Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76924-2 - Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840–1915 Nile Green Index More information Index ‘Abd al-Baha ,4 124 Ajmer, 107 ‘Abd al-Haqq, Sarda r,4 216–17 ‘Alı 3 A gha" ’ı4 3 Mazandara nı4 ,3 Ha jjı4 3 ‘Abd al-Husayn Amı n3 al-Tujja r,4 132 Sayyid, 115 ‘Abd al-Husayn Husa m4 al-dı n,3 ‘Alı 3 Ra’ı s,3 Sayyidı ,3 108 Sayyidna ,4 177 ‘Alı 3 Sha h,4 A gha" ,4 147–8 ‘Abd al-Karı m3 Munshı ,3 80–5 , 87–8 ‘Alı ,3 Ha jjı4 ,3 shrine of, 64–5 ‘Abd Alla h4 al-‘A bid," 175–6 alms giving, 144–7 Abu 4 Bakr Amod Jhavery, 213 American Board of Commissioners Abu 4 Bakr Effendı ,3 211–12 for Foreign Missions Abu ’l4 Hasan Mı rza3 4 Shaykh (ABCFM), 26 al-Ra’ı s,3 149 Anglophone Indian elite, 32 adventures, in religious books, Anı s3 al-Za kirı4 n3 , 102–4 153–4 anjuman fi rms, 16–17 advertisements, hagiographies Anjuman Isha’at al-Islam, 224–5 as, 111–12 Anjuman-e Isla m,4 35 , 36 , 37–40 , 41 aetiological legends Arab bloodlines general discussion, 77–8 of Ghula m4 Muhammad, 216 about Ha jj4 Malang, 72–3 of saints, 81–2 , 114 Mı ra3 n4 ‘Alı 3 Da ta4 r4 shrine, 77 Risa lat4 al-Tarjama , 175–6 Pı r3 Changı 3 Ba ba4 4 shrine, 74–5 A ra" ’ish-e4 Mahfi l , 104 Sha h4 Dawla Da ta4 r4 shrine, 77 architecture of Bombay, 52 Shamna 4 Mı ra3 n4 shrine, 73–4 A rya" 4 Sama j,4 210 Africa, and Bombay print market, Asra r-e4 Darwe sh4 , 194–5 97–8 . See also South Africa association fi rms, 16–17 African holy men, shrines to, 59–61 , associational culture, 32 , 41 . 76–7 See also Anjuman-e Isla m4 Aga Khan Case, 173 Aurangabad, 182 Ahmad ibn Abı 3 Bakr ibn Sumayt, 187 Awliya 4 Alla h4 ke 4 zinda karishma t4 , 67 Ahmad Kha n,4 Sayyid, 18 Awra d-e4 Ihsa nı4 ,3 193–4 Ahmad, Shaykh, shrine of, 225–8 A‘zam al-Kara ma4 t4 , 110–11 317 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76924-2 - Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840–1915 Nile Green Index More information 318 Index Ba ba4 4 ‘Abd al-Rahma n4 shrine, 61–2 charismatic succession, in theology of Ba ba4 4 Ja n,4 110 intercession, 196–7 Ba ba4 4 Habashı ,3 Pı r,3 shrine of, 76–7 charity, 144–7 , 221–2 Ba bı4 3 movement, 122 cholera, and steamship travel, 113 Badr al-dı n3 Tayyibjı ,3 35 Christian missionary societies Baha ’4 al-dı n3 Isfa ha4 nı4 3 shrine, 58–9 as catalysts in Bombay, 24–31 Baha ’ı4 3 movement, 122–4 in creation of religious economy, Baha ’ulla4 h,4 123 12–14 Bane 4 Miya n,4 110–11 Reformist reaction to, 31–48 Bası r,3 Sayyid, 122 in South Africa, 209–10 Ba wa4 4 Go r4 shrine, 59–61 and teachings of Habı b3 Baya n4 al-dı n3 , 211–12 ‘Alı 3 Sha h,4 190 beggars, 132–3 . See also Mı rza3 4 Hasan ‘urs festivals, 70–1 Safı 3 ‘Alı 3 Sha h4 use of steamship route between Iran behaviour, promoted in writings of and Bombay, 140 neo-Isma ‘ı4 lism,3 169 Church Missionary Society (CMS), Bhiwandi, 71 29–30 Bismilla h4 Sha h4 Ba ba4 ,4 Sayyid, shrine classics, printed, 100–1 of, 63–4 coastal shrines, 64–8 Bohra Muslims, 171–2 , 174–7 Cole, Juan, 124 , 149 Bombay, 1–23 collaborative religious economy, history of labour, 20–3 123–4 overview, 1–8 colonial deregulation of religious economy, 8–19 , 20–3 religion, 11–12 types of Islam in, 19–20 commerce Bombay Chronicle , 106 between India and Iran, 118–19 , Bombay District Benevolent 138–9 Society, 132 in Persian travelogues, 133 Bombay Gazette , 86–8 , 186–7 communications, industrialization books. See printing, religious of, 90–117 breathing techniques, in Asra r-e4 alternative trajectories of, 90–2 Darwe sh4 , 194–5 books from Bombay marketplace, brotherhood fi rms, 17–18 99–104 religious printing, 92–9 Calcutta, 204 , 206 steamships, saints and miracles, Cama, Khorshedji Rustamji, 33 104–17 Cape Town, South Africa, 223 community fi rms, 17 capitalism, and religious comparison, in Bombay’s religious economy, 22–3 economy, 15 catalysts, Christian missionary competitive religious marketplace societies as, 24–31 general discussion, 46–7 , 77–8 catechists, native, 44–5 Ha jj4 Malang shrine, 71–3 Census Reports , 81 and miracles of Pe dro4 4 Sha h,4 78–89 Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 22 , 52–3 , Mı ra3 n4 ‘Alı 3 Da ta4 r4 shrine, 77 107–8 , 206 neo-Isma ‘ı4 lism,3 168–9 , 170–8 Changı 3 Ba ba4 ,4 Pı r,3 shrine of, 74–5 Pı r3 Changı 3 Ba ba4 4 shrine, 74–5 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76924-2 - Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840–1915 Nile Green Index More information Index 319 role of Christian missionary dancing, at Sı dı3 3 shrines, 60–1 societies, 25–6 Dawla Da ta4 r,4 Sha h,4 shrine of, 77 Sha h4 Dawla Da ta4 r4 shrine, 77 de Haan, Arjan, 52–3 Shamna 4 Mı ra3 n4 shrine, 73–4 death anniversary. See ‘urs festivals in South Africa, 217–20 , 222 , Deimler, J. G., 29–30 224–5 , 230–4 demand, in Bombay’s religious and teachings of Habı b3 ‘Alı 3 Sha h,4 economy, 14–16 190–1 deregulation of religion, 11–12 confl ict, religious, 50–1 dervishes, 132–3 . See also Mı rza3 4 consumption, in Bombay’s religious Hasan Safı 3 ‘Alı 3 Sha h4 al-dı n3 Sha h,4 economy, 14–16 Sharaf, shrine of 58–9 conversion diplomatic relations between India in Bombay’s religious economy, and Iran, 118 15–16 , 46–7 Director of Public Instruction to Christianity, 44–5 survey, 36–7 to Islam, 45 District Benevolent Society, cosmopolitanism. See also economy of Bombay, 132 enchantment Dı n3 Faqı r3 Yu suf,4 224–5 in Persian travelogues, 128 , 130–1 , dockyards, 183–4 . See also migrant 135–7 workers and religious economy, ‘do-it-yourself’ books, 195–6 , 201–2 49–52 Douglas, James, 235 Counter Reform Islam, 19–20 dulha s4 , 55–6 court rulings, and religious Durban, South Africa. See South competition, 173–4 Africa Cox, M., 87 cults. See also economy of economy of enchantment, 49–89 . enchantment See also communications, curing services, in shrine cults, 67 industrialization of ; Ghula m4 Customary Islam. See also Muhammad ; Habı b3 ‘Alı 3 Sha h4 ; communications, industrialization Iranian Muslims ; neo-Isma ‘ı4 lism3 ; of ; Ghula m4 Muhammad ; Habı b3 South Africa ‘Alı 3 Sha h4 ; Iranian Muslims ; growth in number of shrines, 52–3 neo-Isma ‘ı4 lism3 ; shrines migration memorialized in shrines, and history of labour, 21–3 62–9 Iranian Sufi visits to Bombay, miracles of Pe dro4 4 Sha h,4 78–89 126–37 Muharram carnival, 53–6 in market of labour, 190–6 oceanic patterns of shrine overview, 19–20 production, 56–62 popularity of, versus Reformist overview, 18 Islam, 47–8 pilgrimage, 69–78 Reformist organization critique shrines for migrant workforce, of, 31 49–52 religious printing for Iranian economy of religion. See also market, 151–4 Christian missionary societies success of, 17–18 Bombay, 8–19 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76924-2 - Bombay Islam: The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean, 1840–1915 Nile Green Index More information 320 Index economy of religion (cont.) ‘urs , 68–71 , 227–8 and history of labour, 20–3 Fida ’ı4 3 Khura sa4 nı4 ,3 159–60 , 164–8 of Iran, 118–26 fi rms, religious, 16–18 Iranians in Bombay, 133 franchise of Ghula m4 Muhammad, types of Islam, 19–20 215–25 education, Muslim Reformist, franchise shrines 35–40 , 41 Mı ra3 n4 ‘Alı 3 Da ta4 r4 shrine, 75–6 Edwardes, S. M., 60–1 , 75–6 Pı r3 Ba ba4 4 Habashı 3 shrine, 76–7 elite Sı dı3 3 shrines, 59–61 Hyderabadi Muslim, 181–2 Shaykh Ahmad shrine, 225–8 Konkani Muslim, 183 free market, religious, 46–7 enchantment, economy of, 49–89 . Friday mosque, 219–20 , 221 See also communications, industrialization of ; Ghula m4 Gandhi, Mohandas, 208–9 Muhammad ; Habı b3 ‘Alı 3 Sha h4 ; ga nja4 -use,4 in Durban, 221–2 Iranian Muslims ; neo-Isma ‘ı4 lism3 ; genealogy South Africa focus of neo-Isma ‘ı4 lism3 on, growth in number of shrines, 52–3 169–70 , 173 migration memorialized in shrines, of saints, 81–2 , 114 62–9 Ghula m4 ‘Alı 3 Sha h,4 186 miracles of Pe dro4 4 Sha h,4 78–89 Ghula m4 Muhammad Muharram carnival, 53–6 franchise of, 215–25 oceanic patterns of shrine hagiography of, 230–4 production, 56–62 overview, 190 , 210–11 overview, 18 shrines and festivals, 225–30 pilgrimage, 69–78 Ghula m4 Muhammad Munshı ,3 shrines for migrant workforce, 35–6 49–52 gift economy, 133 , 144–7 English hagiographies, 114–15 Gilbert, R.
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