON, Lieut. Mayson in action at Fort Zoutpansberg, ; dissatisfaction with i Prospect, v 348, 349 Kruger's policy, 89, 133 ; supports Sir A. : Milner's re JOHNSON-SMYTH, Capt. killed at Vnal proposals Uitlanders, 260 ; ob- Krantz, iii 318 jects to construction of Pretoria forts, ii 70 ; : officer increase 71 JOHNSTON, Lieut. -Col. senior medical opposes of armaments, ; sends i in Natal, vi 512 ammunition to Bloemfontein, 305 ; attitude JOHNSTON, Col. D. A. : member of committee at Paardekraal meeting, 288 ; discusses war vi 184 on representation in new colonies, plan with Mr. Fischer, 317, 318 ; urges : in JOHNSTONE, Capt. F. R., V.C. (I.L.H.) por- defensive attitude, 353 ; delay prepara- ii for ii 120 of 126 trait, 180 ; awarded Victoria Cross gal- tions, ; plan operations, 125, ; lantry at Elandslaagte, ii 189 complaints against his inaction, i 373 ; dila- : ii 142 of a JOHNSTONE, Lieut. R. (K.R.R.C.) wounded toriness in invading Natal, ; fears at Talana, ii 174 mine ambush, 143 ; in command of main body : ii 123 for JOHNSTONE'S KOPJE (Kimberley) operations, of Transvaalers, ; departs Natal, i iv 552-4 142 ; at Sandspruit, 371 ; proclamation JOINT INQUIRY : negotiations, i 309-20, 336, against injury to property and individuals, 144 144 S37, 347 ; reasons for not reverting to it, 143 ; at Dannhauser, ; at Newcastle, ; 343, 344 occupies Laing's Nek, 144 ; sends message of : of Mr. to Mrs. 209 at JONES (Policeman) charge of murder sympathy Penn-Symons, ; battle failure T J. Edgar, i 222-5 of Ladysmith, 219, 220, 235 ; to push after iii 153 : sanctions Intombi JONES, Lieut. Digby (R.E.) : at Wagon home battle, Hill, iii 171; at Wagon Point, 183, 184; camp, iii 157 : yields to demand to advance ii iii killed, 197 south of Tugela, 303, 16] ; marches ii JONES, Capt.
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