MONDAY, MAT^ M, I960 Avengt^ Daily Net Press Ron « For the Week Ended PAGE FOXmTEEN manrtr^st^r lEwgitittg |jpi*alb May 14, 1980 Discussion Set 13,112 Officers will be Installed at the Member of the Audit last meeting of the school year of In Willimantic GOOD SHOE AboiitTown Bucklend School PTA tomorrow, at BurfeaiT of Circulation 8 p.m. at the school. On Mentally HI r e p a ir in g p a y s P u t CWef iDaughters, Daugh­ ters of ScoOs, wlU meet tomowow Marine Pvt. William K. Fisher, at 7:45 p.m. at the home o f Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fish­ Dr. Wilfred Bloomberg, sUte WHEN IT'S DONE A T VOL. LXXIX, NO. Mary Porter, 219 Terry Plains Rd., er, 42 Madison St., has completed commissioner of mentsd health, Bloomfield. recruit training at .the Marine vrill be principle speaker at the Corps Recruit. Depot,. Parris Is­ meeting of the Willimantic Dls- Tall Cedarp of Lebanon will meet land, S. C. He will receive special­ HALE’! Starts Friday tonight at 7:30 at the Masonic ized Infantry training at Camp Le- ,trlct Mental Health Assn, to be UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT . Temple. A report will be given on jeune, N. C. held at 8 o’clock tonight in Shafer OAK ST. ENTRANCE • MANCHESTER the Atlantic City convention, and Auditorium Willimantic State Col­ The Connecticut Prevention of plana will be completed for an auc­ lege. tion next month. Blindness chapter will hold its an­ nual dinner meeting Wednesday at 'Dr. Bloomberg will speak on Inquiry of U2, Trinity Past Noble Grands Assn, the New Haven Country Club at 6 the topic.: “Mental Health -7- a will meet with Welcome Lodge of p.m. Community Concern.” Blast Hartford at the Odd Fellows The ‘ commissioner Is a gradu­ hall there Wednesday at 8 p.m. Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ ate of Harvard University Medi­ A union official said today Members are reminded to bring ters. will rrieet tomorrow at 8 p.m. cal School. He has held teaching employes at the Pratt and gifts for the merry-go-round. at Odd Fellows Hai;. The charter positions in psychiatry at Har­ Whitney divisions of United will be draped In respect to the vard, Boston University School of Aircraft at East Hartford and late Mrs. Elizabeth Caverly, a Medicine, University of California RISLEY The VFW Auxiliary will meet Medical School -and Yale Unlver- Manchester have voted 3,488 tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Post charter member for 38 years. A WashinRtoh, May 24 Ideirt rasenhower to apologize Home. A joint memorial of the Memorial service will be . held. Re­ ty. On several ocoaslons, -Dr. to ISS to strike— if necessary freshments will be, served. Offi­ loomberg served as associate ex­ WOODWORKINO The Senate Foreign Relations to Soviet Premier NlkiU ° —to back contraict demands. 2nd Stage post and auxiliary vrill be held t Khrushchev for the spy plane In­ cers are to wear white gowns. aminer in both psychiatry and incorporated Committee voted unanimous- 'The vote Ubulatlon — completed after the meeting. Mrs. Marion cident. What he said. Kennedy Reds Free Caffety of OakvlUe, department neurology for the American Board ly toclay to conduct a "full and early today in East Hartford— Manchester Assembly, Order of of Psychlarty and Neurology. In Lake ^t., Vernon bipartisan inquiry” into the added, was that the President brings to seven the number of O peration chaplain, wiU deliver the memorial Rainbow, will meet at the Masonic might have expressed regret in an address. Mrs. Helen Gustafson is 1958, he was appointed commis­ «t>y plane incident and events United Aircraft plants In the State Temple tonight at 7:30 o’clock for sioner of. State Department of effort to keep the Summit meet­ Plane^ 9 chairman. Tel. MI 9-4824 leadmsr UP to the collapse of whose employes have voted to a brief business meeting before an Mental Health. leading up ing going. strike. ' open-installation at 8:30 p.m. Friendship Circle of the Salva­ The meeting at which Dr. the summit conference 'The union says gome 6,000 work­ Successful Bloomberg will speak will provide TR 5-1166 The inquiry will get underway (Conrinned on Page Tc"). ers are involved in the East Hart­ tion Army will meet tonight at ' ’The Exchange Club of Manches­ Americans 6:30 o’clock In the Youth Center sin opportunRy for all adults in­ Friday at 10 a.m. (EDT) with ford and Mancl ester negotiations Fla., May ter will meet tomorrow at 6:30 terested in mental health to hear tMtimony from Secretary of State and a toUl of about 31,000 in the Cape Canaveral for a mystery ride. Hostesses will p.m. at the 3 J’r restaurant in States to- be Mrs. ^ t t y Nixon and Mrs about some of the currently ne­ ★ CUSTOM KITCHENS CairisUan A. Herter. ^ _ seven plants. Wiesbaden, Germany, May 24 </ip)_The Uni^ " Bolton. Joseph McCooe will be in It will be conducUd at closed Tht unions Involved in the dis- jrimental Ethel Orfitelll. John E. Johnson (left) was one of eight charter glected mental health problems in 3 Priests See 24 (A»)— The U.S."’Air Force day rocketed an '\1 charge of a program from the Red the greater Willimantic District. •esslons, but edited transcripU of p\ite are the AFL-CIO United Auto iky” sato^- Cross Chapter about rescue celved life memberships In Scandla ^ d g e , Arthur announced that Soviet au­ Midas “ Spy in the----- ca, at the 60th anniversary dinner-dance of the lodge. Arthur The Willimantic District Men­ ★ COUNTER TOP SPECIALIST tesUmony will be made public Workers and the International As­ breathing. after being censored for security lite toward an orbit around J Anderson, consul from the Swedish insulate ooks on whUe tal Health Assn, is afflUated with Eire Monster sociation of Machinists. thorities today freed a C47 the Earth. Midas’ mission ja 8 Sc^andia Lodge John Nelson, general chairman, presents the life certificate. the Connecticut Association for The question of actually calling that strayed into Communist Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sharp, *^^ialrman J William Fullbright a ■ strike against United Aircraft to provide almost instw t Ridgewood St., gave a blrthd^ (Herald Photo by Satemis). _______________ _________________ ■ Mental HeaHh Inc. and includes ★ GENERAL WOODWORKING j Fast Germany last Friday and the following communities: Ash­ (D-Ark) told reporters he ] Dublin. Ireland. May 24 W —^r e e . left to the union leader ------------------ . , warning of a ballistic missile party for their daughter. Miss the hearings only a Clathollc priests claim they ve found ^.hich has not yet set a strike th e nine A m erican s aboard it. vina Sharp, in honor of her-^16th Hears Consul ford, ChapUn, Columbia,' Coven­ would last Swedes came to this country„ and presented 50-year pins, to Gus­ try, Lebanon, Mansfield, Scotland A BUILDING MATERIALS matter of days.” a Lough Ree monster to comi^te | At the same time the Soviet birthday, Friday night ^ t h e 3 J’s tave Gull and Harry Gustafson. The launching, coinciding ^ t h how to prepare the special foods Willimantic, Willington and Wind­ He said they would be patwrn- with Scotland's Loch Ness tourirt ■ After the East Hartford-Man- high command In East Germany JUST LIKE Restaurant in Bolton.^The guests The importance of recording Other members who were unable attraction. i cheater balloting. David Fraser. ,g,ued a vigorous protest against the United Nations spy pl^ans de­ enjoyed dancing to r.ecords. associated with the various holi­ ham. •d along the lines of the bate, underscored a United States and preserving their Swedish heri­ days. He cited the many historical to attend and who will receive Inquiry Hn 1951 into President The three clerics, who remained j a M Local 1746, said twm-engine transport’s flight pins are Miss Lxxuisa E. Johnson, Truman’s dismissal of Gen. I^ og- both his union and the UAW are andand,-declared .nJeciared toethe American corn- de^re to develop measures to pro- The Manchester ‘ Emblem Club tage was emphasized by Arthur and cultural contrlbuUons of the fearsome brute while on a fishing tect'toe free world from surprise NEW YORK... Swedish to the growth of this Clifford Sault and David Hultgren. las MacArthur from his Far East­ ready to meet with the company, mind in West GerrhanvGermany would will' sponsor a rummage sale J. Anderson, consul from the John Nelson, chairman of Scan- Jaunt in the lake near Athlone. as he put it, “ any time they In^- have to take full responsibility for ffr6A8ion> . * , . ’Thursday .at 517 Main St., begin Swedish .consulate in Boston, at country. John Hanson presided ern command. __ They told the Irish Independent A powerful Atlaa-Agena rocket dia L«^ge, presented to eight m the MacArthur cate a sincere desire to meet the the incident. nlng at 0130 a.m. ArUcles jnay be the 60th anniversary dinner-dance over this naUon, he pointed out, a flat. python-Hke-head surfaced heeds Of the employes.' A Soviet statement said toe Rus­ boosted the 5,00-pound satsUIte Those are the words that crop dellverisd Wednesday from 1 to 3 before George Washington was charter members of the lodge curity experts screened the t w i of Scandla Lodge, Vasa Order of lifetime membership certificates. jnony and censored transcripts abwt too yards from their row­ There was no corn- sians forced down the plane to pro­ aloft at 1:37 p.m. EDT. The entire up in conversations around and 7 to 8:30 p.m.
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