SensationalJa^sjtWoodbridge Sales Days! See Pages 14 and 15!! Jiv \ Newspaper Devoted Complete News Pictures 0 the Community Interest Full Local Coverage Presented Fairly, Clearly And Impartially Each Week J., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 195(1 Entered n 2nd elm Mall »t P. O., Cuteret, N. .1 PRICE TEN CENT8 Sweetness Collapse Another Industrial Par^Dlimping and 01 Hoof Proposed by Syndicate Measure CARTERET — Another in- Si Co., industrial realtors, 200 Light dustrial park is being planned Washington Street, Newark. Injures 3 for this borough. "The syndicate proposes to rilAKLES E. OREOORT It all depends upon the ac- develop the property as an Invalid p. ceptance of the $825,000 offer Industrial park and put up All arc Borough Men; made for the 150-acre tract ir Round Table, which OiM- Has Leg Fracture of the Carteret Storage fa- | iioioiig, is something o: cilities of the Rarltan Arsen- The tract is close to the Ordinance Rcgulatng IS In Klizabcth Mishap al. plants now under construc- an institution which has The bid was made by David tion by Metro Glass Compa- Dumping of Refuse fARTERET — Three demo- T. Houston Co., Inc., as he^d ny and the Continental Can limrh at Peter Sideris's CARTERET — County Judgt lition workers from Carteret of a syndicate comprising Company, all located close to Vito A. Conclllo of Sussex, salon iRrx: Please be sure wen' injured fit 2:45 P.M. Tues- David T. Houston and David the Carteret interchange of dny when a part of a roof col- lemporarlly assigned to th8 v(r.i spoil this word with W. Settle of Houston Settle the New Jersey Turnpike. Superior Court in Middlesex lapsed during wrecking opera- J,np Hi and concerns itsel County has just handed down tions on ;i two-story house at decision declaring invalid only with matters of vita! ' •"•> Street, Elizabeth. 1 thp garbage dumping ordinance urgiwy — in politics, thi A polk em an who came to their Postmaster Sabo Off&s of the CarterK Board of ,i;;.» was hurl. Health. tinmanities, economics and trio, employes of the The decision favprs the the jjrfiit debt which al Maurice & Son Wrecking Co. o: Few Tips to Vacationers Avcncl, wore working in thi American Cyanamid Corp. of CARTERET — Some tips to the people who may write Linden, Lelmpeter's Disposal .humanity owes to news- ittic when supports holding about mail which can make you. Service Inc.. of Carteret. Arace half a pitched roof yet to vacation more pleasant were Use enough postage. Regu- Bros., of East Orange, White di.smnntled gave way. Edward issued today by Postmaster lar size post cards take three Bros., of Roselle and others. Maurkc, owner of the firm Lester Sabo. He suggested: cents; Jumbo size postcards, The Leimpeter firm WP.S repre- Yr.sti'rday, for instance,! nlso was in the attic at to Don't let a stuffed mall box four cents and first class let- sented by Hyman Isaac, a mem« time. ;f I'lmwed out the pros- advertise your absence to a ters four cents an ounce. ber of the law firm of Relbel, James Christie, 49, 49 War housebreaker. Ask your neigh- Isaac & Tannenbaum of Eliza- pprt of uncontrolled com- ron Street, Carteret, sufferec Don't send cash In letters; bor to empty your mall box. beth. a fracture of the left leg when use postal money orders and peimnn in bank interest If you want to get your The ordinance in question the edge of the roof slammei register letters containing rates, the Supreme Court's mall while you're away, file was adopted by the board June him to the floor. He Is In SI valuable Items. I a forwarding order at the Buy books of stamps at the 12, 1958. It regulated and pro- depart me from the funda- Elizabeth Hospital. Post Office. nearest post office. This will hibited refuse disposal. al concepts of a free ADMIRING THE BOUQUET OK PAPER ROSES, sample of of what they have made and sold to neighbors, are (left 2 Refuse Treatment Use your full and complete help you to avoid unnecea- The Linden firm has dumped Ination, and Judge Fred- to rltht) ChrUtlnr Fitipatrick, Maureen Thlele, Barbara Koncz and Nancy Rein, Proceeds of the flower sale were Also hurt were Charles Ellii vacation address and give it sary return trips. liquid material on a site along donated to the Perth Am boy General Hospital building: fund. 29, of 26 Warren Street, Car he Rahway River for a long van Pelt Ryan's teret, bruises of the left shoul- period of years. Under the in that Lady Chatter- der, and Douglas Hill, 49, 37 ordinance, the firm has refused Essex Street, Carteret, lacera- to cover the material at the lover is not obscene Strike Picture ist Winners Metal-Thermit 4 Young Flower VendorsIndustrial Assn. tion of the right arm, poth nd of each day's operation, but ihf product of litera- men declined treatment. At Liebig Plant Of Contests The Court held: "This sec- Ituri-'s greatest practition- Appoints New Radio Patrolman John Mott- tion is not only unreasonable Aid PA. Hospital FundOf Borough Sued ley, who assisted In clearing for health purposes but It is er ami the most astute CARTERET — several days debris covering Mr. Christie, Is 'Unchanged' At Playgrounds impossible of compliance by the server of twentieth cen- Publicity Head ago the Perth Amboy General or $1,200,000 sustained abrasions of the right jplaintiff, American Cyanamid wrist. He was treated at Eliza- CARTERET — The strike at CARTERET — Th« many Corp. or by any other party Ittirv mores, D. H. Law- CAHTERirr — The appoint- Hospital received the following CARTERET— A suit for $1,- Sermon is Listed beth General Hospital. he Liebig plant of the Ameri- contests offered on the eight dumping most of the Industrial ment of E. S. Nuspliger, Jr. as letter from four young negh- 00.000 has been filed against r \ On the last item, When the roof collapsed, can Agricultural Chemical Jayflelds of the Borough are aste and by-products as set Itector of advertising and bors on Pulaskl Avenue: he Carteret Industrial Asso- everyone but Mr. Christie fled Workers, which is affecting .till drawing large groups of 'orth in the definition of same, fc weir in some minor dis lubliclty, Metal k Thermit "Dear Sirs: atlon, the manufacturers of children. Competition and good By Dr. Harsanyi from under the heavy wooden about 300 workers, is continuing Nor is it reasonable, nor neces- 'orporatlon, hu been an- "Enclosed please find his borough who have repre- sportsmanship are outstanding ferment but I suspect CARTERET — The sermon section. The roof caught him In In Its second week with no signs sary for health purposes, to ouneed by H. 0, McLeese, vice check for $15, a donation to- entatlves acting as trustees for! according to Recreation Direc- |hf final concensus was — opic (or worship services In 1 back of the left leg. of immediate settlement. cover cinders, slag, ground ex- iresldent in chaise of marlwt- ward your building fond. This tor Tom C o u g h 11 n. The the Hungarian Reformed -he association and other' A spokesman at the plan cavation or asheR as defined in it it modestly — that ing. money waa raised by me and .gent* of the association. Adjacent House Damaged children not only enjoy them- .trade wastes and rubbish." Church will be "The Leaven my friends. We made and sold Two planks crashed intc yesterday afternoon said; "Thi "This appolnUueot ii lndl- The Wit was situation Is unchanged." As fai selves but learn to compete Section Unreasosable [ was right. Must Work," Dr. Andrew Har- paper flowers. Our ages Tinge windows at an adjacent dwell W« at tt» <lbcreurnir1m- the Middles*? as Is known, (here are no talks against one another as good The Lelmpter firm carts waste • < * * •anyi, Pastor, of the church an- from 10 to 14. Ing At 81 S. Spring Street. competitors and display good portanc* of these marketing Products andBittavl slated between management from other places and under the nounced. The 9 AM. service "Please send a receipt to: Radio Patrolman sportsmanship throughout the Wr have been disturbed unction* to M A T» continued IVoodbrldge, Abraham J&frelss, and Local 434,' Internationa! ordinance there was a ban of will be conducted in Hungarian this money to Nancy Relsz/3 and Edward Pavlofski and contests. growth in it* highly diversified iresldent of the corporation Chemical Workerk s Union, AFL, dumping of refuse by persons nd chagrined at the the 10 o'clock service for the Pulaski Avenue, Carteret. My (Continued on Page 19) markeU," according to Mr. Mc-English speaking congregation, nd his wife, Marlon J. Nelss, which represents the strikers. Grant Avenue from outside the Borough. paralysis whicl Leese. He explained that the friends names are Barbara David Mandel, attorney foi The Orant Avenue play area On this point, the Court held E The Lorantffy Ladles Aid Koncz, Maureen Thiele, and :orporate secretary. ENTERS BUSINESS the union, said the worker offered a bubble gum contest that this section is "unreason- attacked ompany U the world's largest Society plans a bus trip to At- respect Christine Fitzpatrick." It is a sequel to the long want about-a 12-cent-an-hou: with the following taking part: able, arbitrary and discrimina- irodueer of tin chemlcaU, ai lantic City on Sunday, August CARTERET — C. P. Perkins courts. Of :ent Yours truly, rawn out sewer litigation suit package wage increase with Janice LaRusso, Janice Balarls tory." well u the largeit detinner of . Reservations to be made with former manager of the Virginia Nancy Reisz." that the cost of the Borough of fringe benefits.
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