West Riding)Yorkshire: Far

West Riding)Yorkshire: Far

1819 WEST RIDING)YORKSHIRE: FAR Marsball & Honldsworth~ Hepwortn7 Mason Thos.Raygni, l,ngldnn,Carnforth 'MaynardW.. High.Eggborough;Pontdrct Hudderilfield Mason William, Awkleyi Doncaster MayS'rl'homas,Greasbrough, Rotherban{ 1 Marshall Ahrahlinr1 Wood head, Leeds ~iason William, Birk rigg, Garsdll.le, Meadley John,Ferren!lby,KtJate~hrongl{ Marshall Amosl >High Greenwood & Sed bergh R.S.O M ear AlleJI, Tbuttsronladd, H11ddt!rsfiehl ~Greenwoodlee, Heptotlstall~ Ma11chstr Ma..'!On William, Henthwaite hall, Kirk- MearJoseph,Tburstonland,HJJd~ersfield Marshall Charles, Steeton, Tatlcaster !thwaite, Sedberp;h R.S.O Medcalf William, Gta~lngtmt, Skipto'U. Milrshall Mr!t. Elii. Ryther, Tadcaster · ~ason W .Hingabnk.Dqt.Sdhrgh.R.S.O Mell Nathan & Tho~. Swinefieet, Goole Marsball George~ Moor house, Hooton Mason W .Quickedge,Roughtn.Manchstr M ell Williani, Adlingfleet, .G6ole Pa~n~ll, Doncaster Mason William, Starbottom, Skipton Mellin J. Mill farm,J,ong Preston, Leeds lVtnrshall G.PeoktieldlSth. Milfd.R.S.O. Mason William, Whittley wood;- Eccle- Melling Joseph, Grlndleton, Clitheroe Mat"Shall J ames~ Wood head, Leeds sail Bierlow, Slv~ffield Mellish John, CatT, Rotherham Mareball John, Braithwell, Rotherham Mason William Augustus, Higher Duns- Mellon Henry, Highel' Agden, Gis- Mnrshaii John, Dacre, l.eedS< forth, Boroughbridge L_ burne Forest, Settle MarshallJ.167Jenkin rd.Brightsde.Sheff Mate Mrs. Ann, Langsett, Sheffield ;Mellor Geo.& Jn, Bradley, Huddel"8fietd. Marshal! John, Low EggborG.'Ponh:frct M:ate Daniel, Lane end, Deepcar, Sheffid ,MelJorMissesM.&R.Lingards,Huddrsfld Marshal! JJ Peckfield,.:5th.Milfi-d.R.~.C Mate William,. Langsett, Sheffield Mellot Benjamin, Ruulet end, Farnley Marsball John, Ryther, Tadcaster Mathers Henry~ Newthorpe~ South Tyas, Huddersfield Mal'8hall J ohn1 Silarlston, W a:kefield Milford R.~.O Mellor Mrs. Ell en~ Crosland edge,Soutll. .\Uarshall J ohn1 Stoneshe~ gate, Hepton~ t\IathersJ. Rlmley park,Elmley, Wakefld Crosland, Huddersfield K stall, ::\lancheste11 Matson William, Azerley, Ripon Melior G~ I.aunds1 Golcar, Huddersfield. Marsh all J.,~ B. Rooms la. Morley 1 Leeds Matson W.Fingerfit::ld,Grewelthrpe.Rpn Melior Godfrey, N ewsome, Huddersfield Marsha!l Jonathanf Wales, Sheffield. Matterson.Edward, Clint, Leeds Mellor.J. Carr~reen,Austonly.Hddrsftd Marshal! Mrs. Naucy, Woodhall hill, Matterson Peter, Clint, Leeds MellorJas.South Crosland,Hudderstield Calverley, Leeds Matterson Thomas, BishopThorntn.Lds Mellor Joe, Farnleyhey, Farnley Tyas,. Marshal! Robert, Clifford, Tatlcaster Matthewman George, Cla)ton,Doncastr Hudders:fleld Marshal! Samuel, Intake,Hawdon,Leeds Matthewman G.Manr.ho.Waltn. Wakfid Melior J ahn, Brockholes, Huddersfield l\'larshall Thomas, Cattle--laith,Pontefrct Matthewman John, Lane end, Nt!ther Melior J. South Crosland, Huddersfield MarshallThomas,Greasbrough,Rothrhm Hoyland, Barnsley MeHorJ. Wall nooks,Fulstone,Huddr~fld Marshall TbEJS. Kirk 8meaton, Pontefrcr :\fat thews E. Park gate,"Elmley,Wakefld MrllorJ. Hardingley,Shelley,Huddersftd Marsball Thomas, Lane Hackens, Cu01- Matthews Edward, ~helley,.. Huddel"8fid Melior Joseph, Almondbury, Huddl"8fld berwo:tth, Hudder~field Matthews Johnf Elmley, Wakefield Melior Joseph, Hulme, Huddersfield Marshall William, Hra.mhope, Otley Matthews Ricl1ard, MeUJley, Leeds MellorJ.Castle hl.A.hnondbury,Hddr:.fld Marshal!William, Maiden stones, Soy• Mattison James, Low Chapel. Kirk- Melior Jsph. Famley T~·as, Huddersfld dand, Halifax thwaite, Sedbergh R.S.O MellorJ.Waitheclose,Wilshaw,Hddrsfld M arshall W .Sherburn,Sth.~lilford R.S. 0 :Mattison W. Kirkthwaite, &dhrgh. R.S.O Melior J osiah~ Almond bury 1 H uddersfld Marshall William, 7 Springfield stre6t, "'lattock John, Ewbsay, Skiptun Melior Mark, Dalton, Huddersfield Dodworth road, Barnsley l\Iattock Sugden, Bradley, Leeds Melior Rnbert1 Rishworth, Halifax 1\farshall William, Sykehouse1 Selby M:aud Bun. Hold shuw, Thur:~cross,Otley Melior Samuel, Waterhead mill, Nimbl4 Marsland Mrs. J ane. & Son, Ayxa, Maud George, Thorne, Doncaster nook, Manchester Bashall Eaves, Black burn Maud James, Blubber hou~, Otley Melior Mrs. Sarah, Hogley, Austonle~ Marsland John E. Poul ball, Pool, Otley Maud Jn.Blubher houses,Fewston,Otley Huddersfield Marstin Williarn, Clifton, Newall, Otle.> Maud Wm. Carlton la. Guiseley, Leeds M:ellor W. Lower Denby, Denhy, Hud-' Marston Albitt, Timble Great, Otley Maude John, Hazlewood, Skipton dersfield Marston Emanuel, Norwood bottom, Maode William, Brambam, Tadcaster Melior W. South Crosland, Huddersfield • CliftoR-with-Norwoqd, Otley Maude Williarn (exors. ), Brown edge, Mellow11 J .Cadeby ,Sprot:brou~h,Doncstr Marston J ames, Stain burn, Otley Fulstone, Huddt:rstidd Mellows Wm. High Melton, UoncasteH Marston James, ';\'ood head, Leeds Maudesley C.H.Rome,Giggleswck.Settle Mercer Joseph, Kirkhamgute, East Marston John, Wike, I.eeds Maudesley John, Bracewell, Skipton Ardsley, Wakefield Marston J~ Hurley-in- VV harledale, Leed~ Maudesley John, jun. Grain house, Mercer Robtrt, Kitchens', Bashall eav~s, MarstonJsph. West end,Hor~forth,Leeds Giggleswick, Sdtle Blackbilrn MacstonMI!S.Jt'I.Ciftn.-with-N orwd.Otly Maudesley T. Rome, Gi~!deswick,Settle Merriman George, Town end, Stauning-1 Marston Mrs.M.Moortop, Rawdn.Leeds Maudsley James, Long Preston, Leeds ton. Sh~ffield Marston Matthew,. Spofrorth, Wetherby Maudsley rhomas, Grindleton,Clitheroe MerrymanG.Gate,Oughtibridge.Sheffid .Marston Robert1 Plomptu11,Knaresboro' 1\Iaudsley TlJOma.s, Little Stainforth, Merrym~n George, Holdworth hall, Martin Mrs. Elizabeth, Reedness,Goole Stainforth, Settle . Holdworth, Shetfield Martin. Mrs. M.ary, Flaxby, Knaresboro' Maudsley T.Tbornton-iu-Ltmsdl.Crnfth Merryweather A. Whiston, Rotherham Mart~n Wi_lli~m, Carlinghow, Batley Maw .Joln_I,J Wickersley,_ Rotlierharn. Messenger Joseph, Hi~h Hurton, Kirk- Martm WllhamC.Armthorpe, Donca~ter Mawer Elms, Bracken r1dge, Fountams burton, Huddersfield Martindale Ben. Gt. Mitton, Black burn Earth, Leeds Mt:tcalf H. Coneygarth,Stanbry.Keigl1lj MarwoodJames,Aldboro.'Borougbbrdge Mawer G. Scar ho. Middlesmoor, Leeds MetcalfJ. Bank top, Hebden, Skipton Marwood J~.AJd.borougb,8oroughbridge Mawer Geo. Stonebeck Down, Leeds Metcalf John, Newby, Lancaster Ma::!kill Robert, Horuington, Tadcaster MawerJ.Armath~aite,Middlesmr.Leeds .\1etcalf Joseph, Menwith, Leeds Maskill Thomas,.Brotherton, Normantn Mawer Mrs. Jonathan, Armathwaite, Metcalf Mattht~w? Menwith, Leeds Mason Andrew).Embsay, ~kipton Middlesmoor, LetdR . Metcalt:Richard, Menwith, Leedtt Mason George,1 Dent, St:dbergh R.S.O Mawer M.j un.Long6ide,Ra.m~gill,Leeds Metcalf Mrs. Sarah; Carr, Darley,Leed$ Mason H. Snapdhorpe, Wakefield Mawer Richard, Well house, Stonebeck MetcalfThomus, Galphay, Ripon Mason Henry, Gret:nfield, Manchester Down, Leed~ Melcalf TIJomllS, South Milford R.S.O Mason Hy.S~rburn, Stb..MiU'urdR.S.tJ Mawer W. Stean1 StonebeckDown,Leeds Metc~d£ Williaru,. Menwith,_ Leeds Mason Jamesy Uac.lu!tqne gill, Dent, .Mawson l\lrs. Jane & John. Wike, Leeds Metcalf William, Thre~hfield, Skipton Sedbergll R.S.O MawsonA.Adwick-upon-Dearne,Mxbro' Metcalfe Jas.&; Wm.Addingbam, Leeds Mason James.t (iasterbeck, Dent, Sed- Mawson Benjamin, Eccup, LeedSi Metcalfe, Robt,. lt F. Srainfortb, Settle bergh R.S.u Mawson Frederick; Eccup, Leeds l\Ietcalfe Alexander, Gooor, Horton~ln- Masoa Jame~ Knapton, York Mawson Mrs. Hannah, Eccup, Leeds Ribbl~dale, Settls Mason James, Lint()D; )Vethetby Mawson John, Skellow, Doncaster Metcalfe C, Garsdale, Sedbergh R.S.O Mason Jas. Tofts, Oeut, SedberghR.S.O Mawson Joh-n, Fenwick, Doncaster Metcalfe Christr. Malbam ftiOOTj Leeds- .Ma.soa Jbhn, Budget; Kil"lithwaHe, Mawson John, Wheatley, Ilkley Metcalfe Mrs. Dorothy, Aldfield-cum- Sedbergh H.S.O Mawson W, Wikefield, Wike, Leeds Studleyj Ripon . Mason Jolin, Embsay, {3.kipton Mawson Richd~ Bishop Monkton, Ripon Metealfe Edmund, Cnrleton, Skipton MasonJ<1hn, Halton West, Leeds Mawson Richard, Markington, Leed11 Metealfe Edwanl, Dallagh -Gill, !Upon :Masdrl. John, Skelton, Horoughbridge Mawson Richard H. Mars ton grange, Metcalfe G. Cliifa',LowBishupside,Letds Mason cUOSt>Phr CJ.unterbank~ t,Kirk- Long Marston, Yorlt Metcalte James, Airton, Leeds thwaite; Sedbe!-gb R.s~o Mawson Robert, Arthington, 'Otley Metcalfe J, Field hoJ IngletoH,Carnfrtll Mason M-atthew/ Myddalt()n~ llkley Mawson Thos. Hank. ehd,SilsdentJLreds Metcalfe Jawes,. Malham moor, Leeds Mason Rd.Kii!~thwaitej 8edberghR.S.O MaWIIOn Wm, HJ A caster~ Malbis, York Metcalf6 J awes., Starbottom;Skipton Ma:.Oil' TbQmas~ lluldwurth~ 151u:ffield Mawws Riohard.Minskip, Boroughbrdg Metcalfe J .Aldfield-tn m.-Studle), Ri1Jon -Masou. 'l'hmnaa., Little Btaintoo, J}ank -ldaxse; Johnr Wilson~ Cawood., Selby .Metcalfe Jolm,rAIIStwickJ Larreaster Newton, Leeds May Joseph, Barbott Hall farm, Greas- M~tcaltil,Jobn,Garsdale,SedbergbR:S.O M"asoil Thomas~ Hebblethwaite hall, brough, Rotherham Miltcalfe Johll; Gisbu!'ne, Skiptqn Cautley, SedberJlb JL.8.0 MayaH William, Earnshaw head, Water Metcalfe John, Holme head, 't'horntcm- Mwtaa'fJ Low Lindripk,Undcick,Ripon head mill, .Manchet.ter in-U.nsdale, Carnforth .

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