NEW YORK'S OLDEST GAY NEWSPAPER FEBRUARY 1983 issue 136 NGTF Plays Crucial Role As participants in the *'Workshop to phrased by the San Francisco based Formulate Recommendations for Preven­ Coordinating Committee of Gay and tion of Acquired Immune Deficiency Lesbian Health Services, such a policy is Syndrome"' (AIDS), which convened at ' 'reminiscent of misceginatidn blood the Centers for Disease Control office in laws that divided black blood from Atlanta on January 4, 1983, NGTF white," and is **similar in concept to the representatives Dr. Roger Enlow and Dr. World War II rounding-up of Japanese- Bruce Voeiler, along with other metnbers Americans in the western half of the of the gay cx)mmunityp helped to avert a country to mintmixe the possibility of policy change that would have stigma­ espionage. tized gay men as unsuitable for blood The alternative approach that Enlow donation. They also attended a follow-up and VoeUer recommended was devel­ meeting on January 6 sponsored by oped with the help of a knowledgeable A»nerican Association of Blood Banks in team of experts which included Tinx Washington that essentially confirmed Westmoreland, Assistant Counsel to the the CDC findings. U.S. Represemative Subcoxtunittee on Health and the En- Henry Waxman of California commented viroiunent of the ~ House of Represen^^ "WATCHED POT" on che outcome of these meetings as tatives, fiopper Deyton, an authority on fc^ows: issues of blood policy and gay health, The Walvhrd Pot, the kttcsi play by It is a positive portrayal of two strong "Tbe NGTF delegates in Atlama aikl and Dr. Larry Mass, a f^ysician active in local playwright Keith D. Hershberger, is wotnen in love, fadng death realistically Washington represented the gay com­ the New York City AIDS Network. They an experience not to be missed, it is and lovingly, gently letting go. munity f>rcefuliy and well. Gay People suggested a Song-Overdue revamping of sensitive, loving, gentk, and not at all The Watch Pot will be presented by the have vital interests in publk health as the entire blood-screening systein. By ck^ng or maudlin. Conundrum Players at 68 Ashland Street wel! as civil rights, and Dra. Bnlow and federal Uw, all blood must currendy be Jt is the story of two women in their (comer of Averill Avenue) on February Voeller hmee hmmn strong spokespersons screened for hepatitis B surface antigen. mi^*«ighlies who have been lovers for 18, 19. 20, 25, 26. and 27 at 8:00 p.m. for both." In the new approach, all blood would sixty years (**without benefit of Phil Dona­ Tickets will be availabk- at the door. Under n>ottnting pressure |o respond also be screened for Hepatitis B core hue**), One oi them is dying and as they Sugg^ted donation is S3.50, though no to the aUeged spread of AIDS through antibody, a marker that appears in the share their last moments, they sec them­ one will be turrted away. blood products, certain federal health blood of only a small percent of the selves young again, and we meet them as Copies of the script are available Silk- officials and representatives of the general population, but that has been young women before WW 1, and again wood Books and The Village Green. An American blood banking industry had, detected in the blood of more than 85% during the war through their letters to author's signing will he hekj at the Village prior tu che meetings, suggested that of AIDS patients. An even more effective each other. Green on February 20, 1-3 p.m. members of, three high-risk groups serening method is suggested by CDC The women claim their right to be We urge you not to miss this beautiful (homosexual men. Haitians, and intra­ statistics, which have shown that testing together even in death, while the dying play. Congratulations, Keith. venous drug users) be publicly asked to continued on page 2 woman's "bereaved'' family wail whh dis­ —Rosemary Cahill voluntarily abstain from donating blood. gruntled impatience- It was to the credit of the representa­ tives from the gay community, who argued persuasively against such a policy, that reason prevailed. By the end THE ALLIANCE CORNER of the CDC session, the majority of the The new GAGV officers have as­ Don Hall, the director of the Planetar* lOlh. 17th. and 24th. from 1 to 4:30 in participants seemed appropriately con­ sumed their duties, the first Board ium, has promised us a special event. the afternoon. Applications are availabte vinced that such a policy would be meeting has been held (Board meetings Tickets will be available at the door and at the Alliance durin|[the evening hours. ineffective and that the most scientific are held the second Wednesday of the OAGV members will receive a discount. The Peer Facilitators on duty will be glad approach to the problem will require month. We are open to praise and The Alliance is planning special to fill 3^u in oti the duties, joys and more selective methods of screening suggestions. Complaints we have a little events in celebration oi its 10th Anniver- heartbreaks of the job. blood rather than blood donors. trouble with, but we" are willing to s^y. A committee headed by the media The Speakers* Bureau filled nine There are a number of reasons why listen) and the 10th Aimiversary Year of coordinator, Janet Ervin-Reeves, will be speaking engagements from April to the the volimtary abstention approach will the Alliance is under way. As past instrumental in this endeavor. The end of thc^ year. They have three not work. Because much ofthis country's president, I vohinteered to be a roving committee would welcome ideas and cootint&ed oo page 2 donated blood is actually paid for, many reporter, bringing news of the Alliance historical information so that our histor­ donors who need the money, such as to those of you who wonder, what in the ical heritage can be part of the celebra­ drug addicts, will falsely identify them­ world we are doing in our brick tower to tion. Threshold Offers selves when screened. In the case of gay save the world from the Moral Majority Hits past 3rear has seen an increase-in men, Voeller and Enlow pointed out, this and those of similar ilk. our outreach ^programs, resulting in CotinseMng Groups approach may have a paradoxical effect. Firstly, there are several events greater visibi^' fipr the Alliance and Thrcshpld Center for Ahemative Youth That is^ some gay men, fearful of losing upcoming which deserve some attention. inereased 'edtfcai!)bn of the greater Services, Itic., 110 Climon Avenue South their jobs or of suffering other persecu­ On February 27, the Qay Professionals comniunity. This fall r^>resentatives (DOWNTOWN), is offering a counseling tions, ituy feel pressured to donate will hold their first evett of the year, a- were invited to appear on two radio group for young men 16^25 with issues blood during community or ofifice blood Winter Brunch at Ellison Park, The pvegrams and Channel 13's Morning around homosexuality: A variety of topics drives as a way oi proving to suspicious event is limited to 90 hardy souls and an Bteiak. The Peer Facilitators, since April, will be discussed iiKluding personal con­ colleagues that they sre not gay* Since elegant spceed has been plaimi^, l£ you hs#e spent over 1000 volunteer hours cerns around sexuahty, individual experi­ gay people do not yet have their civil have not received a notice in the tnail, nng the Center open, answering ences, and any topics and concerns mem­ rights (an issue federal health offitials, call the Alliance for particulars. _^ 1100 calls, talking to the approx- bers bring ro the ^roup for discu^ision. for all their ostensible concern about On May 27, the ABiattce wiU host a ly 200 pecf^ wbo drop in and Thr gnn^, whii^h is tm-going. will meet homophobia, have yet to publicly dis­ Sneak Preview of .Ac- StsaieQJMirgli Ig reTerrals to ebose who rc^piesf on WeiitteHkty.%, 4Mlp,rrt. - 5:30 p.m. at cuss), such survival tactics are ine- IHanetariimi's new later show, complete Thmhiild, Vees are ^Nrged on a sliding ** vitable. with, a f^aayagne Recepctotreeiefed by - Facilitator v^ua^wis ave rimmys aostt basis. Tbird-ipttrty reimburscntent Beyimd the sheer inqpraetabitity of Rkb NatoU-Rembactu HMS of you who snd welcmae. Tlbeiiewc wsAiatg mai medicakf is accepied. the voluntafjabseflstei mjj^fsoaA, there MiMded lest year btoir Rick's cve.athre WiU be held duArg MmtA. em Celebiating its tenth year of service to A talents. OR die Roclifsler and M^poe Cotmty youth. Threshold offers ^rttrevKng, health care, education, an^ dtt^tmity outreach ser­ n vices to youthy^K ' I^CmClA TRULL RCTUitNS pa|fe tS For moreji^frruiUon abom this group and other IMr^hold services, please call OICIAL REVIEW OF GAY IMMIGRATION « • • « poge 5 TimW Ann at 434-7S30. THE EMPTY CLOSET Page 2 THB BMPTY CLOSET Paces The first corpse I ever saw was my '•MH - -I A frieiKl of mine recentiy asked if I fun, though. I still must mdure overbear­ ifatber. That was ncaiiy twentynieven At Midnight/ would be williftg to be interviewed and ing giggling diitnef conversatioiis lAout years ago. fve been thinking a lot about it // sr$owed today quoted anonymously in an article about *fa^* and gay bars, seeing *QityAHiaiice lately^ though, because V have just seen Ugly holes covered gay college students that he was putting of the Genesee Valley^ torn trfTcmieitsa my mother in the same condition.
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