SURREY.] PRIVATE RESIDENTS. BRU 537 )Jrown Harry, The Cottage, Pine grove, Brown Saml. 111 Maiden rd. :New Maiden Browne Mies, 4,0 King Cbarles rd.Snrbitoo Wevbridge Brown Samuel J.P. 24 Manorgate road, Browne Miss, Kumara, Warlingham, :Brown Harry, 13 Stanley gdns. Wallington N orbiton, Kingston Whyteleafe ]Jrown H. 16 King's rd. Wimbledon SW Ikown Stanley, Beachey house, Crondall Browne Miss, The Heath, Albury,Guildford Brown Hy. 29 Park side, Wimbledon SW lane, Farnham Browne Miss Edith A. Wanderer'• cot- :Brown Hy. E. 27 Avondale rd. Croydon Brcwn Sydney H.GMeredyth rd.Barnes SW tage, Bourne, Farnham :Brown Henry Hunsdon, Chowringchee, Brown T. 6 South Park rd.Wimbledon SW Browne Misses, 58 Friends road, Croydon Sutton Common road, Sutton Brown T. P. 16 Southey rd. Wimbledon SW BrowM Misses, 8 Lovela.ce rd. Burbiton Brown Henry Thomas, Kingsholme, Bal- Brown T.W.Highbury,Stafl'ord rd.Wallngtn Browne Mrs.39 Albert rd.Norbiton,Kingstn oombe road, Horley Brown Thomas, 15 C!arence road, Croydon Browne Mrs.Firlands,:Maybury hill, Woking :Brown Herbt. 3 St. Peter's rd. Croydon Brown Thos.La Roque, Overton rd.Button Browne Mrs. Plemont, Cliftonvill~.Dorking Brown Herbt.A. 80 Beulah hi. Norwd SE Brown Thomas, 3 Lennard road, Croydon Browne Mrs. W oodridings, Grayswood rd. Brown Herbert Armstrong, Valletta, San- Brown Thomas, Llanrwst, The Crescent, Haslemer~ derstead road, Sanderstead, Croydon Belmont, Button Browne Mrs. Charles, 10 Maze road, Kew Brown Herbert Maughan M.D., D.P.H. Brown Thos. F. 6 Osmond gdns. Wallngtn Browne Mrs. L. Scawby cottage, Glen­ Dirleton, Hook road, Surbiton Brown 'rhomas Henry, Kylemore, Tats­ burk road, Surbiton Brown Hugh, Plymleigh, Nightingale rd. field, Westerham (Kent) Browne Mrs. Montague, Meriden, Cam­ Guildford Brown Thomas McNeill, Stranraer, War­ borne road, Button Brown J., Mus.Bac. 31 Church rd.Bichmnd wick road, Coulsdon Browne Mrs. Vernon, 10 Home Park road, Brown J.Sll Vineyard Hill rd.Wimbldn SW Brown Vernon, 35 Mayfield road, Sander- Wimbledon 8 W Brown J. l<l. Highfield, B!etchingley,Redhill stead, Croydon Browne P. Clermont,Whyteclifl'e rd.Purley BrownJ.H.C.18Lvndhurst• rd. Thorn ton Hth Brown W. 6 Chalfont rd. S. Yorwood SE Browne Percy A. Wandle house, ]Jen- Brown J. T. 190 Kingston rd. Merton SW Brown W.H.6i Alexandra rd.Wimbldn SW m6rk road, Carshalton Brown J. W. Ross, 39 Queen's road, Brown W.J.Beaurepaire,Hawthorn rd.Suttn Browne Robt. 5 Copse hill,Wimbledon SW Norbiton, Kingston Brown W. R. Gilmour, Rochford, Langley Browne Thos. E. 1 Manor rd. Merton SW Brown James, 10 Lodge road, Croydon Park road, Button Brnwne Walter W. 6 Warren rd. Rei.gate Brown James Peter, 3 Broomfield road, Brown W. S. 12 Tabor gro.Wimbledon SW Browne Wm. Rt.9 Park Hill rd.Wallingtn Tolworth, Surbiton Brown W. S. M. 3 Dora rd.Wimbledn !'W Browne Willis, '!'he Beeches, Caterham, Brown James Thompson, Meadowcroft, Brown Waiter, 75 Elgin road, Croydon Caterha.m Valley Skinner's lane, Ashtead, Epsom Brown Waiter H. 77 Coombe rd. Croydon Browning B. F. Rutleigh, Furze la.Purley Brown John, 36 Park Hill road, Croydon Brown W. W. Craig dene, Furze la.l'urley Brownin~ B.P. Rooks nest.Banstc•ad,Epsm Brown John. Upware, Prospect road, Ash Brown Wilfred, Devonshire, Stoneleigh Browning J. G. Bergbeim, Kendall aven. vale, Aldershot drive, Worcester Park Sanderstead, Croydon Brown John, 66 Woodbridge rd. Guildford Brown W. 31 Connaught av. Ea.Sheen SW Browning John, 192 St. James' rd.Croydn Brown John J. Church Stile ho. Cobham Brown William, Elvaston, Thorkhill road, Browning Miss, Mayfield, Foxley la.Purley Brown John James Nesbit, 19 Princess Thames Ditton Browning Mrs. Hill view, Waddon Park road, South Norwood SE Brown W. Guild cottage, We•t st. };psom avenue, Croydon Brown Jn. N. 52 Griffiths rd. Wimbldn S\V Brown Wm. 2 King's rd. Wimbledon SW Browning Mrs. Mon Repo•, Warlingham, Brown John William, Grangehyrst, Chels- Brown W. 83 Merton Hall rd.WimbldnSW 'Vhyteleafe ham, Caterham Valley Brown William, 20 Priory road, Kew Browning llrs. 94 Queen's rd. Richmond Brown Joseph, 2 Baillie road, Guildford Brown Wm. 53 Quadrant rd.Thornton Hth Browning Mrs. B. 68 Reigate hl. Reigate Brown J oseph J. 33 Lovela.ce rd. Surhi ton Brown Wm.Rosedene,Church st.Leatherhd Browning William Hugh, Great Enton, Brown L. 4.6 Beatrice av. Norbury SW Brown \Villiam, Rushton, Cressingham Witley, Godalming Brown M.H.Wroxbnm, Queen's rd.Rcbmnd grove, Button Brownjohn Arthl.!r D., B.A. Lynton house, Brown M F.Riverside,Gerard rd.BarnPsSW Brown William Alfred, St. Lawren<.'e. King's road, Richmond Brown M.Studland cot.Lime Tree av.Esher Pollards hill north, Norbury SW Brownlow Col. Celadon Charles C.B. Brown Miss, Church house, Church ro>ld, Brown William lt'rederick, 17 Chatsworth Stoatley copse, Farnham lane,Haslemere Leatherhead road, Croydon Brownlow Lieut.-Gen. Henry Alex. R.E. Brown Miss, l) Marlborough villas, Marl- Brown Wm. H. 2 Hermitage rd.Richmond 8 Homefield road, Wimbledon SW borough road, Richmond Brown Wm. H. 11 St. James' pk.Croydon Brownlow A. C. Nutfi.eld house, Kenley Brown Miss, Rotha, Effingham rd.Surbiton Brown William Henry, York cottage, Brownrigg Annesley Harold, The Small Brown Miss,15 Spencer hl. Wimbledon SW Church road, Leatherhead house, High street, Haslemere Brown Misses, Middle Old park. Farnham Brown William James, Glenlyon, Oatland­ Brownri~g Henry John M.D. 333 Ewell Brown ~I. Malt house, Shere, Guildford drive, Oatlands Park, Weybridge road, Tolworth, Surbiton Brown Mrs. Ash Haugh, Portsmouth rd. Brown William Lee, Melrose, Walden­ Brownrigg Mrs. 15 Quarry st. Guildford Thames Ditton Park road, Horsell, Woking Brownrigg Mrs. Scotlands farm, Fern­ Brown Mrs. Chapel rd. Tadworth, Epwm Brown Wm. Mackintosh, 6 St. Matthew's burst road, Haslemere Brown Mrs. 12 Cranes park, Surbiton avenue, Snrbiton Brownsmith Reginald, Shirley, Bla.kehall Brown Mrs. 31 Dornton road, Croydon Brown Wm. 0. Court hill,Banstead,I~p,om road, Carshalton Brown Mrs. 7 The Downs,Wimbledon SW Brown Wm.S.78 Elm Grove rd.Barnes SW Brownsmith T. G. 56 Park la. Wallington Brown Mrs. Dullshot ho.TheParade,Epsom Brown \V. 219 Queen's rd. Wimbledon 8W Bruce Sir Alexander Carmichael J.P. Brown Mrs. Elm lodge, Cape!, Dorking Brown-Douglas Charles Christy, Hillsbrow, Treverenx hill, Limpsfi.eld Brown Mrs. Glenside, Peperharow road, Nutfield road, Redhill Bruce Sir John Collingwood Gainsford Godalming Brown-Potter Mrs. Ye Olde Bridge house, M.A. The Rectory, Worplesdon,Guildfrd Brown Mrs. Hazeldene, Hindhead, Hasle­ The Hythe, Staines Bruce Alexander Fairlie, Orchard house, mere Browne Maj.-Gen. Swinton John C.B. West Bytleet, Weybridge Brown Mrs. Ivydene, The Crescent, Bel­ Poyle croft, Epsom road, Guildford Bruce A. Ravensbourne,Belmont rd.Reigte mont, Button Browne Lie ut .-Gen. Sir .A rtbur Georgf­ Bruce Charles Kerr, Galway house, 8t. Brown Mrs. J,aurel Dene, Bridgewater Frederick K.C.B., D. 8.0. Woof.si;le, James' road, Button road, W eybridge Lower Bourne, Farnham Bruce D. Woodhurst, Cranleigh, Guildford Brown Mrs. 141 J:..ondon road, Kingston Browne Lieut.-Col. W. A. Barrihurst, Bruce David Graham, Laggan, 'l'he Brown Mrs. Oaklands, Princes road, Oranlzil\'h, Guildford Parade, Ep8om Wimbledon SW Browne Major W. A. Col!is, Monteagle. Rrnl'e James A. B. Selbourne lodge,Austen Brown Mrs. Ruthven, Doods Park road, Summerhouse road, Gr,dalming rol\d, Ouildford Reigat~ Browne A. C. Arch cot.Ditton Marsh,Esher Bruce M. C. Kildare, Alma rd. Carshalton Brown Mrs. 4 St. John's Terrace road, Browne A. John Ernest, 11 Strathearn Bruce Miss, Dene cottage, West Clandon, Earlswood, Redhill road, Wimbledon SW Guildford Brown Mrs. Woodside, Pollards hill nth. Browne Cecil Tom, Youell cottage, Watery Bmce Miss, 2 Oak Hill road, Surbiton Norbury SW lane, Merton SW Bruce Mrs. Copley den~. Upper Gordon Brown Mrs.A.26 Elm Grove rd.Barnes SW Browne Charles E. Summerville, ..\lortlakt> road, Camherley Brown Mrs. Barclay, Lindores,Upper Rich­ road, Kew Brnoe Mrs.62 Kenilworth av.Wimbledn SW mond road, Putney SW Browne Charles H. 23 Cotteri!l rd.Surbitn .liruce Mrs. St. Aubyn's cottage, Oxshot!:, Brown Mrs. Burton, Priors field, Comp· Browne Charles P. T. Elmbank, Worples- Leatherhead ton, Godalming don, Guildford Bruce Thomas Boston, Fox Hill lodge, Brown Mrs. E. 25 Clarence rd. Croydon Browne C. N.l50 Norbury cres.NorburySW Fox hill, Norwood SE Brown Mrs. G. Ladbroke road, Horlf'y Browne Edwd. P. Albury heath, Gnildfril Bruce T. James. Kingswood, Reigate Brown Mrs. M. F. Ormidale, Cambornf' Browne Edwd. A. 30 Onslow rd.Richmond Bruce William Trevor, 76 Norbury Court roa 1, Su tton Browne Eric C. 24 Beaufort road, Reigate road. Norbury SW Brown Mrs. Oswald, 5 BelvEdere drivP, Browne Francis Hobert, Clovelly, Arniso11 Bruce William W. Bankton, Lower King;;­ Wimbledon SW road, East Molesey wood, Reigat~ Brown M. Casa, Fir Grove bill, l<'arnham Browne Jo'rederick Philip, !16 Laclbroke Bruce-Joy Albert R.H.A., F.R.G.S. Chase Brown Nicholas E. 6 The A venue, K ew road. Hedhill lod!re. Shottermill, Haslemere Brown Oliver, Glaslyn, Western rd.Sutton Brown<! Frederick William, The Wood­ Bruce-Vandeven Henri Lee, 37 Glebe rd. Brown Proby C. 56 A vondale rd. Croydon bine&, Gloucester rd. Norbiton, Kingston Barnes SW Brown R. C. jun. B.A., M.B. 103a, Lon- Browne George Edmund, Sandy nook, Bruce-Webster John, liO Osmond gardens, don road, Croydon Maybury bill, Woking Wallington Brown H. l'. 88 Bensham Manor road, Browne Guy, 3 Thames view, Burst road, Bruges Lha.s. Ernest, 1 Parklands,Surbiton Thornton Heath East Molesey Hruley SI. TheGables, We.Horsley,Leathrhd Brown R. P. 61 Whitworth rd.S.Norwd SE Browne Hugh Gi!lespie, Fairhaven, Brumby E.
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