BELLTEL RETIREE The Official Newsletter for Union and Management Retirees and Employees of Bell Atlantic, GTE, Idearc/SuperMedia, NYNEX, Verizon and its Subsidiaries. Paid for by contributions from Verizon and Idearc/Supermedia retirees. Winter 2012-13 Volume 64 Spotlight: Verizon Retirees Under Economic Assault Retirees Mount Legal Challenge Against Former Verizon Retirees Verizon Transfer of 41,000 Pensioners Transferred To Idearc/ Supermedia Lose Healthcare n a financial bait and switch more are being given no choice, no voice and typical of a used car lot, Verizon no protection in the transfer of their Benefits & Life Insurance Iblindsided tens-of-thousands of its pension assets, we are calling upon the By Curtis L. Kennedy own retirees on October 17th when it company to reverse this action and halt Attorney-at-law disclosed the sale of 41,000 management this predatory business transaction that ffective January 1, 2014 Verizon retirees pensions to Pru - will impact many retirees who were transferred dential Insurance Com - retired Americans, Eagainst their will to a new under - pany of America in who labored a life - nourished company will lose healthcare exchange for $7.5 bil - By transferring and time to fund their and life insurance benefits. ALL lion in pension assets. earned pension bene - OTHER VERIZON RETIREES Following the pension converting the 41,000 fits.” COULD BE NEXT. This article by the spin off announcement, The Association of Association’s special legal counsel Curtis the Association immedi - pensions to an BellTel Retirees Inc. L. Kennedy breaks down the issues you ately sought the counsel has retained experts need to be aware of and concerned of insurance and annuity insurance company, and counsel and is about. industry experts for their moving forward with What Was Idearc Truly analysis of the plan. We Verizon retirees lose legal action on behalf Worth When the Spin-Off from asked, “is this change of the tens of thou - Verizon Occurred? good or bad for retirees?” their Pension sands of impacted We all know about the pitiful conse - The experts’ response retirees. If this trans - quences that have been bestowed on the was not reassuring. Benefit Guaranty action is completed retirees who had been involuntarily If the plan transfer is before the New Year, transferred from Verizon to Idearc/ not halted, beginning in Corporation as Verizon expects, SuperMedia as part of the 2006 Spin- January 2013, Prudential retirees will be left Off transaction. In no other business will provide retirees with protections with the short end of transaction has Verizon transferred insurance annuities – not the stick. retirees. In the Murphy, et al., v. Verizon pensions — that will eliminate Verizon’s The transaction would involve Veri - Communications Inc., et al. , case, the ERISA mandated fiduciary responsibili - zon, a fortune 5 company transferring its Class of 2,750 persons retired before the ties to retirees. This transfer will also fiduciary responsibilities to over 41,000 November 17, 2006 Spin-off of Idearc wipe out the federally insured pension retirees to a single entity, Prudential, in seek to be restored into Verizon’s spon - safety net provided by the Pension Bene - exchange for $7.5 billion in cash. Should sored retiree benefit plans. fit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). that insurer experience a default or asset Presently, there are two court cases Association President C. William short fall, the 52 state insurance guaranty pending in the Dallas federal court Jones said, “On behalf of 41,000 Verizon associations would serve as the only attacking the Spin-Off transaction. Of retirees scattered across the country, who (Continued on page 6) course, one case is for the benefit of all transferred retirees. The other case that all retirees ought to pay attention to is SAVE THE DATE! the major creditors’ lawsuit against Ver - The Association of BellTel Retirees will host its 2013 izon. The Spin-Off transaction not only annual member meeting in Annapolis, MD eventually led to the creditors’ signifi - on Friday, April 19, 2013. We hope to see you there. cant financial losses, it caused retirees to (Continued on page 5) 2 BellTel Retiree Winter 2012-13 motto, “Own a Piece of The Rock” management retirees are being thrown would never go bankrupt. Remember out with the trash, by their former that when disasters like the recent Hurri - employer. Given the company’s track cane Sandy hit, the payouts from insur - record, more bad news is likely to occur. ance companies are enormous. At the Who’s next? end of October, MetLife, another so- Some members use the automatic called too big and secure to fail insurance monthly or quarterly payment system to firm posted a $954 million 3 rd quarter make donations. To those who have loss “to reflect the damage being done to been generous in the past, we must insurers’ annuity businesses by ultralow appeal to you to make another generous interest rates,” according to the Wall contribution now. President’s Message Street Journal ( MetLife Posts Loss on Remember, the Association of BellTel Annuity Charge 10-31-2012 ). Retirees is the only organization that is by C. William Jones A recent investigation by insurance willing and able to protect your financial and annuity industry experts consulted future. Please make sure that you do by the Association of BellTel Retirees your part to stop this impending disaster. am sure that you have heard that regarding the financial viability of this Verizon plans to sell off the pen - transfer raises serious issues. There is a Isions of 41,000 management long list of once prominent insurers who retirees to Prudential Life Insurance have gone under: AIG, Kentucky Cen - Company of America during December tral Life Insurance Company, Executive 2012 converting those ERISA protected Life, The Equitable Life Assurance Soci - pensions insurance annuities. This is ety (Equitable Life), and too many to Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. one more assault on the benefits that all list. That’s not the end of the bad news. UNITED, TO PROTECT OUR FUTURE of us worked a lifetime to secure. Published by: Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. It is possible that Prudential could then P.O. Box 33, Cold Spring Harbor, The major problem with this annu - transfer our pension annuities to another New York 11724 • (631) 367-3067 ity transaction is that once the transfer firm that might not be as robust as Pru - website: www.belltelretirees.org is complete, those 41,000 retirees will E-mail: [email protected] dential, leaving us hanging on by a Hotline: (800) 261-9222 lose both federal ERISA law protections thread. A 501 C3 IRS tax-exempt corporation and the safety net that the federal Pen - Your Association decided to take legal Circulation Exceeds 128,000 sion Benefit Guaranty Corporation action against Verizon before the annuity President and Executive Director: (PBGC) provides, should a pension C. William Jones (410) 310-8533 transfer is consummated. We will be Senior Staff Manager plan be terminated. The PBGC is a facing a huge up-hill battle and Verizon Christina M. Kruger (631) 367-3067 safety net that, presently, protects a 65 will spend many millions of dollars to Assistant Manager year old pensioner in the amount of defend their position. We have seen Susan Donegan (631) 367-3067 almost $56,000 per year. Board of Directors: them in action in the Murphy v.Verizon John M. Brennan, Chairman Once the annuity transaction is com - case wherein we contest the transfer of (201) 666-8174 plete, the only protection retirees will retirees to Idearc/SuperMedia. Verizon’s Jack K. Cohen, Executive Vice President have is a state-by-state patch-work of lawyers are paid over $600 per hour, per (914) 245-3129 unfunded “guarantee” organizations Eileen T. Lawrence, Chief Financial Officer attorney! (718) 229-6078 that would pay a lifetime benefit rang - This effort to defend our retirees will Robert Gaglione , Treasurer ing from $100,000 to $500,000, with be costly and we are depending on our (516) 676-0937 considerable small print, legal loopholes membership to step up to the plate and Pamela M. Harrison, Secretary and exclusions attached. After analyz - V.P. Union Relations (845) 225-6497 increase contribution levels. We need all Donald R. Kaufmann, Director (717) 398-2423 ing past claims we have determined that of those folks who have not financially David J. Simmonds, Director (732) 636-4847 those actual payouts are never close to helped in the past – and there is a lot of Charles F. Schalch, Director (610) 399-3626 the advertised level in each state. you — to join the thousands of faithful John Studebaker, Director (610) 296-0281 Some believe that a company, like John W. Hyland – Director (845) 490-0713 contributors and write that check or Thomas M. Steed – Director (914) 213-5909 Prudential with a secure sounding donate via our secure website. Vincent J. Maisano, Director (610) 872-9242 In 2006, it was 2,750 existing retirees Louis Miano, Director Emeritus (781) 444-8080 — Advertisements — of the former White and Yellow Pages Robert A. Rehm, Director Emeritus (516) 827-0801 All representations made in advertisements are Directory Division who were spun-off HAVE A QUESTION? solely the responsibility of the advertiser. The along with their pensions and benefits Call 800-261-9222 or Email: [email protected] Association of BellTel Retirees is not responsible to a doomed to fail company IDEARC. for any such representations. The Association Fast forward to 2012, and 41,000 Advertising Information does not endorse any advertiser. (631) 367-3067 Winter 2012-13 BellTel Retiree 3 Association Co-Founder and CFO Retires After 17 Years fter 17 years, Association Over the past 16 years, Bob of BellTel Retirees co- Rehm has personally logged tens Afounder and Chief of thousands of miles visiting Financial Officer Robert A.
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