Qass V ^'yp "'-^^t \ "O PROCEEDINGS ? OF THE 0(1^ mlmi listoriral focidg. 1873-74. PROVIDENCE: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, 1874. PROCEEDINGS OF THE pb(li| |.slaiul jji^blorjcal |)Ocirf]|. 18 73-74. PROVIDENCE: TKIXTED FOK THE SOCIETY 1874. y^m. HiSi. .»u4i in EtxcHk Committee on Publication. Hon. JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT, Prof. J. LEWIS DIM AN, D. D., Rev. EDWIN M. STONE. PROV. PRESS COMPANY, PRINTERS. OFFICE KS OF THE RHODE ISLAND IIISTOKICAL SOCIETY, Elected Jaxuary 20, 1874. President. Hon. SAMUEL G. ARNOLD, Providexce. Vice Presidents. Hon. ZACHARIAH ALLEN, - - - - . Providence. Hon. FRANCIS BRINLEY, - - - . Newport. Secretary. Hon. AMOS PERRY, Providence. Treasurer. Mr. RICH:M0ND p. EVERETT, - - . Providence. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper of the Northern BeparlmerJ. Rev. EDWIN M. STONE, ProvidejsCE. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper of the Southern Department. BENJAMIN B. IIOWLAND, Esq., - - - • - Newport. 4 EHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Committee on Nomination of New Members. Rev. EDWIN M. STONE, ruoviDEXCE. I\Ir. WILLIAM G. WILLIAMS, . - - - Providence. GEORGE L. COLLINS, M. D., - - - - Providence. Committee on Lectures and Reading of Papers. PKOI^ WILLIAM GAMMELL, Providence. Hon. AMOS PERRY, ------ Providence. CHARLES W. PARSONS, M. D., - - - - Providence. Committee on Publications of the Society. Hon. JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT, - - - Providence. Prof. J. LEWIS DIMAN, D. D., - - - - Providence. Rev. I:DWIN M. STONE, Providence. Committee on Care of Grounds and Buildlnrj. Hon. ZACIIARIAH ALLEN, Providence. ^Ir. HENRY W. LOTHROP, -' - - - - Providence. Mr. RICHMOND P. EVERETT, - - - - Providence. Audit Commitee. Mr. henry T. BECKWITH, Providence. :Mr. WALTER BLODGETT, Providence. H O X O n A R Y MEMBERS Elected sixce January 21st, 1873. July 1, 1873. William Cullen Bryant, New York City. Oct. 7, 1873. lion. John Lothrop Motley, LL. D., London, Eng. '* " Jan. 20, 1874. Jas. Anthony Froude, F. Ex. Col. 0.\-., * Fortlic complete list previous to this date si:e Procceilings for 1872-73. COERESPONDING MEMBERS Elected since April 1st, 1873.* July 1, 1873. Rev. 'Ihomas T. Stone, D. D., Bolton, IMass. Oct. 7, 1873. Colonel Albert H. Hoyt, Boston, Mass. William Chambers, LL. D,, Edinburgh, Scotland. Prof. J. C. Hoist, Christiana, Norway. G. J. Bowles, Esq., Quebec, Canada. Jan. 20, 1874. Frederic Kidder, Esq., Boston, Mass. April 7, 1874. William J. Hoppin, Esq., New York City. July 7, 1874. Hon. William Greenough, Boston, Mass. Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D., New York City. Col. John Ward, Alexander Duncan, Esq., England. * For a complete list of Corresponaing Members previous to this date, see Pro- ceedings for 1872-73. RESIDENT MEMBERS Ox January 20tii, 1874. in the Okdeu of their Election. Richavd W. rirecnc, Elisha Dyer, Zachari.ah Allen, William Sprague, Robert 11. Ives, Albert S. Gallup, *Jolm Carter Brown, J. W. C. Ely, Benjamin B. Ilowland, Charles Sabin, George Baker, Henry W. Lothrop, John R. BarLleLt, Royal C. Taft, John A. Ilowland, Welcome O. Brown, Stephen Randall, Amos D. Smith, William Gamniell, James Y. Smith, Samuel G. Arnold, Seth Padelford, Charles S. Bradley, Amos Perry, William P. Ralhbun, Richmond P. Everett, Charles W. Parsons, John Gorham, Edwin M. Stone, William Binne}-, Henry T. Beckwith, William G. Williams, Tliomas Dnrfoe, William D. Hilton, Samuel W. Peckham, Daniel A. Taylor, William Goddard, George B. Oalder, George L. Collins, William Earle, Thomas A. Doyle, Rufus Waterman, John Kingsbury, William D. Ely, Henry B. Anthony, John S. Ormsbee, William T. Dorrance, John Oldfield, Deceased June 10, 1S71. ' . shoihb: islaxd histoeical SOaETT, H«r>--. -. - :% CbarT*? A. XscboSa, WiHiaxQ A. Mowiy. Heirnr F- Smilii, Jatm J. M«a3er, JLIbert T. Jenis. Benjamin T. Eames, E.ciben B, Cliainber?. HcuJT I-. Kendall, SaiBiiel r. HillliaD, AmasaS. Westeati, Jo5ej>b J. Coote, Jams B- Sisrajn, UiCHijas W. Cb»ee, J- Herbert Sbedd, WiDiain B. Wee3sii, Offlries E. Cajpeutira-, J. Erssliis Lester, WaHiaiEi CcwE<s, WHBam SMiT)lfs. Walter Blod^eat, - Isaac H, ^ CEntcmP- S^/- PelegW. ..^. ..._.... G«cffrfc E- Dr. ~::- FraDo? Brmlf^. George L. ClalfliTi, B- Itfini PaboiSe, Henrr G- E.asselL, Daaufel W. Ljmaa, BiDiiFlaad H^zaird, Jaax>es C. Hidden, y St. Hapfon. Sam W. Clark-e, ;_,_-, _ ean, Ije^ds B. Smiliu .^aiBoesH- Axnmigi^fz^ 'YUEiam J. lliBer. ^ "' ff^wi 't, C CSt3EIStGlB, Alf-- McMer BorSeD Bdwceu Jar.: - Ed^dii BajTows, Jcfi>epli E,. BroTm, Amasa ML. XaXcm, Charle? H. Boone, J- Tarrr Smirk, Caaiton A- Staples, Hiamas W. KcfcDeEL, Eisrl P. Mascm, Henrj" XnppixL Chan-es HarL WiHiajii r, Chaimiiig- TJjeodore W. FtdlBps, WiUiaim fG-TOST-enar, Benjasmi F. TbrnsLan. " Henry i. " Slepibeij I Erancas W- Caapenier, •Jcfibiia M Addemaji. RESIDE>T 3IE3IBEES. [elected StXCE AXXL'AL MEETIXG.] George C. Nightingale, Jr.: Albert Dailey, Carl W. Ernst, Ambrose E. Bnmside, Benjamin W. Persona, William Kellon, Gideon L. Spencer, Henry E. Turner, Samuel II. Wales, Olney Arnold, Benjamin G. PaVKjUie, James Shaw, Jr., Barnab.is L. Chace, Simon Henry Greene, Willi.im S. Johnson, Horace D;iniels, Charles G. ilcKnight, EmstDS Richardson, Daniel K. Day, Preserved W. Arnold, John P. Walker, William G. R. Mowrj, Henry A. Ilairington. Chju-les F. Taylor, Matthew Watson Armington, George W. Whitfurd. 2 LIFE MEMBERS. Jan. 16, 1872. George T. Paine, Providence. Jan. 17, 187-2. Henry T. Beckwith, Fob. 21, 1872. William Greene, Warwick. April 3, 1872. Rowland G. Hazard, South Kingstown. April 25, 1872. Holder Borden Bowen, Providence. July 11, 1872. Amasa M. Eaton, Xorth Providence. Jan. 29, 1873. James Y. Smith, Providence. July 11, 1873. Jarvis B. Swan, Jan. 26, 1874. Benjamin G. Pabodie, PROCEEDINGS OF THE RHODE ISLAND IIISTORfCAL SOCIETY. SPECIAL MEETING. February 11, 1873. The meeting was called to order by the Librarian, and in the absence of the President and Vice President, Dr. Charles "\V. Parsons was chosen President ^jro tern. Members present.—Messrs. Beckwith, Collins, Howland, Jencks, Parsons, Terry and Stone. The Cabinet Keeper announced the reception of numerous donations of books, pamphlets, engravings and photographs, since the last meeting. A Paper was* read by Rev. Thomas T. Stone, D. D., of " Bolton, Mass. , on George Fox, the Seer of the Inner Light." Rev. E. M. Stone followed the lecturer in extended remarks on the paper read, endorsing the sentiments put forth, and 12 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIEXr. concluded by offering the following resolution, which, sec- onded by Dr. Collins, passed unanimously: Resolved, That the thanks of this Society are hereby presented to Rev. Dr. Stone, for the very interesting paper on tlie life and services of George Fox, and tliat he be requested to fnrnisli a copy of the same for the archives of tlie Society. The Secretary of the Society then announced the death of Henry B. Drowne, and after paying a brief tribute to his memory, offered the following resolutions, which were sec- onded by Rev. E. M. Stone, and passed unanimously. Resolved, That we learn with regret of the sndden death of Henry B. Drowne, a devoted member of our Society, an honoi'ed and trusted citi- zen, and an honest and christian man, who exemplified, in a marked manner, the virtues of a worthy ancestry, always seeming to keep in view his abiding relations to his Heavenly Father. Resolved, That this resolution be entered upon our records as an ex- pression of our appreciation of Mr. Drowne's character, and that a copy of it be communicated to his family in testimony of our sympathy in their affliction. Dr. Collins exhibited ;i manuscript volume in the hand writing of the late Moses Brown, giving an account of the yellow fever in Providence, from 1701 lo 1797, inclusive, with miscelhmeous notes and observations. Adjourned. QUARTERLY MEETING. April 1, 1873. Tn the absence of the President and Vice I'resident, the PROCEEDINGS OF QUARTERLY MEETING. 13 meeting was called to order by the Secretary, and Isaac 11. Soiitlnvick was chosen President ^;ro tempoi-e. Tlic records of the last meeting were read and approved. The Sectrctary read letters from the following gentlemen : Professor Joseph Henry, of Washington, D. C, accepting honorar}' membership ; Francis S. Drake, Boston, and J. F. AA'illiams, of St. Paul, Minnesota, accepting corresponding memberships of this Society, to which they had severally been elected. The Librarian announced numerous donations received since the last meeting from Hon. Px'njamiuT. Fames, Messrs. Samuel Austin, Henry T. Beckwith, William G. Williams, of Providence ; Rev. J. P. Lane, of Bristol ; and ]vev. Wil- liam Stevens Perry, D. D., of Geneva, X. Y. The following named gentlemen were elected resident mem- bers of the Society : Benjamin T. Eamos, Henry L. Kendall, Samuel F. Hilton, Joseph J. Cooke, Clinton 1). iSelUnv, James C. Hidden, George It. Drowne, Jarvis B. Swan, J. Herbert Sliedtl, George L. Clatiin, Henry G. Russell, Wil- liam Corliss, Walter Blodgett. Charles E. Carpenter, of Providence; .r. William Miller, of Bristol; Lewis B. Smitli, of Barrington ; Sam W. Clarke, Apponaug; Henry Howard, of Coventry; Daniel W. Lyman, and George H. Corliss, of North Providence. The following named persons were elected corresponding members : Mj^stic, Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D Rev. Frederick Denison, of Conn.; , and Rev. Eihnund F. Slalter, 1). D., of Boston; Henry Wheatland, :^L D., of Salem, Mass.; Rev. Benjamin F. DeCosta, D. D., of N^ew York; Prof. E. B. Andrews, of Marietta, O. ; Benson J. Lossing, of Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. ; Frederick Miller, of Amsterdam, Holland; Samuel F. Haven, of Worcester, Mass. A vote was passed authorizing the Committee on Grounds and Buildings to make all needed repairs on the building. The Librarian was authorized to devote twenty-tive dollars 14 EHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCITEY. of the semi-centennial fund to the purchase of such choice and rare books and pamphlets as he may think best. Adjourned. SPECIAL MEETING. May 27, 1873. The meeting was called to order by the First A^'ice Presi- dent, Hon. Zachariah Allen. The records of the last meeting were read and approved.
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