Free Parking <• Wqptber There if OP charge st meters Snow today and tonight vftfa In the Red Bank parking tots after 6 p. m. Wednesdays and temperatures at the freezing Fridays, Red Bank's two shop- mark. Partly cloudy tomorrow. ping nights. See page 2. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership %f Since 1878 BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Iiiiud Dilly. Mondw throuih Fridiy. «nt«red u Second Clm Muter RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOLUME 82, NO. 140 at tht Po«t Office at Red Bulk. N. J., under th« Act of Mirch 3. 1879. Magee Will Run Senate Seven Council Cuts For Mayor Post; Filibuster Cardinals Kevport School Continues Named j j. WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen, VATICAN CITY (AP)-Pope Matthews to File Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex) John XXIII today designated pressed for a compromisa bill to- seven prelates of the Catholic Budget $91,000 FAIR HAVEN — Councilmen day while the Southern filibuster Church to be cardinals. They in- Price Will Not Eugene Magee will oppose Coun- against civil rights legislation cluded the first Negro, the first Japanese and the first Filipino Seek Re-election cilman Tony E. Hunting In seek- gathered momentum. ing the Republican nomination for Sen.. Russell B. Long (D-La) ever elevated to the College of .61 Tax EATONTOWN - F. Bliss mayor in the April primary elec- set a new speechmaklng record Cardinals. 6 Inches ••;*•' Price, Democrat who has been tion. for the current day-and-night Their elevation will bring mayor In this predominantly Mr. Magee, a seven-year coun- debate even as the Senate Dem- the membership of the church's Rate Drops' Republican borough since 1949, cil veteran, took out a nominating ocratic leader began talking highest body to a total of 85, will not be a candidate for re-petition yesterday. He expects to up a new bill in conferences the largest in history. Of Snow election. file in the next day or two. with Democratic proponents of 'The others chosen by the To $14.86 Pope were two Italians, a Mr. Price this morning said At the same time, it was civil rights amendments. Re- publicans also were surveying Frenchman and a Dutch pre- he did not know who the Demo- learned that Robert Matthews KEYPORT — Borough Council, chances of a compromise. late. crats would select to run In his will seek the Republican nomina- Forecast by a 3-2 vote, last night slashed the $882,000 school budget for place, or for the two council tion for council. Long, son of the late filibuster- The Negro to be elevated is RED BANK — Snow amount- Archbishop Laurian Rugambwa 1960-61 by $90,969. seats that will be contested in He, too, has taken out a petition ing Huey P. Long, spoke for ing to six or seven inches and nine hours and 21 minutes be- of Rutabo, Tanganyika, in East The action followed two budget November. But the Democratic and will file by next week. freezing temperatures were pre- fore yielding the floor early to- defeats at the polls. organization is meeting tomor- Africa. dicted for the Monmouth County row, after which an announce- Thus, the GOP primary ticket day. With a 75-minute break for The. Japanese is Archbishop Council thus reduced the esti- began to shape up a few dayothe: r Senate speeches, he held area today. mated school purposes tax rate ment will be made, he added. eter Tatsuo Doi of Tokyo Northeast or east winds from after there was a muccle aboui the floor from 1:32 p. m. yester- MIDDLETOWN MAYOR John T. Lawley, Jr., left, makes Archbishop Rufino J. Santos of by approximately $1.75 per $100 35 to 45 miles an hour will ac- who would be running. day until 12:38 a. m. today. His Manila is the Filipino. assessed valuation, from $3.04 to campaign plans with Ernest Kavaiek, his running mate in company the storm, William D. A series of events was kickec stint included a solid stretch of The others are Archbishop $1.29. off last week when Mayor Russe eight hours and 23 minutes. November on the Republican ticket for seats on the Martin, U. S. weather observer This will lower the estimated Bernard Jan Alfrink of Utrecht, at Long Branch said this morn- Applegate H. Minton said he would not bi Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Middletown Township Committee. over-all 1960 tax rate from $16.61 Holland; Archbishop Joseph ing. a candidate again. Minn), a civil rights supporter Lefebvre of Bourges, France, to $14.86, an increase over last The storm stretches from the year of $1.50. Wants Mayor Post and presidential hopeful, took and Most Rev. Luigi Traglla the floor for nearly an hour then and Most Rev. Antonio Bacci, Rockies to the Atlantic Coast, and With the original school budget,- To Run Mr. Hunting, whose counci already has claimed a score of the over-all hike (including a term expires at the end of thsand predicted Congress will pass both Italian members of the what he called a "reasonable GOP Leaders Back Vatican Curia. lives, caused widespread damage county tax increase of 32 cents year, has said he would not rur and hardship and inconvenience and a municipal purpose decrease and effective" bill. But he in- They will be elevated to the for that post again. Instead, he to millions. of 11 cents) would have been For GOP cluded in his proposals some of purple at a pre-Easter consis- wanted the nomination for mayoi $3.25. the points most strongly opposed Lawley andKavelek tory to be held March 28. Roads Slippery He filed a petition Monday. KEYPORT — Former Demo- by the Southerners. It will be the third such con Windblown snow caused slip- In making the cut, council fig- cratic Mayor Charles E. Apple- However, there is a split h ured teacher pay raises at $100, Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill), MIDDLETOWN — Mayor John the Republican executive com- istory Pope John has callei pery road conditions throughout gate is switching to Republican, Republican circles over whether rather than the $200 promised another civil rights backer, al- T. Lawley announced today that mittee. He said, "although the ince ho became supreme rule the shore area. In Rumson, and will run in the April GOP Mr. Hunting should be the can' by the school board. so spoke briefly before a he will run with Ernest G. Kav-executive committee could not of the church 16 months ago three minor automobile accidents primary for the nomination of didate. The final decision on raises, quorum call signaled the re-aiek, 10 Eldridge Ave., for theendorse any candidates, the inEac- h time he has enlarged th were reported in seven minutes mayor. It was expected that either Mr, turn of the Southern speakers. dividual members of the comcollege- , underlining his determin- from 7:29 to 7:36 a. m. however, is in the hands of the two seats on the Township Com- board. This was the dramatic an- Magee or Councilman James L, Another quorum call came at mittee. mittee have pledged their support ation to bolster the high senate It was almost 72 years ago— nouncement made this morning Davison would file to oppose him 4:50 a. m., bringing sleepy-eyed to both men. In fact, their nomi- of the church to meet moden March 12, 1888—that the month's Lump Sum Mr. Kavaiek, a 48-year-old en- By law, council may make a by Mr. Applegate and Republi- Mr. Magee reportedly has thtcivil rights supporters to the nating petitions have been sign problems and to reflect the great worst blizzard smothered gineer with Bell Telephone Lab- the lump sum cut, but may not desig- can Councilman Henri J. Hansen. backing of most of the governinj Senate chamber from nearby ed by most members of the ex (See CARDINALS, Pg. 3) (See STORM, Pg. 2) oratories in New York, is seek- nate specific accounts to be re- Mr. Hansea said he is endors- (See MAGEE, Pg. 2) (See FILIBUSTER, Pg. 2) ing his first elective office, but ecutive committee," he added, Mr. Roberts said he did nol duced. ing Mr. Applegate. has been active in civic affairs Some school officials ha've pre- in the community. know of any opposition to Mr. "I feel he can defeat any per- Lawley and Mr. Kavaiek for the dicted that a large reduction son who may run for mayor on Freeholders Favor He is currently president of primary election next month. H< would mean 30 to 40 teacher res- the Democratic ticket," Mr Han-Deny Special Sewer the Cadillac Civic Association and said several candidates had ex- ignations. sen commented, "including Dem- was one of the organizers of thepressed interest in running in This was predicted last year, ocratic Councilman Alton D. Cherry Tree Republican Club. the primary, but offered to with- Inlet at Sandy Hooh when the budget also was de- Walling." In addition, he has held office draw in favor of the ticket ol feated twice, and cut by $95,000, Mr. Applegate is eligible to Rates for Schools in the Parent-Teacher Associa- Mr. Lawley and Mr. Kavaiek, (See KEYPORT, Pg. 3) file in either the Democratic or tion and Boy Scouts. Mr. Kavaiek will seek nomin FREEHOLD - The Board of Republican primaries. Mr. Lawley has been mayor ation for the seat on the com- 'reeholders yesterday endorsed EATONTOWN — The Board of Ok $202,139 plan to cut an inlet across As to his change, he said: Education's hopes of a lower since the first of the year, and mittee now held by Elmer Hesse, Railroad'Arf has been a member of the Town- who has declined to, run again.
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