M Teefy A DREAD CALAMITY. to the respondent’s houee that Smith might identify her. Poor-IIousc Burned Down and the In- George Manby Smith, examined by Mr. m a tes Sm othered in TTheir B e d s. j Russell, said he arrived from New Zealand Д last (Thursday) night’s Paw Paw I in January, 1883. A gentleman who came (Mioh.) despatch ваув : Had it uot beeu for 1 to him in New Zealand brought him a the discovery at 2 o’clock in the moruing I letter and a photograph, and tola him his by a man named Halsey, sleeping in the expenses to this country would be paid. In main building of the Vanburen County 1863 he was travelling in Glasgow for a Poor-House, of fire in an addition in the Birmingham house. He then met Kate rear of that Btruoture, in all probability Cooke, who waa in oourt. She told him nearly every one of the offioers, employees, ehe had been living with a man named and inmates, numbering nearly sixty per­ Cooke, who was oonneoted with a oiroua, sons, would have been burned to death or THE YORK MR A Т.П. aud that he had been unkind to her. Wit­ smothered in their beds. As it is, oharred ness married her on the 6th of July, 1863, fragments are all that remain of fourteen at St. Mungo’s Catholio Churoh. His inmates. Vanburen County poor-house is father’s name was John Ashwin Smith, located on a farm several m iles weBt of and his mother’s maiden name was Lippett. here and three miles east of Hartford. VOL. XXVI. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, MAY IB, 1884. WHOLE NO 1,849 KO. 49. He and Kate Cooke separated in five The buildings consist of a large months. During that period they did not two-storey structure, which is the live happily. Before going to Australia main building, a wing on the east Bide, a and New Zealand in November, 1864, he two-storey addition in the rear of the main THE STATE OF FLORIDA. ІіЛТК NOKTIIW 'EST ІѴЬw e. THE LADIES’ COLUMN. hues. Rows of fringe in various oolors are HUMORS OF MATRIMONY. laet saw Kate Cooke in September of building, and two detached buildings. Hal­ seen on other new Btyles. that year. In either 1870 or 1871 sey was awakened by огіѳв from the rear Mr. Royal, М. P., Ьав arrived home. Hint« to ІІоияекеерегв. he wrote to his mother from addition, and ran down the hall to the floor Has She Gone Down in Mid- A farm near Morris was reoently sold for N ovelties in D ress and H ousehold Coal ehould be sprinkled as it is put into Auokland in the name of “ George leading into the addition. He was almost The Most Extraordinary Case Ever Tried in Johnson.” When he oame home his Ocean ? #19 per aore. D ecoration. tho oellar, to avoid ав much dirt as possible. overcome by the dense втоке, whioh at th e Enelish Divorce Courts. mother was living at Watford. Reoently Montana miners are arriving at Cal­ The wash boiler Bhould always be care­ onoe assailed him, and saw that the build­ he went to the house in whioh the respond­ gary. fully dried, and if there is the least tendency ing was burning furiously. It was ітров- CONJECTURES AS TO HEB FATE LOVELY NEW SUMMER DRESSES. ent was living and identified her, that being t > rust rub thç inside with a li ttl e lard. siole to proceed further into the interior. Archbishop Taché was presented with AN ENGLISH NOBLEMAN INVOLVED the first oooasion on whioh he eaw her Halsey, though nearly B tifl.d , had presence an address on the eve of St. Alexander’s Moth infested articles Bhould be saturated sinoe 1864. H e was married to a person Dynamite or Iceberg« the Cause of the of mind to dose the door and give the day, his patron saint. Kecipes for Ihe Boudoir and for Ihe in naphtha or benzine. It injures nothing, named Mary Ann Smith, whose father’s Calamity—The C'anadiane Aboard— alarm. Persons in the front part of the The Bank of Montreal having secured K itch en . and kills the destroyer. Peculiar ITIatrfnioniaI Complication**—A name was Johnson, on the 26th of June, Kurglar iYliller’M Chum Among the building were soon aroused, and made all two lots on Stephen avenue, Calgary, will It soothes and oools a feverish patient to К е т а г к я Ы Ь М ог] . 1862. Before he married Kate Cooke he haste to ваѵе their lives. Superintendent 1*имяепкегм. put up a substantial building for a branch bathe him with warm water in whioh a was informed that hia previous wife was Cash’s daughter had recently been иск The agents of the State Line Steamship оЗісѳ about the 1st of June next. (Aunt Kate's Contributions.) little saleratus has been dissolved. This was perhaps the most extraordinary dead. Thie was from a friend of his first са ве ever tried iu the Divorce Court. It with typhoid fever, and was in a very weak Company have received a despatch from Ou Wednesday last a віх year old son of A famous lawyer used to say that a wife in Birmingham. This was three waB a B uit by the Earl of Easton, eldest oondition. She was removed in B afety GlaBgow this morniDg showing that the Mr. Rowland Hill, of Moosejaw, was ac­ Л Рпгім Dinner 1>гем*. woman who could boil potatoes and melt months before his seoond marriage. He The flames spread with euch rapidity that steamer State of Florida, which left New sou of the Duke of Grafton, for a declara­ cidentally poisoned by oarbolic acid. The The following is а Рагіа pattern of a butter well wae a good ooob, and he never did not remember the name of that friend. only an organ, bureau and two or three York for Glasgow on April 12th, was lost tion of nullity of marriage, on the ground prison was given by a lady friend in dinner dress, a in its way. It required any other proof of her capabilities. She was a female friend of his first wife. other articles of furniture were Baved. The at sea. The despatoh is ав follows : “ The chef-d'œuvre that when he married the respondent she mistake for medioine. is of Ottoman Bilk, and of the oolor known He separated from his first wife eight jail being detaohed, there was time to Bteamer Devon, from New York for Bristol, A Good Fever Drink.—Put a large spoon­ had a husband alive. To this her auBwer as old brown pink, perhaps the most becom­ months after thoir marriage, and never arouse and rescue tho inmates before the pioked up on April 27th two lifeboats of The High Bluff Branoh of the North­ ful of blaok ourrant jelly into a tumbler was that the man with whom she had gone ing of all carnation tinta, inolining aa it saw her after. He had not tbe slightest fire spread to that building, although the steamship State of Florida, without west Farmers’ , Union have passed a reso­ and fill it up with boiling water. When through a ceremony of marriage before she does to the yellow cones of the complexion. doubt that the woman sitting before him little else could be saved. After all ocoupante or gear. A sailing vessel bound lution favoring веосввіоп from the Do­ oold it is ready to drink. married Dord Euston waa a married man Rose leaves in the various shades of green iu oourt was the Kate Cooke whom he роевіЫе in the way of saving life had boen for the west signalled the steamer City of minion. If a bedstead oreaks at each movement of with a wife alive when that oeremony waa and reddish brown are embroidered upon married in 1863. done, messengers were sent to Hartford, Rome on April 23rd in lat. 46, long. 42, that Mr. Beaupre, formerly Deputy Minister the sleeper, remove the elate and wrap the performed, and that, therefore, she was not the pink ground, and with suoh result that Cross-examined—When he went to iden­ and a fire engine from that plaça came at she had the Bhipwrecked orew of a State of Publio Works for Manitoba, has been end of eaoh in old newspaper. This legally married to him, and was free to the whole looks like a piece of well pre­ tify his wife he looked at her only lor a onoe, but on the arrival of the firemen they Line steamer on board.” The State of arrested at Calgary for having Pond’s will prove a complete Bilenoer. marry when she beoame the wife of Lord served meditcval needlework. The dreaa is minute, and not a word was spoken ; he oould do nothing. As soon as the state of Florida was 4,000 tons burtheD, built at Extract in his possession. He was re­ Calisthenio exercises are calculated to Euston. without train, the round Bkirt being trim­ at onoe identified her ; he did not know the ruins would admit the building whioh Glasgow in 1879. manded. cure deformities of the figure, eapeoially of Mr. Bussell, iu stating the оаве for the med with flounces of ecru laoe. The вате that his address had been applied for by was the scene of the holooaust was en­ the cheBt, to invigorate the system and cou- petitioner, said that hie olient waa the Hon.
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