HIGH PEAK BOROUGH COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE Date: 19th March 2018 Application HPK/2016/0179 No: Location Wainwrights Quarry, Batham Gate Road, Peak Dale, Derbyshire, SK17 8AH. Proposal Proposed change of use of former limestone quarry previously used for motorcycle training ground to camping and outdoor leisure development, together with associated earthworks and landscaping Applicant Mr W Bagshawe Agent Axis Parish/ward Peak Dale Date registered 30th June 2016 If you have a question about this report please contact: Rachael Simpkin [email protected] 01538 395400 ext. 4122 1. REFERRAL: The application is referred to committee because it is a major development 2. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION REFUSE. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS 3.1 The 16.0 ha application site relates to a former limestone quarry containing three main water bodies. The site has not been a working quarry for some time and has in more recent times been used by a motorcycle club for scrambling and trail riding. It is relatively self-contained and screened in the most part from the surrounding landscape by the cliff faces and surrounding topography. There are no public footpaths running through the site. The site is bounded by greenfields to the west and north, an existing large scale limestone quarry Dove Holes Dale (Cemex) to the east, which is intersected by Dale Road and a lagoon to the south of Batham Gate Road. A rail line passes the site to the east, which serves this adjacent quarry. Vehicular access to the site is gained via an existing track from Batham Gate Road, which is to the southwest of the junction of Batham Gate Road with Dale Road. The application site is also located due east of Peak Dale Village near Buxton. For the purposes of the Adopted Local Plan, the application site is located within the open countryside, categorised as Plateau Pastures typology within the wider White Peak Area and is identified as a radon potential area. 4. THE APPLICATION 4.1 This full planning application seeks planning permission to change the use of the site from a former motor cycle training ground to a camping and outdoor leisure facility with associated building and engineering operations. The site boundary to the east would be regraded in parts to infill a “visual “gap where there are views of Dove Holes Quarry and provide noise mitigation measures. 4.2 In detail, the scheme comprises of 61no. mobile caravan pitches, 19no. ‘glamping pods’ and 30no. tent pitches i.e. a total of 110no. units with complementary outdoor leisure uses (fishing, cycling, walking etc.). Vehicular access to the entire development is proposed to be via the existing access, modified to accommodate two-way movement by towing vehicles, with additional pedestrian links with the bus stop to the east of the site and the village to the west. 4.3 In terms of built facilities, a shower/toilet/wash block as well as a management / reception type buildings would be proposed. The applicant sets out that the camping and outdoor leisure facility would be managed by two employees. It is intended that they would occupy one of the caravan plots in close proximity to the management and reception building. 4.4 The proposed scheme has been the subject of formal pre-application advice with the Council ref. PAD/2013/0076, which was issued in March 2014. 4.5 The application is accompanied by the following supporting documents:- • Planning Policy Statement • Ecological Statement • Final Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment • Transport Statement • Landscape and Site Appraisal • Flood Risk Assessment • Quarry Archaeology Assessment • Archaeological Desk Based Assessment • Landscape and Visual Report 4.6 The following additional and revised documents have been submitted: • Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (Revised) • Construction Traffic Statement • Flood Risk Assessment • Indicative Mound Section • Landscape and Visual Report (Revised November 2017) • Detailed Planting Plan (Revised) • Noise Assessment and Additional Statement • Additional Transportation Statement (Materials) 4.7 The application and details attached to it, including the plans, supporting documents, representations made by residents and the responses from consultees - can be found on the Council’s website at:- http://planning.highpeak.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=2065 91 5. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY HPK/0002/0189 Proposed Motor Cycle Training Ground. Approved 1983. HPK/0002/7484 Renewal of Motor Cycle Training Ground. Approved 23.12.1988. HPK/0003/0229 Toilets, First Aid storage office and cafe area for use of Peak Dale Youth Club Motorcycle Group and generator room. Approved 13.3.1991. HPK/0003/0477 Change of operating times for Motor Cycle Club. Approved 21.5.1991. HPK/0003/3230 Renewal of permission Ref 027484 for Motor Cycle Club. Approved 2.3.1994. HPK/0003/4386 Proposed extension to amenity building to provide workshop and larger first aid room and crèche. Approved 26.4.1995. HPK/0003/8452 Vehicle storage building. Approved 21.10.1999. HPK/2003/0867 8 metre high wooden pole with 2no floodlights/spotlights attached. Approved 12.12.2003. 6. PLANNING POLICIES RELEVANT TO THE DECISION Adopted Derby and Derbyshire Minerals Plan (2000) The saved policies contained within the Derby and Derbyshire Minerals Local Plan (adopted 2000 and amended in 2002). Policies MP8, 9, 14, 20, 26, 30 and 31 have now expired. Adopted High Peak Local Plan 2016 Policy S1 Sustainable Development Principles Policy S1a Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Policy S7 Buxton Sub-Area Strategy Policy EQ1 Climate Change Policy EQ2 Landscape Character Policy EQ3 Rural Development Policy EQ5 Biodiversity Policy EQ6 Design and Place Making Policy EQ7 Built and Historic Environment Policy EQ8 Green Infrastructure Policy EQ9 Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows Policy EQ10 Pollution Control and Unstable Land Policy EQ11 Flood Risk Management Policy E6 Promoting Peak District Tourism and Culture Policy E7 Chalet Accommodation, Caravan and Camp Site Developments Policy CF3 Local Infrastructure Provision Policy CF6 Accessibility and Transport Policy CF7 Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy Supplementary Planning Guidance • Landscape Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2006 • Planning Obligations National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) 7. CONSULTATIONS Site notice Expired Press notice Expired Neighbours Expired Neighbours A single representation has been received, details of which can be read on the public file. The following is a summary of the objections and issues raised:- • The water in the quarry is contaminated with lime and the surrounding ground has been used for tipping hundreds of thousands of tons of lime over the years and therefore water contaminated with lime is continually filtering through to the site and if this is ongoing, there will be another Blue lagoon like the one at Harpur Hill, Buxton, and, • It is considered that the local Council having no objection to the application is biased as Mr W Bagshaw is a local parish councillor. Cemex (Dove Holes Quarry) The Company endorses the comments made by the Council’s Environmental Health Department in correspondence dated the 8th January, and 7th and 8th February 2018. In addition the Company would like to make the following specific comments regards the AEC assessment: - • Para. 2.7 - the line does not just serve Doveholes Quarry, it serves two other quarries including Tunstead which is also believed to be a 24 hour operation; • Para. 2.8 – this is true in the strictest sense, but relates to blasting/drilling and earthworks, elements of the quarry’s operation that are not likely to be relevant to the consideration of the above application. Those elements that are relevant, such as the operation of the processing plant or the loading of trains are 24/7 operations; • Para. 5.5 – it’s not clear to the Company where the assumed attenuation of 15dB for caravans has been derived from; • Para. 5.6 – At the assessor’s own admission the assessment is not actually based on data collected whilst the quarry was operating at night. Night time operations at the quarry are quite variable. Any monitoring that does not capture the loading of trains cannot said to be representative as this activity would occur in close proximity to the application site, and the initial stone on steel contact as empty waggons are loaded can be quite distinctive; • Para. 6.1 – As a result of the RoMP process the Company has implemented a number of noise attenuation measures; these are now largely fully implemented. Additional measures will be implemented over time as existing infrastructure requires replacement or upgrading, but there is no specific timetable or requirement for these works; • Para. 6.7 – As acknowledged by the report’s author trees have no mitigating effect on noise impact; • Para. 6.8 – This is a novel mitigation measure, but it is noted that no objective data is provided with regard to its effectiveness, and; • Figure 3 – even after the implementation of proposed mitigation measures the quarry processing plant remains clearly visible. As a rule of thumb if a noise source is visible to the receiver it will be audible. That part of the plant which remains visible does contain plant that could operational during the night time period. To conclude, CEMEX objects to the grant of the above planning application on the basis that the noise emitted from its operations on a 24/7 basis could have a detrimental impact on the users of the proposed development from noise, especially at night. Doveholes Quarry is a critical site in the Company’s portfolio of sites and in the provision of limestone aggregates within England and the Company objects to any nearby development that could negatively impact on this critical role. 8. CONSULTATIONS: Consultee Comments Officer Response Wormhill and Green They are strongly in favour of Noted.
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