University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1941 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 4-8-1941 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 043, No 48, 4/8/1941 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1941 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 043, No 48, 4/8/1941." 43, 48 (1941). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1941/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1941 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r Pa.oe Four NEW MEXICO LOBO Friday, April 4, 1941 ' Cards, Money Stacl•ed ROVING REPORTER Circle the Date! It was easy to tell lust nlght at • FACULTY WOMEN GIVE K. 0. Phi Entertains Dr. W. R. White To -1\ll seniors will be feted the I\a11Pa. Sit: smoker who the -.·- Social Highlights -.- Call for Tennis Players Most co.eds. wdl be dated; I{nppa S1ga were, There. wns a def .. BENEFIT BRIDGE TEA Home Ec Girls (And Boy) inite correlation betwl;!'en the ................................................................................................................. Students, Faculty Last call for tenms tourney Pollack and his boys wdl ploy LOBO N~W M~XICO p.mouut of money each tJlayer hnd Speak at Assembly ~As theJr.~Sr. Prom gets under way. Univ~rstty of New Mex1co players Will be tomorrow at With Easter Party and affihatmn wltlt the sponsoring Chi O's Fete Founder's Day IFnc\llty Women's ch.ll~ W)ll sponsor l\ rnecttng m tho Gym at 2:00, Dr, W, R, Wh1te, pre:ndent of frat. a benefit budge tea to raise money Like "Gas Light" when a lqdder will be set up Kappll Om1cron Phi, home eco- Hardm-Simrnons college at Abilene Publication of the Associated Studenlts of· the University of New Mexico for the local red cross chapter for varsity material, The norntcs flatet·mty, entertamed 35 1 Monday By ALMA WELLER first match 1a scheduled for girls and a man (Btll Dyke) at an Texas, wlll speal{ at ~ssembly Tues~ VoL, XLIII With Tea, Banquet at Dance after•noon at 2.00 o'clock Z4S7 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESD.A!Y, APRIL 8, 1941 No.48 m the basement lounge of the Stu­ Pubhc opm10n 1s somethmg we Apnl 13, Easter party Thursday mght. Vtv~ day mormng at 11 a. m. m Carlisle Saturday, April 51 the local cbapM dent Umon bulldmg. hear a lot about today-what makes ian Kromg, new president of the ~ym, tcr of Chi Omega will celebtate its Chi O's Choose Mt:= Manon Dargan lB takmg It, what changes lt, and how lt can fraternity, was m charge of the Attendance of an students 1s re~ annual Eleusmum wtth a teA, and reselvatiOns 1 Mts M E FarrJs 1s mlluencc others, Pubhc opmton, SIG EPS ENTERTAIN patty, speeches durmg the day which contlols tho box office, de- QUired at the assembly, of Which Batchelor Prexy m charge of the arran~ements. Mrs Jose lturbi, Famous Pianist, Will Play termmes whether a Broadway show Martha Groton, newly elected Pres, J F Zimmei'll!an ISm charge, Student Council Completes Plans For From 4 to 5 o'clock, the Matheis Edwm SnapJ? ts m charge of the NATIONAL s~cRETARY At then• electiOn last Monday Jj VICe-president, was m charge of , and PntronesDes club wxll gtve a music of the tea bout at 4 o'clock. IS a wrobacco Road'' run Ol a two~ decorations, and Hazel Fortson, The mens quartet, under the dnec- tea 111 honor of Cht Omega's found- mght, Cht Omega elected Ann D11ughters o:1' the nnt1sh Ernpn."e week flop. The shawa at Rodey The New Mextco Alpha Chapter t:ccordmg secretary, prepared re- tlon of Mrs, Grace Thompson, Will ing, at the chapter house, Ch1 Dntchelor, president; Beth C01ey, have made Ieservahon for 21 tables. hall ale hkcwJse cont:~:olled by the of Sigma Pht ;Epsilon fratermty fieshments giVe three numbers, and the Um- For Community Concert Next Monday Annual Student Body Election April25 Omega was founded Apul 6, 1895, v1ce-ptes1dent, Co~a Colhns, treas­ UniVCl.SLty housemothers are tak­ students, opmlons on campus Some w1ll entertam Mr. W. J. Pulley, Get-ncquamted games, and Easter varsity band will play, at Fayetteville, Arkansas, In addt- urer, v rgmta Lee Morrow, aecl.'e­ mg two ta,l;lles MI!'I Ahce Davtd~ of them on the DJ,"arnattc club play, Gtand Chapter travehng secreta,ry, egg hunts were played m the home Class periods will be shortened 1 "Gas Light " as discovered by this d th t t m ke s tu - tion to repreacntat1vea from An- son Will award bndge prizes to the ' an o er gue& s a a s o r a r economics s1ttmg room, where the to forty mmutes each, wtth a five Conductor to Appear Maynor, Menuhin To Highlight Bruce Cabot Impressed With Nomination Deadline zona, guests at the tea wdltnclude ta1y, pledge mistress, Mrmlyn MoJ;- wmners Iepoiter, ale, day mght at the local chapter grand pHI,no was turned mto a mmute periOd between classes, to representatlves from the othci lOW, rush caiJtam. Earlene 'Vnrd; Lomse Bemis. I thought the play house green lawn cove1ed w1th brightly~ allow an hour for assembly. 1m- four soror1t1es on campus· those chapter coirespondent, ;Beth Bow1c, was very good and well cast. Mr Pulley w1ll arrive Saturday colored Easter eggs and bunmes, mediately after the assembly there For First Time Here 4/-42 Community Concerts Bevy Of Pretty Campus Lassies Set for April 16 from Alpha Cht Omega are Mar- mt dnector Mary Lou W1Iltams, 1 Spanish Films Shown Addalene Stauett Although it and spend a week VISitlng the local ehJCkens baskets and sprmg flow~ wtll be an 1mportant meetmg of Acclaimed by musical crit­ Musical emmence to the nth will Ed1t01's Note: In~rvicwcd by Politrcal fever again gnp- garet Amsley, Lomse Vmeentl socml chanman1 Barbara Voren­ heJd my attention later on, ~lGas chapter. e1s to ~any out the tradttlonal members of the JUmor class ICS throughout the world as 1\bss Hedgecoxe, who IS also from ped the campus Monday as the Franc0s Jane Arble, Martha Gro- Lfght" had n slow begmnmg, Bill The alumm challter, mothers theme of Easter. Ibe presented to Commumty Con .. I To Second- Year Students the greatest living pianist, Carlsbad, Bruce~ Cabot remem~ Student Council announced ton, and Beth :Manson; from Alpha buig The officers Wlll be mstaJled Vorenberg was especially good. club, and pledge chapter wlll honor Juamta Nolan lQcated the three cert audtences next yea1 as Dorothy Jose Iturbi, mternatwnally bcrcd her aunt and mtroduced plans for the annual student Delta PI, Norma Jean Wortman, next Monday mght, Ehzabeth Clatk Professor Arthur Campa, actmg Dr, v C. K1ech. Tlus was the Mr, Pulley at a banquet Sunday key-chocolate Jlaster eggs and Dean Bostwick to Read head of the modern language de­ emminent virtuoso of the Maynor, Negro soprano, and Ye- himself as a "c1ose frJ.end of the body electwns set for Fl•iday Sara Morehead, Mary Eumce Wag- p!es1dmg fhst show I was able to attend evemng at the chapter house. sta1ted off the general egg hunt Paper at Deans' Meeting hud1 Menuhm, V10hmst, Inte-rna- IS OFFERED JOB-Phil Hood, Hedgecoxes " He recalled ac- l pal tment, showed educat10nal film A 2 15 ,. gonel'1 Elsie Coplan, and Joan Rous- The PI Gamma Owl, the chapter this yen:r, and I found 1t very, very whtch was won by Eleanor Suggs. piano and conductor, Will g1ve bonaUy known VIrtuosos m their senior mechamcal eng1neermg quamtance With :Miss Hedgecoxe's prr , · m Spamsh thts afternoon at 1 00 seau, from Kappa Kappa Gamma: news letter, was Issued the first of enJoyable It was well-done and Kappa Oxmcron Ph1 wdl pledge Dean and Mrs. J. L Boatw1ek will a concert before an Albuquer­ Iespecttve fields, have been chosen student, and a member of S1gma aunt and dxscusscd the history .Nonunatwns for pos1t10ns m Rodey hall The sound film was Mary Dunn Jam1son, Trudelle this w~ek Beth Bowie, Catheune the costumes added much to its sue~ Delta Phi Delta Has new membets m a short while ac- leave this afternoon for Cmcmnati, que audience for the first time to g1ve concerts at Carlisle gym Tau, has been offered a position of tlte llu]ac and Hedgccoxe fam- on the Student Counc1l, Uni- Downer, Beth Stone, Laura Treat, Molgnn and Betty Denms With attended by students of Spamsh, cess. coidmg to Vtvum Kromg, presi- Ohio, where Dean Bostwick WLll at- when he comes to Carlisle for the 1941-42 concert season, A wath the Caterpillar 'fractor Co. dies who have been close friends vel'Slty governmg body which and Mary LuCille Lackey 1 from Phi the ass~stance of JUntOl I~ttiates pm ttcularly second year students Rosemary Brennen· The ftut 'act Waffle Supper, Election dent. Ann Batchelo1· and Harriet tend a convention of the Natlonal gymnasiUm ApTII14 under the T Bales, Cornmumty Concert asso- for the 1mst decade m Carlsbad. elects student body president Mu, Evelyn Pankey, ,..Betsey Ross, edited the paper. Issues were sent •vas slow. The co"tumes were , Carlott have been elected corrc- Aossocmbon of Deans and Advisers Shlia Wiley, Betty l:Hl.llego~J, and to parents, u1ums netghbormg ' .., Delta Ph1 Delta, honorary art 0 f M t th N th 1 d P1 auspices of the Commumty ctahon president, announced today.
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