COMMITTEE: PLANNING PLACE: COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL CHAMBER DATE: WEDNESDAY CO-ORDINATOR: MS L JONES 6 DECEMBER 2006 Committee Co-ordinator TIME: 7.00 pm (Ext. 2691) N.B. This meeting will be subject to a Webcast broadcast live on the Internet TO: Crs: Miss Monnickendam (Chairman), Ms Golding (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Brehaut, Brown, Mrs Coe, Good, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Hubbard, MacLellan, Minns, Mrs Monnickendam, Myers, Parker, Mrs Pound and Mrs Sheehan. Nominated Substitutes: Crs: Elphick, Faragher, Hardy and Mrs McGinley. Co-opted Representatives: Mr Afteni (Mountnessing PC), Mrs Dicker (Doddinghurst PC), Mr Bland (Stondon Massey PC), Mr Day (Ingatestone and Fryerning PC), Mr Jardine (Kelvedon Hatch PC), Mrs Smith (Blackmore, Hook End & Wyatts Green PC), Mrs Savill (Navestock PC), Mr Bayless (Herongate & Ingrave PC) and Mrs Palmer (West Horndon PC). MEMBERS ARE RESPECTFULLY SUMMONED TO ATTEND THE ABOVE MEETING TO TRANSACT THE BUSINESS SET OUT BELOW. Chief Executive & Town Clerk AGENDA PART ONE (Items which, in the opinion of the Chief Executive & Town Clerk, will be considered with the public present at the meeting. Details of Background Documents relied upon in the reports before the Committee are attached as an appendix to this Agenda.) 1 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 8.11.2006 Members are requested to bring with them to the meeting their Minutes folder. The Committee is invited to approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 8.11.2006. 3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND MATTERS The Committee is requested to consider the applications and matters contained in Agenda Items 4 to 10 as follows:- Agenda Application Location/Subject Ward Page Item No No No 4 BRW/484/2006 Site of Former Holly Brentwood 3 Trees Primary School West & No. 31 Junction Rd Brentwood 5 BRW/532/2006 2 Hutton Hall Cottages Hutton East 11 Hutton Village Hutton Brentwood 6 BRW/849/2006 Rear of 45, 47 & 49 Hutton South 14 Hanging Hill Lane Hutton Brentwood 7 BRW/873/2006 69 The Meadows Herongate 20 Ingrave Brentwood Ingrave & West Horndon 8 TPO/BRW/ 49 Rayleigh Road Hutton Central 23 101/2006 Hutton Brentwood 9 Service Plan 25 10 Urgent Business 26 2 4. SITE OF FORMER HOLLY TREES PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NO. 31 JUNCTION ROAD BRENTWOOD CM14 5JH DEMOLITION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE TO PROVIDE CATEGORY II TYPE SHELTERED ACCOMMODATION COMPRISING THE ERECTION OF A TWO AND THREE STOREY BUILDING CONTAINING 23 NO. ONE BEDROOM FLATS AND 9 NO. TWO BEDROOM FLATS, RESIDENT’S LOUNGE, GUEST ACCOMMODATION, OFFICE AND KITCHEN TOGETHER WITH THE REMOVAL OF A TWO STOREY ELEMENT FROM THE SIDE OF 31 JUNCTION ROAD FORMATION OF WIDENED ACCESS ROAD FROM JUNCTION ROAD AND THE PROVISION OF 14 CAR PARKING SPACES (APPLICATION NO: BRW/484/2006) SITE PLAN ATTACHED Appendix 1 Ward: Brentwood West Zoning: Residential Parish: Policies: CP1, CP2, CP3, H1, H6, H11, H15, H18, T4, T7, LT9 (i) Consideration of this application was deferred at the last meeting following the submission of revised drawings, the need to re-consult interested parties, and to enable Members to undertake a formal site visit. (ii) Set out below is a copy of the report made to the Committee Meeting held on 10.10.2006, with amendments as required in respect of the revised drawings received. 1.0 The Application 1.1 The Application proposes the demolition of the vacant school building and the erection of the two and three storey building containing 23 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 9 no. 2 bedroom apartments together with the widening of the existing access road from Junction Road. The building is to provide accommodation for elderly people and is described as Category II Type Sheltered Accommodation. Also proposed within the building is a guest bedroom (to allow visitors to stay overnight), a residents lounge, an administrative office and a kitchen. 14 car parking spaces are proposed at the front of the building to serve the development. 1.2 The proposed building measures 51.4m long x 18.6m wide (maximum dimensions).The proposed pitched roof building is primarily three storeys, 11.7m high, reducing to two storeys, 8.7m high at its northern end. The proposed building is of traditional design, faced with a mixture of brickwork and render. 3 1.3 To enable the widening of the access road from Junction Road to 5m, the application also proposes the demolition of a two storey element from the side of 31 Junction Road. The two storey element to be removed is a recent addition to the original building, granted planning permission under reference BRW/1238/2004. The extension enlarged the house to enable it to provide 3 bedrooms. The removal of the extension will reduce the accommodation of the house back to its original 2 bedrooms form. 1.4 The application is accompanied by a Design Statement and a Planning Statement. 1.5 Revised plans have been submitted showing a reduction in the ground floor level by 1050mm. They also show a reduced roof pitch which has reduced the ridge height by a further 480mm. 1.6 The applicants have provided a line of vision diagram which indicates that the Junction Road houses would only see approximately 1m extra of roofline above the existing school roof. 1.7 The proposed ground levels are shown to slope up from the block towards the backs of the houses in Junction Road, with a difference in ground level on the boundary of between 700 and 800mm. A retaining wall is shown along the boundary at the back of nos. 33 to 45. A second retaining wall is shown between the block and the back garden to no. 29 Junction Road. 2.0 The Site 2.1 The irregular shaped site extends to some 0.32ha and is located to the rear of numbers 31 to 45 Junction Road, north of 8 to 19 Cluff Court and east of 26 to 34 Firsgrove Crescent. 2.2 The site is mainly hard surfaced and is generally flat but with banks along its southern and western boundaries. The former Holly Trees School occupies a large portion of the eastern area of the site and a former temporary classroom is situated at the southern end of the site. 3.0 Relevant History 3.1 CC/BRW/1/94: Single storey extension at the front - Approved. 3.2 CC/BRW/26/99 and CC/BRW/27/99: Temporary classrooms - Approved. 4.0 Planning Policy 4.1 The application site is a former School. The site is too small to be identified separately in the Local Plan. Therefore, the site is included within an area allocated for residential purposes in the Adopted Replacement Brentwood Local Plan. The following polices are considered to be relevant to the determination of this application: 4 CP1 General Development Criteria CP2 New Development and Sustainable Transport Choices CP3 Transport Assessments H1 Residential Provision 1996-2011 H6 Small Unit Accommodation H11 Supported Accommodation H15 Housing Density H18 Lifetime Homes T4 New Development and Highway Considerations T7 Parking - General LT9 Use of Redundant Institutional, Recreational and Community Buildings 5.0 Consultations 5.1 The Highways officer raises no objections to the revised plans, subject to the imposition of conditions. 5.2 The Essex Fire and Rescue Service advises that additional water supplies for firefighting purposes may be required. (A copy of the consultation reply has been forwarded to the Applicant). 5.3 Arboricultural Advice - The plans show that excavations will be required close to the existing vegetation in the rear gardens in Junction Road. These form a natural screen between the proposed development and the existing properties. 5.4 There is an Ash and Birch tree that would be adversely affected by the proposed excavation. 5.5 There is a row of Leylandii that would also be adversely affected; these are growing on land that is higher than the application site. It is possible that the roots from these trees are not growing on the application site. The applicant would need to establish this by hand digging along the boundary to a depth of 1m and leaving intact any roots that are exposed. 6.0 Other Representations 6.1 Eleven letters of representation were received in respect of the original plans The letters refer to, inter alia:- unacceptable height and mass of the proposed building site levels and density levels suggested are inaccurate and misleading the large building would appear out of keeping with the surrounding small scale environment too many units insufficient number of car parking spaces overlooking and loss of amenity increase in congestion in Junction Road 5 lack of visibility from the proposed access road additional strain of existing limited services noise/nuisance from construction likely damage to adjoining houses through construction work obstruct ability of adjoining properties to be maintained loss of value of nearby properties loss of amenity through lighting loss of trees 6.2 At the time of writing this report no objections have been received in respect of the amended plans. 7.0 Summary of Issues 7.1 The application proposes the residential redevelopment of a former Junior School situated in an area allocated for residential purposes. The existing single storey vacant School building, which is situated within the eastern part of the site, is barely visible from outside the site at this time of the year. Any view of the existing building is mainly obscured by deciduous trees and shrubs growing along the boundaries, mainly in gardens of adjoining houses. There are no significant landscape features growing within the site. The application proposes the demolition of the existing former School building and the erection of a pitched roof three storey building within almost the centre of the site.
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