,v Discard 36 Connecticut Daily Campusi o Sewing Storrs Since 1896 cokucioa/r *p^ TUESDAY, .MARCH 27. 1&3_, g VOL. CXVI, No. 101 STORRS. CONNECTICUT Trustees Name New President! Dr. Homer D. Babbidge Jr., James Fenimore Cooper Scliokur- vice-presiden' of the American ship and the Yale Club of N)uw Council on Education, has been York Scholarship. Cd Greek Week Features apppointed President of the Uni- I'ndergrad Work versity of Connecticut. When in- As an undergraduate he v€as terviewed in his Washington president of the Yale Politipa,l office by WHUS, the new Uconn union, chairman of the student An Olympic Marathon president said he was "thrilled radio station and a member of to death" and "greatly honored" the Elizabethan Club, the Aure- "Greek Week," the fifth annual proceed to Storrs. From the capi- to be named president. lian Honor Society and Scroll pageant to collegiate fraternalism, tol the runners will travel on In making the announcement and Key. will focus attention on the evolv- Route 44. The route is as follows:! yesterday, John J. Budds, chair- Upon, graduation he worked in ing roles played by the contem- Jewel St., to Ann St., to Main man or the Uconn Board of the Student Appointment Bureau porary "Greeks" and will begin St., over the Buckeley Bridge to Trustees, said Dr. Babbidge will of Yale and began his graduate assume his new duties in the fall. with an Olympic "Torch run," U.S.. 44 to Center St., and to studies. His doctoral dissertation Dr. Babbidge said that he met was a history of the founding and reports Stu Heller, Co-Chairman Uconn. with the Board of Trustees and early years of Swarthmore Col- The runners wUl enter the cam- ^ jnformed of Greek Week. lego. Marathon pus from the east, as prescribed appointment about ten He la'er taught for Beveral by the Olympics, and will arrive «• The annual ceremonies, dedi- years in the Department of cated to fraternity and sorority at Mirror Lake opposite Man Ninth President American Studies and becom ii- Chester Hall and the waiting memhers here at Uconn. will be- The thirty-seven year-old suc- rector of Financial Aids for the Greeks. Here is Hellenistic pag- jrin with an Olympic Marathon cessor becomes the ninth presi University. He also served as Monday evening at sunset. About eant, featured bv the crowning dent of the University, succeed- head resident counselor of fresh- of a "Greek God and Goddess",. 130 fraternity men, spaced at Mben JQ n who DR. HOMER D. BABBIDGE . men and Executive Fellow of quarter-mile intervals, will run a will be unfolded before about, a,fnounced his retirernent ,ast Pierson College. torch a tribute to the ancient 2,500 sorority and fraternity .0ctobpr By next fa„ Dr. jorseri- PH.D. degrees from Yale Uni- In 10f he was a co-founder Greek Olympics, from Hartford to membcrs. Isen WJH nave completed twenty- versity and holds an honorary of the Program of American Storrs, over the 26.2 miles pre- The background for the run|sevcn ypars as head of the Uni. LLD from Ithaca College. Studies at Yale University for scribed in the Olympic marathon. came from "The Olympic Pag- versity. P resident Jorgensen, Before assuming his present Foreign Students, a program that Plans call for the relay to make eant." •* presently on vacation, will re- post with the American Council continues today. Its way through East Hartford. History turn to campus next week. His on Education, which is an asso- (Continued Page 3) Manchester, Bolton. and Coven- "On July 20t.h 1936 fourteen plans for the future are still in. ciation of more than one thou-s- Pursuing his interest in foreign try reaching the rallying "Greeks Grecian maidens, garbed in an- definite, and colleges and universities and, students. Dr. Babbidep departs here at the university's Mirror cient costumes gathereed at the How Chosen 145 national organizations in the ( for Africa on March 30 to snend Lake. A symbolic flame, which ruin of the Temple of Zeus at The new president was chosen: field of higher education, Dr. j three weeks during educeducation.il Olympia. By means of lenses and b v the Presidential Selection Ad-1 Babbidge served for five years institutions in Northern Rh.T- will burn through the week, will c be ignited at the lake by the last the rays of the sun, they ignited i^j"so'" Committee' composed ofjin the Department of Health, | ^sia. and Nyasaland. under the members of the relay. the sacred fire. The girls car-jsix members of the faculty, three Education and Welfare. He has j audpices of the African Liaison Capitol To Campus ried the fire, in an antique' members of the Administrative been special assistant to the US, Committee of the ACE The relay will begin in the lamp, through the sacred grove :Councii and three members of commissioner of education and Publications state capitol with a ceremonial to the square, where a runner the g^Yd 0f Trustees. director of the Division of Higher Dr. Babbidge is the author of lighting of the torch. "Greek lit a magesium torch from the! The six facultv members are Education. "Student Financial Aid-A Manual fire. Relay runners to the num- i y. Paul'Jannke. Albert Prominent Role for Colleges and Un,vers,t,es maidens," dressed in togas, will Dav d Ivr present the torch to Colonel ber of 3.300. lighting torch to Mann, W. Howard Martin. Vic- There he played a prominent and co-author, with R. M Rosen- Sch sped across seven coun- tor Sr-ottron and Phillip Taylor. I role in the passage of the Na-.^ , •"The FeSceal Interest ,n Robert Buchwith. the Governor's e representative, who will in turn tries.and brought the sacred fire The three Administrative Council ,t.Qnal Defense Education Ac, Higher Education to Berhn at noon of the open- members are Nathan Whetten. I and subsequently. ,n the admin- ehanman of a committee which hand the torch to Mayor Glynn of published in 1961 a booklet. "A Bday"ofathe games. At the pro-\ Hurt. Hopkins and Hugh Ctark. £««-*«* ^^ ^ Hartford. ing provisions. Federal Education Agency for per time during the ceremonies,!The three members of the Board Mayor Glynn will the present In 1961 he was awarded thej the Future." and has contributed the torch to the first runner and the last runner dramatically ap-.of Trustees are.John Budds. El- Distinguished Service Medal of a number of articles to pr.ofes- peared at the east gate. He trot- mer Watson and Guy Holt. Chair- the Marathon will officially be- the Department of HEW. Two.sional journals. gin. ted across the stadium and. jg «■,-£„ ^SE, SdTec'- y Dr. Babbidge Is a member of The route planned for the run his torch, started a chosen one of the "Ten Outstand-' the American Studies Association was to bum during the game." retary is Philip Taylor. begins at the -capitol and will In a letter announcing he''ng Young Men in the Nation", and the American Historical As- appointment to the members of by the US Junior Chamber of social ion. He is an Associate Fel- the faculty and staff. John J. Commerce. ■ low of Perison College at Yale New Young Republicans Club Budds. chairman of the Board of While jt Yale, where he also and a trustee of the Westover staff member for several I School for Girls. Middlebury. Trustees, said that "the commit-,was a 1 tee seriously considered almost j years. Dr. Babbidge held the (Continued On Pace Si Hears Lawyer Speak On Group 300 persons whose names werei The Young Republicans Club telligent judgement of the facts; ^tside^d ouS thTunll RCSpOllSC To Offer SympOSlUm of the University of Connecticut of the case." [versity. The action of the Board '. _ - . +m . ■»-»• held its first meeting Thursday in seiectin- Dr. Babbidge was|Q|| vvorld Aitairs At Princeton evening in the HUB. The group at Uconn. was the thirteenth col- taken unanimously, following a| was addressed by Attorney Ed- lege Young Republicans .Club in'unanimous recommendation of! A svmposium on World columnist Richard Rovere. ward Ward of Canton, executive the state of Connecticut. I the Presidential Advisory Com- Affairs sponsored and run by Alert. Stimulate . secretary of the state Young Re- The Constitution and By-Laws, mittee." RESPONSE, a student organiza- RESPONSE attempts to alert publicans. A Constitution and very similar to those used by Acaclcmic Excellence tion. will be held at Princeton the indifferent, to stimulate tin* By-Laws were passed and officers most Young Republicans Clubs, Budds also said that he was!University during the weekend of alert. Its program involves many Were elected. was passed unanimously after a "certain that under the friendly! A-rU g4j# The theme of the week- people distinguished Ktlii< ..lMin.il Purpose reading by Chairman Dennis Le- and dynamic leadership of Dr.Ln(j forum, held annually at students from many universities, In his address, Mr. Ward sug- pak. As a matter of formality, a Babbidge, the Universitv of Con- Princeton, will be "The Chancing and interested individuals oi be gested that one of the main pur- Constitutional Revision Commit-.necticut will make substantial Face of American Democracy." Princeton community and otl poses of the new group should tee was established. It is the pur- progress toward its goal of .im- The purpose of RESPONSE The main concern of RI - be educational. "Perhaps.it would pose of this committee to scrut- domic excellence." is to fosier direct contact with SPONSE is with specific issues >f be to your advantage," Mr.
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