Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-13-2001 Arbiter, December 13 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Bronco bas- ketbalt retumsto Pavilion - PQ.7 'Jf;~ - .e.······"·...... , www.arblteronllne.com .Boise State University rite r z: Thursday December 13, .2001 Vol. 15 Issue 31 First Copy Free TID.WUll~~®LbN. e.w. .5 'fl /;I Jib..•... Students underrepresented Training' and destiny at Boise State University." By Andy Benson committee membership. That. can higher. The motion was resoundingly The date of the next meeting is still development lists The Arbiter make it difficult for students to have a defeated by the committee, 13 to 2. upco!"ing class strong voice in the decision making Jones defended the 12 percent unknown. When asked, Jones was non- committal about the date of the next- Would you like to see what is process. increase regardless of the actual bud- offerings budget meeting, saying it was too early involved in determining how Boise That fact isn't lost on ASBSU get cut as necessary for planning pur- to determine. "Until we have a clearer State deals with the impending budget President Nate Peterson. He has been Eoses. He stated after the meeting that Training and idea of the budget cuts we are facing, crunch? Then you may want to try vocal in his criticism of the administra- the admittistration needed to be able to Development will offer the we have no basis for proceeding:' attending the next meeting of the tion for pushing a 12 percent student count on the 12 percent increase in following classes this month: Jones was unwilling to speculate Executive Budget Committee. fee increase. The administration origi- order to avoid mailing non-renewal "Fed Ex and BSU," offers when the next meeting would take The committee is responsible for nally asked the Board of Education for notices to 2nd year faculty. two opportunities to see how place, saying only that it would be no recommending ways of dealing with permission to request a 15 percent Peterson and Ali criticized the move the delivery company and the sooner then next semester. university work together in the projected shortfall to President increase, but was only granted permis- as balancing the budget on the backs of sion to seek a 12 percent limit. students. They contended that if the At the last Executive Budget expediting mailings. Classes Ruch. Committee meeting, Peterson request- Admittistration, faculty and student "I think more students need to be budget cut was less then 10 percent, are from 10 to 11:15 a.m, or ed that the meeting location be representatives make up the commit- aware that our financial destiny is con- which is considered the worst case sce- from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. on Dec. changed from the President's confer- tee. The committee membership con- trolled by the administration," nario, then the budget shortfall could 12. ence room in the Business building to sists of the four university vice presi- Peterson said. "We have absolutely no be covered disproportionately by stu- "Defensive Driving," is a the Forum meeting room where the. dents, four faculty members, four power to decide how much of a cost dent fees. two-part training from 8 a.m, ASBSU Senate convenes. Peterson stat- administration staff members, one we are going to incur." Peterson said it would be education- to noon each day on Dec. 11 ed that several members of the Senate classified employee, and two student At the last Executive Budget al for students to observe the budget and 12. expressed interest in attending the next ASBSU representatives. The committee Committee meeting, Petersen and meetings. To register, e-mail meeting and that a change in venue is chaired by Darrell Jones, provost and ASBSU Chief of Staff Imran Ali "I think it would be very productive Training & Development at would be the best way to accommo- [email protected] or vice president of Academic Affairs. attempted to place a condition on the for students to attend the budget meet- date observers. complete the registration Students have a limited presence, 12 percent fee increase that would only ing," Peterson said. "Especially any- body who would like to see how much form on T&D's Web site at having only two representatives out of. permit the fee increase if the University of a say students have in their financial see STUDENTSon pg. 2 training.boisestate.edu / and a total of 15 members or 13 percent of received a budget cut of 10 percent or fax the completed form to 426-3493. The once proud king of the beasts BSUemployees Students help those less fortunate during holidays .. have many Extended studies is pro- viding Christmas for some of health care residents of Community House. Their organizational needs included a supply of options toilet paper, sheets, laundry detergent and toiletries. They also are looking for gift dona- tions of non-gender specific By Ashley Gettings chlamydia test is $52. Tests for but still personal nature such The Arbiter other sexually transmitted dis- as gloves, scarves and small eases are more specialized and backpacks. Community Quick and affordable health have varying costs. House puts these in a gift care service is a necessity for At Idaho Family Physicians room and children may college students. Since the bit- the cost for a women's exams choose a gift for their parent, ing cold of Jack Frost has final- depends on the type of insur- or adults for another adult ly arrived and students are ance the patient holds and also resident. The House then feeling the stresses of the last their age. For a college student wraps the gifts and shares weeks of school, The Arbiter' that has a wellness package them at a party. Extended investigated various health through their insurance . Studies will collect the gifts clinics around BSU to find provider, the overall exam is and monetary donations and which facility offered the best $128. For other college age deliver them to the center for deal for a runny nose or other women, the price will range distribution. To contribute common health problems fac- between $64 and $100. call extension 3295 or exten- ing students. On the other hand, Capital sion 2047. After comparing just a few City Family Medicine on 17th The Business Professionals of the medical facilities ncar and State streets has longer of America student organiza- campus, including BSU's hours, but some differing tion has a box on the upper Health and Wellness Center, it prices for their services. The level of' the Applied was found that each place is facility is open Monday Technology Building for unique and provides a variety through Friday from 8 a.m, to 8 Christmas donations. They of services. Because of this; stu- p.m. and on Saturday from 10 are collecting items to be dents must choose for them- a.m. to 6 p.m. donated to an organization selves, which is the best deal The cost for flu shots and such as WCA for women and for their money. throat cultures are the same as children at Christmas. These comparisons are at Idaho Family Physicians, but Contact Teri Harbacheck at based on the costs of a variety SID and HlV testing l,rices arc extension 3735 for more infor- of different services offered by higher. According to the clinic, an test is $28 plus another mation. the various facilities as well as HIV the hours of operation. $10 charge for having blood Club concerned Idaho Family Physicians on drawn. Costs for all other SID Boise Avenue offers service tests depend on the specific terrorism' Monday through Saturday. disease, and the type of insur- crackdown could Their hours arc Monday to ance held by theratient. harm students Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The price 0 a complete and Saturday from 10 a.m, to 2 wellness examination for women will vary with age. The BSU's Idaho Progressive p.m. The clinic quoted various KRTphoto by Peter And.- Bosch. M10ml Herald Student Alliance, along with prices. A general flu shot or a older the patient, the more other local activist groups, is strop throat culture, students expensive the exam. For a col- A lion at the Kabul Zoo, blinded and disfigured by a hand grenade thrown by the Taliban. Almost all of the zoo's animals were dead by the time the Americans started bombing trying to dissuade the City will be charged about $16. An Tallban strongholds around Kabul. Council from approving a HIV test costs $27 and a see HEALTHCAREon pg. 2 plan by the Boise Police Department to create a Criminal Intelligence Group. The mission of the new New history group would be to gather intelligence - on "security- threatening groups/ individ- professor uals." Activists are concerned because groups considered vvorking hard for "infiltration" include those that participated in the WTO protests last September to make a riame and recent protests at Boise • Cascade. The club says stu- y dents can voice their opinions E R s I T at the City Council meeting u N I v Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m.
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