149 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/heathtelegraphicOOheat HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC GIPHER THE HEATH TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER FOR THE USE OF FLOURING MILLS AND FLOUR MERCHANTS AND THEIR TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR THE ECONOMICAL AND SECRET TRANSMISSION OF BUSINESS TELEGRAMS SOLD ONLY BY G . M . HEATH AUTHOR AND PROPRIETOR LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN '• v \J 1 No. i— THIS CODE BOOK I S T H K PROP E RTY OF LISTMAN MILL CO M P A N Y LA CROSSE WISCONSIN AND IS LOANED TO ,'i^0~Zr-&X2sf, G . / /O ^.<^t>c/ ^C^c-t^ Qr?t l£&C.ei In loaning- this Code to Correspondents it is with the distinct understanding that it is only to be used in the interests of our joint business and to be remailed to us when we request. ..LIST. IMPANY., — SZC'Y. COPYRIGHTED 1900 By G. M. HEATH INDEX About selling- 84 Instructions Barrels A bout sales 84 Mill Feed 90 No. in wood 1 " Shipping 95 " J^s cotton 6 " "49s " 10 Jute sacks " "98s " 14 No of Barrels in 98s 22 " " " " 140s 26 " " l-16s " 18 Letters received 80 " " 98s jute 22 Markets 84 " " 14()s " 26 and brands 79 " " 1-I6s paper 31 Marks Middlings, White " " i/ s " 35 8 carloads 56 " "49s " 39 Bulk " tons 66 Bran 200s carloads 59 Bulk carloads 55 " tons 66 " tons 61 100s carloads 59 200s carloads 57 " tons 67 " tons 62 Mill Feed instructions 90 100s carloads 57 M iscellaneous 100 '* tons 62 Mixed Feed Brands and marks 79 Bulk carloads 56 Carloads, number of 43 " tons... 64 Cotton Sacks 200s carloads 60 No. of Barrels in Yss 6 " tons 65 " " " " 49-; 10 carloads 60 " 100s " " " 98s 14 " tons 65 " '* " " l-16s 18 Names Crops and weather 103 Brands and marks 79 Customers, names and addresses 110 Railroads 106 About sales 84 Rate Points 82 Instructions to and from 95 Number of carloads 43 Letter or telegram received 80 Numerals 44 Mill Feed instructions 90 Packages, size of 69 Sh i pments, time of 76 Paper Sacks Shipping- instructions 95 No. of Barrels in l-16s 31 " l Telegram or letter received 80 " " " /s s 35 Time of shipment 76 " " " "49s 39 Time to take out flour 100 Prices 84 Dates Quantities Days of the month 83 Number of carloads 43 Date of letter received 80 Numerals 44 " " telegram received 80 Size of packages 69 Quantities SPECIFIED QUANTITIES Abaft 1 ban- el wood, Abandon 2 bar r els wood. Abash 3 Abated 4 Abdicate 5 Abdomen 6 Abduct 7 Abduce 8 Abeam 9 Abeyance 10 Abettor 11 Abhor 12 Ability 13 Abject 14 Abjure 15 Ablaze 16 Ablative 17 Ableness 18 Ablepsy 19 Abluent 20 Ablution 21 Abnegate 22 Abode 23 Abroad 24 Alack 25 Alarm 26 Albeit 27 Albumen 28 Alchemist 29 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Alcohol 30 barrels wood. Alcoran 31 Alcove 32 Alder 33 Alert 34 Alfred 35 Alien 36 Alight 37 Alkali 38 Allege 39 Allot 40 Alloy 41 Allude , 42 Almode 43 Aloft 44 Alone 45 Aloud 46 Alphabet 47 Already 48 Altar , 49 Although 50 Altitude 51 Altogether 52 Alway 53 Amiable 54 Amalgum 55 Amateur 56 Amative 57 Amaze 58 Ambassador 59 Ambergris 60 Ambidextrous 61 Ambiguous 62 Ambition 63 Amble 64 Ambrosia 65 Ambuscade 66 Ameliorate 67 Amend 68 Amicable 69 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Amid 70 barrels wood. Amiss 71 " " Amity 72 " " Ammonia 73 " " Ammunition 74 " " Amnesia 75 " * Amnesty 76 " u Amnion 77 " " Amock 78 " " Amole 79 " " Amolish 80 " " Among- 81 " " " Amorean 82 '• Amorretto 83 " " Amoroso 84 " " Amphoric 85 " " Amort 86 " •' Amovable 87 " " Ampac 88 Ampere 89 u a Amplex 90 " " Amplify 91 Amplitude 92 u u Amputate 93 44 (4 Amrita 94 " Amuck 95 " " " " Amula ; 96 Amusement 97 " " Amylic 98 " " Ana'bas 99 " M Anabole 100 " " Anacard 101 " " Anastate 102 " u Anatomist 103 " " Anbury 104 u t4 Ancestor 105 " " Anchor 106 " " Ancient 107 u u Andante ....108 " " Andiron ....109 " t4 1 4 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Anear 110 barrels wood. Anecdote HI Amenia 112 U AnemoneA n«>111 " Aneroid 114 Aneurism 115 Angel H6 Anger 117 Angina 118 Anguish 119 Angular 1-0 Animal 121 Animated 122 Animosity 123 « Ankle 124 |« Anneal 125 Annex 126 Annihilate 127 Annotate 128 Announce 129 Annoy 130 Annual 131 Annuity 132 Annulment 133 Annunciate 134 Anodyne 135 Anoint 136 Anomal 137 Antagonize 1 38 Anterior 139 Anthem 140 Antherial 141 Anthracite 142 Anthropic 143 Anticipate 144 Antidote 145 Antilope 146 Antimony 147 Antipathy 148 1 it U It Antiquate 149 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Antiseptic 150 barrels wood. Antithesis 175 Antler 200 Anvil 225 Anxious 250 Apart 275 Apathetic 300 Aperient 325 Aperture 350 Apiary ... 375 Apocalypse 400 Apodal 425 Apogee 450 Apology 475 Apostate 500 Apostolic 550 Appall 600 Apparatus 650 Apparel 700 Appendix 750 Appetite 800 Applaud 900 Apple 1050 Appliance 1200 Appoint 1500 Appreciate 1800 Apprehensive 1950 Approach 2100 Approve 3000 Appurtenance 4500 Apricot 6000 Apron 7500 Aptitude 9000 Aquarium 10500 6 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Aquiline 1 barrel in }i s cotton. Arab 2 barrels in /ix s cotton. Arbiter 3 Arbitration 4 " Arbutus 5 Arcade 6 Arcanum 7 " kk Arched 8 Architecture 9 Arctic 10 ." Ardent 11 Area 12 Argand 13 Argonaut 14 Argosy 15 Argument 16 " Argus 17 Argyric ...18 Arian 19 Ariel 20 Arise 21 Aristocracy .22 " Arithmetic 23 Arm 24 Armada 25 Armature 26 Armistice 27 Armourer 28 Arnica 29 Aroma 30 Around. 31 Arouse 32 Arraign 33 Arrangement 34 '• Array 35 Arrest 36 Arrival 37 " Arrogance 38 " Arsenal 39 Artery 40 it HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Artful " 41 barrels in }i s cotton. Artichoke 42 Article 43 u Articulate 44 u Artificial 45 44 Artillery 46 it Artisan 47 i( Artistic 48 44 Artless 49 44 Arval 50 44 Asarone 51 44 Asbestos 52 44 Ascaris 53 44 Ascendancy 54 .4 Asce r tain 55 (4 Ascribe 56 44 Ascula 57 44 Aseity 58 44 Aseptic 59 44 Ashame 60 44 Ashes 61 44 Ashore 62 44 Asiatic 63 44 Aside 64 44 Asinine 65 44 Asking- 66 44 Aslant 67 44 Asparagus 68 ii Aspect 69 44 Asperity 70 44 Asperse 71 44 Asphalt 72 44 Aspic 73 44 Aspirate 74 (4 Assail 75 44 Assassin 76 44 Assault 77 44 Assay 78 (4 Assemble 79 44 Assent 80 44 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Assessor 81 barrels in }i s cotton. Assiduity 82 Assign 83 Assignation 84 Assimilate 85 Assist 86 Associate 87 Assonant ... 88 Assu me 89 Assurance 90 Assyrian 91 Asterial 92 Asterisk 93 Asthma 94 Astonish 95 Astounding 96 Astragal 97 Astrakhan 98 Astray 99 Astrict 100 Astrolabe 101 Astronomer 102 Astute 103 Asunder 104 Asylum 105 Ataxia 106 Atelier 107 Atheist 108 14 Athenian 109 Atheroma 110 Athletic Ill Athwart 112 Atlantic 113 Atlas 114 Atmology 115 Atmosphere 116 Atom 117 Atonement 118 Atrament 119 Atrial 120 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Atrocious 121 barrels in }i s cotton. Atrophy 122 Attach 123 Attaiss 124 Attempt 125 Attendant 126 Attest 127 Attire 128 Attitude 129 Attorney 130 Attractive 131 Attributive 132 Attrition 133 Auburn 134 Auction 135 Audacious 136 Audience 137 Audit 138 Augment 139 Aurelia 140 Auricla 141 Aurist 142 Auroral 143 Auspice 144 Austere 145 Austral 146 Authentical 147 Author 148 Authoritative 149 Autoclave 150 Autog-lyph 155 Autoglyphic 200 10 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Autograph 1 barrel in 49 s cotton. Automatic ... , 2 barrels in 49 s cotton. Automobile 3 Autonomy 4 Autopsic 5 Autoscope 6 Autumn 7 Auxiliar 8 Avail 9 Availability ... 10 Avalanche 11 Avaunt 12 Avaricious 13 Aventaile 14 Avenue 15 Averment 16 Avernian 17 Aversation 18 Avertin 19 Aviary 20 Avicular 21 Avidious 22 Avigato 23 Avocation 24 Avoidance 25 Avoke 26 Avouchment 27 Avulsion 28 Awake 29 Awesome 30 Awkward 31 Awning 32 Awry 33 Axial 34 Axinite 35 Axiomatic 36 Axis 37 Ayah 38 Azalea 39 Azimuth 40 11 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER II Azonic 41. barrels in 49 s cotton. Azotize 42 Azure 43 Azy mous 44 Babble 45 Baboon 46 Baby 47 Bacchus 48 it Bachelor 49 Backbone 50 Backlash 51 Bacon 52 Badge 53 Baffle 54 Bagnio 55 Bagpipe 56 Bail 57 Bailiff 58 Bairn 59 Bait 60 Balcony 61 Baldness 62 Baldric 63 Ballad 64 Balloon 65 u Ballot 66 Balmy 67 (i Balsam 68 it Baltic 69 1 Baluster 70 hi Banjo 71 tt Banquet .72 tt Bantam 73 tt Baptism 74 it Barb 75 it Barometer 76 tt Baron 77 tt Baronet 78 1 Barrack 79 Barter 80 12 HEATH'S TEL R GRAPHIC CIPHER Basalt 81 barrels in 49 s cotton. Bashaw 82 Basilisk 83 " Bastard 84 " Battle 85 Bauble 86 " Bayou 87 " Beadle 88 " Beast 89 Becalm 90 " Bed 91 " Bedroom 92 " Beefsteak 93 " Befringe 94 " Beguile 95 " Behavior 96 M Behemoth 97 " Behold 98 " Belch 99 " Belfry 100 Belly 101 " Bellyache 102 " Bellyfull 103 Bemoan 104 " Bench 105 " Benedict 106 " Benefactor 107 " Benevolent 108 Bengal 109 u Benzine 110 4 ' Bequeath Ill " Beseech 112 " Besom 113 " Bespatter 114 Betoken 115 " Betray 116 Bevel 117 " Beverage 118 4 ' Bezoar 119 Biennial 120 " HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER 13 Bifurcate 121 barrels in 49 s cotton. Big-amist .122 " " ' " Big-ot " 123 " Bilge 124 Billiards 125 " " Binary 126 " " Binding* 127 " " Binnacle 128 " Biology 129 " 4k Biped 130 " Birch 131 " Birthmark 132 " " Bishop.. 133 Bismuth 134 " " Bite 135 " 44 Bituminous 136 " " Blab 137 Bladed 138 Blading- 139 " Blamable J40 " Blame 141 " " Blameless 142 " " Blameworthy 143 " " Blanch 144 " 44 Blanched 145 " " Bland 146 " 44 Blandished 147 " 44 Blandness 148 " 44 Blanket 149 44 44 Blankly 150 44 44 Blaspheme 155 44 44 Blasphemer u 200 t < ?SS Blasphemerotu-* l 400 i << Blasphemous 600 " M Blasphemy 1 )000 " (i 14 HEATH'S TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER Blasted 1 barrel in 98 s cotton.
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