Presenting the Dream of Human Flight OctoberOctober 17, 17, 18, 18, 19—Skydive 19—Skydive Perris, Perris, Perris, Perris, California California ScheduleSchedule ofof EventsEvents DougDoug GarrGarr toto receivereceive Trustees’Trustees’ AwardAward 2014(subject(subject Celebrat to to change) change) ion Weekend Continues…. SPECIAL 2019 CELEBRATION INSERT CongratulationsCongratulations to to DougDoug GarrGarr for for beingbeing selectedselected to to receive receive this this SPECIAL 2019 CELEBRATION INSERT ThursdayThursday at at Skydive Skydive Perris Perris year’syear’s museum’s museum’s Trustees’ Trustees’ Award. Award. The The presentation presentation ofof the the Trustees’Trustees’ AwardAward willwill AllAll Day Day — — Sequential Sequential FormationFormation RecordRecord AttemptsAttempts mmeeeet,t, sign sign log log b booooksks and and take take selfies. selfies. bebe made made during during the the museum’s museum’s Hall Hall of of Fame Fame Banquet Banquet and and Induction Induction Ceremony.Ceremony. Everyone Everyone loves loves a a part party,y, and and a a ten tenthth anniversary anniversary AAllll Day Day — — F Funun J uJumpmpinging TheThe Trustees’ Trustees’ Award Award was was established established to to honor honor and and recognize recognize distinguished distinguished partpartyy is is special. special. Join Join the the ClassicClassic Accuracy Accuracy Demo Demo 4–84–8 pm pm — — Early Early Bird Bird Registration Registration tenth anniversary of the achievementachievement of of individuals individuals or or groups groups for for their their exemplary exemplary service, service, selfless selfless giving giving tenth anniversary of the T-Shirt T-Shirt Sleeves Sleeves co-sponsored co-sponsored by by DJ DJ Associates, Associates, WindWind Tunnel Tunnel Competitions Competitions include include a a fast-paced fast-paced two-way two-way andand personal personal commitment commitment to to the the goals goals and and mission mission of of the the International International InternationalInternational Skydiving Skydiving Inc. Inc. and and SSK SSK Industries, Industries, Inc. Inc. mini-meetmini-meet and and a a cooperative cooperative tunnel tunnel game game (featuring (featuring SkydivingSkydiving Museum. Museum. HaHallll o of fFame Fame Celebration Celebration Lanyards Lanyards sponsored sponsored by by Cypres2 Cypres2 adorableadorable but but annoying annoying goblins). goblins). Learn Learn more more at at DougDoug made made his his first first jump jump in in 1969 1969 as as a a college college sophomore. sophomore. As As a a atat S Skykydivedive Perris, Perris, October October 4–104–10 pm pm — — Early Early Bird Bird Reception/Pioneers Reception/Pioneers LoungeLounge https://furycoaching.com/hall-fame-tunnel-events/. https://furycoaching.com/hall-fame-tunnel-events/. senior,senior, his his journalism journalism professor, professor, in in a a seminar, seminar, said said anyone anyone who who sells sells an an article article 17–19, for the ultimate sponsored sponsored by by Pope Pope Valley Valley Parachute Parachute Ranch Ranch 17–19, for the ultimate inin his his course course got got an an automatic automatic A.A. DougDoug metmet SteveSteve SnyderSnyder andand wrotewrote oneone ofof the the celebrationcelebration of of skydiving skydiving to to Ten-wayTen-way speed speed star star compe competititiontion traces traces it its sroots roots back back FridayFriday at at Skydive Skydive Perris Perris firstfirst major major magazine magazine pieces pieces for for Popular Popular Science Science on on "The "The Parachute Parachute That That Glides Glides Like Like a a Plane,” Plane,” published published in in honorhonor and and induct induct the the toto Southern Southern California, California, so so there there is is n noo be betttterer place place for for AllAll Day Day — — Sequential Sequential FormationFormation RecordRecord AttemptsAttempts AugustAugust 1971. 1971. He He got got that that A. A. He He attributes attributes skydivingskydiving for for jumpstarting jumpstarting his his literary literary career. career. The The m magazineagazine newlynewly elected elected class class of of seriousserious rivalry rivalry and and f riendlyfriendly camaraderie camaraderie tha thann our our AAllll Day Day — — F Funun J uJumpmpinging hirhireedd hi himm a ass a a ju juniornior e edditiortor when when he he wa wass 22 22 — — hi hiss first first r ealreal job. job. 10-Way10-Way Sp Speeeedd STAR STAR WARS WARS event. event. 1010 am–5 am–5 pm pm — — Registration Registration OpenOpen 20192019 into into the the International International Skydiving Skydiving Hall Hall of of Fame. Fame. 1010 a am–10m–10 pm pm — — P Pioioneeneersrs L Looungeunge Op Openen HisHis log log book book appeared appeared to to end end unceremoniously unceremoniously in in October October of of 1983. 1983. Then Then in in 2008, 2008, he he got got in in a a ThisThis year’s year’s inductees inductees are are well-deserving well-deserving and and join join BreathtakingBreathtaking XRW XRW Tribute Tribute Jumps Jumps on on both both Fr Frididayay and and 10–1110–11 am am — — Forum Forum featuring featuring Luke Luke Aikins: Aikins: Pushing Pushing jumpjump plane plane again again ostensibly ostensibly just just to to finish finish a a languishing languishing memoir memoir of of his his days days in in free free fall. fall. The The publisher publisher insisted insisted anan elite elite club. club. We We have have 10 10 inductees inductees representing representing SaturdaySaturday night night w willill be be spectacular spectacular sigh sightsts.. thathat ti ti tnee needdeedd an an en endidingng w witithh a at tlea leastst o onene m mororee sk skyyddivivee. .We Wellll, ,three three jumps jumps la lateter,r, he he bo boughught ta a p paararacchuhute,te, the the Boundaries, Boundaries, No No Parachute Parachute No No Problem Problem Australia,Australia, France, France, Great Great Britain, Britain, Slovenia, Slovenia, and and the the United United TandemTandem Jump Jump Disco Discoununtsts for for old old and and y yoounungg are are the the 12–112–1 pm pm — — P Pioioneeneersrs Lun Luncchh spo sponnsosoreredd b by y anandd ha hass b beeeenn at at it it ever ever since. since. He He said said it’s it’s much much better better the the secondsecond timetime around. around. States. See their bios on the following pages to learn States. See their bios on the following pages to learn perfectperfect opport opportununitityy to to get get back back in in the the air air and and share share S Strotrongng En Enteterprrprisiseess ( separate(separate tickets tickets required required) ) Doug Doug serves serves as as a a counselor counselor for for the the museum museum and and he he has has been been an an active active fundraiser fundraiser for for the the museum museum moremore about about these these deserving deserving individuals. individuals. 1–1:301–1:30 pm pm — — Gear Gear Thru Thru the the Years Years Presentation Presentation thethe experience experience w witithh k kidsids and and grandkids. grandkids. forfor several several years years by by representing representing the the SkydiversSkydivers ResurrectionResurrection AwardAward Group Group (SRA).(SRA). TheThe SRAersSRAers numbernumber moremore GetGet in in the the spir spiritit on on Thursday Thursday starting starting w witithh the the spo sponnssororeedd b byy P PIAIA an andd Da Davvee DeW DeWololff AndAnd much, much, much much mo morere . .. .. thanthan 400 400 jumpers jumpers who who returned returned to to the the sport sport after after atat least least a a 10-year10-year gap.gap. ThroughThrough SRA’sSRA’s annualannual springspring drive,drive, EarlEarlyy Bird Bird Re Regigistrationstration and and packet packet pic pickukupp f ofollllowedowed by by the the 1:30–2:001:30–2:00 pm pm — — C Cananopopieiess Th Thruru t hethe Y Yeaearsrs GarrGarr has has directed directed more more than than $16,000 $16,000 to to the the museum. museum. Garr Garr has has also also written written the the annualannual biographiesbiographies ofof the the SaturdaySaturday will will draw draw to to a a close close with with the the real real purpose purpose featuring featuring H Hennyenny Wi Wiggggeersrs EarlEarlyy Bird Bird Recep Receptition,on, California-style California-style aro arounundd the the p pooool land and HallHall of of Fame Fame inductees inductees for for USPA’s USPA’s Parachutist Parachutist magazine magazine since since the the inaugural inaugural group group was was inducted inducted in in 2010 2010 as as ofof the the weekend, weekend, honoring honoring 10 10 pillars pillars of of our our skydiving skydiving 2–32–3 pm pm — — F Fororuumm fea featuturingring Alan Alan Eu Euststaaccee:: atat the the Pioneers Pioneers Lounge, Lounge, a.k.a. a.k.a. the the Bombshelter Bombshelter Bar Bar & & Grill. Grill. wellwell as as post-event post-event articles articles highlightinghighlighting thethe weekend’sweekend’s activities.activities. comm comm ununitityy at at a a sit-do sit-downwn banquet banquet and and Skydiving Skydiving from from Space, Space, Setting Setting RecordsRecords TheThe Early Early Bird Bird Recep Receptitionon and and Pion Pioneeeersrs Lo Loununge,ge, sponsored sponsored DougDoug lives lives in in New New York York City City with with his his wife, wife, Meg Meg Perlman. Perlman. They They celebrate celebrate their their 40th 40th anniversary anniversary induction ceremony presented by PIA. spo sponnssororeedd b byy Lee Lee an andd Car Carolol S Scchlihlicchhtetemmeieeier r byby the the Pope Pope Valley Valley Parachute Parachute Ranch, Ranch, is is the the perfect perfect induction ceremony presented by PIA. thisthis June. June. Their Their son son Jake Jake is is a a high high tech tech entrepreneur. entrepreneur. Photo Photo by by Kat Kat Cottingham Cottingham It is impossible to quantify what this 3–43–4 pm pm — — Book Book Signings Signings featuring featuring Joe Joe Kittinger, Kittinger, atmospatmospherehere to to rub rub elbows elbows w witithh the the pion pioneeeersrs, ,legends legends and and It is impossible to quantify what this esesteeteemedmed group group o of fskydivers skydivers has has done done Doug Doug Garr, Garr, Norm Norm Heaton Heaton greatsgreats o of four our sport.
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