jftLVªh la- Mh-,y-µ33002@99 Hkkjr ljdkj REGISTERED No. D.L.-33002/99 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY çkf/dkj ls çdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 465] fnYyh] 'kqØokj] fnlEcj 22] 2017@ikS"k 1] 1939 ¹jk-jk-jk-{ks-fn- la- 394 No. 465] DELHI, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2017/PAUSHA 1, 1939 [N.C.T.D. No. 394 Hkkx —IV PART—IV jk"Vªh; jktèkkuh jkT; {ks=k fnYyh ljdkj GOVERNMENT OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI 'kgjh fodkl foHkkx vf/klwpuk,a fnYyh] 22 fnlEcj] 2017 Qk -la- 13@¼56½@lhlh@ ’’’k-fo-@,ech@2016@5693 .—gkFk ls eSyk mBkus ds jkstxkj dk fu’ks/k rFkk mudk iquokZl vf/kfu;e] 2013 ¼2013 dk 25½ dh /kkjk 2 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds [kaM ¼vkj½ ds lkFk ifBr /kkjk 26 ¼1½ }kjk iznÙk “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ds mijkT;iky ,rn~}kjk jkT; vuqoh{k.k lfefr dk xBu fuEukuqlkj djrs gSa %& 1 eq[;ea=h] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj v/;{k 2 izHkkjh ea=h] vuqlwfpr tkfr dY;k.k] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj lnL; 3 v/;{k] fnYyh lQkbZ deZpkjh vk;ksx lnL; 4 funs”kd] jk’Vªh; vuqlwfpr tkfr vk;ksx lnL; 5 ¼i½ Jh fo”ks’k jfo] fo/kk;d lnL; ¼ii ½ Jh eukst dqekj] fo/kk;d ¼iii ½ pkS/kjh Qrsg flag] fo/kk;d 6 iqfyl vk;qDr] fnYyh lnL; 7 iz/kku lfpo] x`g] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj lnL; 8 lfpo] lekt dY;k.k] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj lnL; 9 lfpo] “kgjh fodkl foHkkx] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj lnL; 10 vk;qDr] mÙkj fnYyh uxj fuxe lnL; 7388 DG/2017 (1) 2 DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY PART IV] 11 vk;qDr] nf{k.k fnYyh uxj fuxe lnL; 12 vk;qDr] iwoZ fnYyh uxj fuxe lnL; 13 v/;{k] ubZ fnYyh uxj ikfydk ifj’kn~ lnL; 14 eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh] fnYyh Nkouh cksMZ lnL; 15 ofj’B ftyk fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh@LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k@eaMyh; vLirky] mÙkj lnL; jsyos] fnYyh 16 ¼i½ Jherh vk”kk ckyxqgkj bZ&13] xyh ua0&1] izrki uxj] fnYyh&110007 lnL; ¼ii ½ Jherh vuhrk mTtSuoky 16@383] f=yksd iqjh] fnYYkh&91- lnL; ¼iii ½ Jh lqHkk’k okfYedh lnL; ch&2@242] lSDVj&20] jksfg.kh] ubZ fnYyh&85- ¼iv ½ Jh jkgqy fcjyk lnL; edku ua0 10795@5] 100 DokVZj] ckfYedh dkWyksuh] djksy ckx] ubZ fnYyh&05- 17 Jh ih Jh/kj] th,e] vksfj;aVy cSad dk dkelZ lnL; th,e la;kstd] ,l,ychlh] fnYyh] vksfj;aVy cSad dk dkelZ g’kZ Hkou] bZ&Cykd] dukV Iysl] ubZ fnYyh&02- 18 lfpo] vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ@vYila[;d dY;k.k lnL; lfpo foHkkx] jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj 19 eaMyh; vk;qDr] eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh] fnYyh ty cksMZ ,oa eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh] fnYyh “kgjh vkJ; lq/kkj cksMZ] v/;{k ds ukferh ds :i esa lfefr esa lg;ksftr gksaxs ;Fkk vf/kfu;e ds fØ;kUo;u esa mudh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk gSA DEPARTMENT OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT NOTIFICATION Delhi, the 22nd December, 2017 F. No. 13(56)/CC/UD/MB/2016/5693.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 26 (1) read with clause (r) of sub –section (1) of section 2 of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 (25 of 2013), the Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, hereby constitutes State Monitoring Committee as under:— 1. The Chief Minister, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. : Chairperson 2. The Minister –in- Charge of the Schedule Caste Welfare, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi : Member 3. Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Safai Karamcharis, : Member 4 Director, National Commission for Scheduled Caste : Member 5 i) Sh. Vishesh Ravi, M LA ii) Sh. Manoj Kumar, M LA : Member iii) Ch. Fateh Singh, M LA 6 Commissioner of Police, Delhi : Member 7 Pr. Secretary, Home, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi : Member 8 Secretary, Social Welfare, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi : Member PART IV] DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY 3 9 Secretary, Urban Development Department, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi : Member 10 Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation : Member 11 Commissioner, South Delhi Municipal Corporation : Member 12 Commissioner, East Delhi Municipal Corporation : Member 13 Chairperson, New Delhi Municipal Council : Member 14 Chief Executive Officer, Delhi Cantonment Board : Member 15 Sr. DMO/H&FW/Divisional Hospital, North Railway, Delhi : Member 16 (i) Smt. Asha Balguhar : Member E-13, Gali No. 1, Pratap Nagar, Delhi-110007. (ii) Smt. Anita Ujjainwal : Member 16/383, Trilokpuri, Delhi- 91. (iii) Sh. Subhash Valmiki : Member B-2/242, Sector-20, Rohini, New Delhi-110085. (iv) Sh. Rahul Birla : Member H. No. 10795/5, 100 Quarter, Balmiki Colony, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005. 17 Sh. P Sreedhar, GM, Oriental Bank of Commerce : Member GM Convenor, SLBC, Delhi, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Harsh Bhawan, E-Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110002 18 Secretary, Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minority, : Member Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. Secretary 19 The Divisional Commissioner, Chief Executive Officer, Delhi Jal Board and Chief Executive Officer, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board will be co-opted in the Committee as nominees of the Chairperson as they have significant role to play in the Implementation of Act. Qk- la- 13@¼56½@lhlh@'k-fo-@,ech@2016@5693 .—gkFk ls eSyk mBkus ds jkstxkj dk fu"ks/k rFkk mudk iquokZl vf/kfu;e] 2013 dh /kkjk 24 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ,oa ¼2½ }kjk iznRr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ds mijkT;iky ,rn~}kjk iwohZ fty s dh lrZdrk lfefr dk xBu fuEukuqlkj djrs gSa%& dz-la- uke@inuke in Ikrk 1 ftyk eftLVsªV] iwohZ ftyk v/;{k ,y -,e - cUn] 'kkL=h uxj] fnYyh&110031 2 Jh jktw /khaxaku] fo/kk;d] f=yksdiqjh] fo/kkulHkk lnL; 22/462 CykWd 22 f=yksdiqjh] {ks= -55 fnYyh&110092 3 iqfyl mik;qDr] iwohZ ftyk lnL; vkbZ-ih -,DlVsalu] eaMkoyh] Qktyiqj] fnYyh&110092 4 mik;qDr] 'kkgnjk nf{k.kh {ks=] iwohZ fnYyh uxj lnL; dMdMMwek] Mh -,l -,l -,l -ch - fcfYMax ds fuxe lkeus] fnYyh&110032 5 LVs'ku ekLVj] eaMkoyh LVs'ku] mRrj jsyos] lnL; LVs'ku ekLVj dk;kZy;] eaMkoyh LVs'ku] mRrjh jsyos] fnYyh&110092 6 (i) lqJh jsuw [kkSlyk] 'kgjh vkSj {ksf=; lnL; 302] fcfYMax ua- 3] lksuk vikVZesUV] Jh mRd`"Vrk ds fy, dsUnz dk izfrfuf/k vjfoUnks ekxZ] gkSt[kkl] ubZ fnYyh&110016 4 DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY PART IV] (ii) lqJh Hkkjrh prqZosnh] izfrfuf/k -fparu lnL; 238] f l}kFkZ ,Udyso] ubZ fnYyh&110014 (iii) MkW lqjch flag] lnL; 42&,] ikWdsV lh] ,l-,Q-,l- Q~ysVl] e;wj fogkj] Qst&3] fnYyh&110096 (iv) Jh iou eSuh lnL; ,&11&,] ftrkj uxj] xxu fogkj ds utnhd] fnYyh&110051 7 ftyk cSad izcU/kd usr`Ro] iwohZ ftyk] iatkc lnL; iatkc us'kuy cSad Ldksi VkWoj] y{eh uxj] us'kuy cSad fnYyh&110092 8 vfrfjDr ftyk eftLVsªV] iwohZ ftyk lnL; ,y -,e - cUn] 'kkL=h uxj] fnYyh&110031 lfpo 9 (i) lc fMohtuy eftLVsªV] e;wj fogkj lnL; ,y -,e - cUn] 'kkL=h uxj] fnYyh&110031 (ii) vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk] iwohZ&1] fnYyh ty lnL; vf/k'kklh vfHk;Urk dk;kZy;] fnYyh ty cksMZ cksMZ] ikWdsV&bZ] e;wj fogkj Qst&2] fnYyh&110092 F. No. 13(56)/CC/UD/MB/2016/5693.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and (2) of Section 24 of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013, the Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, hereby constitutes the Vigilance Committee of East District as under:— Sl.No. Name / Designation Status Address (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. District Magistrate, District East Chairperson L.M Bundh Shastri Nagar Delhi – 110031 2. Sh. Raju Dhingan, MLA, Member 22/462, Block 22, Trilok Puri, Delhi – Trilokpuri, AC-55 110092 3. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Member I.P. Extension, Mandawali, Faizalpur Delhi East District – 110092 4. Deputy Commissioner, Shahdara, Member Karkardooma Opp. DSSSB Building Delhi South Zone, East-DMC – 110032 5. Station Master, Mandawali Station, Member O/o the Station Master, Mandawali Station, Northern Railway Northern Railway, Delhi – 110092 6. (i) Ms. Renu Member 302, Building No. 03, Sona Apartment Sri Khosla/Representative of Centre Aurobindo Marg Hauz Khas, New Delhi – for Urban and Regional 110016. Excellence. Member 238, Siddhartha Enclave, New Delhi – (ii) Ms. Bharti 110014. Chaturvedi/Representative of 42-A, Pocket-C, SFS Flats, Mayur Vihar, Chintan. Ph-3, Delhi – 110096 Member (iii) Dr. Surbi Singh A-11-A, Jitar Nagar, Near Gagan Vihar, (iv) Sh. Pawan Maini Member Delhi – 110051 7. Lead District Bank Manager, Member Scope Tower, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi – District East, Punjab National 110092 Bank 8. Additional District Magistrate, Member LM Bundh, Shastri Nagar, Delhi – 110031. East District Secretary 9. (i) Sub Divisional Magistrate, Member LM Bundh Shastri Nagar, Delhi – 110031 Mayur Vihar O/o the Executive Engineer, Delhi Jal (ii) Executive Engineer,East-1 Member Board, Pocket – E, Mayur Vihar Phase-II, Delhi Jal Board Delhi – 110092. PART IV] DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY 5 Qk- la- 13@¼56½@lhlh@'k-fo-@,ech@2016@5693 .—gkFk ls eSyk mBkus ds jkstxkj dk fu"ks/k rFkk mudk iquokZl vf/kfu;e] 2013 dh /kkjk 24 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ,oa ¼2½ }kjk iznRr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ds mijkT;iky ,rn~}kjk ubZ fnYyh ftys dh lrZdrk lfefr dk xBu fuEukuqlkj djrs gSa%& dz-la- uke@inuke in Ikrk 1 ftyk eftLVsªV] ubZ fnYyh ftyk v/;{k 12@1] tkeuxj gkml] ubZ fnYyh&110011 2 (i) Jh fo'ks"k jfo] fo/kk;d] djksyckx] lnL; 16@542] vkbZ Cykd] feyVjh jksM+] ckik fo/kkulHkk {ks= -23 uxj] djksy ckx] fnYyh&110005 (ii) Jh izdk'k tjoky] fo/kk;d] nsoyh lnL; ch&148] fVxM+h ,DlVsa'ku] ubZ fo/kkulHkk {ks=&47 fnYyh&110062 3 iqfyl mik;qDr] ftyk ubZ fnYyh lnL; iqfyl LVs'ku] laln ekxZ] &110001 4 mik;qDr] djksy ckx {ks=] mRrjh fnYyh uxj lnL; ,e-lh-Mh Hkou] Mh-ch-xqIrk jksM+] djksy ckx] fuxe fnYyh&110005 5 fMIVh lh-,e-bZ-@bZ,u-,p-,e@mRrj jsyos] lnL; mRrjh jsyos eq[;ky; cM+kSnk gkml] ubZ fnYyh 6 (i) Jh e;ad@iquokZl vkthfodk izca/kd] lnL; 36@13] Hkw&ry] bZLV iVsy uxj] ubZ lQkbZ deZpkjh vkUnksyu
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