MAY 1982 AMERICAN M. SUURRE MINCE Single Copy $1.00 Annual $9. LEE KOPMAN Professional Profile Personality 23rd New England Square & Round Dance CONVENTION August y, 19BI Clinton Instrument Company Old Boston Post Road Clinton, CT 0640 Dear Sirs, It is a pleasure to report to you on the quality of enured that vas provided to the 23rd New England Square and Round Dance Convention. 'helm, of the halls, including Worcester Auditorium, utilized Clinton equipment set up by Jim Harris. The efficiency of this equipment con- tributed substantially to the success of the program. On behalf of the convention, both committee and dancers, I'd like to thank you far your generosity in providing systems for our use. Squarely yours, / Jarrett eitchell Jr. Seneral Chairmen "A Barrel Of Fun In '81 " Say you saw it in ASD (Credit Burdicz) CLINTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, PO BOX 505, CLINTON CT 06413 Tel: 203-869-7548 2 AMERICAN Ci) SQURRE MINCE VOLUME 37, No. 5 MAY 1982 THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES LEADERSHIP TIPS AS: FEATURES FOR ALL 15 Recruitment and Retention 4 Co-editorial 5 By-Line 7 Meanderings 11 Set of the Sails ROUNDS 13 Professional Profile 17 Position Is Everything 19 State Line 34 Facing the LOD 21 Today and Tomorrow 61 R/D Pulse Poll 25 Family Affair 68 URDC Report 27 Rhyme Time 75 Flip Side/Rounds 30 Hemline 75 Choreo Ratings 31 Encore 36 Puzzle Page SQUARE DANCE SCENE 37 Best Club Trick 40 Dancing Tips 39 31st National Convention 44 Dandy Idea 48 Challenge Chatter 46 Around The World 49 Delightful Detroit 59 Line-Light 64 International News 62 People 69 Speaking of Singles 79 Product Line 84 Date-Line 81 Underlining 89 Book Nook 90 Finish Line FOR CALLERS 92 Laugh Line 41 Calling Tips 42 Easy Level Page 52 Creative Choreography OUR READERS SPEAK ( Z6..)PS/MS 6 Grand Zip 60SID Pulse Poll 29 Feedback Flip Side/Squares 33 Straight Talk 80 Steal A Peak Workshop Editors Ed Fraidenburg Publishers and Editors Bob Howell Stan & Cathie Burdick Feature Writers Harold & Lill Bausch Dave & Shirley Fleck Member of NASRDS Mary Jenkins National Association of S&R/D Suppliers Russ & Nancy Nichols Gene & Thelma Trimmer AMERICAN SOUAREDANCE Magazine Editorial Assistants (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by Burdick Mona Bird Enterprises. Second class postage paid Mary Fabik at Huron, Ohio. Copy deadline first of Pat Gillam month preceding date of issue. Sub- Bob Mellen scription: $9.00 per year. Single copies.. Mel Merrell $1 each. Mailing address: Box 488. Record Reviewers Huron OH 44839. Copyright 1982 by Bur- Frank & Phyl Lehnert dick Enterprises. All rights reserved. John Swindle AmerIcan Squaredance, May 1982 3 A TV discussion on Lou Grant centered on the ecosystem and the inter- dependence of species, including the point that when any species disappears, TORIIIL other species feel the effects of that disappearance. We just happened to be ,searching for an editorial idea, and that one sparked a whole train of thoughts... How dependent are all the varieties of dancers— the once-a-month dancer, the club dancer, the workshop dancer. the round dancer, the contra dancer? Do we need each other? Can any one "level" survive without its "backup" or its "next step?" 0... ., All programs are being assailed by dif- ficult economic situations and energy rte-(100 .0,411Ery -....,.. shortages (that make halls difficult if not impossible to rent). Overcoming these .....---, difficulties should be fostering a co- r....- ._.., - .. operative effort to keep square dancing callers everywhere could bury their in the recreational picture, but some- rivalries and learn the benefits of times recently we have encountered cooperative action. more of a splintering effect than the op- A quick scan of last month's vacation posite. listing tells us that there are in- In some areas, clubs are folding— numerable events to enjoy this season. could some groups combine and adjust Square dancing is still an activity that is "levels" so that an opportunity for many widely enjoyed. But the fact remains to dance will still exist? that, in general, classes and clubs are Halls are expensive— how about the down in attendance. proposal (often mentioned, seldom tried) Our diminishing numbers mean sev- to run one area class with callers and eral things. We cannot afford to let in- angels working together? dividual preferences drive deeper Rounds fill in and enrich a dance pro- wedges between dancers and push more gram— cannot round and square dan- dancers out of the activity. We can enjoy cers both enjoy their favorite dances in our favorites and enjoy seeing others en- one group, without either group "taking joy their favorites. Let's put the "me" over?" ideology of the seventies behind us and No program above Mainstream could return to the spirit of cooperation. exist without the class program and the No, square dancing wasn't perfect in MS club. Since every area club, regard- the sixties, or the fifties, either, but we less of "level," provides dancers for can make it better in the eighties than it other clubs and events, each is a is now. Let's work together. Start this necessary part of the activity. Since month— now. as the newer dancers square dance activity is healthier in graduate. This year let's keep both new cities and towns where callers work and experienced dancers dancing— together for the greater good, we wish together! CUSTOMIZED SOLID it Bronze Buckles Square Dancers of American have your club logo or emblem cast on a solid bronze belt buckle by the Bronze Bear. Send us your design or copy of your club badge and a 28i. deposit and the 121 SO 1 A2 N buckle will be delivered to you in 6 to 8 weeks via United Parcel M.4444mon 4/4 Ekr 2111t4 Mon Service. Balance collected on delivery. Free brochure on request $8.50 EACH (Minimum order, 24 buckles) THE BRONZE BEAR P O. Box 9109 • Huntsville. Alabama 35812 V1 Phone 1205) 883 9333 alter 6:00 p m CST 4 American Squaredence, May 1982 •1- • . • q) 6-2q7qt% awl ..,citp, ,© iom""" , PIE SQUARES 1"' 4".4,f„,,,17 T EIGHT DOUBLE-SIDED DANCER FIGURES sy f IN A POCKET SQUEEZE PURSE As — THE ULTIMATE SQUARE DANCE CHOREOGRAPHIC AID — z ; &- JUST THE THING TO GO WITH YOUR ENCYCLOPEDIA RUSSELL L. HOEKSTRA 6P ORDER DIRECT OR $ 5" / SET 67 FOREST GLEN - RM. 321 /-\\ FROM YOUR DEALER PLUS S1 PSTG. d HDLG. LONGMEADOW, MA 01106 t What a prestigious lineup of authors this month— even including BY-LINE Henry Ford, I, \ whose thoughts were submitted by Paul pi Hartman of Wheaton, Maryland. Old friend Al Eblen sets a mood with "The Set of the Sails." Angus McMorran, long-time square dance leader from Ottawa. who was featured in "Line-Light, September, 1981, gives us his views on retaining dancers. Bev Warner, promoting Detroit and the National Convention, describes more enticing places to visit. Specially for round dancers, a feature was "researched" from Qtr Trn, and the title has a message for all dancers. Cover paintings were done by both Hempels (Elizabeth and Harrison) of Vermont for this issue, and fit right into the four-dimensional look at this month's featured profes- sional caller, Lee Kopman. We hope you'll take a few minutes off from dancing and gardening and enjoy this May issue. 4ernilmr.77-6._ tri • NEED RECORDS IN A HURRY? Call Toll Free: 1-800-237-2442 or -2443 I • • • • j ANHURST's TAPE AND RECORD SERVICE qp;," 0 3508 PALM BEACH BLVD. Office Phone: FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33905 (813) 332-4200 The very finest "audio catalog" of the newest sounds and dances, to keep you current. The "original'. subscription tape service used by discriminating callers the world over. We are in our 10th year of service to leaders worldwide and we welcome your inquiries. • Fast Service on In-Stock Hecords • 3-Year S&R/D Calendars Available, 1982, 1983. 1984 • 81/2 "011", 3-ring Yearly Refills Available through 1985 FOR RECORD ORDERS OR INFORMATION, CALL OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER IT DOESN'T COST TO HAVE THE VERY BEST— IT PAYSI THE "ORIGINAL" SUBSCRIPTION TAPE SERVICE American Squaredance. May 1982 5 teen dancers. Mac devotes much time and talent to developing the dancing skills of the youngsters and they are in- cluded in the family as a whole. They are our future, we are proud of them. Garvin and Jean Tate Vienna, VA We're still in a state of shock since we opened your magazine to the page you mentioned. Wow! What a surprise! Thank you ever so much for being so nice to us. We swear you and our NN- JSDA 1st VP are in cahoots. This is Grand Square's 24th year (and our association's 25th) with a Booster Ball Thanks ever so much for your gentle, planned for Grand Square. Our offer to persistent reminders to one pro- do the flyers was not accepted and when crastinating square dance couple. who we saw them last weekend we realized thoroughly enjoy your magazine and why— they too surprised us with our pic- would feel badly if even one issue ture... Doc & Peg Tirrell missed our home. I purchased your Clip Cresskill, New Jersey Art II at the 30th National in Seattle and ...I appreciate having some of my having fun putting out the club newslet- own choreography featured in your ter this year. Bob & Audrey Orr magazine (Jan. 1982). Hope a lot of Kennewick. Washington callers got a chance to use some of it. You sure put out a good magazine.
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