-------_._------------- _ .............. - .- -----_._------------------------- Vol. (,I • :\0. ;'). :~4pages (jrosse Pointe, .Mirhigan Uome neliwry UHf • :\ewssfC'1H17;')(' Ft'l)fuary ;. :WOO 3 Pointes unite to save money on dredging By Jim Stlckford harbor and manna al e,l Staff Writer haven't been dredged m the Gro.,;,e POll1te Shole;" last 25 year;, Glo."e POInte Fal m" and the Gro.,.,c Pomte Shore;, dlrec- City of GI o"~e POJntp have tor of pubh~ ....ork>. Brett Smith JOI~ed fOI~e;, to obtam a better "aId OSIU<; Park wa., Id~t pnce fOI thp dn'dgmg of their dredged about 10 year;, ago He park,,' hal bar" expech that about 5,000- On Fnddy, Jan 2l'l, thp thrpe ~quare-yard., of SOlI WlII have commumt1e~ JOIntly ,ought to be removed It'" a ;,mall Job bid;, for dledglng thplr harbor" when compared to the Farm.,' CIty of Gn),.,e POlnte I11dnager e~tlmated 20,OOO-;,quare-yard., Tom Kresbbach ;,ald the 1dea I;' of ~Ollthat have to be removed to enJoy economle, of "laIc Each LOmmumty has differ- Grosbe Pomte North and Pnott ...l'l\ A.I FltlCh~m Wlnle ealh commul1Ity s hm _ ent needb," >.ald Sm1th "I he"l- Grosse POinte South boys Using the City of Grosse Pointe's new thermal imaging camera. Lt. Gerry Mebl, bar I;' dIfferent b) JOInmg tate to >.ay how much the Job hockey teams clash, begm- above, scans a smoke-fUled on Grayton in the Park for hot spots. The camera forces and havmg one l.l elV do WIll ~o"t before we receive all mng at 8 p m In the St ClaIr helped officers pinpoint the names. The fue generated three alarms and involved the work, offiCial., from the bld~ Havmg a dollal figure m Shores CIVICArena, off Nme officers from four of the Pointes. Notice the rainbow created by a mist of water used three COmmUTIltle., behele the thp ney,<;paper could adve",e1y MIle and between Harper to blow smoke out of the home's front window, cost to ealh city will be 10\1 er affect "amI.' of the bIds and 1-94 than Ifth('y went 1t alone The three commumhes ale WIth the level of Lake St u.,mg the pngmeermg firm of ThIS game I;' a rematch Clair expected to remam 10\\ Hubbell Roth & Clark to han- South won won the la;,t fO! the rest of the ;,pnng and dIe the engmeenng speclfica- game by a score of 7-3 "ummer now I" thl' optimal hans, SmIth said He agrees tune to 'dredge the harbor., of w1th Reeslde's opinIOn ,that accumulated >.011, Said whatever the cost, It won t be Monday, Feb. 7 Kressbach He told the City ch;ap council that because 01 the . We all talked With the firms The Grosse Pomte Wood;, expected low lake level~ thiS <;eekmg" to make bIds" said city council meets In the "ummer, .,ome of the largest Snnt~ They all had work We Woods city hall, 20025 Mack sailboat., kept at the CIty'S aren t the only commumtle;, Plaza, at 7 30 p m The pub- manna might have a difficult seekmg to dredge harbors OJ bc IS mVlted to attend tImE' cleallng the harbor With- canal'> Because of the low lake out dredgmg level many commumhes III metro DetrOIt are dOing the Th e CIt y h a~ no t dre dge d ISht Wh h harbOl fl;r about 10 years, ;,ame t mg IC IS why Jam- Wednesday, Feb. 9 Kre""bach "aId Balk' then mg force;" even though each the, dredaed the portIOn of the Clt) WIll pay a different co;,t fOI Staff from Grosse Pomte hal bor c1~J~p<;tto the ;,hon' the Job, I;' a good Idea" North and Gro"se Pomte Now they are "eekmg to dredge Once the bId" are all In South hIgh schools battle It the portIOn farthe~t from thp there Ib a narrow Wlndow of out in the second annual fac- ..,h01 p vPPol'LUluty \'0 UU th(: ..lLtU<\' dredgmg It can only be done ulty basketball game The The thl ec wmmunltW." ,aid after the I~ mter I~e IS gone, but game start;, at 7 30 p m In FaJm" a'SI.,tant Clt) manager It <;hould be done before the North's gym The North Shane Reeslde, had to take ;'011 manna" become open to dance team perform;, at half- .,ample., from theu harbor" to tIme boater" see If there were umtammanti> SmIth declmed to bay ho\\ The I e"ult;, of the tebh "how The event IS sponsored by the Shore~ I\ould pay for the 4 departments fight blaze that tbe .,011 Ib lOntamlllant- dredging before seemg an) both schools' student assocIa- free tions Tickets are $3 and the By Brad Lindberg m loaf", burnmg floors alarm called m the Clt, and bId" Rce;,lde "aid the Farm' ThIS ,hould help keep the money raIsed goes to chanty Staff Wnter On the mormng of Friday, ItS new thermallmagmg cam- ha., "orne money ~et aSIde fOl co;,t of the project down," AdmiSSIon IS only $2 for A firefighter frPbh from the Jan 28, more than two dozen era Ac:; F arm;, officer- park capItal Improvement;" Ree"lde said "It co"t-. a lot those who bnng a donatIOn scene called It ~one hell of a firefighter;, from four depart- answered ,\ th1rd alarm le~s but dependmg on the cost, It more to haul away and dlspo~e of tOlletry Items such as stop" ments used ever) thmg from than 10 mmute>. later, the mIght be necessary to seek of contammated soli Thh WIll toothpaste, deodorant, etc Gros;,e Pomte';, latest piece horse senbe to high-tech Shores "ent a pumper to the addItIOnal revenues to pay for be an exppnblve project Right of firefightmg eqUlpment eqUlpment to put out a fire City a" backup the Job now engmeers arc takmg For more mformatlOn, call passed Its first test la~t week that had most hkely been No flames were VISIble from Kressbach ;,ald the City'., depth readmg;, The cost of the (313) 343-2187 Wlth honors burnmg for 30 mmute~ before the "treet, but officer~ figured budget' has been pretty much project 1<;related to how much Only days after bemg put bemg reported the fire was burmng near the .,et for the year If the Job I., SOlI the\ WIll hal e to remove Into operatIOn, officers ubed a Alerted by a crew of tree front of the three-story Tudor cObtly, any rate increa;,es prob and th'lt'" related to the depth camera that can ,ee flame' tllmmpr, who had been clear- home They were nght ably \\ ouldn 't show up until thE of the <;011that'., accumulated Thursday, Feb. 10 through wall., to tame \\ hat mg branche;, from PO\\er Ime~ Attack CIe\\" entpred the fol\(m mg ~ear', budget m part., of thp hal bor " could have been one of the m the neighborhood, officer;, rear of the homC' They .,et up The Gros;,e Pomte See DREDGE, page 2A blgge"t local fire., m r{'(.ent pullpd up to the bUl nmg fan~ to plhh dpn,p smoke out Ree'ldl' <;ald that the Farms' Commumty Blood Counul year~ hOll.,p at 11 15 a m thp front of the hou"e hosts a blood dn\ I.' at the Stlll, the mCldent -had It The\ found ".,moke pounng "We attempt to fight a firp Gro~se POInte War all," "aid Rllhard Cal pttl from the' wmdoll" and "evmd from thE' non-burnmg "Ide,' Park decision delayed Memonal 32 Lake,horr m dlrpctor of public ~o.lfptym thE /lorn el ('.," ,aId Park Lt explamed Lt John Schulte of A $1 q mllhon court decl~lOn Lpaguc Property and C'asualt\ Grosse Pomte Farm;, from 9 Park - multll,h alarm" D:l\ Id Hiller the mCldent th(' Park on <l lall",u1t hetl~een Gro'"e Pool 1~11\ ha\e to cOler a $1 q am - 830 pm den"p ,make. hlddr'n f>lt' wmmand( r POll1te P,Hk and It, former mllhon Judgment agam;,t the Park Bab) bItting and tran,- hook and ladder truck, holp., W1thlll I mmutl I ~econd See FIRE. page :lA m,uranc(' carnpr ha" bpcn Thp Judgmpnt ,t('ms from all portatlOn are avaIlable For delal! d ,\. hp<lImg ,cheduled for out-of-court ,(ttlement of <l more informatIOn or to make l<lW'Ult regardlnl; the Park dl" an appOintment, call 13131 ~rIda\ ,Lm 2M m thl court- 'oom of \\a\ll(' Count\ CirCUIt chargmg comhlned -C\\ PI 884-5542 ludgl' Am\ H'lthall:l) ha, \~atpr and r,lIn runoff mto Fo\ ),t', n re" heduled for Feh 11 Creek m Detroit Hatha\\,l; I- P'-Ill'ctpd to ru)p that th( \Ih hlg,m :\lunlup:lI OpWlOn Obltuanes Schools Busl1le"" Senwrs En tertal nmell t Sporf., Cla.,.,,(il'd ade;: ,::;c I February 3, 2000 Grosse Pointe News 2A News ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week mls.,ed In theIr entll ety" 5 years ago this week • At Its annual mid-Winter • The Park LOuncII ha~ put • Bon Sewurs and St John ofT until next month a dpu.,lOn l aduatlOll ceremomes last hlhpltab have founded an g whether to ban all parkll1g on h h week, Gro~~e POInte HIgh e<1~blde partner~ IP WIt a School added 124 names to It~ cIty street~ at lllght ~hal l'd (\ltho!lc health care The I~!>ue lame up eal hel mh,lOn hst of alumm Smce It., first thIS month when a reSIdent of A spoke,man for St John'~ dass III June, 1925, 5,553 ~tu- Trombley lomplalned about pall'ot orgamzatlOn, the dents have graduated from the the pal kmg of "Junk ldl' Sl~lel ~ of 5t J()~eph Health school ~ome of whIch haven t hpen ~\ ~tem, ~31d the collabOl atlOn Commencement speaker., moved for day., or week., Clt) \'<III l111'et the "current and Included class preSIdent offiCial;, saId a parkmg ban lutul c health care needs of the ottn D,c,:-..::lld P::::.qu , nlQnp ",,\JUJU l.a.,lp u.a ,:"uu.\ .
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