17A Nuneaton - Stockingford - Old Arley - Ansley - Stockingford - Nuneaton Stagecoach Midlands Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Nuneaton, Bus Station (Stand A2) 1825 1920 2020 § Nuneaton, opp Fire Station 1825 1920 2020 § Nuneaton, adj Gala Bingo 1826 1920 2021 § Nuneaton, adj Rope Walk 1826 1921 2021 § Nuneaton, opp Riversley Road 1827 1921 2022 § Nuneaton, nr Home Park Road 1827 1922 2023 § Nuneaton, adj Henry Street 1828 1922 2023 § Nuneaton, opp Chevrel Street 1828 1923 2024 § Nuneaton, adj Boot Inn 1829 1923 2025 Nuneaton, adj Maternity Hospital 1830 1924 2025 § Nuneaton, opp Orkney Close 1830 1924 2026 § Nuneaton, adj Cornish Crescent 1831 1925 2027 § Nuneaton, opp Hare & Hounds 1831 1925 2027 § Nuneaton, adj Ashdown Drive 1832 1926 2028 § Nuneaton, adj Atholl Crescent 1832 1926 2028 § Nuneaton, nr Atholl Crescent 1833 1927 2029 § Stockingford, Heath End Road 1833 1927 2030 § Stockingford, opp Westbury Road 1834 1928 2030 § Stockingford, opp The Poplars 1834 1928 2031 Stockingford, nr Arbury Road 1835 1929 2032 § Stockingford, opp Parish Hall 1835 1929 2032 § Stockingford, opp St Pauls Road 1836 1930 2033 § Stockingford, opp Short Street 1836 1930 2034 § Stockingford, opp Lamb & Flag 1837 1931 2034 § Nuneaton, opp Midland Railway 1837 1931 2035 § Nuneaton, adj Spinney Lane 1838 1932 2035 § Nuneaton, adj Sherbourne Avenue 1838 1932 2036 § Nuneaton, adj Frensham Drive 1839 1933 2037 § Nuneaton, nr Trafford Drive 1839 1933 2037 § Nuneaton, opp Queen Elizabeth Road 1840 1934 2038 § Nuneaton, adj Westminster Drive 1840 1934 2039 Chapel End, nr Coleshill Road 1841 1935 2039 § Chapel End, adj Supermarket 1841 1935 2040 § Chapel End, adj Willow Close 1842 1936 2041 § Chapel End, adj Plough Hill Road 1843 1937 2041 § Chapel End, adj Plough Inn 1843 1937 2042 § Galley Common, adj Golf Course 1844 1938 2042 § Galley Common, opp Infant School 1845 1939 2043 Galley Common, opp Sheridan Drive 1846 1940 2044 § Galley Common, adj Blake Close 1846 1940 2044 § Galley Common, adj Arthur Rank Hall 1847 1941 2045 § Galley Common, adj Valley Road 1847 1941 2046 § Galley Common, nr Hickman Road 1848 1942 2046 § Galley Common, nr Orford Rise 1848 1942 2047 § Ansley, opp Nuthurst Crescent 1849 1943 2048 Ansley, adj Turn 1850 1944 2048 § New Arley, opp Hill Top 1851 1945 2049 New Arley, adj Infant School 1853 1947 2050 § New Arley, opp Ransome Road 1853 1947 2050 § New Arley, adj Arley Social Club 1854 1948 2051 § New Arley, adj Lamp Lane 1854 1948 2051 § New Arley, adj Stonehouse Lane 1855 1949 2052 § New Arley, opp Colliers Way 1855 1949 2053 § Old Arley, adj Station Road 1856 1950 2053 Old Arley, opp Bournebrook View 1857 1951 2054 § Old Arley, nr Oak Avenue 1857 1951 2055 § Old Arley, opp War Memorial 1858 1952 2055 § Old Arley, adj Wagon Load of Lime 1858 1952 2056 § Old Arley, nr Post Office 1859 1953 2057 § Ansley, adj Hood Lane 1859 1953 2057 § Ansley, opp Ansley Lane 1900 1954 2058 § Ansley, opp Village Farm 1900 1954 2058 § Ansley, adj Ludford Close 1901 1955 2059 Ansley, adj Lord Nelson 1902 1956 2100 Ansley, adj Turn 1904 1958 2100 § Stockingford, adj Park Lane 1905 1958 2101 § Nuneaton, adj Wiclif Way 1906 1959 2102 § Stockingford, nr Wiclif Way 1907 2000 2102 Stockingford, adj Round Towers 1909 2001 2103 § Stockingford, adj Westbury Road 1909 2001 2104 § Nuneaton, nr Arbury Road 1910 2001 2104 § Nuneaton, nr Atholl Crescent 1910 2002 2105 § Nuneaton, adj Ashdown Drive 1911 2002 2105 § Nuneaton, adj Hare & Hounds 1911 2003 2106 § Nuneaton, opp Cornish Crescent 1912 2003 2107 § Nuneaton, adj Orkney Close 1912 2004 2107 § Nuneaton, opp Maternity Hospital 1913 2004 2108 Nuneaton, opp Boot Inn 1914 2005 2109 § Nuneaton, adj Chevrel Street 1914 2005 2109 § Nuneaton, opp John Street 1915 2006 2110 § Nuneaton, nr Edward Street 1916 2007 2111 Continues on next page - the explanations for notes and codes appear at the end of the timetable 0 Continues from previous page § Nuneaton, adj Riversley Road 1917 2008 2111 § Nuneaton, opp Mill Street 1918 2009 2112 Nuneaton, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 1919 2010 2113 Notes: § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Warwickshire County Council12/09/2021 0947 1 17A Nuneaton - Stockingford - Old Arley - Ansley - Stockingford - Nuneaton Stagecoach Midlands Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Nuneaton, Bus Station (Stand A2) 1825 1920 2020 § Nuneaton, opp Fire Station 1825 1920 2020 § Nuneaton, adj Gala Bingo 1826 1920 2021 § Nuneaton, adj Rope Walk 1826 1921 2021 § Nuneaton, opp Riversley Road 1827 1921 2022 § Nuneaton, nr Home Park Road 1827 1922 2023 § Nuneaton, adj Henry Street 1828 1922 2023 § Nuneaton, opp Chevrel Street 1828 1923 2024 § Nuneaton, adj Boot Inn 1829 1923 2025 Nuneaton, adj Maternity Hospital 1830 1924 2025 § Nuneaton, opp Orkney Close 1830 1924 2026 § Nuneaton, adj Cornish Crescent 1831 1925 2027 § Nuneaton, opp Hare & Hounds 1831 1925 2027 § Nuneaton, adj Ashdown Drive 1832 1926 2028 § Nuneaton, adj Atholl Crescent 1832 1926 2028 § Nuneaton, nr Atholl Crescent 1833 1927 2029 § Stockingford, Heath End Road 1833 1927 2030 § Stockingford, opp Westbury Road 1834 1928 2030 § Stockingford, opp The Poplars 1834 1928 2031 Stockingford, nr Arbury Road 1835 1929 2032 § Stockingford, opp Parish Hall 1835 1929 2032 § Stockingford, opp St Pauls Road 1836 1930 2033 § Stockingford, opp Short Street 1836 1930 2034 § Stockingford, opp Lamb & Flag 1837 1931 2034 § Nuneaton, opp Midland Railway 1837 1931 2035 § Nuneaton, adj Spinney Lane 1838 1932 2035 § Nuneaton, adj Sherbourne Avenue 1838 1932 2036 § Nuneaton, adj Frensham Drive 1839 1933 2037 § Nuneaton, nr Trafford Drive 1839 1933 2037 § Nuneaton, opp Queen Elizabeth Road 1840 1934 2038 § Nuneaton, adj Westminster Drive 1840 1934 2039 Chapel End, nr Coleshill Road 1841 1935 2039 § Chapel End, adj Supermarket 1841 1935 2040 § Chapel End, adj Willow Close 1842 1936 2041 § Chapel End, adj Plough Hill Road 1843 1937 2041 § Chapel End, adj Plough Inn 1843 1937 2042 § Galley Common, adj Golf Course 1844 1938 2042 § Galley Common, opp Infant School 1845 1939 2043 Galley Common, opp Sheridan Drive 1846 1940 2044 § Galley Common, adj Blake Close 1846 1940 2044 § Galley Common, adj Arthur Rank Hall 1847 1941 2045 § Galley Common, adj Valley Road 1847 1941 2046 § Galley Common, nr Hickman Road 1848 1942 2046 § Galley Common, nr Orford Rise 1848 1942 2047 § Ansley, opp Nuthurst Crescent 1849 1943 2048 Ansley, adj Turn 1850 1944 2048 § New Arley, opp Hill Top 1851 1945 2049 New Arley, adj Infant School 1853 1947 2050 § New Arley, opp Ransome Road 1853 1947 2050 § New Arley, adj Arley Social Club 1854 1948 2051 § New Arley, adj Lamp Lane 1854 1948 2051 § New Arley, adj Stonehouse Lane 1855 1949 2052 § New Arley, opp Colliers Way 1855 1949 2053 § Old Arley, adj Station Road 1856 1950 2053 Old Arley, opp Bournebrook View 1857 1951 2054 § Old Arley, nr Oak Avenue 1857 1951 2055 § Old Arley, opp War Memorial 1858 1952 2055 § Old Arley, adj Wagon Load of Lime 1858 1952 2056 § Old Arley, nr Post Office 1859 1953 2057 § Ansley, adj Hood Lane 1859 1953 2057 § Ansley, opp Ansley Lane 1900 1954 2058 § Ansley, opp Village Farm 1900 1954 2058 § Ansley, adj Ludford Close 1901 1955 2059 Ansley, adj Lord Nelson 1902 1956 2100 Ansley, adj Turn 1904 1958 2100 § Stockingford, adj Park Lane 1905 1958 2101 § Nuneaton, adj Wiclif Way 1906 1959 2102 § Stockingford, nr Wiclif Way 1907 2000 2102 Stockingford, adj Round Towers 1909 2001 2103 § Stockingford, adj Westbury Road 1909 2001 2104 § Nuneaton, nr Arbury Road 1910 2001 2104 § Nuneaton, nr Atholl Crescent 1910 2002 2105 § Nuneaton, adj Ashdown Drive 1911 2002 2105 § Nuneaton, adj Hare & Hounds 1911 2003 2106 § Nuneaton, opp Cornish Crescent 1912 2003 2107 § Nuneaton, adj Orkney Close 1912 2004 2107 § Nuneaton, opp Maternity Hospital 1913 2004 2108 Nuneaton, opp Boot Inn 1914 2005 2109 § Nuneaton, adj Chevrel Street 1914 2005 2109 § Nuneaton, opp John Street 1915 2006 2110 § Nuneaton, nr Edward Street 1916 2007 2111 Continues on next page - the explanations for notes and codes appear at the end of the timetable 2 Continues from previous page § Nuneaton, adj Riversley Road 1917 2008 2111 § Nuneaton, opp Mill Street 1918 2009 2112 Nuneaton, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 1919 2010 2113 Sundays no service Notes: § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Warwickshire County Council12/09/2021 0947 3 17A Nuneaton - Stockingford - Old Arley - Ansley - Stockingford - Nuneaton Stagecoach Midlands For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code warawdpj Nuneaton, Bus Station (Stand
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