Employer District (NWLCVS) North West Leicestershire Council for Voluntary Services Leicestershire & Northamptonshire 1610 Limited Devon, Cornwall & Somerset 2 E-volve (UK) East & S East of Scotland 2001AD Tattoo Studio West Yorkshire 21st Century Logistics South Yorkshire 2Gether NHS Foundation GWE 3a group West Yorkshire 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust Greater Manchester Central & Cheshire A & C Carpets and Curtains South London A & E Rodda & sons Devon, Cornwall & Somerset A & E White Bakers Ltd (Whites Bakery) South Yorkshire A 4 U Action Advice Advocacy (formerly DIAL) Staffordshire & Shropshire A Clean Sweep GWE A Piece of Cake / Planters Café North & Mid Wales A.L. Robinson Ltd Northumbria A.M.R.Technologies Ltd Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Abbey Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Abbey Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Abbey Ambitions South East Wales Abbeyfield Grange South Yorkshire Abbotsford Care Home East & S East of Scotland ABCD Improving Access for Black & Minority Ethnic Children & Young People with Disabilities South East Wales Aberdeen City Council North of Scotland Aberdeen College North of Scotland Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Centre North of Scotland Aberdeen Journals Limited North of Scotland Aberdeenshire Council North of Scotland Aberdeenshire Council North of Scotland Aberdeenshire Council North of Scotland Aberdeenshire Council North of Scotland Aberlour Child Care Trust East & S East of Scotland Aberystwyth Guild of Students South West Wales Aberystwyth University South West Wales Ability: Chesterfield & District Society for People with a Learning Disability Derbyshire Abilitynet Mercia Abingdon & Witney College Thames Valley Able 2 Achieve Devon, Cornwall & Somerset ABP Shrewsbury Staffordshire & Shropshire Abronhill Housing Association Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb AC2.Com Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Acacia Training Ltd (Mayfield House Residential Care Home Ltd) Greater Manchester Central & Cheshire Accent Group Limited West Yorkshire Access Space Network Ltd South Yorkshire Access to Employment West of Scotland Access Training Devon, Cornwall & Somerset Accolade Business Systems Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Accomodation Furniture Solutions Ltd South West Wales Accrington and Rossendale College Cumbra & Lancashire Achievement Training Ltd Devon, Cornwall & Somerset Acorn Training Consultants Derbyshire Action Deafness Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Action for Employment Ltd South Yorkshire Action Group, The East & S East of Scotland Action Housing & Support Ltd South Yorkshire Action In Mind East & S East of Scotland Action Suport Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Actual Signs Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Adam Smith College East & S East of Scotland Adare Ltd West Yorkshire ADD International Devon, Cornwall & Somerset Addiction Dependency Solutions Greater Manchester Central & Cheshire Admiral Insurance South East Wales Adrem Contracts Ltd West London Advance Group UK Ltd South Yorkshire Advanced Pallet Systems Ltd Devon, Cornwall & Somerset Advantage Health Care Staffordshire & Shropshire AdviserPlus Business Solutions Merseyside Advocacy First South London Aegis Outsourcing Greater Manchester Central & Cheshire Affresol Ltd South West Wales Afton Court Retirement Home North East Yorkshire and the Humber Age Concern Brighton, Hove and Portslade (ACBHP) Surrey & Sussex Age Concern Gwynedd A Mon North & Mid Wales Age Concern Leicestershire & Rutland Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Age Cymru South East Wales Age UK GWE Age UK East Sussex Surrey & Sussex Agoriad Cyf North & Mid Wales Agrii North of Scotland Agusta Westlands Devon, Cornwall & Somerset AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) Thames Valley Ailsa Craig Care Home (BUPA) Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb AIM Recruitment Consultancy Ltd North & Mid Wales Aire Valley Homes Leeds West Yorkshire Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd (AIAC) West Yorkshire Airedale NHS Trust West Yorkshire Airedale Springs Ltd West Yorkshire AJ Group West Yorkshire AKG (UK) Ltd South West Wales Alabare Christian Care and Support Greater Wessex Alcohol and Drug Services Staffordshire Staffordshire & Shropshire Alexandra Hotel North of Scotland Alliance Funeral Care West Yorkshire Alliance Homes GWE Allied Vehicles Limited Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Almond Housing Association East & S East of Scotland Alnwick District Council Northumbria Alpha Project Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Alt na Craig West of Scotland Alton Cars West Yorkshire Amara Care Services Ltd North East Yorkshire and the Humber Amarisk Ltd South East Wales Ambassador Programme at University of Greenwich South London Amber Valley Association for Mental Health Derbyshire Amber Valley Borough Council Derbyshire Ambler Way Support Service West Yorkshire Amcanu South West Wales Amersham & Wycombe College Thames Valley Amey Thames Valley AMG Automotive Ltd South Yorkshire Amman Valley Dementia Support South West Wales Andrew Lindley Electrical Contractor South Yorkshire Anglian Home Improvements Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Anglo Beef Processors Ltd Staffordshire & Shropshire Angus College North of Scotland Angus Council North of Scotland Ann Tuplin Care Services Ltd (ATCS) North East Yorkshire and the Humber Anniesland College Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Ant Marketing Ltd South Yorkshire Antur Teifi South West Wales AP Security Watford Beds & Herts Apex Leicester Projects Ltd Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Apex Scotland East & S East of Scotland Apley Lodge Residential Home South West Wales Apollo Leisure UK South West Wales Appa me LTD South London Appeals Service (The) Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Applewood Support Ltd Staffordshire & Shropshire Aquarius Birmingham & Solihull Aramark Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Arana mercia Arcflex Staffordshire & Shropshire Arches Housing Ltd South Yorkshire Arcot Catering Services North & Mid Wales Arden House Projects East & S East of Scotland Ardenglen Housing Association Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Ardgowan Hospice West of Scotland Arfon Dwyfor Training Ltd North & Mid Wales Argans Ltd Devon, Cornwall & Somerset Ark Housing Association East & S East of Scotland Armadale Castle Gardens & Museum of the Isles North of Scotland Armstrong World Industries Ltd West London Arrow Recruitment Agency Derbyshire Arts Council of Wales South East Wales Arvato Government Services (ERYC) North East Yorkshire and the Humber Asda - East Coast Scotland Region North of Scotland Asda - West Scotland Region West of Scotland Asda Stores Ltd North of Scotland ASDA Stores Ltd West of Scotland Asda Stores Ltd - Central Scotland Region East & S East of Scotland Asda Stores Ultimate Parent North & Mid Wales Ashbourne Healthcare Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Ashdale Nursing & Residential Home South West Wales Ashfield Nursing Home West Yorkshire Ashford and St Peters NHS Ttrust Surrey & Sussex Ashford House East & S East of Scotland Ashlands Nursing Home West Yorkshire Ashton Ltd South Yorkshire Ashton Morton Slack South Yorkshire ASIST Staffordshire & Shropshire Askham Bryan College North East Yorkshire and the Humber Aspects Care Ltd Birmingham & Solihull Aspire Housing Ltd Staffordshire & Shropshire Aspire National Training Centre West London Aspire-1 West Yorkshire Assist (indipendence ) UK Greater Manchester Central & Cheshire Aston Recruitment & Training Ltd Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Atlas Recovery and Storage Ltd West London Audit Scotland East & S East of Scotland Augment (Scotland) Limited North of Scotland Autism Plus Ltd South Yorkshire Automobile Association East & S East of Scotland Avalon North East Yorkshire and the Humber Avana Bakeries Ltd South East Wales Avanti (abi) Surrey & Sussex Avicenna Medical Products West Yorkshire Avocet Trust North East Yorkshire and the Humber Avon & Somerset Police GWE Avon & Wilts Mental Health Trust GWE Avon Business & Leisure Centre Staffordshire & Shropshire Avon Fire & Rescue GWE Awdurdod Parc Genedlaethol Eryri North & Mid Wales AWE Thames Valley AXIA Solutions Ltd Staffordshire & Shropshire Aylesbury College Thames Valley Aylesbury Vale District Council Thames Valley Ayr College West of Scotland Ayrshire Hospice West of Scotland Ayrshire North Community Housing Organisation West of Scotland B & Q East & S East of Scotland B & Q East & S East of Scotland B & Q East & S East of Scotland B & Q Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb B & Q Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb B & Q Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb B & Q Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb B & Q North of Scotland B & Q North of Scotland B & Q North of Scotland B & Q West of Scotland B & Q West of Scotland B & Q North of Scotland BAA Plc Glasgow Lanarks & E Dunb Babington Business College Ltd Derbyshire Baby Gear Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Bancon Construction North of Scotland Banff & Buchan College of FE North of Scotland Bank of Scotland North of Scotland Bannockburn Riding For Disabled East & S East of Scotland Banyards (Now part of the Landscape Group) see notes Greater Wessex Barchester Health Care (Castle Care Village) North East Yorkshire and the Humber Barchester Healthcare, Cherry Trees Care Home Mercia Barclays Bank PLC East & S East of Scotland Barker Harding West Yorkshire Barker Ross Staffing Solutions Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Barnsley Citizens' Advice Bureau (Barnsley CAB) South Yorkshire Barnsley College South Yorkshire Barnsley Community Build (BCB) South Yorkshire Barnsley Dial-A-Ride & Community Transport (BDAR or Barnsley Dial-A- Ride) South Yorkshire Barnsley Hospice South Yorkshire Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (BDGH NHS Trust) South Yorkshire Barnsley Metropolitain Borough Council (BMBC) South Yorkshire Barnsley
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