ANNAP LIS SUMMIT 2017 LAWMAKERS TO WATCH PREVIEW OF THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION COMPLETE LIST OF MARYLAND LOBBYISTS A PUBLICATION OF JANUARY 2017 ANNAPOLIS SUMMIT 2017 1 TABLE OF ANNAP LIS CONTENTS SUMMIT• 2017 2 .............FROM THE GOVERNOR 3 .............ELITE EIGHT: WHO TO WATCH elcome to the Annap- Wolis Summit! For the 4 .............SUMMIT SERIES fourth year in a row, The ROUNDUP Marc Steiner Show and The 6 .............PROS & CONS Daily Record will serve as your hosts for a behind- 14 ............HOGAN’S CABINET the-scenes preview of this year’s Maryland General 16 ............CHANGE UP: Assembly session. PERSONNEL SHIFTS We are pleased to wel- come back Gov. Larry Ho- 17 ............TOP PAID LOBBYISTS gan, Sen. President Thomas 18 ............MARYLAND’S 2017 V. Mike Miller and House GENERAL ASSEMBLY Speaker Michael Busch for in-depth discussion 20 ............COMPLETE LISTING and analysis of what we OF MARYLAND can expect during the 2017 LOBBYISTS session. Their insights are one reason the Summit has be- come a must-attend event for Maryland’s most con- nected business people and 11 East Saratoga Street in-the-know politicos. In- Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Main Number: 443.524.8100 side this magazine, readers Main Fax: 410-752-7789 also will find news analysis on this year’s major issues, leaders to watch, as well as handy guides to identifying and Suzanne E. Fischer-Huettner . Publisher contacting lawmakers and lobbyists. Thomas Baden Jr. Editor The Summit marks not only the start of the legislative session, but also The Daily Maria Kelly . Comptroller Record’s expanded coverage, which will include an inside look at how government Jessica Gregg. Special Products Editor policies and legislative proposals affect businesses, the legal profession and local Tracy Bumba . Audience Development governments. Director Throughout the session, we’ll have space dedicated to legislative coverage in both Darice Dixon . Account Manager the print edition of The Daily Record and on our website. Plus, we’ll publish special Theresa Thompson . Account Manager sections. Once again, we will offer our popular Eye on Annapolis blog and we’ll pro- Jason Whong . Digital Editor vide an email news alert you can sign up for to keep abreast of all the coverage. (Visit Sean Wallace . Assistant Editor TheDailyRecord.com.) Maximilian Franz ��������������� Senior Photographer We know that what happens during these 90 days will have a critical impact on our Haley Poling . Events & Marketing readers, regardless of the profession in which they make a living. That’s why we, along Coordinator with The Mark Steiner Show, are committed to providing such comprehensive and rele- Kady Weddle . .Special Projects Supervisor vant coverage. We hope you enjoy it, as well as this year’s Annapolis Summit. Megan Grum . .Special Projects Designer Sincerely, Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, Publisher, The Daily Record To order additional copies of this publication, please contact Tracy Bumba at 443-524-8120 and Marc Steiner, Host, The Marc Steiner Show or [email protected]. 2 ANNAPOLIS SUMMIT 2017 FROM THE GOVERNOR Dear Friends: made in strengthening the experts at the Department of Transportation We witnessed many remarkable moments in our economy. – a system that has worked for decades. 2016. We mourned with our neighbors in Har- We are proud that in Ensuring that every single Maryland child has ford County when two brave sheriff’s deputies 2016, together with our the opportunity to get a world-class education, tragically lost their lives in the line of duty; we partners in the General regardless of the neighborhood they grew up watched the residents of Ellicott City come to- Assembly, we were able in, will always be a top priority of our adminis- gether to rebuild after devastating flooding; and to make great strides tration. I am incredibly proud of the record in- we cheered on our Maryland athletes as they to change Maryland for vestments we have made in K-12 education over brought home an astonishing 23 medals – in- the better. The Justice the past two years, and we remain committed cluding 18 gold – from the Summer Olympics Reinvestment Act – the to giving all students the resources they need to in Rio. Throughout the year, I was constantly largest, most compre- succeed. reminded of how resilient, hardworking, and in- hensive criminal justice reform in a generation If we truly want to improve our education spiring the people of Maryland are, and just how – passed with strong bipartisan support. We also system, we must embrace new, innovative ideas. proud I am to be your governor. enacted key recommendations from the Heroin Our administration will continue to support ed- 2016 also brought further proof that Mary- and Opioid Emergency Task Force, investing ucational initiatives like expanding the BOOST land is truly “Open for Business.” Since we $6.7 million in resources to combat the heroin scholarship program to provide better educa- took office, Maryland has created nearly 70,000 epidemic and passing legislation to expand the tional opportunities for our state’s most in-need jobs, unemployment is at an eight-year low, and Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, which students, and opening more Pathways in Tech- last year was the most successful year for pri- helps stop opioid addiction before it begins. Our nology Early College High schools (P-TECH), vate sector job growth in 15 years. This year, administration remains committed to working two of which opened in Baltimore City in 2016. we achieved landmark economic development with the federal government, local communi- On a personal note, after nearly a year-and-a- agreements with major employers like Northrop ties, and advocates to fight addiction across our half-long battle, I received my last chemothera- Grumman and Marriott that will grow thousands state. py treatment just a few months ago. I could have of jobs, and Bloomberg recently ranked Mary- As we embark upon the 2017 legislative ses- never made it to this point without the prayers land the 5th most innovative state in the nation, sion, our administration will continue to put the and well wishes I received from thousands of thanks in large part to our booming cyber and people of Maryland first. This includes working Marylanders, along with my family, friends, tech industries. with the General Assembly to pass our common staff, and incredible team of doctors and nurs- We also worked with Comptroller Peter Fran- sense paid sick leave legislation, which will pro- es. Words cannot express my gratitude to them, chot, local leaders, educators, and families to vide benefits to Maryland workers without plac- and to all of you, for the support and encour- return common sense to our school calendar ing an unmanageable burden on job creators. agement. by requiring classes to start after Labor Day and Improving quality of life also means making My cancer journey has taught me that we can end by June 15th. This policy, which will begin sure that much-needed transportation projects never truly know what the future will bring. I in the 2017-18 school year, has strong bipartisan move forward, such as the replacement of the look forward to the New Year with a sense of support among an overwhelming majority of Harry W. Nice Bridge in Southern Maryland, optimism and the belief that, together, we will Marylanders, and will positively impact parents, which we announced in November. Since in- continue to change Maryland for the better in students, teachers, and the entire state. vesting an unprecedented $2 billion in transpor- 2017 and for many years to come. In the New Year, we will continue to hold tation infrastructure, there are now over 1,000 Sincerely, the line on spending and push for smart fiscal projects currently under construction, totaling reforms. 2016 was the second consecutive year more than $8 billion – the most ever in state his- in decades with no tax increases, and our ad- tory. ministration has returned $700 million in taxes, Our top priority for the 2017 session will be tolls, and fees to our hardworking taxpayers. the full repeal of House Bill 1013, more com- Going forward, will we continue to seek out and monly known as the Road Kill Bill. If it is not advance the best ideas to create more jobs and repealed, this disaster of a law would eliminate Larry Hogan put more Marylanders back to work, and we nearly all of the priority transportation projects Governor will fight to rein in forced legislative spending across the state. A repeal would return transpor- increases that threaten the progress we have tation decisions back to local jurisdictions and Today’s idea. Tomorrow’s reality. mdpolicy.org ANNAPOLIS SUMMIT 2017 3 Look to these eight leaders to make a big impact during the 2017 session of the Maryland General Assembly, according to The Daily Record’s editors and reporters. Listed in no particular order, this watch list of legislators and others can be counted on to craft policy and ELITE EIGHT institute statewide change. Let’s see what’s on their agendas. KEVIN KAMENETZ CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL HOUGH The pugnacious SHANK The western Baltimore County This former Maryland Republican executive isn’t afraid Washington County received gushing to take on all comers Republican legislator praise last year in the legislature or has the job of from, of all people, at state agencies shepherding Gov. Democratic firebrand when it involves an issue he cares about – Larry Hogan’s agenda through the General Sen. Robert “Bobby” Dirkin. A new member say, why all county schools don’t have air Assembly as his lobbyist. That’s not an of the Senate Judicial Proceedings conditioning. He has championed a number easy task on the best of days, given the Committee, Hough was a “superstar” in the of economic development projects and issues Democrats’ enormous numerical advantage making, chairman Zirkin declared.
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