Qualifying Team Standings 2020 MSC Indianapolis Collegiate Classic Men's Varsity Overall Rank Team Total 1 Marian University (IN) V 9718 2 Martin Methodist College V 9446 3 Lawrence Technological University V 9286 4 University of the Cumberlands V 9232 5 Bethel University (TN) V 9159 6 Pikeville /University Of V 9149 7 Tennessee Wesleyan College V 9138 8 Midway University V 9041 9 Life University V 9039 10 Louisville /University Of V 8729 11 Lindsey Wilson College V 8615 12 Campbellsville University V 8604 13 Cumberland University V 8556 14 Blue Mountain College V 8552 15 Shawnee State University V 8308 16 Bellarmine University V 8296 17 Union College V 8234 18 Southeastern Illinois College V 8052 19 Thomas More University V 7969 Individual Combined Scores 2020 MSC Indianapolis Collegiate Classic 02/08/2020 - 02/09/2020 Tier 2 USBC Indianapolis, IN Men's Division Cert. No: 09403 Game Game Game Game Game GameIndividualGame Tourn. Rank Bowler Bowler ID Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Bowled Ave. 1 Keith Davis 8942-12212 Martin Methodist College JV1 234 206 268 220 206 212 1346 6 224.3 2 Brady Adler 11-477682 Martin Methodist College V 224 245 203 245 215 212 1344 6 224 3 Ray Giangiacomo 8252-17637 Life University V 278 257 154 179 227 245 1340 6 223.3 4 Oliver Lawson 7914-3412 Tennessee Wesleyan College V 225 214 196 212 248 207 1302 6 217 5 Zackery Halstead 8760-3844 Midway University V 182 279 190 236 226 185 1298 6 216.3 6 Briton Helton 11-292230 Tennessee Wesleyan College V 182 222 247 203 224 218 1296 6 216 7 Brett Romans 6450-9232 Marian University (IN) V 236 257 236 170 226 149 1274 6 212.3 8 Zachary Kelly 5771-113 Marian University (IN) JV1 206 181 287 210 194 195 1273 6 212.2 9 Nicholas Graveel 5785-8993 Marian University (IN) V 189 196 214 254 216 203 1272 6 212 10 Jalen Pass 11-472102 Martin Methodist College JV1 195 200 225 226 238 187 1271 6 211.8 11 Thomas McNeal 11-394324 University of the Cumberlands V 227 228 212 200 255 147 1269 6 211.5 12 Jordan Shepherd 5734-786 Marian University (IN) V 233 238 168 208 197 224 1268 6 211.3 13 Daniel Belew 17-84082 Bethel University (TN) V 194 230 233 211 208 191 1267 6 211.2 14 Lucas Hartigan 6114-203 Blue Mountain College V 224 178 221 220 193 227 1263 6 210.5 15 Charles Wilken 11-746126 University of the Cumberlands V 177 177 205 231 257 203 1250 6 208.3 16 Bryce Frantz 11-739593 University of the Cumberlands V 204 227 214 200 201 202 1248 6 208 17 Chad Stephen 5989-13649 Lawrence Technological University V 241 203 208 172 197 225 1246 6 207.7 18 Christian Smith 8091-18480 Bethel University (TN) V 192 230 220 193 213 193 1241 6 206.8 19 Alexander Hoffman 4513-8976 Pikeville /University Of V 277 207 174 193 178 211 1240 6 206.7 20 Rodante Moorehead 8746-35237 Life University V 224 194 225 215 202 178 1238 6 206.3 21 Brian Edwards 11-66014 Marian University (IN) JV1 197 198 155 250 243 193 1236 6 206 22 Bryce Matthis 5914-8758 Louisville /University Of V 164 224 191 227 207 223 1236 6 206 23 Jonah Anderson Lindsey Wilson College V 210 146 203 285 216 176 1236 6 206 24 Sam Kobert 8358-6727 Midway University V 185 209 210 225 183 216 1228 6 204.7 25 Ryan Hernandez 8250-28719 Pikeville /University Of JV1 189 177 184 254 241 179 1224 6 204 26 Nicholas Beedie 11-222227 Marian University (IN) V 189 227 236 187 180 202 1221 6 203.5 27 Jonathan Lovett 6623-5659 Pikeville /University Of V 233 236 192 165 180 205 1211 6 201.8 28 Isaac (Zack) Nelson 8043-1279 Martin Methodist College JV1 189 234 179 204 192 211 1209 6 201.5 29 Marchello Carrossellia 11-703329 Pikeville /University Of JV1 215 214 234 147 205 186 1201 6 200.2 30 Emanuel Casillas 7914-43718 Campbellsville University JV1 200 213 171 245 176 193 1198 6 199.7 31 Matteo Cittadino 6339-10437 Pikeville /University Of V 204 227 183 217 183 181 1195 6 199.2 32 Dalton Kilner Bellarmine University V 162 202 220 214 182 212 1192 6 198.7 33 Daniel Ryan Ransom 11-456101 Martin Methodist College V 193 146 190 189 224 250 1192 6 198.7 34 Joshua (Wade) Hines 8800-4307 Campbellsville University JV1 233 171 194 202 181 211 1192 6 198.7 35 Dalton Tilghman 8468-4444 Bethel University (TN) V 215 200 205 200 187 179 1186 6 197.7 36 Peyton Bell 11-342594 Cumberland University V 231 185 165 206 183 216 1186 6 197.7 37 Nathan McGeorge 6450-9084 Thomas More University V 214 157 175 257 182 196 1181 6 196.8 38 Austin Montgomery 11-745144 Campbellsville University V 200 204 213 205 186 172 1180 6 196.7 39 Austin Hensley 16-99628 Midway University V 136 213 209 194 200 227 1179 6 196.5 40 Jarred Bradshaw 11-210764 Cumberland University V 165 172 226 225 163 225 1176 6 196 41 Israel Pavy 5771-117 Martin Methodist College V 199 170 179 202 256 168 1174 6 195.7 42 Cody Kizis 7914-26467 Martin Methodist College JV1 222 161 179 196 191 223 1172 6 195.3 43 Isaiah Tukes 11-220108 Life University V 198 148 237 212 198 178 1171 6 195.2 44 Logan Goodman 11-464349 Bethel University (TN) V 173 178 215 156 184 256 1162 6 193.7 45 Nick Agnew 11-697471 Martin Methodist College JV2 199 116 167 227 216 235 1160 6 193.3 46 Jacob Wilcher 15-126695 Blue Mountain College V 212 183 235 166 179 182 1157 6 192.8 47 Matthew Crawford Bethel University (TN) V 214 184 188 195 185 190 1156 6 192.7 48 Tanner Goodman 7914-23206 Lindsey Wilson College V 183 226 220 192 180 154 1155 6 192.5 49 Troy Buehler 11-147985 Pikeville /University Of JV1 195 197 221 162 186 189 1150 6 191.7 50 Andy O'Dell 7914-10905 Lindsey Wilson College V 181 221 202 183 205 155 1147 6 191.2 51 Craig Sanders 11-753150 Life University V 170 234 221 192 169 160 1146 6 191 52 Devyn Wafford 11-157194 Midway University V 180 213 202 169 226 152 1142 6 190.3 53 Zachary Littelmann 7914-51841 Marian University (IN) JV1 224 187 178 192 183 178 1142 6 190.3 54 Andrew McWhorter 17-69158 Campbellsville University V 221 194 154 146 210 215 1140 6 190 55 Jarren Dudden 11-647684 Martin Methodist College JV2 190 186 180 191 180 212 1139 6 189.8 56 Seth Harris 8572-19533 Southeastern Illinois College V 190 213 171 207 208 149 1138 6 189.7 57 Zach Otto 7914-46469 Shawnee State University V 194 177 196 187 178 205 1137 6 189.5 58 Jake Farley 11-151766 Thomas More University V 225 171 211 171 193 165 1136 6 189.3 59 Jared Borah 5914-6491 Louisville /University Of V 190 227 168 192 165 194 1136 6 189.3 60 Quinn Collins 15-106936 Tennessee Wesleyan College V 213 185 174 180 234 149 1135 6 189.2 61 Matthew Charlton 17-77117 Cumberland University V 184 174 244 167 156 204 1129 6 188.2 62 Kaitlyn Morrison 11-289054 Louisville /University Of V 136 160 194 203 169 264 1126 6 187.7 63 Aaron Warner 11-612474 University of the Cumberlands V 176 209 181 224 173 151 1114 6 185.7 64 Noah Short 5730-32743 Southeastern Illinois College V 153 190 207 160 188 207 1105 6 184.2 65 Jordan Hughes 6450-8719 Shawnee State University V 199 189 168 186 184 176 1102 6 183.7 66 Michael Gallitz 16-14058 Pikeville /University Of JV1 157 176 202 191 186 189 1101 6 183.5 67 Neal Parker 11-592915 Louisville /University Of V 177 225 168 178 151 196 1095 6 182.5 68 Sean Scott 19-6230 Union College V 171 174 156 199 171 213 1084 6 180.7 69 Matthew Chapman 8851-17507 Martin Methodist College JV2 0 254 193 178 245 200 1070 5 214 70 Adam Zimmerman 7914-8279 Campbellsville University V 158 162 198 214 149 184 1065 6 177.5 71 Cole Tomlin 19-67495 Blue Mountain College V 171 154 159 189 220 158 1051 6 175.2 72 Nolan Renfro 11-155583 Campbellsville University V 177 147 169 183 167 206 1049 6 174.8 73 Jackson Bickel 19-28197 Louisville /University Of V 215 166 142 170 179 171 1043 6 173.8 74 Michael Binkowski 11-97991 Thomas More University V 155 197 160 172 168 190 1042 6 173.7 75 Joshua Williams 11-745822 University of the Cumberlands V 197 164 193 158 127 194 1033 6 172.2 76 Michael Kendrick 15-117269 Campbellsville University JV1 183 165 159 184 187 155 1033 6 172.2 77 Christopher Robertson 11-376815 Lindsey Wilson College V 214 170 132 180 159 172 1027 6 171.2 78 Damien Green 8460-4460 Blue Mountain College V 149 167 172 163 210 163 1024 6 170.7 79 Luke Morris 11-690450 Campbellsville University V 155 181 197 141 136 209 1019 6 169.8 80 Josh Daly 7914-8316 Thomas More University V 144 202 176 179 164 152 1017 6 169.5 81 Kevin Simpkins 8645-4593 Shawnee State University V 205 225 169 217 201 0 1017 5 203.4 82 Drew Ramey 11-747422 Campbellsville University JV1 162 140 154 189 176 192 1013 6 168.8 83 James Roberts 8705-7138 Martin Methodist College JV2 163 167 209 172 144 151 1006 6 167.7 84 Kyle McGrath 5989-11368 Lawrence Technological University V 190 192 234 204 186 0 1006 5 201.2 85 Brandon Magennis 8046-4631 Martin Methodist College V 181 203 236 194 191 0 1005 5 201 86 Nathan Samuels 11-189058 Martin Methodist College JV1 214 250 165 180 181 0 990 5 198 87 Aaron Goad 8950-3001 Marian University (IN) V 228 198 197 184 173 0 980 5 196 88 Cody Johnston 5982-1954 Lawrence Technological University V 193 161 0 204 208 212 978 5 195.6 89 Taylor Fielder 16-99164 Cumberland University V 168 204 183 216 207 0 978 5 195.6 90 Larry Vaughn 19-6232 Union College V 0 221 171 157 171 219 939 5 187.8 91 Alex Smith 11-301266 Bellarmine University V 181 237 205 157 0 155 935 5 187 92 Kyle Stejskal 5730-34619 Bellarmine University V 195 193 136 0 201 190 915 5 183 93 Jeremiah Sims 11-454228 Tennessee Wesleyan College V 0 137 148 159 200 257 901 5 180.2 94 Jeffrey Bell 8252-23714 Union College V 165 145 0 183 200 205 898 5 179.6 95 Cody Weaver 17-8797 Blue Mountain College V 0 140 232 211 156 152 891 5 178.2 96 Gregory Garrison 5570-5955 Union College V 184 179 150 0 181 181 875 5
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