The Taro Tattler Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawaii For Growers. Shippers. and Processors of Chinese. Poi.DasheenandPacific IslandTarosfromHawaii VOL. 4, NO. 3 September-December 1992 basically a very small industry". We we all need to start getting a lot more guess a proper answer to that ques­ creativein ourthinkingandactions.... tion would be that with hard work One of those universal topics we smaller industries can become bigger discuss in this issue is that of medical ones. As for the Taro Tattler, wewould insurance for farmers and their fami­ hope that ourreaders would havethe lies. We also bring you back in the ability to see that this newslettercould kitchen with taro leaf recipes from easily be called the 6Singtt 6S113dte, around the world, and show you a the Coffee Communicator, the JaplIUlI new idea from our imaginary com­ J romulsa:tnr, or the ~ {j1J~ pany,NoKaOiFoods. Wealsotakea cu.&tu-. This isbecausewhen it comes to look at one of NaKaOi's concise one­ sources of information, marketing pagebusiness plans fortheirnew prod­ ideas, business and production plan­ uct-don'tyoucontinueyourbusiness ning, farm safety tips and the like, . withoutone like it! We also highlight these concepts arebasicallyuni- the book, ''These Roots Remain" in ourSources and Resources section. This booktalksaboutPacificIslanders,their foods and the traditions surrounding those foods-lots of taro stuff. Finally, we wish you all a very pleasant and safe holiday season. Thanks to all those who haverecently called and sent cards to say they like the Taro Tattler! UPCOMING EVENTS ChineseNewYears- Saturday,Janu­ ary23,1993 Better get youradvertising in the Chinese language newspaper in all your marketsnow well before the big holiday - offering lower prices on volume purchases during this time mayalso winyoua lot of new custom­ ers. Call the Department of Agricul­ ture if you need more Chinese taro brochures. Plant Tissue Culture Conference ­ Monday, March 22,1993 Tissue cultureis a waythat many growersof all types of plants, includ­ NoKaOi Foods (our ficticious company) launches a new product for 1993. This can is a nod at making Kulolo in old style cracker cans. Read all about it on pages 3 &4. DraWing by ing banana's, flowers, ginger, (in the Leilehua Yuen, leltering by Miles Hakoda. 1 The Taro Tattler VOL. 4. NO.3 September-December 1992 future taro), and so forth are able to Hana Coast, Inc. at 248-7769. Lastly, continued help on the Hawaii Taro­ reducediseaseproblemsandget some the people putting on this worthy Quarterly Report of Taro Milled for regularity in their production. The eventarelookingfor somefinancial or Poi. IntheNovember10,1992release Hawaii PlantTissueCultureAssocia­ in-kind support. If you can help out of that report HASS reveals that taro tion is therefore holding a one day please contact Maria Orr at 248-8920. milling was up overall through Sep­ conference to bring people up to date Call early to get plane and hotel tember 1992, was up 7 percent over on the state of the art and potential. reservations, as there are typically the same period the year before, and The conferencewill beheld in Kailua­ 1,500visitors in the Hana/East Maui up 8 percent over the 5 year average Kona at the King Kamehameha and area on the average day. for the same time frame. However, the fee is $25. You can get moreinfor­ Also, wordoutoftheHotelHana­ thisgoodnewswill surelybe affected mationby callingRacheal Keolanui at Mauiis thattheirrestaurantsare now by Iniki and the fourth quarter report 959-0225on the Big Island. offering taro chips, taro bread rolls, of 1992 will most likely show a dra­ and taro leaf soup-we hear the tour­ matic decline in milling. Look for the NaMamo: Today'sHawaiianPeople ists love it! They also say someof the 1992 annual taro production report - Photo Exhibition inspiration to make these products aroundlate January1993.Youcancall We just received a lovely invita­ was provided by theTaro Project and HASS on Oahu at 973-9588 at that tion for a new photographic exhibi­ information it has put out. time for a copy. Andwhileyouareon tion at the Bishop Museum. Anne the phone, let them know how much Landgraf, photographer, and Jay BACKTRACKING you appreciate their hard work. Hartwell, wordsmith, will be featur­ ing pictures and words of a variety WindwardCommunityCollegeTaro . Mandatory Food Labeling to Take aspects of today's Hawaiian people. FestivalaHitandPa'i'aiPoi Systems Effect May 1994-Workshop to be Our invitation even has a picture of Makes itDebut January 25, 1993 Clarence Kaona of Kauai harvesting The August 15th, 1992Pacific Is­ Well its finally here! After years taro onthe cover. Checkoutthisevent landsTaro Festival in Kaneohe was a of haggling the Food and Drug Ad­ 9am-5pm from December 24, 1992­ smashing success. Not only was the ministration(FDA)has finallyreleased April4, 1993in the Hall of Discovery, weather great but, as usual, all in­ its mandatory food labeling guide­ Bishop Museum. Free. volved pulled together to put on a lines. These guidelines will apply to great day. ThanksgotheRoyFujimoto, all businesseswithatleast$50,oooper East Maui Taro Symposium, Festi­ Mitsue Cook-Carlson and all the annumin gross revenuescomingfrom val,and Lo'i Field Trips, March 26­ people who donated their time and all food processing aspects of their March 28 1993, Hana, Maui other goods. A special thanks to entire business. The example label Wow, the taro festival idea has Nanette Purnell for all of her hard seen below is that for Ready to Mix reallycaughton! Overthe Kuhio Day work. READY TO MIX POI weekend, the beautiful area of East Also making a splash at the festi­ 28% SOLIDS - 456g/16oz Bag Maui willbedisplayingitsownunique val wasVonnLogan andhis company NUTRITION FACTS history of taro and other aspects of Pa'i'ai Poi Systems. Vonn has com­ Serving Size 1/2 cup (114g) EastMauilife. MariaOrr, the festival's bined the famous Champion Juicer Servings Per Container 4 organizer, says the event is "To pro­ with a steady supply a poi taro in an Amount Per Serving Calories 120 Calories from Fat 0 motetaro andnativeculturalvalues." effort to makepoi moreavailable. Get On Friday, March 26th there will be a % Daily Value' a demonstrationof the Juicerandhow Total Fat 1 9 less than 2"10 taro growing symposium, Saturday it can make poi and kulolo by calling Saturated Fat 0 9 0% will be the festival itself, and on Sun­ Pa'i'ai Poi Systems on Oahu at 293­ Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 8mg less than 2"10 day, local taro growers, Kimo Wendt 1721or Kauai 822-7583. Total Carbohydrate 31 9 10% andPaulySinenciwill be hostingedu­ Sugars 2 9 Dietary Fiber 4 9 16% cational taro lo'i field trips to Wailua Apple Snail Update Protein 1 8 and Keanae. According to the Department of Vttamin A 0% • Vitamin C 12% • Calcium 4% • Iron 4% Thefestivalwillopenwithchanter Agriculture work is still continuing 'Percents (%) of a Dally Value are based on a 2,000 Keali'i Reichel and feature traditional on the Apple Snail eradication pro­ calorie diet. Your Dally Values may vary higher or lower hula andmele talentfrom Hana. There gram. Hurricane Iniki put a damper depending on your calorie needs: will also be food vendersandartisans on research on Kauai, but tasks are 2,000 2,500 Nutrient displayingtheirwaresthatday. People still being accomplished. Stay tuned! Calories Calories Total Fat less than 6Sg BOg wishing to sell food please contact Sat Fat less than 20g 2Sg Lucinda Estrella (248-7222), and Annual Production Survey Cholesterol less than 300mg 300mg Sodium less than 2,4oomg 2,400mg crafterscan contactKananiKahalehoe The Hawaii Agricultural Statis­ Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g at 248-7781 for information. Those ticsService(HASS)wouldliketothank Fiber 2Sg 30g wishing to display more cultural, en­ those who filled out the 1992 taro 19 Fat . 9 calories vironmental and alternative technol­ production surveys. They also asked 19 Carbohydrates . 4 calories ogy itemspleasecall the Friendsof the us to thankthepoi processorsfor their 19 Protein . 4 calories 2 The Taro Tattler VOL. 4, NO.3 September-December 1992 Poi-28% solids. Togetmoreinforma­ Medical Insurance for the Farm winning Maui Chip potato chip bag, tion on this law you may want to Family mentions that their taro comes from attend a workshop on the National Many farm families in Hawaii get the Big Island, and thatit is cooked in Label andEducationAct1990,which their medical insurance benefits from peanut oil. The bag also has some is being sponsored by crAHR and secondary (or primary) jobs which are nutritionalinformation,complements the Hawaii State Department of notfarming. Still other full time farm­ of the Department of Food Science & Health. Dr. Janet McDonald of the ersandtheirfamilies probablyhaveno Human Nutrition at the University. FDA in California will be the fea­ health insurance at all. While the rea­ Chips Ahoy! tured speaker at a meeting which sons for not havinginsurance, despite will take place at the Pacific Beach the great risk, may be many, the most BreadfruitChips-Chance IEm! Hotel from 11:00am-1:3Opm, Mon­ obvious reason is that it is relatively Out of the University of Florida day, January 25, 1993. Cost of the expensive. However,theHawaiiFarm comes a recipe for tasty Breadfruit workshop is $15 which includes BureauFederation(HFBF)mayhavea chips. While we're sure you have lunch. Lastdayto registeris January reasonable solution for those farmers your own favorite recipe, this is one 19th. Call Aurora Hodgsonat UHat withhealthinsurance needs. Wendell from our friends from the East coast. 956-6564for moreinformationonthe Koga, executive director of the HFBF, Cutmaturebreadfruitinto 1.25mmslices, new law and the workshop. - says that the FarmBureau (which was fryin soy (or other) oil at16SoC and salt established in 1948) has "group merit to1.5%, then...EAT! Partial airdrying SOMETHINGS TO THINK rated" plans with HMSA for medical prior tofrying reduces oil absorption from ABOUT and dental insurance for its members.
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