DISSERTATION Titel der Dissertation Migrants at the Mining Sector: A Pastoral and Theological Challenge for Africa . A Case Study of Mbinga Diocese (Tanzania) Verfasser Liz. Jordan Nyenyembe angestrebter akademischer Grad Doktor der Theologie (Dr. Theol.) Wien, 2012 Studienkennzahl It. Studeinblatt: A 080 011 Studienrichtung It. Studienblatt: Katholische Theologie Betreuerin/Betreuer: em. O. Univ.-Prof. DDr Paul M. Zulehner II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to his Excellency retired Bishop Dr. Emmanuel A. Mapunda who accorded me an opportunity to further my studies in Austria. His fatherly and calm reassurance to this endeavour gave much support needed to complete my studies. I am grateful to Rev. Dr. Charles Kitima the Vice Chancellor of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (Mwanza), for granting me a study leave in order to pursue studies abroad. This Dissertation could not have seen the light of the day without an accomplished guidance of Prof. em . DDR. Paul M. Zulehner my moderator. I register my heartfelt gratitude to him. I have benefited enormously from his insights and the wide scope to which he opened for this work. In the same way I thank my second moderator Prof. Dr. Martin Jäggle, for his astute observations and helpful suggestions a result of careful reading of the chapters despite his many assignments as Dean of the Faculty of Theology. I offer special thanks to the Archdiocese of Vienna for sponsoring my studies. I would like to appreciate the assistance and cooperation I received from Dr. Johannes Gönner the Rector of the Afro-Asiatic Catholic Community and to Mag. Alexander Krajic the Secretary of the same who read some chapters of this research. Thanks to my friends who accepted to read the chapters of this Dissertation. I acknowledge with satisfaction the brotherly support I received in this regard from Prof. Dr. Laurenti Magesa, Fr. Jerome Manyahi SJ, Fr. John K. Nchimbi, Fr. Paul Kalola, Fr. Castory Michael Goliama, Fr. Leopold Mlimbo, Fr. Richard Kimbwi, and Mr. Mario Vukoja. I appreciate the generosity and support I received from my Austrian hosts to mention but only a few: Pfr. Mikolaj Nawotka, Pfr. Clemens Abrahamowicz; Familie Elisabeth, Erich and Thomas Spiegl; Familie Rosamarie, Lisa and Franz Höller and Familie Ludumilla and Edward Marx. I finally thank all those who accepted to be interviewed and were ready to share with me their experience on the ground. Their names do not appear here but they are listed at the Annexe. III LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AAS Acta Apostolicae Sedis (Official Documentation of the Holy See) AFER African Ecclesiastical Review AMECEA Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of East Africa AR African Religions BAKWATA Baraza Kuu la Waislamu Tanzania (The National Muslim Council of Tanzania) BC Before Christ BTK Bourse du Travail du Katanga (Subsidy for Work for Katanga) CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Revolutionary Party) CCT Christian Council of Tanzania CIC Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law 1983) CM Congregation of the Missions C.M.S Christian Mission Society CUEA Catholic University of Eastern Africa DOAG Deutsch – Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft (German East Africa Company) EAAT Ecumenical Association of African Theologians ED. Editor EDS. Editors EIA Post Synodal Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa ET. AL . Et aliis (and others) FEMATA Federation of Miners Association in Tanzania FRELIMO Frente de Libertacäo de Mocambique (Mozambican Liberation Front) GDP Gross Domestic Product IBID. Ibidem (at the same place) ILO International Labour Organization JDPC Justice, Development and Peace Commission KUL Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University of Louvain) LG Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium NT New Testament OFM CAP Order of Friars Minor Capuchins OP Order of Preachers OSB Order of St. Benedict OT Old Testament RENAMO Resistência Nacional Mocambicane (National Resistance of Mozambique) RNLB Rhodesia Native Labour Bureau RUF Revolutionary United Front SACCOS Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies SAUT St. Augustine University of Tanzania SECAM Symposium of Member Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar SJ Society of Jesus SSCs Small Christian Communities SSM Small Scale Miners SUA Sokoine University of Agriculture STAMICO State Mining Corporation TANU Tanganyika African National Union TEC Tanzania Episcopal Conference TZ Tanzanian U.K United Kingdom IV U.M.C.A Universities Mission to Central Africa UN United Nations UNO United Nations Organization U.S.A United States of America U.S United States WAWATA Wanawake Wakatoliki Tanzania (Catholic Women Association of Tanzania) WNLA Witwatersrand Native Labour Association WW World War V CONTENTS PART ONE: ACTUAL STATE OF SMALL SCALE MINERS-CAN THE AFRICAN POOR INHERIT THE LAND?................................................................................................................... 1 Preamble ......................................................................................................................... 2 General Introduction .......................................................................................... .................................. 4 0.1 Status of the Work ........................................................................................................ 4 0.2 Rationale of the Work .................................................................................................. 5 0.3 The Central Questions of Investigation .................................................................................... 17 0.4 Key Argument ............................................................................................................. 18 0.5 Objectives of the Research .......................................................................................................... 18 0.6 Methodological Approach .......................................................................................... 21 0.6.1 A Field Research (Situation Analysis) ................................................................... 22 0.6.2 The Library Research (Intellectual Dimension). ................................................... 24 0.6.3 Practical Strategies (the Pastoral Cycle) .............................................................. 24 0.7 What Has the Research Achieved .............................................................................................. 25 0.8 Problems of the Research ............................................................................................................ 26 0.9 Chapters of the Dissertation ....................................................................................................... 27 Chapter One: Migrants at African Mines: An Overview ............................................... 27 Chapter Two: Migrants at the Mining Sector in Mbinga Diocese ................................ 28 Chapter Three: Migrants in the Bible ........................................................................... 28 Chapter Four: Migrants in Pontifical Magisterium ...................................................... .28 Chapter Five: Migrants from the Insights of African Theologians ................................ 28 Chapter Six: Migrants in Mbinga - A New Pentecost .................................................... 28 Chapter one: Migrants at African Mines – An Overview .......................................................... 29 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 29 1.1 Clarification of Terms ................................................................................................. 31 1.1.1 Who are Migrants? .................................................................................................. 32 Refugees ........................................................................................................ 33 Economic Migrants ........................................................................................ 34 Regular and Irregular Migrants ............................................................................ 34 Legal and Illegal Migrants ..................................................................................... 35 Internal and International Migrants .................................................................... 36 1.1.2 Small and Large Scale Mining .............................................................................. 37 1.1.3. Informal Settlements .......................................................................................... 38 1.2. Historical Background of Labour Migrants at the Mines ................................................... 39 1.2.1 The Discovery of Mines ........................................................................................ 40 1.2.2 Recruitment of Labour Migrants ......................................................................... 41 Voluntary Recruitments ........................................................................................ 42 Forced Recruitments ..................................................................................... 42 1.2.3 Journey to the Mining Places ............................................................................... 44 Preparations before Travelling ............................................................................ 45 Travelling on Foot .........................................................................................
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