A r.4 _ J ' A *A .... H7 IftCrt TW1?. TF. rWMIOTTF. ATLANTA. GEORGIA THE Published Semi-Weekly by Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology X-lll—Vol. XXXIII ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 17, 1950 No. 47 Constitution Is Approved 'Sports Sampler' Plan Offered For St. Patrick's Council To Students of Georgia Tech; By Lockwood Seegar The constitution and by-laws of the St. Patrick's Council of the Georgia Institute of Technology were ratified by representatives from various honor­ ary engineering societies on the campus at a meeting held Friday evening, Would Lower Recreation Costs January 13. The primary purpose of this organization is to promote the interests of Tech and the several I . _ . , , honorary and professional societies committees designated by the council Booklet of Tickets Will Sell Unexpected Passing within its academic schools and to president, in proportion to the mem­ sponsor the Engineers' Week cele­ bership of the society. At Fraction of Actual Value OfProfessor Daniel brations. Thirteen Societies "The Sports Sampler," a booklet priced at two dollars, but containing The constitution requires that the The St. Patrick's Council will con­ the equivalent of over forty-three dollars in admissions to Atlanta's numer­ Is Blow to School council shall be composed of at least sist of the following societies: In­ ous recreational spots, may become available to Tech students before the John Lawrence Daniel, former head two representatives from each school stitute of Aeronautical Science, Archi­ end of the week if a plan presented to the Student Council by Mr. Henry of the Georgia Tech Chemistry De­ of the college of engineering and two tectural Society, American Institute Hilton, of the Recreational Institute, partment, former dean of tfte Grad­ each from the schools of physics and of Chemical Engineers, American i§ put into effect. sampler is an affidavit, signed by the uate School, and professor of chem­ chemistry, and that they shall be Chemical Society, American Society Mr. Hilton asked that the council, manager of each of the firms repre­ istry, died unexpectedly in a local elected by the active honorary and of Civil Engineers, American In or some other campus organization, sented therein, guaranteeing the hospital on Tuesday, January 10. The professional societies in their respec­ stitute of Electrical Engineers, In­ take over the distribution of the validity of the sampler.,, sixty-seven year old Tech professor tive schools. If any school has more stitute of Radio Engineers, Society sampler to students. He stated that The Resources for Living Council, was a resident of 505 Church Street, than one organization of honorary or for the Advancement of Management, the booklets are being distributed to a-new organization on the campus, is Decatur. American Institute of Industrial (Continued on page 8) professional nature, such organiza­ students at Emory and the Uni­ Mr. Daniel was born in Buckingham tions shall have one representative Engineers, Alpha Pi Mu, Pi Tau versity of Georgia, and that such a Sigma, Delta Kappa Phi, and Phi County, Virginia. He attended Hamp- each. Each member shall be entitled method is to be used by those schools. den-Sydney College, where he received to one vote, but voting by proxy is Psi. Accordingly, a motion was passed by Attention Veterans his BA degree, and Washington and not allowed. Regular business meet­ the council that the offer be taken Gene Franklin acted as temporary All veteran students, both PL Lee University, where he received his ings will be held every other week for consideration by the newly-form­ chairman for the meeting. There were 346 and PL 16, who expect to MA degree. during the academic year. 22 members present. All votes cast ed Resources for Living Council, change their type of course for Mr. Daniel began his career by for ratification were in the affirma­ whose chairman, Hal Field, stated the spring term starting March working in New York, but in 1912 he Six Officers tive, exclusive of Sigma Pi Sigma, during the meeting that he believed 27, 1950, should come to the Co­ accepted a position as professor of honorary physics society, and they are the organization might desire to sell The officers of the council will be ordinator of Veterans Affairs chemistry here at Tech. He served in president, vice-president of adminis­ expected to join the group soon. The the booklets to help finance their Office, Room 102, Knowles build­ this capacity until 1940, when he was tration, vice-president of publicity, chief objection to the constitution work. Ten cents from the proceeds ing, for the official change of appointed head of the Chemistry De­ vice-president of exposition, secretary, was the matter of council authority of each sale are given to the organi­ course papers. Since a change of partment. This position he retained and treasurer. The president, secre­ to draft labor from the member so­ zation selling the booklets, sales being course involves the approval of until his retirement in 1948. During tary, and treasurer will perform the cieties. Since the council is in its handled on a consignment basis, ac­ Georgia Tech and the Veterans that period he also held the position usual duties incident to their respec­ formative stage, Tau Beta Pi will cording to Mr. Hilton. Guidance Center, all veteran stu­ of Dean of the Graduate School. Mr. tive offices. The vice-president of ad­ form and carry out plans for Engi­ Places of Recreation dents planning to change their Daniel was a prominent leader in the ministration will be the executive neers' Week for 1950 as it has done The booklets would admit students present course—such as a change organization of the Tech University officer for organization and conduct in past years. to such places of recreation as Robin­ from Electrical Engineering to Center, as well as a deacon at the De­ of council business. The vice-president son's Tropical Gardens, Jennings' Mechanical Engineering for the catur Presbyterian Church. of publicity will direct all public Rose Room, the Arthur Murray Dance spring term—are urged to com­ relations. The vice-president of ex­ ISO Unit Announces Studios, the Rollerdrome, and the plete the necessary papers now, He is survived by his, wife, two position will direct and arrange for Lucky Strike and Buckhead Bowling so that there will be no difficulty daughters, Mrs. William Monroe Spicer all public displays, exhibits, and Officers for Quarter Alleys. at registration time. of Atlanta, and Miss Elizabeth Daniel demonstrationf in which member so­ Tickets are provided for several of Fred W. Ajax, of Decatur; a granddaughter, Marilyn Newly elected officers in the Rebels cieties are interested. the local movie theatres, for fishing Coordinator of Veterans Affairs. Kathleen Spicer; and a grandson, W. Unit of the ISO for the Winter quar­ and swimming at Groover's Lake, for M. Spicer, Jr. A quorum for conducting business ter are as follows: Chad Archie, presi­ wrestling matches, and for attrac­ consists of one-half of the member­ dent; Bill Holt, vice-president; Roy tions such as the Atlanta Civic ship of the counfil. John, secretary; Tom Brown, Theater, a concert of the Atlanta treasurer; Al Little John and Chris ODK Initiates Twenty-TVo Men A two-thirds vote of the voting Symphony, and the well-known "Holi­ Duffy, Council representatives. membership is necessary to make any day on Ice." Also included in the action of the council binding upon all The Rebel Unit, a new unit of the sampler are tickets for swimming at In Joint Ceremonies Thursday » societies represented. The constitu­ K30, was formed last quarter. This Mooney's Lake, horseback riding at By Gayle Wells Chastain Memorial Park, and a day tion may be amended by a vote of unit was formed to encourage off- The formal initiation of twenty-two new members of Omicron Delta at the "Flying S" Dude Ranch, at three-fourths of the voting member­ campus independent students to take Kappa, national honorary leadership society, was held in the Peachtree Villa Rica, Georgia. ship of the council, provided the part in the activities offered by the Christian Church Chapel on Thursday evening, January 12. The initiation amendment has lain on the table for ISO. ' Distributed Nationally was a joint ceremony, with men from Georgia Tech, Emory University, and one month before taking final action. Similar samplers are distributed the University of Georgia participat-| . tion to be held The by-laws may be amended by a on a nation-wide basis each year in mg. • the spring at two-thirds vote. a number of cities throughout the Athens, Georgia. Of the twenty-two men initiated, Pay Break country, according to Mr. Hilton. Founded at Washington and Lee six were from Tech, eleven were from Four Members A change in the regulations of Th*ir purpose is the promotion of University in 1914, the national Emory, and five were from Georgia. business for the local amusement organization set up a threefold stand­ An advisory board composed of the Veterans Administration will Those men from Tech that received places. Firms whose tickets appear in ard for its aims and purposes: first, four members of the engineering not permit a "pay break" for the this high honor were Rolston John­ the samplers are selected by the local to recognize those men who have at­ faculty will be elected by the council. son, Bruce Sams, Mack Gregorie, spring holidays, March 19-26, for offices in the various localities, and tained a high standard of efficiency The council will also elect one of the Cameron Lacy, Ewell Pope, and students who expect to be in are approved by the main office of the in collegiate activities and to inspire members of the advisory board to be John Tolan.
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