* "5? slill I I ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—YOL. 20. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THE CONGREGATIONALISTS. THE HILL INVESTIGATION. OHIO DEMOCRATS. WOOLEN MILLS. Itev. F. 0. Bradeen enquired as to the rule Sliced ...lO&lOVfe Palermo.8 00® 7 OO Niigni'. Published every day the upon which representation was based, saying (Sundays excepted) by Granulated lb — iiye Manama. .4 5088 00 M TELffeMM. lie to raise a on this present t> PORTLAND PUBLISHING proposed question Extra O.H% Palermo.4 60® 5 00 CO., appointment. The clerk reported each yearly at Potatoes. U7 Exchange St., Ports.anp, Mk. METEOROL' IGIOAL. meeting was entitled to one delegate and trash— Annual Conference at Farmington. to About Two-Thirds Early Rose, NEXT TWENTY-FOUR JhKljfe lion,lloy Numiaiifnl by Accliiinii- Working only one additional to each 1000 in membership. Houlton.85(&70 PRESS” INDICATIONS FOH TUB Mr. Hiii-ch Cio>» Jb'xnmimnl—The THE MAINE'STATE heope lion. A I’lglii nhicli (lit- Police hied to Key. D. Watoiman of Dover, N. H., was Maine Central... 60(®80r HOURS. of their Capacity. Grand s tuhllahod everv Thursday Morning at $2.60 a oi' lire f uvestigalioii. to report the New Hampshire yearly Trunk.60^60 Nnppnw. requested 80 year, if paid ’n advance at $2.00 a 70ax. Wah I)kp’t Office Chief Signal meeting. He said he was not a delegate from Prolittcs, Eastern. j Washington, Juno 21.—The Hill Investiga- Columbus. June 81.—The Democratic State Burbanks. 66 Officer, Washington, I>, 0. ) Proceedings of the Various Societies that body. Ho was present at the meeting and ting committee met this forenoon. Mr. Cole- Convention convened at 10 o’clock. Not more Grand Trunk. 66 Kates ok advertising: One Inch of 0$*co, the June 22, 1 A. M. they had an excellent man asked to be furnished with all contracts than half the could be accommodated meeting. Jacksons and White Brooks. 60 of column, constitutes a “square." people Statement of the Manufacturers Them- Niue were chosen to the length For New England, made the United States for fire shut- in the house. delegates general $1.50 por square,daily first week; 76 cants per by proof opera conference. week three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- Generally fair weather, slightly warmer, Bouth ters. The convention was called to order Clark Foreign Imports. after; by selves. On motion of J. W. Parsons it was voted to ing o\ery other after tirst week, 60 c^nts. to west wiuds, or rise in ba- Farmington, June 21.—At the Congrega- Chairman New that the Irvine. of tlie committees N Hart-2160 tons of day stationary slight replied requisition Reports appoiuted the time of the future ses- TRAPANI. Sbio .Thomas Half throe insertions or less, f5 cents; rometer. was ti o change holding square, tional Conferenoe Iho Corresponding Secretary, general anil sliould be made speoidc. last night were beard. All preliminary organ- salt to EG Willard, ». week after. sions of this meeting from Tuesday be- />© week, $1.00; 60 oents per SPECIAL BULLETIN. Coleman taid, “It is a difficult matter ization was and Hon. John G. yearly additional. ltev. H. S. of Gorham, pretty dispensed with, the third in at 2 Hi*kcial notices, onc-thlrd Huntington, reported to in advance fore Wednesday Jane, p. m., .Haricot. and “Auction Local rains are from the districts ou specify the particular paoers Swootiey of Wooster, was introduced as per- Dry Goods Wholesale Under head of “Amusements” reported that in the 247 churches there uro only Boston, June 21.—The Advertiser ecting to the third Wednesday in June, at ‘J a. m. tires inser- the Atlantic Lake fifty" that may bo required, particularly as in some manent aud was received with The are wholesale prices and Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; coast, Ohio valley, upper chairman, a. m. Itev. F. E. of following quotations a decrease of instance we are in upon many reports of late of closing or partial At 11 Davison Bidde- ions or and Missouri Fair weather two settled pastors, fourteen from do not know what papers much enthusiasm. He predicted a Democrat corrected by Storer Bros. A Co., Goods, less, $1.60. gion upper valley. down of a ford from the text found in daily Dry State existence.” i< shutting number of New Eugland preached Judges dens 144 to 162 Middle street: Advertisements iuserted in the “MAINE continues in the Gulf States, lower Lake re- last report, while thereover 100 acting victory, hut touched no bsue. The iioor of Wc and Fancy Goods, circulation in ererv part year’s woolen mills, receutly addressed circulars to 8:xv—“Each one resembled the children of a DNBLNAOHJSD COTTON*. Press (which has a large gion, and lower Mitsouri Chairman New characterized auy statement tlse opera house became so overrun with spec- for first inser- upper Mississippi pastors. Tlie number of members is forty-five all manufacturers as to bow king.” 36 In. nv-t mne v~*. of the State), for $1.00 per square The lias falleu to the effect that ttio committse is giving the tators that a sergeaut-at-arms from each dis- inquiring they Heavy ivi'oq and 60 cents square for each upnequeut valleys. temperature slightly tho t wore running or to run. New At 2 p. m. a social meeting was held, con- Med. 36 In. 6V4H 7Vj Fine 8-4.18^22 tion, per in the Middle Atlantic States and has less than last year, according to report,bu iuveitlgation a half hearted support or is dls- trict was to get seatB. proposed Eng- nsertiou. changed appointed delegates to the has 490 ducted F. 0. Bradeeu of North Berwick. Light 36 In. 6 % 6 Fine 9-4.22<W28 P<) ed to ie it ns untrue. About half au land, according census, estab- hy hut slightly in all other districts, with light actually is quite as large, if not larger, titan impc absolutely hour bofore tlie business was re- Plm> 40 In. 7V,<k 0 Fine l(>-4....27Vfe(&82iA was lishments operating 2122 sets of cards, a total At 2.30, Itev. B. A. Sherwood preached from southwest wiuds on the Atlantic and Coleman denied that such a statement sumed convention eeded to tlie nomina- HLKACHKO COTTONS. Address all communications vu Gulf last year, us some churches have revised their pro of for the Luke 10:xxvi—“Between made. What Ire said was to show that tire ad- tion of 5,901 country. The result of the the worda found in irmott-*.10 i«3u POKTTUAKD Pl7HtdSHi>«l (30. coast, and light variable wiuds in the Lake re- governor. There was groat delay to Boat 36 In. .11V*§1» lists and names whose connec- inquiry is in brief that iu Massachusetts the us and you there is a great gulf fixed.” Kino 7-4.12 gion and Northwest. dropped many ministration is not offering or affording auy as- the presentation of names, Efforts wore made Mad. 86 in.. 8 §11 @23 sistance in to curiailtnent of production amounts to the Following the sermon a business meeting 8 'a. 7% Fine 8-4.21 @23 Local rains and warmer weather are tion with tho church had become practically the pro: noutiou of the tun stiga- proceed to ballot without names, but after a stop- Light88in.. slightly page of 398 35 New was held. The business committee 42 in. 10 Fine 04.20 tion. wait Sbiutor Thurman crowded on to the sets; Mains, sets; Hamp- reported §14 @30 SPE01AL NOTICES. indicated for the Northwest and upper Lake obsolete. long 6-4. ...11 ai7 Fine 104 ..27Vfa&32* Mr then took the stand for cross ex- shire, 35; Vermont, 18: Rhone Island, 138; the following delegates to other bodies, viz : on fair weather is Muroh stage amidst the wildest enthusiasm. He fol- TICKINGS, *TO. region Saturday, generally Tho contributions have Connecticut 130 sets. Total or New J. W. Par- benevolent greatly amination. Tire witness wrs sure lowed T. E. 750 sets, more Hampshire yearly meeting, indicated tor t he Southern States on Saturday perfectly Rowell, aud lecondod tlie nomi- j»ruis. increased and that uuder the than one-third of the entire capacity, anil the sons; Maine Central yearly meeting, B. A. Tickings, RARE OLD ENGLISH BOOKS. with warmer southeast to southwest wiuds. increased very generally through- 15 per oeut contracts men were nation of Gen Durban Ward. He warned Best.16 ®18 Corset Joans.... total reduction in consumption of wool will Sherwood: Congregational conference, F. E. Sat out the St the whole amount be- employed much longer upon r.irtaiu work than tlie oonveutlou about tying thom-elves to any- Medium... 11 toons. ate, reported thus amouu. to or J. M. I18 Middle Street newly opened for sale necessary. one issue, aud announced that the party bad 230,700 pounds per day, OavisoD; Baptist Association; Bailey; Light. K ®10 Cambric*. of current suui Second- ing $44,78!i, over $0000 more the last year, in- about seven millions which Methodist J. Adams. Silesia*.1 STOREof above, and standard Q.—- When you were foreman and gave in- alwuye been arrayed against legis- per month, would Episcopal conference, Q. Denim*.12%r5l6V4 and Collections of old books MAINE. sumptuary have a serious influence the wool Also to offer Duck*-Brown 9 Ml 3 {Cotton Flannel*. 7 hand Books. Libraries dioat ing a crowing spirit of generous philan- structions to men to consume so muoh lation and upon market. tiie following committees reso- your should continue in that way.
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