© Entomologica Fennica. 00 Month 2005 Description of a new Psychodidae (Diptera) species from Estonia Jukka Salmela & Tero Piirainen Salmela, J. & Piirainen, T. 2005: Description of a new Psychodidae (Diptera) species from Estonia. — Entomol. Fennica 16: 301—304. Lepimormia hemiboreale sp. n. (Diptera, Psychodidae) from Estonia, Saaremaa Island, is described. The description ofthe species is based on Malaise trap mate- rial collected from an eutrophic spring fen in Viidumae Nature Reserve. Lepimormia hemiboreale sp. n. is quite similar to L. georgica (Wagner, 1981), L. sibirica Jeiek, 1994 and L. vardarica (Krek, 1982) but the shape of aedeagus, subgenital and anal valves readily distinguish L. hemiboreale sp. n. from these. In addition to the new species, 13 moth fly species are reported for the first time from Estonia. J. Salmela, Department ofBio— and Environmental Sciences, P. 0. Box 35 (YA), FI—40014 University ofJyvaskyla, Finland. E—mail.‘jaeesalm@cc,jyafi T. Piirainen, Entomological Society ofTampere, Kaarilalzdenkaja I I, FI—33 700 Tampere, Finland Received 28 May 2004, accepted 30 September 2004 1. Introduction ments 4—8 developed. Lepimormia is a rather small genus, six species are known from the H01- In 2002, adult flies were collected from two arctic region (JeZek 1994a). springs in Viidumae Nature Reserve, Saaremaa Island, Estonia. A total of 15 moth fly taxa (Dip- tera: Psychodidae) were determined, including a 2. Material and methods new species beloning to genus Lepimormia En- derlein, 1936. In this paper, the species is de- The studied insect material was collected by Mal- scribed and its affinities to other members of the aise traps, two traps in a spring fen (Karma) and genus are discussed. two other ones in a nearby spring brook JeZek (1984) has confirmed the status of (Nakimetsa). Ethylene glycol was used as a pre- Lepimormia as a valid genus. The distinguished servative in the traps and the material was finally morphological characteristics for the genus are, preserved in 70% ethanol. The traps were in the for example, pedicellus without a strong protu- field from the middle of April to the middle of berance laterally; neither third nor fourth seg- November 2002 and the traps were emptied in ments of antennae conspicuously enlarged; sen- monthly intervals. Psychodids were later sorted sory filaments of the flagellar segments in the out from the material and slide mounted perma- shape of a comb with bent base; circular organs nently in Euparal. (porthole/bull eye organs) of the antennal seg- 302 Saimeia & Piimmen *9 .4 . “EM: 0 ' ' “ ice hfil‘lml o “vizflai “I“ so 7:" “MW ~--* I z ”Var ”a I d4» l' :ngn Q%:;Vab‘ 3:”Mflififi t“ ‘ :II ' 1‘ 4‘ 8‘ n-igfilmkmfi " ”fax:3... :qtllx-‘Rfifigiggg‘, mvfio‘k I,» "z‘I 'V “In: n ’ 0 r 9 Pb'g‘m" a M; tire I. , A A . I fln“‘°'“‘naamn-‘4 --.1, "' Wy' 5 '1 W,&%:i , 1. ' a ‘r 5:3' ' a - - 4 . *1 fix? a d“ .- '-i I . “‘3.- " i n ‘ .' ' ‘ -' - ‘ -‘ - . , . -. ‘1 r. _ “. :, ; .5 a: . -;.; . 1: '' ' .. I ‘- - - " " 1 ”i’l'w“ .. ‘ I . «A I g, II I~ ' ”"IW'Wv ' ‘ -- * -- .-.-. .. :- -. ' «a: . .3.“ warms-g a 0 g“ “mac“:WVW" \p D ‘ '31: “" l i: . W . 2‘ . vs“ . w”?-,:- seam3""”a, . s .N” W w;’.*gn:w:‘ufgwi ° a . » 3 4n} {a , , . ., . WMJM‘SJWW‘. “I” . a“, ~ :WW ‘ o z .235"Q Wfiifl: II. 1". :I: 'IIW 1? ~01,“ ‘5 A, :1 a , 8’33." - y ~ :IOI - a . ‘1 :4 51.. u - .I :ij -. i o " '1» II . x a- I I? ... i. " ‘ . o a“ . 4 n a t H"'%Iz' I I. v I . I I a", 9” I ,. v 0 p .0. I. _ I. I. IIIIIII .I I I U r 4 - “ ~ a i l -- - ------------- 3 nut a g .7 -:' ': .' .. :-:-:-:- I 9"" “ " r, F ‘I‘ v 33E: -» «P U n a : a 'I ' R + VAV‘ (W - 9“ . ' a v -'I ‘ - us v - . ,, , {EN . 2: ‘ . infiflfi" II: 'I: o v. I 26 .- I: i '* II;:-: a u “‘[r- - :5" ‘ i: 5' ' 1‘) ‘ ; .I.- ‘3. ;:;' «i :- :-' 5} . 17-? I- k ‘1'?I.' . ‘ a , ' ‘ a q "a .; v a. .. ‘5:- s u'. ’ “ J ! A '.'I: ‘5' :v. A: .fi , .r zizi '3‘ 9'?” " ‘I K $I I ‘I " Fig. “E. Lepimormia hemiboreale sp. n. —— a. —— b. Hypopygium, dorsal View (hoiotype). Schlitz. and other paratypes in collection of J. Salmela. Jy‘vaskyla. Diagnosis. Small species. Wing length 1.5-“— L7 Pedicel almost cylindrical. porthole orn- Material olotype 6‘: Estonia. Saaremaa island. gans on segments 4————8. ascoids rake shaped. Viidumae Nature Reserve. spring fen. Cercopods bearing 10—43 retinacuh. 58017’489’N22005’H”E. l3.lV.——-15.V.2002. T. Description. Head. Eyes contiguous. Talvi leg. Paratypes: 19 86 from the same local-- contact zone as long as 2 facet diameters. eye-- ity. clotype and 6 paratypes are deposited in the bridge consists of 3 rows offacets. Scape apically the of HelsiFunds in 1.9 times than Zoological useum. University . increasing diameter. longer two paratypes in the collection OfDr. R. agner. greatest diameter. Pedicel shorter. almost cylinm 2. V . Fig. Lepimormia in w . .. -. h a :5 for 43"“ 3 “ “3:" .l .a" *' b.7 a hemiboreaie Sp. n. -—-—- a. Hypandrium, dorsal View. _.__ b. Gonocoxite and gonostyius, dorson lateral View. 303 Fig. 3. Lepimormia hemiboreaie Sp. n. -——- a. Aedeagus. dorsal View. --- b. Cercopod. lateral View. drical. Flagellar segments flask shaped. porthole 1981). L. Sibirica (Jeiek. 1994) and L. vardarica organs on antennal segments 4—8. Segments 3—m8 1982) however. are perhaps most closely each with rakeushaped ascoid. Length ratio of related to L. hemiboreale sp. m. but the structure antennal segments 1—9: 40; 24—25; 24—27; 24.... of the male hypopygium. especially the shape of 27; Zia—24; Zlm23; 21-94; 21-23; 22. Other seg- aedeagus and subgenital and anal valves. readily ments missing. Length ratio of palpal segments: distinguish L. hemiboreaie sp. n. from these. 22—26; 31—35; 29—33; 29—43. Thorax. Coloration brown. mg (Fig. la) color light brown. cells a]. a. and SC somewhat darker. clouded. Base 0194 thickened and sinu— ous. distinctly darker than distal part of the vein. The type locality is an open. eutrophic spring fen. Cu basally sinuous and. slightly thickened. So Percolation of groundwater around. the fen is without connection to R1. moderate and only a small and SlOle flowing Hypopygium (Fig. lb). Subgenital valve brook runs the water from the fen. ater charac-w (Fig. 2a) triangular. very setose in the distal 2/3. teristics of the brook were measured in pointed or slightly rounded distally. Subanal l4.Vl.2002 and the results indicate lime rich valve (Fig. 2a) setose and rounded. but shorter in ground water area. since pH was 8.07 and con-- length. Ventral bridge of equal thic ductivity 414 uS/cm. Gonostylus as long as gonocoxite (Fig. 2b). For A list of Psychodidae species of the Karma aedeag‘us and cercopod. see Fig. 3amb. spring fen and Nakimetsa spring brook is pre— Female: own. sented in Table 1. According to Wagner (1990) Remarks. Lepimarmia hemiboreaie sp. n. is all listed species are reported for the first time Similar to other members of the genus. Lem—- from Estonia. interestingly. Lepimormia hemim mormia bryaphfla (Vaillant. l960) has 10 retiu boreale sp. n. was the second numerous species in nacuh. and its 3rd palpal segment is incomplete. the material (together with Panimems albi~ Lepimormia palpasa (To 1919) and L. jou— fades). outnumbered only by a and Samcana 1972) both have lS——-l7 reti- Widespread. Ciymcems oceflaris. Species like nacuh and complete 3rd palpal segment (See Symmx Siiacea. Teimaroscopus carthusianus. Vaillant 1974). Lepimarmm georgica (Wagner. Panimems aibifacies. Peripsychoda auricuiam 304 Salmela & Piirainen ° ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 16 Table 1. A list of Psychodidae from two springs of MSc Jari Ilmonen and PhLic Lauri PaasiViIta for their help Viidumae Nature Reserve 2002, J. Salmela det. in the field work, and Dr. Rudiger Wagner for confirming the status of the new species. Species Nakimetsa Kanna Sycorax silacea Haliday, 1839 — 9 References Clytocerus ocellaris (Meigen, 1804) 49 55 Clytocerus tetracorniculatus — 1 Jeiek, J. 1984: Nomenclatorical of some Wagner, 1977 changes higher taxa of Pneumia mutua (Eaton, 1893) 2 — palearctic Psychodinae (Diptera, Psycho— 7 Acta Faunistica Musei Peripsychoda auriculata 1 — didae). Entomologica Nationalis 17: 1557170. (Curtis, 1839) Pragae — Jeiek, J. 1994a: of Holarctic and Lepimormia hemiboreale sp.n. 2O Catalogue Afrotropical — Mormiina End. Paramormia polyascoidea 1 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Psychodinae, 7 Narodniho Rada (Krek, 1971) Mormiini). Casopis Muzea, — Prirodovédna 162: 63766. Philosepedon humerale 2 (Meigen, 1818) Jeiek, J. 1994b: New taxa of moth flies (Diptera, Psycho— 7 — from the Palearctic Logima albipennis Zett. group 1 didae) region. Casopis Psychoda phalaenoides — 1 Narodniho Muzea, Rada Prirodovédna 162: 55762. (Linnaeus, 1758) Krek, S: 1982: Psychodidae (Diptera) Sjeveme Make— 7 Feuerborniella obscure 2 — donije. GZM (PN) 21: 1477161. (Tonnoir, 1919) Salmela, J. 2003: New records of the families Psycho— Jungiella consors (Eaton, 1893) — 2 didae, Dixidae and Thaumaleidae (Diptera, Nema- Panimerus albifacies (Ton noir, 1919) 2 18 tocera) from Finland. 7 Studia Dipt. 10: 1437152. Parajungiella pseudo/ongicornis — 1 Vaillant, F. 1974: 9d. Psychodidae. 7 In: Lindner, E. (Wagner, 1975) (ed.), Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region 305: Telmatoscopus carthusianus 2 2 1097142. Stuttgart. (Vaillant, 1972) Vaillant, F. 1978: Psychodidae.7 In: Illies, J. (ed.), Lim— nofauna Europea: 37873 85. G. Fischer Verlag/ Swets & Zeitlinger B. V. 532 pp. Wagner, R. 1975: Sechs neue Psychodidenarten aus and Feuerborniella obscura perhaps prefer Deutschland und Osterreich (Diptera, Psychodidae). springs (Vaillant 1978). In addition, Para— 7 Mitt. Dtsch. Ent. Ges. 34: 179. jungiella pseudolongicomis and Clytocerus Wagner, R. 1977: Neue Europaische Psychodiden (Dipte— ra: Psychodidae). 7 Senckenbergiana Biol. 58: 1577 tetracomiculatus were described from spring 170.
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