new kind of dry rouge a.ctually stoys on aU you 0 vital, glamorous lure that's irresistible. Be­ cause of i superfine texture and special quolity, IRRESISTIBLE ROUGE blends perfectly with your skin ..- . defies detection . and looks like the n~tural . bloom of radiant, sparkling youth.' And such ravishing colors ... utterly lif!"-Jike ... utterly thrilling! Four shades, created after months of experiment on living models. Choose your individual shade ... see how it instantly glorifies your cheeks and sets off the beauty of your eyes. See how its rich, foscinating color clings indelibly and lasts until you choose to remove it with Irresistible Cold Cream. For perfect make-up, match your lipstick to your rouge. Irresistible lip Lure is mode in the some four exciting shades. Try this new, different, cream-bose lipstick. Notice how it melts deep into your lips _.. leaving no paste or film .. iust soft, warm, red, ripe, indelible color glowing from benealh the surface. To have natural losting beauty, use all the Irresistible Beauty Aids. Each has some special feature that gives you divine, new loveliness. Certified pure. Laboratory tested and approved. Only 10c each at your 5 and 10,< store. FOR - ONLY 10i' • ... PERFUME AND EACH AT YOUR BEAUTY AIDS 5 AND 10,' STORE FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK PERFUME, ROUGE, LIP LURE, FACE POWDER, LIQUEFYING, COLD CREAM, COLOGNE, BRILLIANTINE, TAL RADIO STARS "BARBAROUS!" Says GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BEAUTY EDITOR "INTELLIGENT!" Says ~OUR OWN DENTIST IT ISN'T BEING DONE, BUT IT ' S O"./];{)at TO PREVENT "PINK TOOTH BRUSH" "ITS worse than a blunder, it's a so- Coarse foods are banned from Qur tables your teeth regularly with Ipana Tooth dal crime," exclaimed the Director for the 50ft and savory dishes that rob Paste. Then, each time, rub a little extra of the new Good Housekeeping Beauty our gums of work and heahh. Gums Ipana into your gums. For Ipana and Clinic. "That girl," she went on, " is grow lazy ... sensitive ... tender! It's no massage help restore your gums to headed for social suicide." wonder that "pink tooth brush" is such healthy firmness, Do this regularly and But dentists looked at it differently. a common warning. the chances are you'll never be bothered "An excellent picture," was their gen­ DON'T NEGLECT "PINK TOOTH BRUSH'" with "pink moth brush." eral comment. " J[ 's agraphic illustration For unheeded, neglected-"pink tooth WHY WAIT FOR THE TRIAL JUBU of a point we dentisrs are always seek. brush" may mean serious trouble-even Use the coupon below, if you like. But ing to drive home. If all of us gave gingivids,pyorrhea or Vincent's disease. a trial rube can be, at best, only an intro­ out teeth and gums m ore exercise on Follow your demist's advice. Brush duction. \Vhy nOt buy a full-size tube coarse, raw foods, many of our dental of Ipana and get a full month of scien­ i/Js would disappear." tific dental care and a quick start tOward Time and again dental science has firmer gums and brighter teeth. crusaded against our modern menus. IPANA and Massage • mean BRIS T O L·MY E R S CO . ,~j>C. ['&1 "'~~. n Wes, Sue.... New York, N. Y. COD' IPANA Kind!y send me • lti,lro!a o r I PANA T O OTH Sparkling Teeth PAS TE. Enclosed is I " s ..m p ,0 C01'''' pan l, .he TOOTH cos< or packing Ind mai!i n,. and Healthy Gums N8m.' ___________________________ s,,"' ________________________ ___ \ c,," ___________________ 5'8" ______ 3 RADIO STARS Stars and Their Stories Thursday Night Mirades (Rudy Vallee) . ... ...... George Kent I b Love and (I Dime (Little Jo<:k Little) .• • Mary Watkins Reeves 26 The Truth About Bobs and Hel 'Brothers' (Bobs Ryan) Ethel M. Pomeroy 32 Three Women and Mox Boer (Mox Boe.) .......• Helen Hover 38 Let's Nol Fall in Love (Xavier CU9ot) ..• Mary Watkins Reeves 40 Special Features Healing is Believing (Sound Effects) . • ............ John Skinner 8 , Just For Fun (The Amateur Hour) ............. Anthony Candy 14 Men like Mystery (Fiction)................................ 28 Radio's Merry-Go-Round (Speeiol Extral) .•............. , ....... 34 Se,ombled Siors Contest...................................... 44 Radio Stars Junior-(Children's Section) Progroml for Children .•.••.•............................... 45 Three on a Wholer (Story)........ ........ ........ ....... 46 Junior Journal. ......... ........ • ........•••.•........... 48 The Club Room ..................................... • ...... 49 The listeners' league. 6 I Cover t~e Studios. .. • 30 Board of Review. .. 10 Peelc-o-booing in Broadcast· Keep Young and Beautiful. • 12 lond.................... 42 For Di stinguished Service to Radio Siars' Coolcing School.. 50 Radio.............. ... 19 Programs Day by Day. .• 52 Album ..•........ .•.....• 20 Here are the Answers. .•.. 90 RADIO STARS IN A HOLLYWOOD PROJECTION ROOM! The hush in the Merro-Goldwyn-Mayer projection room turned Together, to a muffled whisper ... the whisper rose (0' an audible hum ... and in less than five minutes everybody in the room knew that a A GREAT great new star had been born-LUISE RAINER_making her STAR and first American appearance in "Escapade". WILLIAM POWELL'S great new starring hit! It was a historic day for Hollywood, a NEW STAR reminiscent of the first appearance of Garbo _ another of those rare occasions when a great motion picture catapults a player to stardom. with LUISE RAINER FRANK MORGAN VIRGINIA BRUCE another suave character­ ization to his long list of REGINALD OWEN successes . .. and Meleo­ MADY CHRISTIANS Goldwyn-Mayer swells A Robert Z. Leonard Production the longest list of stau in filmdom with an· other brilliant name -Luise Rainer! Ariscocrat, sophisticate, innocent_one wanted romance, thc other wanted exciternent_ but one wanted h is h eart -and won itf ... Sparkling romance of an artist who dab· bled with love as he dabbled with paints ... and of a girl who hid behind a mask - but could not hide her heart from the man she loved ! 5 RADIO STARS Fan News \.\STENERS' LE4 for HOME New Fans ~"~<I*~GtJ~ EDITION Dedicated to the task of bringing art ist s Gnd listeners tog e ther Yol. 1, No.3 NEW YORK. NEW YORK August, 1935 MEMBERS ENTHUSIASTIC ON LISTENERS' LEAGUE FROM COAST TO COAST LETTERS PRAISE THE LlIT£HE"RI' LEAGIlE 0( AMERICA COME APPLICATIONS LEAGUE Here is 0 pie­ The enthu~iasm with ture of the which radio listeners are re­ to RAD IO STARS magazine. ceiving the Listeners' League Personally, I think it is the l eogue of America gives the final as­ best litt[e magazine on the Membership surance that the League is Illarket and here a re lots of 1•• _ .... ,,_-..... olTH~ u sn;l<ur IZ,O.C\l1.., Certificate. destined for sncceu. good wishcs for its continu­ A"' ."'CAoOl~ ......... _J ..... .J.... .I"'"~ ......i.. ~. From coast to coast have ance." aADW .n-,tu MAGAZI)I£ come applications for memo Marjorie Hecklinger of a..-__ '" beTl,hip. Many writers sent OlltremOl1l, Que., Can., writes with their applications letters 10 wish the that spoke high praise of the L eague the L eague and its purpose. T he grea test suc­ editors of the Gazette are cess. She is MARCONI MEMBERS THE HONOR ROLL pleased to pass along some a Frank of these comments: Parker fan . MAY JOIN CHAPTERS The~e men and women, from From Leo O. Niclon of Chaw Mank coast 10 coast, were the fi rst to \ Vest Thornton, New Hamp­ of Staunton. }'hny applicants for mem­ aftiliate with The Listeners' shire, a R udy Vallee booster: I llinois, ac­ bt r ~hip in the Ma rconi chap­ League of America. T heir ap­ " \Vhen something which is til'e president ter ha l'c asked if they mi/:'ht be plications have been aCcc lI!cd for the good both of the Chow Monk, and secrctary informed of regular chapters and they are now activelr at pnblic; a nd the artist is to be of Staunton, of 1000 Dick wi thin their locality and if they work in behalf of various fo und look fo r RADIO III., headl Powell fans, would be Jl<' rmitted to affiliate artists. ST ARS and it will be at your Di ck Powell tell~ us: "Just with such ch:l ]ltcrs. service: .1 wish to show my read of yonr T his list of names represents fons. T he League approl'es this those received and acted upon appreCiation for this new L e a g u e ­ desire, if the chapters cOllcemed at the League headquarters up idea .. so. I am enclosing a n shake! I say wish to accept the aPlllicant. to and including May 20th. ~Ilphcatlon for membership more power to ya. Ollr Dick In other words. a Bing Cros­ Members joining afler that III your new League. \ Vhen Powell is nearly 1000 strong. by fan in Pittsburg-h may like dale will be announced in next something good in enter. \Ve are nOt two years old un­ to be a membcr of a regular month's issue of the Gazette. taiumellt is til J ulr. We boost ou r Crosby chapter, yet be unable The Honor Roll follows : to be had 'Powell. I have mel Dick ( Contillll .. d Oil P!J. 85, Col. J) tune in on personall y. J ust a word to his LANNY ROSS Rudy V a l_ fans-Dick "alues them and is so proud of his club and Chpter , lee." THE LEAGUE IS F rom Miss rooters." Mi~s K. ~ I urray, 10·45 Ocean Isabel Gon· Miss Martha Ezell of E ns­ YOUR CLEARING Avcnue, Brooklyn, N. Y. thro, North ley, Alabama, president of ~ l is5 Helen V. Sullivan, 953 E. , Sydney, Nova the Alabama branch of Harry HOUSE FOR MAIL 8th St" Brooklyn, N.
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