MAY 1978 S1.25 who sees a chance to profit by supporting it; but one might expect a different view­ point among those who stress the signifi­ Letters cance of the "moral principles underlying I self-ownership and individual liberty." Our sense of tolerance must of course ex­ tend to the white South Africans who be­ lieve in the principles of apartheid. But when they translate those beliefs into ac­ The money mess a small college where the ideas of the tion, a truly consistent libertarian ethic Austrian school are prevalent. demands that we denounce those actions, "The Shattered World Economy!' by Grove City College, in Grove City, or at least refuse to support them-no mat­ Christopher Weber is the first article I have Pennsylvania ... , offers a stimulating en­ ter how profitable such support might be. read in this country whereby Americans vironment for the undergraduate follower It seems to me that this might also extend to are shown to be honest with themselves. of the Austrian school. In the classroom, the advertising policy of our publications­ Perhaps I have not read everything that has the economics department, led by Dr. Hans no matter how costly such a policy might been written on the subject, but, in general, F. Sennholz, vividly demonstrates to many be. people here are fed a line, such as, "It is skeptical graduates of the public school How about it, gentlemen? Does LR set good for us because it makes our exports system that there is a viable alternative to itself apart from the conservative press in look better." statism.... Some of the authorities who words alone? Or do you draw a line, When other countries who have been have come to Grove City include the late beyond which you refuse to accept adver­ dealing with us and are holding a certain Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, and tising encouraging the support of repressive amount of U.S. dollars, and the dollar Henry Hazlitt.... Grove City College not institutions? devaluates, those people over there feel the only teaches Austrian economics, but prac­ same as I do when someone gives me a tices it as well. Unlike the tax-supported R.S. Radford check that no one else will take unless you state universities, Grove City receives no Martinez, California would discount it. But then if the maker is government funds. The free market in The Editor replies: even more reluctant to take it back at a dis­ higher education has determined that in the I quite agree with Mr. Radford; I am not a count then the best thing to do, if you can, face of increasing demand for quality, supporter of the South African regime­ is to buy some of his products or property coupled with the dwindling supply of nor am I a supporter of those regimes at a bargain price (if possible) and be sure high-quality private colleges, Grove City's manifesting so-called "black majority that you end up with more than by holding excellent, comprehensive curriculum is still rule," which also violate the rights of his check. available at low cost. Africans. Unfortunately, the ad in question My wife and I had some money in appears in Libertarian Review in virtue of a Holland and last year we figured that the Robert L. Macomber III Phoenix, Arizona contractual agreement arranged before my dollar had devalued perhaps to its lowest tenure as editor of LR, and until the terms point. So we had some of that money sent Advertising policy of the contract expire, little can be done. over. We would have been quite a few hun­ While I think the question of support to dred dollars ahead yet if we had left it there Your January-February editorial, "The various regimes around the world is more till now. Conservative Movement", is an excellent complex than that suggested by Mr. Rad­ So it is not just the other people who are statement of the philosophical morass ford-what about Russian vodka, or oil cheated, but the people in this country as modern conservatives have dredged for from the Arab nations, or raw materials well. For we can be sure that this devalua­ themselves, and of the need for libertarians from any of a number of oppressive na­ tion will seep through to all of us in to shun a right-wing image. But there ap­ tions?-1 think conservatives-as well as everything we buy, .especially in the goods pears to be some inconsistency between libertarians-might do well to give some which are in demand not only here but in your words and your actions. thought to the point of view he expresses. other lands as well. On page 10 of this issue you malign con­ Selective indignation is all too common We have heard it said: Some people servative leaders for not "elevating" their today, with some parts of the political make things happen, some wonder what is constituencies; for not telling them of "the spectrum excusing one form of oppression, happening, and the majority wonder what real need for tolerance"; for not teaching and others excusing other oppressive happened. This is true as to the govern­ them that "scapegoating of minorities is regimes. We must consistently oppose all ments juggling of the money as well as wrong." On page 11, you present a full­ forms of oppression and violations of in­ many other things. page ad hawking a "Krugerrand-A-Month dividual rights. As for the question of what Anyway, thanks for a good magazine. Plan." to do about the Krugerrand-or Polish W. Gerrits One of the distinguishing characteristics hams·(remember the Birch Society cam­ San Jose, California of a conservative is his subordination of paign of the 1960's?), or coffee from sinister moral principles to material gain. Thus it's Latin American regimes, or goods from perfectly reasonable for conservatives to Vietnam, Indonesia, Chile, Uganda, the A'UStrian economics advocate investing in a coin sold and Soviet Union, South Korea, Yugoslavia, ad A recent "Crosscurrents" column by guaranteed by the Republic of South infinitum-I simply do not know. But Mr. Walter Grinder (LR, December 1977) men­ Africa. The sale of Krugerrands is a grow­ Radford is quite right: the least we can do, tioned a few major universities which liber­ ing source of revenue for the South African as a libertarian magazine, is not to adver­ tarians interested in Austrian economics regime. That government's systematic and tise for such things. We will try to adopt ought to know about. To his list of large brutal repression of the freedom of its such a policy as quickly as possible. universities I would like to add the name of citizens is not relevant to the conservative -Roy A. Childs 2 Libertarian Review ARTICLES 8 THE PUBLIC TROUGH Libertarians and the New Right by Bruce Bartlett 17 THE REVOLT OF THE TAXPAYER by Jeff Riggenbach 9 CROSSCURRENTS "A spectre is haunting state and May 1978 by Walter Grinder county bureaucracy," the New Volume 7, No.4 Yark Times' William Safire has written, "the spectre of tax revolt." Jeff Riggenbach looks 11 LIBERTY'S HERITAGE the revolt of the taxpayer and Wilhelm von Humboldt Editor by Ralph Raico Roy A. Childs, Jr. interviews Howard Jarvis, the elder statesman and leading activist of today's tax rebellion. Executive Editor 14 THE PLUMB LINE Marshall E. Schwartz The Efron affair 25 MARTYRS OF THE NEW by Murray N. Rothbard PROHIBITION Associate Editors by Justin Raimondo Walter E. Grinder The "new prohibition"-the 33 BOOKS AND THE ARTS Leonard P. Liggio laws victimizing marijuana Joan Kennedy Taylor and dealers-is producing its own martyrs. Justin Raimondo A Time for Truth Senior Editor defends one of the most prominent and courageous ones. by William E. Simon Murray N. Rothbard Reviewed by Roy A Childs, Jr. 28 IL LIBERTARISMO ARRIVA Contributing Editor The Politics of Propaganda Jeff Riggenbach IN ITALIA by Ralph Raica by Allan M. Winkler A libertarian movement has Reviewed by Justus Doenecke Administrative Assistant been launched in Italy, a Pat Pope country which badly needs Understanding Conflict and liberating from the oppression War, Vol. 1, and Peace of omnipresent government. Endangered: The Reality of Ralph Raico translates two Detente articles by a young Italian Libertarian Review is published by Rudolph J. Rummel libertarian who is challenging monthly by Libertarian Review, Inc. Reviewed by William Marina Editorial and business offices, 1620 his country's intellectual status Montgomery Street, San Francisco, quo. CA 94111. ©1978 by Libertarian Review, Inc. All rights reserved. How to Fight Property Taxes Opinions expressed in bylined articles by Dan Lewolt do not necessarily reflect the views of DEPARTMENTS Reviewed by Tom G. Palmer the editor or publisher. Subscriptions: Single copy, $1.25; 12 2 LETTERS issues (one year), $15; two years, $25; Capital, Expectations, and the three years, $35. Address Change: Market Process Write new address, city, state and zip by Ludwig Lachmann code on sheet of plain paper, attach 4 EDITORIALS mailing label from recent issue of LR, The new killer weed Reviewed by Lawrence H. and send to Circulation Department, Jarvis and the tax rebellion White Libertarian Review, 1620 Mont­ The Saga of Woody Jenkins gomery Street, San Francisco, CA "Gun-in-the-ribs": The true 94111. Second class postage paid at San Francisco and additional offices. story 46 CLASSIFIED farmers from harvesting the sprayed marijuana plants be­ fore the plants are killed by the poison, and rushing them Editorials to the American market. Here, the marijuana is being I bought by unsuspecting consumers, who are thus exposed to a substance which a scientist at the Environmental Pro­ tection Agency describes as "a potent killer ..
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