| Wo are Equipped to do all kinds of ;i If You W ant the People To Know 1... Bettes' Grade Job Printing I That You Are In Business § Neatly, Promptly and Satafactorily Tel! Them So Through The Times ■ i AND THE BriOBE TIMES ^ittiii"iifiii'im'<ru'tiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii>uiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiuiiiiriia 'OCESN ~GE0 VE,'~NEW~JER5E’Yj FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1940 POUR CENTS Lube fo Head Lincoln Hall Engaged Hrerrien Protest Children Cause hire General Evangeline. Booth; Former Salvation Army Neptune Board Neptune Man Engaged to York, Branch I lazsrd Admit Playing WHh Matches At Pennsylvania Miss Rear of DeRose Home Trade Group Reorganizes At The engagement of John Lincoln Ocean Grove firemen \wv« fail­ Head, Is August 4 Auditorium Speaker Low-Hanging Limbs Hamper Dinner At Town Rendezvous; Hall, son of Mrs. Mabel S. Hall, ed Saturday afternoon to exting­ Truck Drivers In Safely Second Meeting To Be Held On 1918 7th ave., Neptune to Miss M ar­ uish a blaze'in thc rear of the .home Conveying Apparatus To J-'ire; M onday garet E. Peeling, daughter of Mrs.' of . Frank DeRose, lit) Stockton Residents’ Aid |Asked. ISSUES ST|A’1’EM1'NT L. C. Peeling, York, Pa., was an­ avenue, caused, according to Police Retired World Wide Leader Will Address Fred Lube was named president nounced Saturday evening at a Members o flh T iag lc Hook and i Chiof] W.i!Iiam. £ C“tle/ ' child, of thc Neptune board of trade at family dinner at the Polling home. ' ■ . | ien playing with matches near the Evening Session of Salvation Army Sunday Ladder company this weok ..Pr°-k.C!u. pprch.of the building. Dam- tho reorganization meeting and It was also in celebration of Miss dinner! of that group held x-ecently ■Felling’s birthday., Mr. Hall is a tested what they called conditions age was estimated nt 525. Services/ Highlight of Annual Meeting of in the Town Rendezvous, Neptune. senior in the mechanical engineer­ “which are liable to bring personal I The three Oceaii Grove compari- About twenty-five persons attend­ ing school of Drexel Institute of injury-'to members of tho company” ! responded to ar* alarm sounded Group/ Other Program Facts Given ed the event. Technology, Miss Peeling is at and which seriously hamper the; flom b°x 22^ p o li< * headquart­ ers and used two bo->sler lines Speakers for the' evening includ­ present employed as assistant man­ company’s aerial truck in answer ed Harry G. Faby, first president ager in the,labor department cafe­ in extinguishing the blaze. Fire General Evangeline Booth, Ve» I of tlie Times was, ns stated, not ing alarms, and appealed to resi- • Chiefs David O’Reilly and Wavren ..of the board, who traced the teria, Washington, D. C. The wed­ tired world wide commander oi the complete. Relative to the three Sunday * preaching' services where growth'and aims of the organiza­ ding will take place in thd sum­ dents to help correct the situation.; Brown were in charge of the fire S alvation A rm y , w ill .be" th e even­ the, preachers are not announced tion, and the accomplishments of m er: The conditions referred to by . fighters: ing sp ea k e r a t th e Ocean Gi-b'vc in each case Dr. Wells, chairman “tho body. He was introduced by * / . : _+ . the firemen are those created* by j — ~ ' Auditorium on August fourth, the.0r the Program committee, is ne- Edward Van Note, organization the low-hanging limbs bn many of . -.-. _ Anmial Salvation Army Sunday at j gotiating with invited preachei s. chairman^ Also speaking was District Councils the trees in Ocean Grove. When N ep tu n e P arents Jmos H. McRell, Ocean Grove, for­ the aerial truck answers alarms, . , . the building. The announcement; In case we aro pleased to an- nounce . the ■ spcaket: has accepted mer police chief of Newark and lo Meet at St. Paul's it is necessary for a tillerman to ( N ig h t O n I U esddy was.made this week by Dr. George ■ . .our invitation. , August-!th will be sheriff of Essex county and Joseph operate, the rear steering upparat- '■ ____ __ W Henson, president oi the. eiunp.Salvationi .Army Sunday' an(l the -.Santa, retiring secretary, who dis­ Annual Meeting To Be Held us on the truck. His position on j Concert, Play .And Displays meeting association, | eveningmessenger will he .-General eased industries along the shove T u e sd ay ; D eleg ates W i’.l H ear thc truck being some ten to twelve ‘ Planned To Show. V fnik of H igh i -.,j Gen. Booth retired' last October;Evangeline .Booth, a re a . Addresses By Drs. R. \V. Mark; feet above the street level, he is School; Program Divided Into from the, leadership of. the world-1 ■•This, will be good.news to lovers' Other officers elected at the Otto Leagler and Carli.de L. placcd in a direct line with the: Two Parts For Evjning’s wide service, and retiti'ffing from ,jf OceantGrove where .Miss Booth meeting included William Kelly, H ub b ard low-hanging branches. In order, UnterHainmcnt i Englandig i.u mto mthe t Unitedui:r...-.i States,oiau-.', tookluihv is very .jiopulat..jiopuiai*: She»ne-nas- has - jirovedprovcu a vice president; Mr. Van Note, sec­ to minimize the danger of these JOSEPH MAYKK. u p) her residence at llarv.sdnle. really great- sttcccsstn tr>. her dis- . retary, and Wiliam Ammann, The annual meeting of the. Mon­ branches, the truck must be oper-! Parent’s Night in NVptune h ig h ________._______ ____ ___________ X.. Y. She was succeeded - in tlie tiiignishei father, ’founder _ of the .' treasurer. The' nominating com­ mouth County Council of Christian atcd at a low rate of speed, cs.-1school will be held Tuesday even-'— . I . officefice by Gen. George L. Carpes- Arttty It is a- great joy to ann- mittee included Nils Olson, Ed­ Education, and tho Monmouth pecially at night when the pros- ing, and, will feature a play, “Which F re e h o ld e r 'M a y e r' ter. I ounce ■ her coming to our famous ward Goldberg, Lloyd Dikeman, ence of tho limbs cannot always bo Is ^ e Way To.Bos(()n.?,, as t?ic' . _ • v County District Councils, to be The Salvation Army meetings in : pulpit. Reuben) Lewis and Raymond Dorr- seen/ .first part of the program, and the j Seeks Renomirsation held at St. Paul’s church Tuesday Oeean Grove will begin Saturday, “F o r ; t he services 'of oven inp; o f e r . ' Firemen point to thiiT branch j many displays of the different ,de.| August anc^ continue through June 2U and the.morninjr.of July 14 Mr. Faby, Henry Fuller, Joseph afternoon and evening, will bring condition as seriously hampering,partments as the second part of! Director Of County Board Seeks until Monday, August 5. The open-, we have in mind two preachers Who Shafto, William Kelly and William members of all the church schools their work, delaying them in reach- j the evening’s entertainment open Opportunity To Run for Post ing of the meetings is. preceded have not found it. convenient to ac­ Matthews were named by Mr. Lube ing’the scene of the blaze, and at .to all parents and friends, in the county for the series of Former'Mayor Oi Belmar, Head a parade on Ocean avenue to the cept, our invitations1 but hope to to the orgnization committee. The all times, placing the tillerman in : a concert of several band so. addresses and confercncs. , Of Maloney Interests flag pole at the foot of Embury do so. We have others in mind next meting was announced for danger. On many times past, when | lections will preced the presenta- avenue, where the Salvation Army should these not find it possible A p ril 15. The keynote address of the after­ the apparatus traveled over the tion of the play, Kennit Stewart Freeholder Joseph Mayer, of Bel banner is raised, to remain until to adjust their plans. As soon as Among ohers attending were Mr. noon session will be given, by Dr. streets with such hazards, the j music director, nt Neptune, will di- mar, this week announced his can­ the close of the sessions. these gaps are filled we shall in­ ^McEeli, Herbert Durber, Clifford tillehnan suffered bruises and cuts rect, R. W. Marks pastor of the Allen­ didacy for renomination to that Gen, Evangeline Booth is the form! our public through the cour­ . Newton, Frank Haldeman, Joseph about the face sustained when Characters, in ihe play include town Presbyterian church. The office at the Piimary election in daughter of Gen. William- Booth, tesy of the Times. Fatibenc, Gene Vaccaro, Herman S. Struck by the low hanging £arry. Faby as John Harvey; Olive Johnson, • Frank Stewart, Fred C. talk will follow the registering of May. Mr. Mayer is at present the -founder of thc. Salvation Army, "Fuilher, there are many de­ . _ , jHartz, Martha Harvey; Warren director of the board of freehold­ and thc sister of General BramWell Beyer and Samuel Gentile. delegates and an exhibit of books tails about thc auxiliary services c '. JRidgway, Chris Harvey, and Jeanne ers, having assumed that position Booth, second commander of tho The condition came to a head j Brophy as Mary Harvey. The play (Continued on Page 6) and materials. The afternoon pro­ when the lata Raymond L. Wyck- A rm y. Saturday, when the apparatus -was is under the direction of Miss Anne gram following the talk includes off became county clerk.
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