2007-2008 COUNCIL 2 28th JUNE 2007 287 MINUTES OF GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL Glasgow, 28th June 2007. Glasgow City Council. Present: The Lord Provost (Robert Winter) Chair. DANNY ALDERSLOWE ARCHIE GRAHAM JOHN MASON NINA BAKER PHIL GREENE GORDON MATHESON RUTH BLACK JAHANGIR HANIF DAVID MEIKLE PHILIP BRAAT DOUGLAS HAY ANNE MARIE MILLAR SHAUKAT BUTT GRAEME HENDRY TOMMY MORRISON PAUL CAREY ALLISON HUNTER WILLIAM O’ROURKE ELIZABETH CAMERON ELLEN HURCOMBE MARY PARIS PATRICIA CHALMERS MATTHEW KERR STEVEN PURCELL MARGOT CLARK BILL KIDD IRFAN RABBANI STUART CLAY GERALD LEONARD MOHAMMED RAZAQ PAUL COLESHILL BILLY McALLISTER GEORGE REDMOND AILEEN COLLERAN DAVID McDONALD DAVID RITCHIE STEPHEN CURRAN ELAINE McDOUGALL GEORGE ROBERTS GILBERT DAVIDSON JEAN McFADDEN PAUL ROONEY COLIN DEANS CRAIG MACKAY GEORGE RYAN ALEX DINGWALL JIM MACKECHNIE JAMES SCANLON FRANK DOCHERTY JOHN McKENZIE RUTH SIMPSON SADIE DOCHERTY TOM McKEOWN ALLAN STEWART JAMES DORNAN JOHN McLAUGHLIN ALISON THEWLISS STEPHEN DORNAN KENNY McLEAN GRANT THOMS PATRICIA DUFFY EUAN McLEOD JIM TODD JENNIFER DUNN CATHERINE McMASTER MARTHA WARDROP KENNETH ELDER JAMES McNALLY ALISTAIR WATSON JONATHAN FINDLAY HANZALA MALIK KIERAN WILD JOHN FLANAGAN KHALIL MALIK IRIS GIBSON DR CHRISTOPHER MASON THE LORD DEAN OF GUILD THE DEACON CONVENER Apologies: James Coleman, John Flanagan and Alex Glass. Attending: I Drummond, Solicitor to the Council; R Booth, Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; L Brown, Executive Director of Financial Services; F Chambers, Executive Director of Direct and Care Services; S Inch, Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; R O’Connor, Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People); and D Comley, Director of Social Work Services. COUNCIL 2007-2008 288 28th JUNE 2007 2 Death of former Lady Provost Peggy Lally. 1 The Lord Provost referred to the recent death of former Lady Provost Peggy Lally and extended the Houses condolences to her family. The House stood in silence as a mark of respect. Lord Dean of Guild—Welcome. 2 The Lord Provost welcomed to the House, Mr John Chapman who had been elected as Lord Dean of Guild of the Merchant’s House of Glasgow for the following 2 years, and expressed the hope that he would enjoy the ancient association of this House with the Merchant’s House during his term of office. Mr Chapman replied in suitable terms. Emergency motion dealt with. 3 The Solicitor to the Council intimated that, in terms of Standing Order No 12 (2), an emergency motion by Councillor Alistair Watson on the postal service had been delivered to the Chief Executive prior to the meeting. The Lord Provost having agreed that the motion was relevant, competent and urgent, the House agreed to deal with it at this meeting. Minutes approved. 4 The minutes of the Council of 17th May 2007 (Print 1, pages 17 to 147) were submitted and approved. Minutes of committees submitted and approved. 5 The minutes of the undernoted committees were submitted and approved:— (1) Personnel Appeals Committee of 27th March and 2nd, 3rd and 10th April 2007 (Print 1, pages 148 and 149); (2) Social Care Services Complaints Review Committee of 27th April 2007 (Print 1, page 150); (3) Appointment of Senior Officers Committee of 6th June 2007 (Print 1, page 151); (4) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th March, 4th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th and 31st May and 6th and 7th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 152 to 221); (5) Planning Applications Committee of 27th March, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th April, 29th May and 5th and 12th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 222 to 237); (6) Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees:— (a) Roads and Lighting of 27th March 2007 (Print 1, pages 238 and 239); (b) Personnel and Administration Services of 28th March 2007 (Print 1, pages 240 to 242); (c) Development and Regeneration of 12th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 243 to 245); and (d) Land and Environment of 13th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 246 to 249); (7) Audit and Ethics Committee of 29th March and 14th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 250 to 253); (8) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 14th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 254 and 255); and (9) Executive Committee of 30th March, 20th May and 15th June 2007 (Print 1, pages 264 to 286). Retirement of Officers—Valedictory. 6 Councillors Purcell, John Mason and Dr Christopher Mason referred to the forthcoming retirals of David Comley, Director of Social Work Services and Ronnie O’Connor, Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) and paid tribute to the contribution and commitment which they had brought to their respective posts and wished them every success for the future. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 2 28th JUNE 2007 289 Minutes of area committees submitted for information. 7 The minutes of the undernoted area committees were submitted and noted:— (1) Bishop’s Wood Area Committee of 20th March 2006; (2) East (Centre) Area Committee of 28th March 2007; (3) North Area Committee of 27th March 2007; (4) North West Area Committee of 15th March 2007; and (5) West End Area Committee of 20th March 2007. Support Services Strategy—Joint Venture for Property and ICT Services—Formal tender stage approved, after division. 8 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 30th March 2007 (Print 1, page 263) agreeing that 4 companies be asked to participate in a competitive dialogue for a Strategic Partnership for ICT and Property Services, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive advising that (1) outline submissions had been received from 3 of the 4 companies, with the other having withdrawn its interest; (2) all proposals were of a high quality and met the criteria which had been set out for this stage of the process and an extensive evaluation process had been undertaken as detailed; (3) the evaluation had concluded that the best fit and commitment to the Council’s objectives and operation of a Joint Venture would be provided by Capita and Serco, who had demonstrated considerable desire to work with the Council and were expected to make a strong competitive element to the procurement process through to final tender; (4) the Trade Unions and individual staff directly affected had been kept regularly informed of the proposals; (5) the next stage of the process would culminate in both companies being invited to submit a priced tender by the end of September 2007; and (6) to assist in managing risk and to provide relevant experience of similar large transactions it was proposed to continue to engage financial and legal advisors from Price Waterhouse Coopers and Dundas and Wilson respectively through to contract closure at an estimated cost of £800,000. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Curran, moved that (a) the Council invite Capita and Serco to participate in the next stage of the procurement for a Joint Venture for ICT and Property Services leading to the submission of a formal priced tender; (b) given the value of the transaction, the process be supported by experienced financial and legal advisors at an estimated cost of £800,000; and (c) the results of the tender exercise be reported to the Executive Committee for approval in due course. Councillor Dr Christopher Mason, seconded by Councillor Elder, moved as an amendment that the procurement of ICT and Property be subject to separate tenders for separate Joint Ventures. Councillor Dingwall, seconded by Councillor John Mason, moved as a further amendment that no action be taken on the proposals. On a vote being taken electronically, 26 members voted for the amendment by Councillor Dingwall, 8 for the amendment by Councillor Dr Christopher Mason and 42 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. Re-opening of Chirnsyde Community Initiative (Ward 16) as Ashgill Community Centre approved, after division—Declarations of interest. 9 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 15th December 2006 (Print 5, page 693) approving the closure of Chirnsyde Community Initiative in order to eliminate the potential public safety risks to users of the Centre, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive providing options for the re-opening of the facility under the management of Culture and Sport Glasgow, advising that COUNCIL 2007-2008 290 28th JUNE 2007 2 (1) in order to signal a fresh start and to encourage participation from the whole community, it was proposed to change the name from the previous Chirnsyde Community Initiative to Ashgill Community Centre; (2) the total annual revenue to manage the facility, based on the proposed opening hours and programme was £326,000 as detailed; (3) one-off costs in respect of repairs and maintenance would amount to £50,000 together with optional IT upgrading costs of £32,000; and (4) once a level of funding had been agreed Culture and Sport Glasgow would move quickly to employ staff, effect building repairs and initiate programmes. Councillor Graham, seconded by Councillor Curran, moved that Council (a) rebrand the facility formerly known as Chirnsyde Community Initiative as Ashgill Community Centre; (b) lease the building to Culture and Sport Glasgow and devolve management of the facility as part of the city’s network of community facilities; and (c) agree (i) to reallocate the £80,000 previously unreleased to Chirnsyde Community Initiative from its Grants to Community Facilities budget to this facility; (ii) an annual operating budget of £191,550 to enable Culture and Sport Glasgow to manage the facility and deliver programmes for 48 hours per week; (iii)a one off set-up cost of £50,000 for essential repairs and maintenance to enable the facility to reopen; and (iv) the upgrading of the IT equipment at a capital cost of £18,000 with a revenue cost of £14,000 per annum.
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