Vote Monday or (Ibe Comeitian Tuesday MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXI Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, February 27, 1959 Number 17 Beck Oratorical Contest US0 Plans General Elections; Officers Scheduled For April 16 To Be Installed At Tuesday Meeting The annual James M. Beck oratorical contest will be held in New Student Government Officers for 1959-60 term will be installed on Tuesday night, 7:30 p.m., in room SC203. The officers will be determined by general elections on Monday and Tuesday. Johnston Hall during a regular convocation program April 16. Sixty per cent of the student First, second, and third prizes of $25, $15, and $10 will be body cast their votes this past awarded as deemed by a group of judges to be selected from Monday and Tuesday in the Pri¬ among notable community figures. Rev. mary elections to nominate Charles The contest is open to all regu¬ Forney ToBartolet and Peter French for contestants will be selected to larly attending full-time men and President. Others nominated were: take part in the final contest on women students, whose applica¬ Vice - president, J. Robert Gray, April 16. Judges for the prelim¬ tions are submitted to Walter For Fred Religious Lipari; Treasurer, James inary contest will be chosen from Beaupre, assistant professor of McDonald and Ernie Pappajohn; members of the faculty. The annual observance of speech and drama, no later than Religious Emphasis Week will take Secretary, Joan Albrecht, Judy Besides the three March 17. money prizes, place on both campi of Moravian College, March 9-1 2. Events Laning. honorable mention awards will be Applications and general in¬ will include chapel addresses, classroom talks, Convo address Results of the votes casted a book, In Defense of Yesterday, structions may be secured in and two evening programs by The Rev. Melvin Forney of Phila¬ were: Presidency, Charles Barto¬ a biography of Dr. Beck by Mor¬ Beaupre's office (South Hall) or let 257, Peter French 193; Vice- ton Keller. The book was pub¬ delphia, featured speaker of this year. His main topic will be "The in the Publicity office in Colonial presidency, J. Robert Gray 197, lished in 1957. Christian's Responsibility in a Secular World." Hall on South Campus beginning Fred Lipari 249; Treasurer, Reverend Forney was a, honor Monday. Students who plan to enter the James McDonald connection with the State Legisla¬ 222, Ernie Pap¬ contest will receive, during the great deal of experience in speak¬ A preliminary contest will be tures. He is the chairman of the pajohn 227; Secretary, Joan Al¬ preparation period, maximum as¬ ing to college students. He has held April 6, at which time five Federated Legislative Committee brecht 274, Judy Laning 173. sistance from Beaupre as well as spoken at Temple University, The conduction of the primary from other faculty members in a West Chester State Teacher's Col¬ elections was due to the necessity position to help insofar as choice lege, Mercer University, and othar to allow for the possibility of of topic and method of presenta¬ schools along the Eastern sea¬ Rev. Mackey write-in ballots, as stipulated in tion is concerned. board. the USG constitution. Subject matter for the speech¬ Reverend Forney was an honor Will Receive Primary elections were taken es, according to the official rules, graduate of the Eastern Baptist care of by the members of the is limited only by the "bounds of Theological Seminary. He is at Elections Committee. Chairman of good taste." present the pastor of the Third Alumni Award the elections committee is Gene The late James M. Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Beck, LL.D., Salay. The 1959 Comenius Day was graduated from Moravian in He is especially known for his Award will be presented to the 1880. He was a corporate attor¬ outstanding work with the youth Rev. Dr. Sheldon E. Mackey. ney and at one time held the po¬ in his pastorate. Rev. Forney has sition of Solicitor General of the been a past president of the Min¬ The award is made annually by Forty-Six Pledged United States. isterial Union of Philadelphia, the Alumni Association to an and has served as pastoral coun¬ The oratorical prize was estab¬ By Fraternities alumnus who has made an out¬ lished by him from the income sellor for the Pennsylvania Chris¬ tian Endeavor Union. standing contribution in his on a $1,000 fund to promote ex¬ For This Semester field. cellence in oratory. He is also well-known in his Forty-six men have been chosen It will be presented at a dinner by the three campus fraternities meeting of the association on to compose their pledge classes Thursday, March 19, at the Hotel for the spring semester. Brookhaven Scientist of Pennsylvania, conducting the Bethlehem. This year's award will yearly Legislative Field Day. Omicron Gamma Omega pledge- be in the form of a key. master, Gus Rampone, stated that Hospitality and publicity com¬ The award is made at this time the following men will become On Next Week mittees have been selected to help in commemoration of the birth of Campus pledges of that fraternity: Tom Rev. Forney during the program John Amos Comenius on March Moravian students will have an McHale, Frank Jones, William opportunity to hear a nationally as well as provide him with ad¬ 28, 1592. Comenius, an early Mo¬ Needs, James Naisby, Charles Gil¬ known scientist next week. The scientist, Dr. Leslie F. Nims, of the vance publicity. ravian, is internationally famous bert, Dieter Wentz, Phillip Sab- Brookhaven National Laboratory, will be here from Wednesday Appointed to the hospitality as a educator. etti, David Lewis, Gene Medei, committee are David Stehley, Dr. Mackey receives the award through Saturday. Mike Lansenderfer, Wallace Koe- chairman; Cynthia Geiman, Rob¬ in recognition for his accomplish¬ During a recent interview Les¬ nig, James Kenny, Ray Knott, day, first period, Physiology, WC- ert Gohdes, William Needs and ments in church administration. ter Lazarowitz, president of the Daryl Rabert, Bob Gast, Dan Tur¬ Sl, "The Physiological Effects of Paul Graf. Appointed to the Pub¬ At the present time he is Secre¬ Rau Science Society, which is ner, and Bela Gulyos. Ionizing Radiation;" and Thurs¬ licity Committee are James Mac- tary of sponsoring the visit, said that this the Evangelical and Re¬ day, 9 a.m., Vertebrate Zoology Donald, chairman; Nancy Boerst¬ Pledgemaster Willy Wohlbach formed Church and Co-Secretary is the first time a scientist of Dr. Lab, WCS2, "Preparation for Bi¬ ler, Carla Nowack, Ernie Pappa¬ of Sigma Phi Omega fraternity of the United Church of Christ. Nim's stature has visited Mora¬ ological Research." john and Gene Salay. has announced that the following vian for this length of time. He has held these positions since Wednesday afternoon Dr. Nims 12 men are the pledges for this Lazarowitz also the merger of the E & R Church said, "We in will be at Lehigh to speak to the semester. Rau Science with the Congregational Church, hope that everyone Biology Seminar. Friday and Sat¬ Flu Shots Planned James Basaia, Dave Bittner, will have a chance to meet Dr. forming the UCC. urday mornings he will be in Dr. Bob Buss, Robert Clark, Ronald He graduated from Moravian Nims. He is planning to talk to Gaumer's office on the third floor In Early March Colfer, Dave Cornelius, Dave in 1936 with a Bachelor of both science and non-science ma¬ Arts of Comenius Hall for private or Hattenbrun, Ron Myers, Ralph Reservation slips are now avail¬ Degree. After graduating from jors. If you don't wish to bring group discussions. However, ar¬ Neuhaus, William E. Rinker, able for a set of two influenza in- the Theological Seminary in Lan¬ up a question in front of a large rangements for private interviews Richard Staffieri, and noculations to be given the first Henry Sun- audience, Dr. Nims would like caster, Pennsylvania, he served as can be made for other times. yak. and third week of March. The you to walk up to pastor of churches in Orwigsburg, him in the hall Dr. Nims is the director of the Sigma Phi shots, at a cost of one dollar each, pledging period will Reading, and Sunbury, Pennsyl¬ or make arrangements for a pri¬ biology laboratory and senior will be available to faculty, stu¬ last for about one and a half vania. In 1954 he became Admin¬ vate discussion." physiologist at the Brookhaven dents, and college employees. months. istrative Assistant to the Presi¬ Students are especially urged to Laboratory and has had a lot of According to Harvey T. D. Gil¬ Bob dent of the E & R Fish, pledgemaster of Tau Church. attend the keynote speech which experience with the problems of lespie, Moravian health director, Kappa Epsilon an¬ Rev. will be Fraternity Mackey received an hon¬ given Thursday night at radiation effects'. He has also done the Public Health Service indi¬ nounced the following 16 men as orary Doctor of Divinity degree 8 p.m. in the South Campus work on aviation physiology, as cates that an influenza epidemic pledges. from Franklin and Marshall Col¬ Chapel. Students from all Lehigh well as the methods of measuring is not an impossibility although Valley acids in Ralph Alan Born- lege in 1954 and a LL.D. from Ur- Colleges have been invited. living systems. none is now threatening. Atkinson, sinus in 1958. He is married to stein, John Deak, Fred The topic will be "Energy, The Rau Science Society has Reservation slips are available Donatelli, the former Marie Dilliger, a 1935 Steve Neil Life, and the Pursuit of Exist¬ set up the following committees in the business office, office of the Edraney, Eskolin, Dave Fehnel, Tom graduate of the Women's College, ence." Afterward there will be a for Thursday night: Hank Girr, Dean of Men, and the office of the Fisher, Dick Gross, Tony Heiser, Ed They have five children.
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