Plan to Attend the Mil. Art Encampment Commencement Ball (Tin* *Xmu Hampshtrp Friday and Saturday Volume 21. Issue DURHAM, N. H., JUNE 4, 1931. Price Ten Cents REXFORD DEAN NEW HANLEY, ’32, CHOSEN COMMENCEMENT PRIZES SENIOR SECRETARY $ SENIOR NOTICE PRESIDENT OP A. A. TERM PLAY PRESENTED £ All senior.i who want extra Joseph Whyte Elected Vice President AWARDED TO WINNERS Succeeds Lois Jackson, Who is Ad­ tickets for Commencement must and Marjorie Smith Secretary— BY MASK AND DAGGER vanced to Position of Second T appear at the Registrar’s office Lacrosse Made Varsity Sport, Vice President between 9.00 a m. and 12.00 but Riflery Loses by Close American Legion Trophy Won by Frank Horrigan-— a. m. tomorrow. The supply of Margin Second Showing of Milne’s “The Perfect Alibi” Hood Achievement Award Made to Chandler Ryder At a recent meeting of the senior % tickets is limited. Come early. to Take Place Tonight in Murkland Auditorium ^ , ■*** The results of the last elections of class Rexford Dean was chosen sec­ "ft 't*?T i ' i 'f ' the Athletic association have been Other Awards for Scholastic Ability, Agricultural Superiority, Greatest retary of the class, succeeding Lois disclosed and show the election of the Ruth Winterton, Thomas Pingree, Norman Randall, Edward Haseltine, Improvement in Courses and Personality, Outstanding Forensic Ability, Jackson, who was advanced to the officers for 1932 and also the accept­ Gunnar Kellstrand, Francis Robinson, Evelyn Huse, Robert Ayers, Dramatic and Literary Contributions, and High Ideals of Good position of second vice president. Gov. Winant Here ance of a new letter sport. Edward Dawson, John Clarey and Priscilla Glazier Citizenship Made Yesterday at Last Convocation of the Year Dean was a member of the fresh­ Howard E. Hanley of Providence Appear in Production man football and track teams, an in­ for Encampment R. I., was elected to head the asso­ tramural boxer, a member of Scab­ ciation and Joseph J. Whyte of Lan­ By J. B. M. By D. S. K. bard and Blade, Senior Skulls, 1931 Third Annual Manoeuvers caster was chosen as vice president. Plans Completed At the Senior convocation held at Ernest Bell, ’20 Sphinx, Casque and Casket, and is Marjorie H. Smith of Newfields was The lights were up, the curtain was 1.30 o’clock yesterday afternoon in chairman of the Scholarship fund to be Held June 5 and 6 elected secretary and Thorsten V. for Senior Ball drawn, the ladies received their flow­ the University gymnasium the various Given War Medal committee. He is a member of Theta Last Exercises to be Presided Over Kalijarvi and Edward L. Getchell ers, the strains of the chaser were prizes and awards for 1931 were pre­ Chi fraternity. by Major Pitz and Captain Day— were chosen as faculty members of Commons Building Scene heard in the Little Theatre of Murk­ sented to their winners by President Awarded With Citation Miss Jackson is a member of Theta Commissions and Medals to be the executive committee. As student land hall and the first night of The Edward M. Lewis. Each winner came Upsilon sorority and is secretary of Awarded Saturday Morning representative of the executive com­ of Commencement Dance Perfect Alibi, Mask and Dagger’s forward to receive his award after for Gallantry in Action Phi Lambda Phi, honorary physics mittee, Lawrence A. Barker was Dan Murphy’s Popular Musical Skip­ spring term production, was over. To President Lewis had described the sig­ society. Tomorrow and Saturday mark the chosen. say that director William G. Hen- nificance of each prize and had named Former N. H. Graduate, Now Attor­ pers from Pennsylvania Will Play nessy had done a masterful piece of ney at Law in Keene Received Albert C. Lazure is president of the last military science training periods (Continued on Page 4) for Occasion—Beautiful Decor­ its winner. senior class. at this University in which Major work would not be saying half enough The chief award of the afternoon Master’s Degree from ations Planned by Committee —the work he has done ably speaks B. U. in ’25 Pitz and Captain Day will participate was the large American Legion trophy officially. Major Pitz, who has been Dean Case to Act Friday, June 12, the Commons will for his accomplishments. The piece which was presented to Prank Henry here since 1925, is to go to the In­ be the scene of a veritable medley of itself, conceived by A. A. Milne, was Horrigan, ’31, of Wakefield, Mass., by Ernest Lorne Beil of the class of Dean Meets Grads fantry school at Fort Benning, on Crafts Board dancing and music in the form of the superbly constructed and can only be Commander F. J. Drury of the New 1920, attorney at law in Keene, was Georgia, and will assume the duties annual formal Commencement ball. spoken of with the greatest of praise. Hampshire Legion. recently awarded with a citation for The musical numbers will be fur­ A mystery play in which the audience This trophy was offered to the Uni­ gallantry in action during the World on Western Trip Faculty Member Picked nished by Dan Murphy and his Mu­ is aware of the criminals and it re­ versity by the New Hampshire depart­ War by the War Department which to Serve on Commission sical Skippers from Pennsylvania. mains for the people in the produc­ ment of the Legion in recognition of will entitle him to wear a silver cita­ This orchestra has proved very pop­ tion to discover them is something the University’s contribution in the tion star and other decorations. Sees C, A, Hubbard, ’77 Mrs. J. Randolph Coolidge of Center ular in Pennsylvania and at the different to the ordinary theatregoer, World War. It is presented yearly to Opening his mail in the course of and Edwin P. Dewey, ’82 Sandwich to Act as Chairman— beaches. and that one word different is the that senior man who has reached the routine work in his law office, At­ —Ambitious Program Planned The decorations for the hall are only clue which we can divulge to highest distinction in military science, torney Bell was surprised to find a to Stimulate Art in State those who have not seen this, in our athletics, and scholarship, combined letter from the adjutant general’s Forty-one People, Including Gradu­ being selected and arranged by a com­ minds the best show which Mask and ates, Their Wives and Friends As­ mittee composed of Francis Robinson with high character and loyalty to the office of the war department. On Governor John G. Winant recently of D u r h a m, Elizabeth Gates of Dagger has staged for a long time. college. It is one of the highest opening it he found that the letter semble to Welcome C. H. Pettee appointed Dean Case of the College The vehicle was, as always, well honors which is given here and it is was accompanied by a citation which and His Wife—Visits Charlestown, and Elizabeth Melendy cast. Ruth Winterton as Susan Cun­ Imperial Valley of Technology on the new commission of Manchester. Refreshments are in awarded for the third time this year. read as follows: “Ernest L. Bell, of New Hampshire Arts and Crafts. charge of George Hadley of Manches­ ningham and Thomas Pingree as Fred Cristy Pettee, ’30, was presented formerly first lieutenant, Machine The purpose of this commission, of ter. Granville Shattuck of Granby, Jimmy Ludgrove playing the juve­ with the trophy last year. Gun company, 165th Infantry, 42d During Dean Pettee’s recent visit whi h Mrs. J. Randolph Coolidge of Conn., has charge of the ticket sell­ nile leads, the persons who really The trophy itself is perhaps the Division, American Expeditionary to California, he discovered many Center Sandwich is chairman, is to ing and publicity. Lillian Trombley solve the mystery, endear themselves most beautiful and original one in Forces. For repeated acts of gal­ New Hampshire graduates living promote and organize the handicraft of Concord, who was asked to secure to the audience in the opening mo­ regard to design in the possession of lantry in action from July 15 to Octo­ there. In honor of his visit, a group work of the state, that is being done chaperones, has engaged President ments of the production by their true- the University. It is mounted on New ber 14, 1918. On various occasions of the younger alumni there arranged in the villages, so that the workers and Mrs. Edward M. Lewis, Professor to-life appearance. Miss Winterton is Hampshire granite from the Concord Lieut. Bell exposed himself to heavy for him and Mrs. Pettee to meet wil! receive the most profitable re­ and Mrs. Thorsten V. Kalijarvi, and a familiar figure on Mask and Dag­ quarries and has an ebony base. In enemy fire in order to place his guns them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. turn for their efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Donovan. The ger boards and Pingree, while new to the center is an inscription describing in the most advantageous positions. Maj. Hugo E. Pitz A major project of the work of the committee arranging the dance are Durham audiences possesses qualities the trophy, and the legion seal. Just On July 29, 1918, during the advance Carleton B. Tibbetts, in San Marino, commission, decided upon at its meet­ which should secure him roles in fu­ above it may be seen a lamp, books, California. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tib­ under the supervision of Paul Reed near Viller-sur-Fere, France, Lieut. betts (formerly Miss Julia A.
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