
Institute for Astronomy University of Hawai‘i at Manoa¯ Publications in Calendar Year 2009 Abazajian, K. N., et al., including Hoblitt, J., Magnier, E., Bagatin, A. C., Michel, P., & Bus, S. J. Preface to Special Is- Pope, A. C., Price, P. A., Szapudi, I. The Seventh Data sue VII Workshop on Catastrophic Disruption in the Solar Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. ApJS, 182, 543– System. Planet. Space Sci., 57, 109–110 (2009) 558 (2009) Bakos, G. A., Howard, A. W., Noyes, R. W., Hartman, J., Akeson, R., et al., including Johnson, J. The Value of Torres, G., Kovacs,´ G., Fischer, D. A., Latham, D. W., the Keck Observatory to NASA and Its Scientific Com- Johnson, J. A., et al. HAT-P-13b,c: A Transiting Hot munity. astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Jupiter with a Massive Outer Companion on an Eccentric Decadal Survey, 2010, no. 1P (2009) Orbit. ApJ, 707, 446–456 (2009) Alcock, C., including Kudritzki, R.-P. Statement from AC- Bakos, G. A.,´ et al., including Johnson, J. A. HAT-P-10b: A CORD for ASTRO2010. astro2010: The Astronomy and Light and Moderately Hot Jupiter Transiting A K Dwarf. Astrophysics Decadal Survey, 2010, no. 27P (2009) ApJ, 696, 1950–1955 (2009) Allers, K. N., Liu, M. C., Shkolnik, E., Cushing, Bally, J., Walawender, J., Reipurth, B., & Megeath, S. T. M. C., Dupuy, T. J., Mathews, et al. 2MASS Outflows and Young Stars in Orion’s Large Cometary 22344161+4041387AB: A Wide, Young, Accreting, Clouds L1622 and L1634. AJ, 137, 3843–3858 (2009) Low-Mass Binary in the LkHα233 Group. ApJ, 697, Bardelli, S., et al, including Ilbert, O. The VVDS-VLA Deep 824–835 (2009) Field. IV. Radio-Optical Properties. A&A, 495, 431–446 Armond, T., Reipurth, B., & Vaz, L. P. R. New Herbig-Haro (2009) Objects in the Gulf of Mexico. In Protostellar Jets in Con- Barnabe,` M., Czoske, O., Koopmans, L. V. E., Treu, T., text, 511–513 (2009) Bolton, A. S., & Gavazzi, R. Two-dimensional Kinemat- Armus, L., et al., including Sanders, D. B., Barnes, J. E., ics of SLACS lenses — II. Combined Lensing and Dy- Kewley, L. J., Rich, J., U, V. GOALS: The Great Ob- namics Analysis of Early-Type Galaxies at z = 0:08– servatories All-Sky LIRG Survey. PASP, 121, 559–576 0.33. MNRAS, 399, 21–36 (2009) (2009) Barnes, J. E., & Hibbard, J. E. Identikit 1: A Modeling Tool Aspin, C., et al. Near-IR Spectroscopy of Young Stars in the for Interacting Disk Galaxies. AJ, 137, 3071–3090 (2009) Braid Nebula Star Formation Region in Cygnus OB7. AJ, Basu-Zych, A. R., et al., including Ilbert, O. Studying Large- 137, 431–449 (2009) and Small-Scale Environments of Ultraviolet Luminous Aspin, C., Greene, T. P., & Reipurth, B. V1647 Orionis: Galaxies. ApJ, 699, 1307–1320 (2009) Keck/NIRSPEC 2 µm Echelle Observations. AJ, 137, Bautz, M. W., et al., including Henry, J. P. Suzaku Observa- 2968–2980 (2009) tions of Abell 1795: Cluster Emission to r200. PASJ, 61, Aspin, C., & Reipurth, B. V1647 Orionis: Optical Photo- 1117–1133 (2009) metric and Spectroscopic Monitoring through the 2003– Bennett, C. J., Jamieson, C. S., & Kaiser, R. I. An Exper- 2006 Outburst. AJ, 138, 1137–1158 (2009) imental Investigation of the Decomposition of Carbon Aspin, C., Reipurth, B., et al., including U, V. V1647 Ori- Monoxide and Formation Routes to Carbon Dioxide in onis: Reinvigorated Accretion and the Re-Appearance of Interstellar Ices. ApJS, 182, 1–11 (2009) McNeil’s Nebula. ApJ, 692, L67–L71 (2009) Bernardi, F., Micheli, M., & Tholen, D. J. Absolute Mag- Auger, M. W., Treu, T., Bolton, A. S., Gavazzi, R., Koop- nitude and Slope Parameter G Calibration of Asteroid mans, L. V. E., Marshall, P. J., Bundy, K., & Moustakas, 25143 Itokawa. Meteoritics Planet. Sci., 44, 1849–1852 L. A. The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. IX. Colors, Lens- (2009) ing, and Stellar Masses of Early-Type Galaxies. ApJ, 705, Biller, B., Artigau, E., Wahhaj, Z., Hartung, M., Liu, M. C., 1099–1115 (2009) Close, L. M., Chun, M. R., Ftaclas, C., et al. Observ- Austermann, J. E., et al., including Sanders, D. B. AzTEC ing Strategies for the NICI Campaign to Directly Image Millimetre Survey of the COSMOS field — II. Source Extrasolar Planets. In AIP Conf. Ser. 1094: 15th Cam- Count Overdensity and Correlations with Large-Scale bridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Structure. MNRAS, 393, 1573–1583 (2009) Sun, 425–428 (2009) 1 Biller, B., Trauger, J., Moody, D., Close, L., Kuhnert, A., Brusa, M., et al., including Ilbert, O. High-Redshift Quasars Stapelfeldt, K., Traub, W. A., & Kern, B. A Multi- in the COSMOS Survey: The Space Density of z > 3 wavelength Differential Imaging Experiment for the High X-ray Selected QSOs. ApJ, 693, 8–22 (2009) Contrast Imaging Testbed. PASP, 121, 716–727 (2009) Burgasser, A. J., Bloom, J., Cruz, K., Cushing, M., et al. Binzel, R. P., et al., including Bus, S. J., Tokunaga, A. T. Toward the End of Stars: Discovering the Galaxy’s Cold- Spectral Properties and Composition of Potentially Haz- est Brown Dwarfs. astro2010: The Astronomy and Astro- ardous Asteroid (99942) Apophis. Icarus, 200, 480–485 physics Decadal Survey, 2010, no. 33 (2009) (2009) Burgasser, A. J., Lepine,´ S., Lodieu, N., Scholz, R.-D., De- Blakeslee, J. P., et al., including Tonry, J. L. The ACS For- lorme, P., Jao, W.-C., Swift, B. J., & Cushing, M. C. nax Cluster Survey. V. Measurement and Recalibration Ultracool Subdwarfs: The Halo Population Down to the of Surface Brightness Fluctuations and a Precise Value of Substellar Limit. In AIP Conf. Ser. 1094: 15th Cambridge the Fornax-Virgo Relative Distance. ApJ, 694, 556–572 Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, (2009) 242–249 (2009) Boesgaard, A. M., Jensen, E. E. C., & Deliyannis, C. P. Burgett, W., & Kaiser, N. The Pan-STARRS Project: The Abundances in Turnoff Stars in the Old, Metal-Rich Open Next Generation of Survey Astronomy Has Arrived. In Cluster, NGC 6791. AJ, 137, 4949–4955 (2009) Proc. Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Boesgaard, A. M., & Krugler Hollek, J. Beryllium Abun- Technologies Conference (CD), E39 (2009) dances in Stars of One Solar Mass. ApJ, 691, 1412–1423 Burningham, B., Pinfield, D. J., Leggett, S. K., Tinney, C. G., (2009) Liu, M. C., et al. The Discovery of an M4+T8.5 Binary Bonafede, A., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Govoni, F., Murgia, System. MNRAS, 395, 1237–1248 (2009) M., Taylor, G. B., Ebeling, H., et al. Revealing the Mag- Bussmann, R. S., Dey, A., Borys, C., Desai, V., Jannuzi, B. netic Field in a Distant Galaxy Cluster: Discovery of the T., Le Floc’h, E., et al. Infrared Luminosities and Dust Complex Radio Emission from MACS J0717.5 +3745. Properties of z ≈ 2 Dust-obscured Galaxies. ApJ, 705, A&A, 503, 707–720 (2009) 184–198 (2009) Boss, A., Young, E., Meadows, V., & Haghighipour, N. Bussmann, R. S., et al., including Le Floc’h, E. Hubble Achieving the Goals and Objectives of the 2008 NASA Space Telescope Morphologies of z ∼ 2 Dust Obscured Astrobiology Roadmap. astro2010: The Astronomy and Galaxies. I. Power-Law Sources. ApJ, 693, 750–770 Astrophysics Decadal Survey, 2010, no. 21 (2009) (2009) Bowler, B. P., Liu, M. C., & Cushing, M. C. The Bench- Butterley, T., Wilson, R. W., Chun, M. R., Avila, R., & mark Ultracool Subdwarf HD 114762B: A Test of Low- Aviles, J.-L. High Resolution Slodar Measurements on metallicity Atmospheric and Evolutionary Models. ApJ, Mauna Kea. In Optical Turbulence: Astronomy Meets 706, 1114–1135 (2009) Meteorology, 58–65 (2009) Bowler, B. P., Waller, W. H., Megeath, S. T., Patten, B. M., & Caputi, K. I., et al., including Sanders, D., Le Floc’h, E., Tamura, M. An Infrared Census of Star Formation in the Ilbert, O., Kartaltepe, J. The Close Environment of 24 Horsehead Nebula. AJ, 137, 3685–3699 (2009) µm Galaxies at 0:6 < z < 1:0 in the COSMOS Field. Brand, K., et al., including Le Floc’h, E. The Origin of the 24 ApJ, 691, 91–97 (2009) µm Excess in Red Galaxies. ApJ, 693, 340–346 (2009) Caputi, K. I., Lilly, S. J., Aussel, H., Le Floc’h, E., Sanders, Bresolin, F., Gieren, W., Kudritzki, R.-P., Pietrzynski,´ G., D., et al. The Optical Spectra of Spitzer 24 µm Galaxies Urbaneja, M. A., & Carraro, G. Extragalactic Chemical in the Cosmic Evolution Survey Field. II. Faint Infrared Abundances: Do H II Regions and Young Stars Tell the Sources in the zCOSMOS-Bright 10k Catalog. ApJ, 707, Same Story? The Case of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 300. 1387–1403 (2009) ApJ, 700, 309–330 (2009) Carpenter, J., Bally, J., Enoch, M., Glenn, J., Goldsmith, P., Bresolin, F., Ryan-Weber, E., Kennicutt, R. C., & Goddard, Sargent, A., & Williams, J. Fragmentation in Molec- Q. The Flat Oxygen Abundance Gradient in the Extended ular Clouds and the Origin of the Stellar Initial Mass Disk of M83. ApJ, 695, 580–595 (2009) Function. astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, 2010, no. 39 (2009) Brown, J. M., Blake, G. A., Qi, C., Dullemond, C. P., Wilner, D. J., & Williams, J. P. Evidence for Dust Clear- Chapin, E. L., et al., including Morrison, G. E. An ing through Resolved Submillimeter Imaging. ApJ, 704, AzTEC 1.1mm survey of the GOODS-N field — II. Mul- 496–502 (2009) tiwavelength Identifications and Redshift Distribution. MNRAS, 398, 1793–1808 (2009) Brown, M. V., Philip, G. K., Bunge, J. A., Smith, M. C., Bissett, A., Lauro, F. M., Fuhrman, J. A., & Donachie, Chapman, S. C., Blain, A., Ibata, R., Ivison, R. J., Smail, I., S. P.
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