![RECENT LITERATURE on LEPIDOPTERA (Under the Supervision of PETER F](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1960 .loumal of the Lepidopterists' Society 161 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA (Under the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER) F. BIOLOGY AND IMMATURE STAGES Comstock, John Adams, "Notes on metamorphoses of the Giant Skippers (LepidopTera: Megathymimc) and (he life history of an Arizona species." Rull. southern Calif. Acad. Sri., vol.55: pp.19-27, 3 figs. 1956. Describes mature larva & pupa of Mega­ thymus evalls;. [P B.] Comstock, John Adams, "Notes on the life history of a rare Arizona sphinx moth, Xylophanes faito Walker." Bull. southerll Calif. Acad. Sci., vo1.55: pp.102-106. 5 figs. 1956. Describes mature larva & pupa; foodplant B01lvardia glaberrima. LP.B.] Comstock, John A., "Brief notes on the life histories of two Arizona geometrid moths." Bull. southem Calif. A (ad. Sci., vol. 56 : pp.99-100 1957. Describes larva & pupa of Philobia aspirata (from Black Walnut), & egg & young larva of Pero modest1ls. [P.B.] Com';tock, John Adams, "Life histories of two southern Arizona moths of the genus Caripeta." Bull. southern Calif. Ilrad. Sci., vol. 56 : pp.88-96, 4 pIs. 1957. De£cribes & figures early stages of C. hilumaria (reared on willow, probably not the normal food plant) & C. macularia (reared on oak). [Po B.] Comstock, John Adams, "Notes on the early stages of two western American moths." Bull. southern Calif. Acad. Sci., vol.56: pp.42-47, 6 figs. 1957. Describes mature larva; & pupa; of Cisthene nexa & Agriopodes viridata; both feed on the lichen Ramalina combeoides. [Po B J Comstock, John Adams, "Notes on the metamorphosis of an Agave-boring butterfly from Baja California, Mexico." Trans. San Diego Soc. nat. Hist., voU2: pp.263-276, 1 pI. 1957. D escribes mature larva & pupa of M egathymus comstocki & compares them with those of M. stephensi. Foodplant Agave orcuttialla. [Po B.] Coombs, C. W., "The insect fauna of an empty granary." Bull. ent. Res., vo1.46: pp.399-417, 2 pIs., 2 figs. 1955. Reports survival in unused warehouse of some stored products pests, including 4 Lepidoptera [Po B.] Coppel, H. c., & M. G. Maw, "Studies on dipterous parasites of the Spruce budworm, Choristoncura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricida;). III. Ceromasia auri­ caudata Tm. (Diptera: Tachinida;)." Canad . .lollrn. Zool., vo1.32: pp.144-156, 16 figs. 1954. Describes parasite & biology. Eggs are laid on leaves & ingested by larva;; parasites develop during pupal stage of host. Hyphantria cunea is another host. rp. B.] Coppel, H. C., & M. G. Maw, "Studies on dipterous parasites of the Spruce Budworm, C horistollPUra fumi! erana (Clem) (Lepidoptera: Tortr.icida;). IV. M adremyia saundersii (Will.) (Diptera: Tachinida;)." Canad . .Tourn. Zool., vol.32: pp.314-323, 16 figs. 1954. Describes parasite attacking larva; of many Lepidoptera. [Po B.] Coppel, H. C., & B. C. Smith, "Studies on dipterous parasites of the Spruce Budworm, Choristonellra fumiferana (Clem.) (Lep.idoptera: Tortricida;). V. Omotoma fumi­ fermlte (Tot.) (Diptera: Tachinida;)." Canad. Iourn. Zool .. vo1.35: pp.581-592, 15 figs. 1957. Descrihes morphology & biology. [P, B.] Cornwell, P. B., L. ]. Crook, & ]. O. Bull, "Lethal and sterilizing effects of gamma radiation on insects infesting cereal commodities." Nature, vo1.179: pp.670-67Z, 2 figs. 1957. Including Ephestia spp. & Sitotroga {erealella. Cowley, ]., "Pararge (£geria captured by a dragon fly." Entomologist, vol 86: p.151. 1953. Cox, H. C., "Feeding habits of European Corn Borer larva; on selected fidd corn in­ breds and single cross hybrids." Iowa State Call . .lourn. Sci., vo1.30: pp.343-344. 1956. Abstract. Cretschmar, Max, "Ein Gartenschliifer als Konkurrent beim Lichtfang" [in Germanl Zeits{hr. Lepid., voU: p.30. 1950. Dormouse Eliomys quercinus taking moths at tight. [Po B.] Crooke, Myles, "An outbreak of tbe Pine Looper Moth (Bupalus piniarius, L.) at Cannock Chase in Sta ffordshire, and some notes on the biology of this pest," Irish Forestry, vol.10: pp.60-63, 3 figs. 1953, Figures larva & adults. [Po B.] 162 Rece llt Literature on Lepidoptera Vo1.14: no.2 Crooke, Myles, "The Pine Looper Moth." Quart. Journ. Forestry, vo1.48: pp.36-38, 1 pI. 1954. Biology of Bupalus piniarius. LP. B.J Crooke, Myles, "Host of the overwintering generation of Trichogramma e'Vanescens Westw. (Hym., Trichogrammatid:e)." Ent. mo . Mag., vol.92: p.368. 1956. Recorded from eggs of Bupalus pilliarius. LP. E.] Cumber, R. A., "Injury to Phormium caused by insects, mites, and molluscs." N. Z. Journ. Sci. Tech., SectA, vol.36: pp.60-74, 20 figs. 1953. Lepidoptera attacking the plant are Oxycanus signata, Slalhmopoda phlegyra, Torlrix posti'Vittana, Cnephasia jaclatana, (£celims omni'Vorus, Orthoclydon prcEfectata, & Persectania steropastis. [Po B.] Cunningham, ]. R, "A note on the Ghost Moths - family Hepialid:e. A bantiades hyalinatus (Herrick Schaeffer)." Pap. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, vo1.89: p.151. 1955. Life history notes: larv:e occur in silken tunnels in the ground, leading to the roots of Eucalyptus amygdalina upon which they feed. [1. C.] Curtis, W. Parkinson, "Epischnia bankesella Rich. (Lep. Phyci tid:e)." JOUrrl . Soc. Brit. Ent., vol.3: pp.278-279. 1951. Larv:e fed successfully on Inula crithmoides from cliff edge (normal habitat of moth) but rejected same plant sp. from salt marsh. [Po E.] Curtis, W. Parkinson, "The Robin (Erilhacus rubecuia meiophiius Hartert) attacking insects." Ent. mo . Mag., vol.92: p.10. 1956. Including Noctuidre , Pieris, Aglais, Vanessa (adults). [Po B.] Daniel, F., "Beobachtung uber die Lebensweise hochalpiner Vertreter del' Gattung Hepiaius (Lep.-Hepialid:e)" [in German]' Mitt. miinchner enl. Cn., vo1.40: pp.203- 206. 1950. On the flight per.iods of 2 alpine spp. H. carna $ $ fly in the morning, while <,? <,? are emerging; latter fly & deposit eggs in afternoon ; $ $ probably live only 1 day. H. fusconebulosus $ $ fly for about 20 minutes at dusk; <;> ',' fly & deposit eggs at night. [Po B.] Daniel, Franz, "Beitrage zur Lebensweise von Selenppho1'a /lllligna f iobu/ina Esp. (Lep. Lasiocamp.) " [in German]. Mitt. mun(hne1' enl. Ces., vo1.41: pp.251-257. 1951. Spring & summer 'generations' in Bavarian lowlands are actually 2 races, each with an annual cycle. rp B.] Darlington, Emlen P., "Notes on blueberry Lepidoptera in New Jersey." Trans. A mer. enl. Soc., vo1.78: pp.3 3-57. 1952. Records (some from literature) of nearly 100 spp. of Lepidoptera feeding on Vaainium or Caylussacia; notes on habits of some. [Po B.] Darlow, H . M, "Callophrys rubi L., a new foodplant." Ent. RfI'. f!j Journ. Var., vo1.65: p.19. 1953. Mature larva on Hie1'aciu1ll pilosella. [Po II.] Darlow, H. M., " Stridulation ,in Laphyg1lla exigua Hub. and A grotis segetu11l Schf." Enl. Rec. f!j Journ. Va1'., vo1.65: p.20. 1953. Adults; mechanism unknown. [Po B.] Darteville, E., "Nouveau cas de transport de pseudoscorpion par un papillon" [in French]. Lambillionea, vo1.54: pp.34-35. 1954. Pseudoscorpion attached to leg of Ste1'1'ha a'Versata. [Po B.] Das, G. M., "Insects and mite pests of jute. " Science f!j Culture, vol.14: pp.186-190. 1948. Records Diacrisia abliqlla, Anomis sabulifera, Laphygma exiglla, Prodenia litura, Tarache crocala, & Scopula e1ll1llissaria feeding on Corrhorus spp [Po B.] Daviault, Lionel, "La tordeuse it tete verte de l'epinettc: Tortrix packardiana Fern." [ in French]. Ann. de I'ACFAS, voUG: pp.147-151, 1 fig. 1950. Describes all stages & records parasites & predators. [Po II.] Dav.is, C. J., "New host and insect records from the island of Hawaii." Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., vol.15: pp.85-86. 1953. Including spp. feeding on Acacia koaia: Amorbia emigratella & Lycd!na blackburni (leaves), Argyroploce illepida (seeds), Orthomy­ cena sp., Enarmonia waishinghallli, & Decadarrhis 1llinUSCllia (twigs). [Po B.] Davis, C. J., " Some recent lepidopterous outbreaks on the ,island of Hawaii." Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., vo1.15: pp.401-403. 1955. Including Pseudaletia unipuncta & Laphygma exempta, with lists of grasses attacked & parasites reared. [Po B.] Delamare Debouteville, c., & R. Paulian, "Cycle evolutif d'un peuplement nidicole en Basse Cote d'Ivoire" [in French]. Bull. Mus. nat. Hist. nat., Paris, vo1.19: pp.453- 455. 1947. Records Monopis megalodelta larvre from nests of weaver birds. [Po B.] Delucchi, Vittorio, & Jean Verbeke, "H abrocytus milleri n. sp., ectoparasite de Coleo- phara frisch ella L." [in French]. Bull. Ins!. Roy. Sci. nat. Belg .. , vol.29, no.3: 14 pp., 19 figs. 1953. Describes biology of this hymenopteran. [Po B.] Demuth, R. P., "Birds and moths." Enl. Rec. f!j Journ. Var., vo1.67: pp.157-158. 1955. Notes on birds feeding on moths remaining near light trap in morning [Po B.] 1960 .lournal 0/ the Lepidopterists' Society 163 Dever, D. A., "'Identification of the larv:e of the more important insect pests of sour cherry in Wisconsin." Trails. Wisconsill Awd. Sci., vol 43 : pp.83-88, 1 pI. 1954. Brief descriptions and setal maps for Grapholitha packardi, Milleola sritulella, Ar­ chips argyrospila, & Spilollota oceilana. [Po B.] Diadechko, N. P., "Parasites and predators of the American White Moth" [in Russian]. Naurhll. Trudy IrlSt. Elli. Fitopatol. A kad. Nauk URSR, vol.5: pp.106-109. 1954. lIyphalltria wnea. [Not seen]. Diakonoff, A., "Case bearing Lepidoptera IV." Ent. Berichten, vo1.14: pp.134-137, 5 figs. 1952. Describes 3 cases belonging to undetermined spp. of Lepidoptera, collected at Tjibodas, Java. [Po B.] Dickson, C. C. C., " The life history of Phasis pyrceis Trim (Lepidoptera: Lyc:enid:e)." .lourn. ellt. Soc. southern Africa, voUl: pp.50-62, 1 pl., 1 fig. 1948. Detailed de~crip­ tions of all stages. Foodplant Zygo phyllllm flexllosltlll; larv:e 'milked' by ants. [Po B ] Dickson, C. C. c., "The larva and pupa of PselldonYlllpha iri1l1enii Butl. (Lep.: Saty­ rid:e) ." .loltrn. ent. Soc. southern A/rica, vo1.12: pp.173-174. 1949. Describes adult larva and pupa; foodplant Danthonia stricta. [Po B.] Dickson, C. C. c., "The life-history of Charaxes pelias pelias Cram.
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