Sm. I—S Six THE PHOENIX JEWISH NEWS April 20, 1951 Aleichem’s Book Penny Auction Is Planned To Be Reviewed Society and Personals By Sisterhood of Beth El Sholom Aleichem’s book, “Tev- Plans have been completed for a Maurice Arwas, treasurer; Mrs. ye’s Daughters,” will be discussed penny auction to be conducted Sun- Sidney Stein, corresponding secre- by Rabbi Harry Z. Schectman of day, April 29, at 8:30 p.m. by the tary, and Mrs. Melvin Pearlman, Congergation Beth El at a Hadas- Miss Sechter, Mr. Sobol Wed Musical Play secretary. 2 Beth El Sisterhood in the auditor- financial sah book review to be held at p.m. ium of the synagogue. at large are Mrs. 26, Board members next Thursday, April at the Alan Oseran will be chief auc- H. M. Dreiseszun, Mrs. Louis Mil- Hotel Westward Ho. Is Scheduled tioneer. Those attending may gain ler, Mrs. Jerry Smith, Mrs. Harry A Hadassah tea willbe given for admission and qualify for bidding Zeitlin and Mrs. Eli Zendle. Minyan A musical drama, “This Is Sis- by buying greenbacks all Youth Aliyah members 50 for 50 The annual installation luncheon on May 8 at 2:30 p.m. at Arizona terhood,” will feature the annual cents. Dancing and refreshments Wednes- members will be held at 12:30 p.m. Manor. All who are now luncheon meeting of the Beth Is- will follow. day, May at the auditorium, with givers to Ll jSpL.,,; Harry Kay 9, or would like to become SBiKf rael Sisterhood at 12:30 p.m. Tues- Mrs. has been elect- Mrs. Morris Kort as chairman. Youth Aliyah are welcome. Pearl ed president for the coming year. Rabbi Harry Z Schectman will in- are co- jo day, May 1, at the Temple. Sol Konick, Newmark and Pearl Fink Other officers: Mrs. officers in a candle-light- Schreiber will Saul Mintz, stall the chairmen. Mrs. Charles di- Ist vice president; Mrs. ing ceremony in the sanctuary. Hadassah’s final meeting of the rect, assisted by Mrs. Fred Hein 2nd vice president; Mrs. Jack Al- Mrs. Schectman is program chair- new pert, recording secretary; Mrs. season will be May 16, with as musical director and accompa- man. Only paid-up members may officers and board members to be nist. Participating will be the Mes- attend. inducted. dames M. Nusbaum, M. Straus, B. ' Wed in Nevada -o El A Lewin, S. Sorkin, J. Zimel, A. Couple increase in popula- JL Grauskay, J. Kaye, A. G. Robbins, The natural H LUIGI’S tion in Israel during 1950 accounts WBs& xKSfc-A, -' E. Pearlstein Anna Hirshberg of 1840 Palm- ¥s• A. Schreiber, I. and N. owner of Nancy’s For Steaks, Chops, Chicken, Saa Food for 16 percent of the general pop- croft E., Dress S. Malcoff. Shop at 200 N. Central, was mar- and Italian Cuisine. ulation rise. Luncheon chairman is Mrs. Isaac Monday) Langerman ried to Earl E. Kaufman of 901 (Closed Diamond. Mrs. Samuel W. Roma in Las Vegas, Nev., ear- 3rd St. and McDowell Phone 3-8761 has arranged the program. Project Both are members DESIDERI, report year’s ly this month. LUIGI Prop. PASSOVER chairmen wil on the Temple activities. of Beth Israel. GREETINGS Reservations may be made through Mrs. N. E. Garber at the temple office, Mr. &Mrs. Leonard Goldman 5-9260 or at 5-1311. o Assistant Secretary of State George McGhee visited Israel brief- during Ctftecfati&eG/Kfi ly March. "MATERNITY FASHIONS" and Children's Wear Laundry Infants 4-0561 Horth 12th St. Exclusive But Not Expensive 21 E Adorn. Pli. Pick up today—delivered tomorrow Free Pick-up & Delivery Dial 5-8492 in Lot Next to Store MAYTAG SELF-SERVICE Free Parking LAUNDRY LES and GERT GALST, Owners ~ 4205 North 12th Street 716 North Central Phone 3-1391 (Photo by Kobert Markow) MR. AND MRS. Sam Sobol are ? shown following their marriage The average natural increase in last Sunday. Mrs. Sobol is the population in Israel in 1950 was 13 former Paula Ann Sechter, percent higher than in the preced- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe ing year. Sechter of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. o Sobol is the son of Mr. and Mrs. The population of the Negev in- Morris Sobol of 1314 W. Willetta. creased by 174 percent in 1950—the They will live at the Country greatest growth in Israel. Club Apartments, 3030 N. 7th St. o PIANO ACCORDION ‘Miss Israel' Dance Is We Sell A COMPLETE LINE Slated by Bikur Cholim OF NATIONALLY :sooo A “Miss Israel” dance will be ADVERTISED Holiday the Ladies Bikur Cholim given by JUVENILE FURNITURE y A Week Saturday night, May 12, at Beth El Em Auditorium. Includes Instrument TOYS NURSERY Music will be by Morrie Hersh- ACCESSORIES Greetings • A PIANO man and his orchestra. An electric waffle iron will be given as a prize. Complete Line of Swimming Pools ACCORDION by Syracuse, a quaint and pleasing pattern. (with ease) Mrs. J. Feldman is chairman and and Swimming Equipment from Suzzane Mrs. H. Horenstein co-chairman. Five piece place setting—specially priced $7.50 • 53 PRIVATE • . I Mussette by Leerdam, Crystal imported from Hol- LESSONS • o land. The goblet as shown $1.75 is Debated COOLEY'S 411 j)ot $2.00 a Wttk Referendum DOWN PAYMENT fJSMm PLUS A SMALL At Meeting of Council Formerly Peacock Shoe Shop Here is your chance to play a most our new oO4ITH popular Instrument With We Give S&H Green Stamps CL/V debate - play Both sides of the current - Fine Arts system you can learn to several 31 N. First Avenue \ JJewelry Silver tunes In about 3 to 4 weeks. Coma In over state government reorganiza- 141 E. Van Buren Ph. 4-8774 ¦s North Central Avenue and let us show you how and permit proposed referendum 220 our plan. Any- tion and the —FREE PARKING— us to explain qenerous at meeting the one can learn to play the Piano Ac- were aired a of cordion. Phoenix section of the National Council of Jewish Women April I Write or phone for our 19 at Beth El Auditorium. Plan Brochure Mrs. William Sable was program I Lesson chairman. Hostesses were Mrs. Charles Sittenfeld, chairman, and Mrs. Charles Starr, Mrs. Irving Lipp, Mrs. Howard Bendalin and LEDERMAN Mrs. Roy L. Jenefsky. MUSIC TP o Kiddie Party is Held COMPANY V Members of Tau Kappa Chi sor- 324 W. Washington ority gave a kiddie party April 14 home Hoffman, PHONE 8-3719 at the of Miss Lynn who was co-chairman with Miss Ei- leen Yukolis. Other members of the committee included Misses Dor- othy Keene and Joan Tauber, en- tertainment; Thelma Reinstein and Doris Liebo, decorations; Janice Rosen, refreshments, and Sophie Brodsky, publicity. I Births I A daughter, Janis Ann, born to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Karp of 4245 N. 2nd Drive, April 2. ? ? ? A daughter, Barbara Mae, born to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown of 3835 N. 14th Ave., April 8. ? ? ? A daughter, Margo Rose, born to Dr. and Mrs. Otto L. Bendheim of 2321 E. Amelia, March 22. ? ? ? A girl, Wendy Lynn, born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Korrick of 5642 N. Bth Dr., April 9. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Korrick of 3100 N. 7th St. Crisis Minor -Myerson BUENOS AIRES, April 8 (JTA) —lsrael Minister for Labor Golda Myerson, who arrived here for a VM7 In*» Uv. brief visit, told a press conference that the current Cabinet crisis in See it Today JM Israel is of “minor importance, compared with the tasks of the present or any future Cabinet.” We Carry All Patterns in 1847 and Community ? For Your Passover Has just the dress Silver you want for Meckler's these spring days 214 I. Wash. - Opp. Boston Store PHONE 3-3948 1324 North Central j t.
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