Vol. 125, Issue 8 Serving the Allegheny College Thursday community Nov. 8, 2001 THE CAMPUS since 1876 I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire Mercyhurst Anthrax a Hoax CUPPA JOE By KENDRA STANTON may have been exposed to anthrax. According to Manager of News Editor Allegheny College responded to Mailing Services at the Allegheny the alarm by disseminating informa- Post Office Melissa Wybiral, cir- The white powder found in a let- tion and by advising students not to cumstances remain "business as usu- ter sent to the admissions office of attend a career fair that was sched- al, but with precautions." Mail Mercyhurst College in Erie has test- uled at Mercyhurst on Nov. 2. The clerks are now required to sort mail ed negative for anthrax. Allegheny Post Office and the with rubber gloves. Wybiral said According to a Nov. 1 memoran- Office of Public Affairs have worked this is the first alert of this nature that dum from Senior Assistant to the to create a consciousness about the she has handled at Allegheny. President Mary Daly, the FBI con- bacteria. Allegheny students appeared firmed that the substance tested neg- Director of Public Affairs Mary generally unphazed by the local ative for anthrax. The envelope was Norton said her office was informing scare. Junior Brian Cusik said, "It's postmarked from Egypt. "Right the campus through several means. not that I don't care, I'm just not along we were told by the FBI that Public Affairs placed a bulletin of- worried about anthrax showing up at the tests would most likely be nega- fering further information and ser- Allegheny," he said. tive, but we had to be prepared for vices concerning anthrax in the ""I didn't believe the anthrax the worst case scenario," Daly said. weekly news section of the internal threat [at Mercyhurst]. I don't be- Until this confirmation, college web site. The bulletin in- lieve terrorists would target schools Mercyhurst had been preparing for formed students, faculty and em- in the hills of Pennsylvania," said the worst. Old Main, the building ployees that rubber gloves would be sophomore Pat Serge. "There would that houses admissions and class- made available to those who wished be no benefit to them, strategically rooms, was closed until further no- for extra protection in handling their speaking. I think everyone is being a tice. Additionally, over 500 stu- mail. Also, a campus-wide e-mail little too jumpy." dents, faculty and employees who was sent out regarding the steps that "We've quickly gone back to life walked through the East-West hall- the Post Office takes to distribute as normal," Daly said. She praised way of North Main were tested for mail carefully. the composure of Mercyhurst stu- exposure to bacteria. "[Public Affairs] is helping to re- dents during the testing, saying, "We According to the Mercyhurst mind people that that these are the learned a lot from students. They web site, the college had made steps we must take for our own safe- were wonderful throughout the arrangements with two local phar- ty. We are very sorry that this hoax whole process. It was a very cruel macies to ensure that all students happened at Mercyhurst" Norton hoax, but we've come away from JAVA JOB — Grounds for Change employee Erica Almquist, '05, could have access to Cipro. Cipro is said, "If we are all careful, we'll be this strong and more united." serves a cup of pick-me-up to Michelle Manni, '05. —photo by Kendra Stanton, News Editor an antibiotic taken by those who safe." SOA Protesters Hope to Double Presence in Georgia By RAY REIGADAS Noriega, currently serving a life sen- Each year, the protest draws more Critics, however, point out that the International. Funding the trip has Staff Reporter tence in a U.S. prison for drug traf- and more people—last year, over ap- school remains essentially the same, been a difficulty, according to ficking; Hugo Banzer Suarez, for- proximately 10,000 took part, and and that only the name is different. Anundson. It is estimated that it will Each November, for the past mer dictator of Bolivia; and Gen. over 3,600 "crossed the line" into the Georgia Senator Paul Coverdell, a cost about $2700 to bring as many as several years, a growing number of Leopold Galtieri of Argentina, who base. About 4,700 of them received supporter of the SOA, called the 40 students this year, twice as many Allegheny students have made the oversaw his country's "Dirty War", ban and bar orders, which restrict measure "cosmetic" in an interview as went last year. long trip down to Fort Benning, Ga. in which some 30,000 people died, their access to the base. Of those ar- last year, saying that it was done so Describing the effort so far, to join thousands of others in protest- were tortured, or disappeared. Many rested, 19 were Allegheny. that the school would continue its Anundson said, "Students for ing the School of the Americas, or question why the school continues to The SOA protest, though, goes mission. Environmental Action have been the "School of Assassins", as its exist, since its prime reason for be- beyond a once-a-year vigil. Students According to Anundson, the trip helpful and have, to my knowledge, many critics have dubbed it. ing, the Soviet Union, has long since who go try to bring some of the ex- is being organized primarily through According to senior Isaac Kerns, collapsed. perience back with them. Last se- the Allegheny chapter of Amnesty —see SOA, page 8— "The fouriding principle behind the The SOA teaches courses in mester, about 10 students who par- school was that military training was counter-insurgency, psychological ticipated in the last protest held a stu- -needed to provide 'internal stability' warfare, military intelligence, dent panel. Sophomore Blair C INSIDE THIS WEEK... against the threat of 'Communist counter narcotics, and basic combat, Anundson said that information ta- subversion' in Latin America. The according to its web site. Founded in bles are currently being run in the course load of the SOA has weighed Panama in 1946, it moved to Ft. campus center during lunch and din- Hip Hop Conference Planned 3 heavily towards combat, counter-in- Benning in 1984 as required by the ner hours, and also in the post office surgency warfare, counter-narcotics, Panama Canal Treaty. Since its in- during lunchtime. Posters have been Editorial 5 military intelligence and psycholog- ception, over 60,000 soldiers from placed in buildings around campus Lane Sculpture Soundoff 9 ical warfare throughout its opera- Latin American nations have gradu- as part of the educational effort, and Alien Pizza 11 tion." Kerns is one of the organizers ated from the SOA. a student panel is again in the works. Loss Caps Womens' Volleyball Season 14 for the trip. The annual protest is organized On Jan. 17, the School of the However, the SOA has drawn by the SOA Watch, based in nearby Americas closed down—and was fierce opposition from human rights Columbus. Ga. SOAW was created immediately replaced the by activists all over the world. Sonic its in 1993. by Maryknoll Father Roy Western Hemisphere institute for Contact The Campus at Box 12 or graduates i tic I ude former Bourgeois. who that year led a fast- Security Cooperation (WHISC), ac- [email protected] Panamanian dictator Manuel ing vigil at the gates to the base. cording. to the SOAW' Web site. Page 2 News November 8, 2001 THE CAMPUS Asks... CRIME BLOTTER •On Oct. 24 at 4:45 p.m. an in inci- by Meadville city police for stealing •On Nov. 4 at 8:00 p.m. a verbal ha- "What are your concerns about comping?" dent involving carrying false identi- crackers from the store. Another rassment incident occurred in the —compiled by Corey Lipchick, Photography Editor fication and misrepresentation of Allegheny student was arrested for vicinity of the Phi Kappa Psi house age to secure liquor occurred at the underage drinking when the police on East College Street. A Geo Metro state liquor store. An eighteen year- investigated the theft. drove by making unsolicited sexual old student was arrested by comments to students. Meadville police. This is a summa- •On Nov. 1 at 6:30 a.m. a criminal ry offense and the student faces a mischief incident occurred. A win- •On Nov. 5 at 6:00 p.m. a verbal ha- "Um, I haven't fine of up to $500 and possible li- dow of Brooks dining hall on the rassment incident occurred in the picked a topic yet." cense suspension. west side of the building facing Park vicinity East College Street. A Geo Avenue was broken when a pumpkin Metro drove by harassing students. - Tina Perry '02 •On Oct. 25 a criminal mischief inci- was thrown at it. Security has no A partial license plate number was dent occurred on Highland Avenue. suspects. obtained. The license plate was A student was walking southbound Pennsylvania DAB ????. Anyone on Highland on the west side of the •On Nov. 3 at 4:30 a.m. a known with further information is requested street and was the target of a water student caused damage to the lawns to contact Allegheny College securi- balloon that appeared to have been at 325 and 327 Prospect Street, the ty. fired by a high-powered slingshot. lawn between Brooks Hall and Carr Security has no suspects.
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