1(3)/2011 If you have any guestions connected with Polish market, just contact with us! [email protected] Polish record FOTA S.A. on Automechanika - winner of the Regional Forbes CSR Awards Automechanika 2010 was one of the best over 69.5 thousand. Instead, more visitors edition in history, especially in numbers of came from countries other than Germany - Fota S.A. - the leading distributor of Po- visitors. Although,we note less visitors from over 84 thousand, 5.6% more than in 2008. lish spare parts, took third place in the For- Germany than two years ago, because just This means that exhibitors at Automechani- bes Regional CSR Awards. ka could make contacts with potential buy- Prize was awarded at the Forbes Tauron ers from around the world, not only from Business Forum, which took place on 16th Germany - like many people still judge this of December 2010 in Sopot. exhibition. Forbes Regional CSR Awards was cre- Polish visitors also contributed to the ated with an idea to honoring outstanding succes of the growing number of visitors companies with the highest standards of other than Germany. Thanks to mandato- responsible business. ry registration, we know that exactly 3204 As well as around the world so in Poland, Poles visited Automechanika, which places there are companies which are distingu- Poland in the top fi ve in the ranking visitors ished by the following aspects: from outside Germany, together with Italy, a concern for the environment Britain, France and the Netherlands, but respecting the rights and interests of ahead of China, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Rus- workers sia or Belgium. Besides, in Frankfurt, we co- attention to other stakeholders, espe- uld see more companies from Poland than cially local communities in the largest fairs in Poland (there were as charitable activities and ethical appro- many as 111 trade fairs in Poland last year). ach to business. On the previous edition of the Auto- mechanika 2008 were 98 exhibitors from Poland, so it is something to celebrate. In Off er addition, many Polish exhibitors were very The polish company is interested in de- satisfi ed with their observed greater „open- alership in Poland in the range of garage ness” of merchants from Western Europe to equipment. cooperate with Polish companies. Please send off ers to: [email protected] Acceleration of automotive industry in 2011 It was found that 75% of automotive companies operating within the group re- lower than for temporary workers – says Ma- companies in Poland plan to make new sulted in a decision-making autonomy of rek Turczyński, Deloitte. investments in 2011, and 1/3 of them pro- the polish branches. As many as 63% agre- Entrepreneurs optimistic spirit participa- mises to increase employment. Entrepre- ed that the problems of foreign branches ting in the Deloitte survey, does not apply neurs in this sector look to the future with had an impact on the activities and deci- to legislative changes in the automotive optimism - are expecting sales growth, and sions in relation to the polish market. - Po- environment. 62% of respondents expect more revenue in the coming 12 months - lish companies felt the pressure on improving that in this coming year will be more restric- according to the latest report from Deloitte, the fi nancial performance of foreign branches, tive assessment tax returns. prepared on the basis of studies of Polish in particular, to cover fi xed costs, which scale - Existing regulations in Poland are still automotive sector. relatively increased due to reduced production uncertain and imprecise, which may in turn The main aim of the Deloitte study was and lower income – says Tomasz Palka, Ma- result in diff erent interpretations of the same the diagnosis of the automotive industry in nager in Deloitte’s tax advice department. economic events. This may mean diff erent Poland and its development prospects in Analysis conducted by Deloitte also tax eff ects for the same situation. In this case, the near future. The fi rst part of the survey showed that entrepreneurs are optimistic entrepreneurs are afraid of fi scal revenue and refered to the summary of this year. Half about future business in this coming year. how negative tax authorities interpret the ru- of the surveyed entrepreneurs said that in Over 50% of them provides that in the next les and regulations – commented Tomasz the meantime have increased their activity, 6 months, markets will grow, and sales will Palka from Deloitte. and one in fi ve respondents indicated that grow as well. This may be related with the A similar pessimism expressed respon- it was enlarged on a large scale. Only 5% of investments plans for next year. As many as dents when asked if they will provide the the cases there was a signifi cant reduction three quarters of all respondents estimated introduction of any encouragement or sup- in the range of activities. that 2011 will be the period of develop- port for the automotive sector in the next 12 - The automotive sector in 2010 and early ment, almost half said that the investments months in Poland. Only 6% of respondents 2011 is featured very positive. Good atmo- are almost certain. These changes will result believe that such support may be introdu- sphere is important because, on this basis will in an increase of employment. One-third of ced in the new year, while 71% of respon- be undertaken for investment decisions in the entrepreneurs declare that in the near fu- dents stated that this is unrealistic. near future. It is interesting that the good fe- ture will need additional staff . Only 11% of - This is the greatest consensus of entrepre- elings are shaped by the market – says Marek respondents say they will be forced to re- neurs in our study. In addition, three quarters Turczyński, director of the audit department duce employment levels. - The results of the of respondents states that the support or aid at Deloitte. employment growth are optimistic, but you targeted to purchasers of new cars in Poland 2010 was full of events that could have should have in mind features of the automo- would have an impact on the improvement an impact on the automotive sector in our tive market, which uses temporary workers at of the situation in the industry – says Tomasz country. Respondents in the survey were a specifi c time. In that case, permanent staff Palka from Deloitte. asked about the diffi culties of other local variations in the level of employment will be I Polish Championships of Aftermarket Companies in Alpine skiing Valeo - a leading supplier of replace- are addressed for participants in a spirit of ment parts, came out with an interesting healthy, safe and at the same time noble initiative of organizing a championship of sport competition leading to the integra- aftermarket companies. The fi rst edition of tion and consolidation of market. the event under the Valeo patronage will in- Polish Championship 2011 is an event that volve winter sports. I Polish Championships in years will become a leading event for who- of Aftermarket Companies in Alpine skiing nies in Alpine skiing is the fi rst professional le industry. Specially created for this occasion will take place between the 10th and 15th sport project with nationwide coverage, the logo is to promote the event among cu- of January 2011. Slope Galtuer (Austria) will addressed to the participants of the Polish stomers and business partners. In addition, be the place of sport competition. aftermarket. Polish Championships are de- a specially designed website gives all the de- Aftermarket Cup, which is an offi cial Po- dicated to sport and recreational aspects tails of the event for all interested parties. lish Championship of Aftermarket Compa- and beyond the purely sporting purposes www.aftermarketcup.pl POLISH WORKSHOP REPORT - str. 2 60 years of Precyzja – great celebration at the opera in Bydgoszcz The ceremony was held October 20 at the Opera Nova, Bydgoszcz on the 60th anniversary of the Precyzja company. Among the invited guests were present the highest representatives of local authori- ties (like deputy speaker of the province and president of Bydgoszcz) and friends from abroad. Trade press and TVP Bydgoszcz also took place in that event. During the ceremony the company has awarded the most deserving employees of the company by giving them Gold and Silver medals. Everything happened to the accompaniment of a string quartet - Eterni- ty Strings Quartet and opera soloists. Konstanty Dombrowicz handed statuette Therefore, Precyzja has in the plans further Some of the guests decided personally with the logo of the city. development and investment, according to thank to the management of Precyzja for However a leading “fi gure”on the stage the quote - „who does not go forward, goes the long-term cooperation and promotion was GeoTest 60, offi cially presented to em- backwards”. In the near future the company of the city. Deputy speaker of the province – ployees and their families. GeoTest 60 is the intends to expand and refresh the existing Edward Hartwich handed statuette funded result of the UE project as an innovative de- machinery with the help of EU funds impro- by Deputy Speaker of the Kujawsko-Pomor- vice, competing with the best in the world. ving and making their job easier and more skie province - Piotr Całbecki to the Exec- 60 years of presence in the market is not enjoyable. The plans also include a new tutive Director of Precyzja Group – Andrzej only a source of pride, but also the responsi- building that will support engineers to test Bukowski. And the President of Bydgoszcz bility that comes from such a rich tradition.
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