. .t DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1919, No. 75 MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS NOVEMBER, 1919 .4 )4'.(1,i 10...'2411111k 5 4p_ 6% a . .. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE . 1919 ADDITIONAL COPIES OT TITIS PUBLICATION MAT BE PROCURED PROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OP DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WiSRINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY A 4-.3 1 31Inzr3- .A.C. MAR 24 1921 11117 19.19 MONTHLY RECORD bF tORRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Compiled by the Library Division, Bureau of Education. CONTENTS.-Pro,edlugs of associations- l:ducatiunul Fiat t,r) and biography-Current educational conditions-Educational theory and practice--Educational psychology ;Child study - Educationaltests and nwosurements -Special methods of instruction-Special subjects of curriculum-Kincicrgarten and primary school-itural education-Secondary education-Teachers :Training andprofessionalstatus-1110ereducation-School administration-School management-School architecture-School hygiene and sanita- tion-Physical aspects of education-Child welfare-Religious educe Ron-Manuel end vocational training-Vocational guidance -Vocationaltests; Army personnel- Agricultural education; Home economicsProfessional education-Civic educe- tion-AmerlcaumatIon ofismnigrauts-Education of soldiers-Reeducation of war In- valids-Education of womn-Negro education-Education of deaf-Education extension- Libraries and reading -Bureau of Education : Rectal publications. NOTE. The record comprises n general survey in bibliographic form of current educational literature, domestic and foreign, received dur- ing the monthly p'eriod preceding the. date of publication of each issue. This dice can not supply the publications listed in this bulletin, other than those expressly designated as publications of the Bureau of Education.Books, pamphlets, and periodicals here mentioned may ordinarily be obtained from their respective publishers, either directly or through a dealer, or, in the case of an association publi- cation, front the secretary of the issuing organization.Many of them are available for consultation in various public and institu- tional libraries. Publications intended for inclusion in this record should be sent to the library of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. PROCEEDINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS. 1730. Conference of educational associations.Report of the ss,venth annual conference .held at the University college, London, January 1919. London, 1010.230 p.8°. Contains: 1,II.A. L. Fisher : The art of keeping alive, p. 1-10.2. Percy Griffith Drawing and theutility-motive In education,p.12-18.3.Lord Ciorell :Education of men on military service, p. 24-29.4. National and in. (cruet lonalldmils In the teaching of history, [by] F. J. C. ileartishaw, p. [by] Miss A. E. Leven, p. 5. Prank Warner :Art In industry. p. 54-03.0. E. W. Maples: The education, welfare, and recreation of the young worker,p. 78-84.7. Winifred Mercier :The training college,p. 85-92.8. The utility motive In education, (by) John Adams, p. 90-103; [by] P. Ballard.p. 103-108s9.J.A. Thomson: The eugenic idealin education, p. 114-23.' 10, E. W. MacBride: The principles of sex-Instruction, p. 123-87. 11. Miss M. G.. BotAtleld: The place of the school In society, p. 158-73. 12. J. glieney.: !bat do we mean by freedom for the child? The root problem of educational reconstruction, p. 175-83.13. Prof. Fleure: Iluman geography, p. 198-98.14. lames Shelley: Realistic education.Joy AMatcriterion of educational values, p; 199-203.13. Homer Lane: Factors In children's con. duct, 207-12. 10, Ernest Gray: Continuation scheoie, p. 21T-24. 144508 -19 i 8 4 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. 1781. Education association of western Penn.sylvania.Proceedings [Pitts- burgh, Pa., November 29-30, 1918]Pittsburgh, University of Pitts- burgh, 1919.114 p.8°.(University of Pittsburgh bulletin, vol. 15, no. 3, March 1, 1919) Contains: 1. S. A. Courtis: Educational efficiency revealed by standard tests, p. 6-9.2. L.L. Thurston: Mental tests for college enfrauce, p.16-17. 3. E. C. Noyes: Report of a committee of the Allegheny county principals' round table on essentials in Englleh, p. 27-92.4. W. S. Small: State and national legislation for physical education, p. 53-57.3. F. T. Jones: Standardizing tests in physics and chemistry, p. 6. Orton Lowe :What economic occupa- tions of educational value can be devised for children under fourteen years of age in mining towns-how relate the occupations to school work? p. 80-93. 7. A. C. Callen : The problem of educating the adult in mining towns in sub- jects pertaining to mining, p. 93-103.8. Josiah Reely : The educated versus the uneducated miner as an asset to coal company, p. 103-9.9. J. O. Itedtt : How obtain more general financial support for schools in mining towns, p. 112-14. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 1732. Boyer, Charles C.History of education.New 'lurk [d ic.] C. Scribiler'4( sons [1911)]viii, 461 p.plates.12°. The thematic purpose of this volume is to show that historically education has been a progressive adjustment of claims in the exercise of human freedom. 1733. Wells, Benjamin W. Alcuinthe teacher.Constructive quarterly, 7:531-52, September 1919. CURRENT EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS. GENERAL AND UNITED STATES. 1784. Cestre, Charles.Coup d'ceil sur la civilisation atn6ricalne.Revue Inter- nationale de l'enseignement, 39:247 -415, July-August 1919. Opening lecture of the course in American literature and civilization nt the Sorbonne in Parts, December 3, 1918. Emphasizes the community of ideals of France and America. 1785. Claxton, Philander Watley.Watley. Educationforthe establishment of democracy inthe Washington, Government printing office, 1919.22 p.8°. Address beforetheNationaleducationassociationatMilwaukee,Wis., July 2, 1919. 1786. Gerwig, George W. Report of secretary of the Board of public educa- tion, Pittsburgh, 1918-1919.Pittsburgh, Pa., 1919.2 pamphlets.8°. These reports contain sections on Character as a national asset, and on Education and reconstruction. 4787. 71-,rquardt, W. W. Alma of our public schools.Philippine education, 1.6: 97-100, August 1919. "41 An address by the former Director of education of the Philippines before the Rotary club of Manila on the work of the Bureau of education of the Philippines and the results that are being attained. 1788. North Carolina.University.School of education.A study of the public schools in Orange county, North Carolina.Chapel 11111, N. C., The University, 1919.32 p.illus.8°.(University of North Carolina record, no. 186, June 1919.Extension series no. 32) 1T39. Price, Theodore H. The school and the workaday beyond.Outlook, 123: 178-80, October 1, 1919. An address delivered at a conference of masters in church schools, held at S. Paul's school, Concord,_N. Li., September 18, 1919. 4 Presents differences between boys educated in the public schools and those educated in preltaratory schools.says that public school graduates are more efliciept In the business world than preparatory school graduates. CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. 5 1740. Roz, Pirmin. La culture franctilse aux khats-Uric'.Minerve francatse, 1:87-98, June 1, 1919. 1741. Way, J. E.The earmarks of autocracy In American schools.Ohio (NM- cational monthly, 08:300-04, September 1919.. 1742. Wood, Will C.New occasions and new duties.Sierra educational new,. 15: 403 -11, September 1919. Reconstruction In education.Speaks particularly of conditions in California. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 1743. Blakesley, John H.Education: Its almsand means.Nineteenth cen- tury, 86: 535-46, September 1919. c, !deifies slate interference in education.Conditions in England tlescribtsl. 1744. Cohn, Adolphe.Reopening of the Ecole nornmle supdrieure.}Aura (tonal review, 58: 181-200, October 1919. The reopening exercises of the school on March 23, 1919, at ParIP, and were attended by the highest educati Iauthorities of France.Gives speeches of Ernest Lavisse, President Poincart*, etc. 1745. Delvolve. L'eeole etlesuniversites. Revue ikdagogique, 75: 79 -94. August 191'J. Deals with the relations between time university and the public schoolin Trance. The author discusses the same subject from the university point of view in an article In the Revue de rOtaphysique et de morale, March-April 1919. 1746.Fries, Wilhelm. Zur schtilreform inI)entse and and Osterreich. Lehr- prelim and lehrglitige nits der praxis der iiiiheren lehranstalten(Halle n. tl. S.) heft 140:1-20, July 3919. Reviews various recent works on the new era In education in Germanyand Austria. 1747. Inman, Samuel Guy.Educational leaders of Mexico.Educittion41 &Bons, 31:104-108, October 1910. 1748. Litt, Theodor.Die Iiiihere schule and dos problem der einheitsschule. Monatseltrift ftir Witten, schulen (Berlin) 18: 280 -93, July-August1919. Based on a program brochoro by Korl Reinhardt entitled Dieneugestaltnng des dentschen sehulwesens, Leipzig. 1919. 1749. Strong, John, rd. The education(Scotland) act, 3915, with annotations. Withlistofnew educational authorities.Edinburgh, Oliverand Boyd, 1919. *xl, 125 p.8'. 1750. Thompson, J. K.Reflections of a 'temporary schoolmaster.Contem- porary review, 110: 327-31, September1919. Discusses public school life inEngland.Student morals 511threligion. 1751. Torres, Adorer' The educational system of the republic of Cuba.Bul- letin of the Pan American union, 40: 352 -57, September 1910. Prepared from ()eta furnished by Dr. Ramiro Guerra, professor ofeducation in the Normal school ofIlabana, and information contained in the Columbus Memorial library of the Pan American union. EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. 1752. Palmer, Prank H.Repression, impression, expression In the process of education.Education, 40:98 -107, Octdber 1919. Presents amongother topics thee6clalisedrecitation and Student self.govern- meat. 1753. Ward, C. H. Educational boblItevism. &nook, 123 030-33, September 24, 1919. Criticises tka methods of ral'slernpetlagogista in building upmountains 7tf data and then making "practical applications of their Inductions witkautany 'knowledge of the practice of teaching." ' 6 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS: 1754. Winship, A. E.Danger signals for etchers.Chicago, Forbes & com- pany, 1919.204 p.12°. Some hints designed to help teacis In their work.
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