'' \___ Uigh, Wide and Handsome ' I Screen Offers New Look Ill~:h, wlrle nnrllwn!lsome IH the The ln'gh wldo·ungle photngrnphy, PlctumH am new t;llver plastic sc l'ot>n .Jt Met· nrc sharrmr and truer, '!'hey pes· son's Fox the1111 c I 1 's :J times ns sess new beauty ancl clnrlly, 'I'hc Ninet ·fifth Year, No. 19 big us the Htnndanl slzl' ll rc· new pt•oporllons, Mr. nnd Mrli 13, 1954 4 Sections - 28 Pages phu•od. llct•berl Fox explnlncd, apprnxl· 'l'hr. new semen lnsllliled a fi!W mnte the runge of viRion of the days agc1 occ·up!es tho mllho lntnlnn eye, nnd Improved color JH'osc·enlumof the theatre. In fact, techniques made possible with the the Pl'OHconlum luul to Jj[O wl!lcnecl now screen cnhanco till! effect of 6\~ feel In llCC'ommo!loltc the new reality. HCI'Cell. 'J'hc HIJVel' plastic SC'ICCn, Moviegoers 111m the new Jrml< made by fiCA, ClH'OmpnSHI!H £1 nl the F'ox, llw owners reported. SJleCIIIPU),I)' HWOe)l of 5,000' Are Expected at ·Parade Saturday ~·nst nnfi With the new screen, and by action. It brings new wonders of using spcelnl lenses, the I~ox cnn show 3D, Clnemuscope and Vista· vision pfcoturcs The new wide· Mason Stores angle len~ now In usc nlso runs Legal Angles ill hlgilct' speer! Uwn old eqUip· Display Relics Commandery and Shrine 111Cill. Pt•icelcss relies 1111 M.lhon Sound Cfllilpmcnt dlcl not have show windows this wcelc They On County Fair to he clwngcd ill I he Fox. It Is nrc an display as part of tit.!' llCA and was lnstallctl only,n few Mnsonl~ crnlcnnhll 'l'hurscl»y, Will Add Color to Event ~cdr:. ngi), Fl'lciny nne! SntuJ'c!,ly. The l•'ox, re1JorterJ IIerbPrl I~ox, Await Solution Franldln stoves, spinJiinJ~ Climax in•~ the centenni11l celebration or Mason lodge No, IHts shared wltlt other thenlres un wlwcls, the first l'l'tlrlc type• of Ft'f'P and AcC'eptcll Masons, Satl!l'clny will be put·haps Transfer nf C'Cinlml nf IIH• ••nun upswing In nttcnciancc .ts u re­ 70, 1l1e VIIClllllll dcanc1s, ii!C f11sl ly fnlr to the hoard of supr.rvls sult of elimination of the fetlernl higgl'st ami :;w·cly the mosl colm·rul pamclc in Mnson's his­ models of lypewrltet•s .nul srw· ors raised as m.1ny quesllons as <Jmusemenl tax. With the new lng machines, sul11y plnws, tm·y. l•'ivP thnu:mnd ure expected to view the cvenl, schecl­ I II soiVPII, said Presidc>nl Olio E sf'rcen he niH! Mrs. Fox nntlclpate buggy whips, old rllshC!s, Jltr'· ulcrl to slat! at 5 o'clocl' in the af!ct·noon. !Iarllg Tlllll scl,ty motnln~:. a furllwr lnetcasa In patronage. Tlw supr.rvlsors tool< ovc>r I he lures of early clays, andcnl In uniform lVIII be lhc Lansing Nomads ol' El Khut•alt>h musl<ets, C'~mmo~ics, toilet fnlr· Titc>srlny of lasl wee!;, hut Slll'inc at Saginaw, tl1e F'lint Militnt'.Y pat 1'01 or the Sar.;inaw lhey !lnln'l talw over the nut· sets, early maps, cirll'lls will! stnnrlln~: hills or any eonlracts. May Term Jury wooden worl<s, hllfh hlcyC'IP:. Shl'ine, the SagiJHtW Shrine .t\ 1 a mcr•llnr: of IIH' new fnil· Innis used by plonem s, old band ami I he Lnnsing Com­ lm.ml hc•hl Thursd.1y of last week, honl<s, old beds, and ,lust about everything else reminiscent of mancleJ'Y· ,Jn,v Dnvls wo~s retained ns sec· 0. Faces Long List l3esi<lrs llw S;rghmw Silrinr! reiiii'Y·manager. pioneer clays lli'C on display. One of the most Ullllstla I rlis· h;rnd lhl'l'e lVIII he Lansing's ~fith Tuesday night nf I his wcr.k I hr. Of Court Cases plays is J B. Dean's complcll! Infantry lloi!HI, 1111" Do~nsvtliP fair lm,ll'rl mel olgnfn to renew exhlb1l of Mkhignn aulomohllc school ho~nd olllri fit!' i'vloiHOrl SC!Jcm] c·onlral'is for the fatl', Nn C'Oll 'l'lu c•e or '1 weei1s of u·lnls np· license plates, stmling with hanrl. lrncl for nulomobiiC! ro~cing IIIIlS pear p1obahlc [or the May term lite flrst in 1!JO!l and nn taken over, howPVPI', IIml ig said cln·utl court jury clue to report Chi•·I,Pn J.iflprs, o1 funm:rklug througl1 lo W5'1. 11nll fr·on1 Lo~nsmg lorigc No. :J:t, Aer·m·dtng In Jimlig, the hoi· 111 Mason Monday, IVIJiillli'C 01 11n11 Ill IIIC' )J.il'ol(i!' and Criminal trials will start Mon· rorl rac·ing dtlcmma rrsts on 2 will o~lso provide 1 !IJ\\'IIs fm thr• lwt·ns Tiu• fair hoard, OJ' till' clay olnrl will lilwly c·onllnue for 2 rl('l'llslon Jalrgronncls !'llmmlltr.e of super­ wr.el;s at lens1, Prosecutor Paul vtsms JaC"es lh1cats of n lnw .'illil C. Ycnmgcr inrll~atccl. Thet·e will Masonic Order l!.irolrl l'rrpp, fornwt'il' trf Mol· brougi11 hy tlw eliy of Mason, If also be a solid week of civil son, now lh!' eminPnl r•ommanrler a c·ontr IIC'I fn1· hol-rocl rac•ing 1~ trtals. of I he Lanstng Knights 'l'complar, fiigncd If IIH' c•ornmillre or lllf' Judge Marvin .r. Salmon Is pre Is Celebrating will lear! lhe C'l!oilllJllonship L:ill· Inlr hoarcl fails In str,n llw con· sirling judge for the term. He wns sing drill 11nil 111 lite p:1ro~dP, tl'llCI with Mnx n1•it1on, Lansing in Ma"on Monday to read the M.1srm'•; sl'ilrloi ho~nrl ilas hcoe11 p1omoler, members of the old calendar, set tual dates and talw IOOth Birthday namcrl to lco~cl lite p.ttddco willl'll fair hoard tun llu• JISII of hPtng arn11gnmcnts. Judge Charles H. will stall from ll11• l'fli'IWI' of M.l· succi hy Britton. The Inghnm flayc!en will share trial work with Masons start theil· centen­ pic anrl ftogc•rs oil :; o'••lrwl< Soil· County Agric·ullural Soc•icty, lcfl Judge Salmon al Mason, leaving nial celebration Thursday !II As oN li will !tear Prof. urclay :r flct·noon. AI'L'Ill ding tn high ancl clrl' hy action o[ the Judge Louis E. Coash to hear VANTOWN I•LOW!\mN mde their iron steeds to victory in the annual plowing contest night and contmue I hrough Charles I·:. Jnvln of llflchigan present pl:1ns, otfi•·r•1 s ot M.1son hoar rl of supc1 visors l<tsl wccl1, chancery and non-jury civil cases Saturday. Here are the 3 winners in plowing: Kenneth Rice, 14, first place, center; Carl Friday and Saturday. On Sun- Sio~le l'ollegc ,11 their •·cntPnnial lodge, IHIJIIJ! in r111 alllrquc f',ll', sill! has t1sscts whidt Britton in Lansing. Judge Consh recent· Minnis, 15, second, l'ight; and IIm·old Oakley, 15, third, at left Rice and Minnis arc mem­ day morning many or the fl'a-~ !HinquN Saturday ntgilt. lliH ~op1c might allach, Ilarlig explained. lv tclurnccl to Ius court duties Sl'OIU:S CLOSE A'l' ri bers of the Van town 4-H cluiJ, Oakley of the W111te Oak club. All 3 of 1he boys attend Ing­ temity will attend church in a ts Anwr1co~nlsm. Prof. Irw1n 1s em I!art1g saul that fatr board di ,iflcr undergOing surgery on his JUusnn sflll'l's will lu• Plnsl'tl ham Township Agt'icultul'al school at Dansville. The Minnis boy placed first in backing, body. tile fnc tilly of lite spceclt dep,trt· tcclors are hopcful Blillon can eyes. mcnt. ut li o't•lnl'l> Saliu•duv nfl<'l'· belting and safety contests. (Ingham County News photo.) 110011 SCI 1111!1 t work nul a compromise rica! with Of the !l8 criminal cases listed Mason lo~lge No. 70, F. & A.M. Gr.lllrl lodge offwe1s, past lh:tl jll'Ojll'il'fUI'S lhe elty munf'il F,urgrouncls on the crimmal calendar, 20 were was orgamzcrt 111 18:54 shortly maslcrs 1111 rt othcor fot'lllel' lodge l'lerl<s c•:u1 j)lll'lir•ipllll' in m· property 1s zoned A resicicnllal. CfliTted over the term, 10 old ~1fter the first settlers arl'lvcd offiC'PI's fwm away anil many vi••w the• 1'4'1lft>nlliall (nu·adl\, Tllet·e remaurs the pnssthility, cases were pnssed for the 1crm, fhe lndge was chartercrl by Jllo vrs 1t111 , Jrom IJthe1· lodge~ are ex· IIIIIICIII111'1'til{. A. Zimllle111l!Ul, IIarltg sal£1, lhal the supervisors 11 were wportcd as nolle prossed, ncer settlers who came ftom New peeled in Mason for the Pentcn lll'esitlent nl' t.lll' Chmnbr•1· of Vantown Boys Prove Plowing Skill CommCI et•, l'ommittcc could cl1spose of the 2 were held up for motions pend Yorl< and Vermont. nial. Some of lhcm Will appem· faltgrouucls at Mason ami shtii ing, G arc to be tried before a Two Vantown boys, Kenneth IIarolcl Qakley, While Oak; Eel The hlggest event of the ecnten· on Salmolny night's bo~nqUcl pro· opcrHIIOns clscwhcre. judge withoul juries, 2 were rc· Rtce, 1•1, and Carl Minnis, 15, cdp· Voss, Williamston; Doren Howe, ing tlisplay of ~kill. He won With nial celebration is tile parade r;ram, ~a11l Glen Cline, master of Will follow lhc Mason hand Then "!I lol of lhe answers In our mandcd to lower courts and 3 lured all the fit st plaees in thc Mason; Art Webster, Will tams· 111 points whllo the last man had scheduled for 5 o'cloek Sat urrlay 1he lodge, In l!l:J<I morlcls Will 11dc the Ma· qupslions ate being left to Prm;e respondents entered guilty pl!!as.
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