JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE First Regular Session, 101st GENERAL ASSEMBLY __________________________ TENTH DAY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 The House met pursuant to adjournment. Speaker Vescovo in the Chair. Prayer by Representative Doug Richey. Heavenly Father, we realize, as we stand here, we face limited resources, limited time, and even limited understanding of not only the details of the day but also the details for tomorrow. So we turn our attention to You, the one who is limitless, the one who has the provision necessary, providing the wisdom needed to face the day’s challenges and to prepare for tomorrow’s. We ask for Your help; we ask for Your wisdom; and we ask for Your help that we may stand faithful to the task. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. The Journal of the ninth day was approved as printed by the following vote: AYES: 143 Adams Anderson Andrews Appelbaum Atchison Aune Bailey Baker Bangert Baringer Barnes Basye Billington Black 137 Black 7 Bland Manlove Boggs Bosley Bromley Brown 16 Brown 27 Buchheit-Courtway Burger Burnett Burton Busick Butz Chipman Clemens Coleman 32 Coleman 97 Cook Copeland Davidson Davis Deaton DeGroot Derges Dinkins Doll Eggleston Ellebracht Evans Falkner Fishel Fitzwater Fogle Francis Gray Gregory 51 Gregory 96 Grier Griesheimer Griffith Gunby Haden Haffner Haley Hannegan Hardwick Henderson Hill Houx Hovis Hudson Hurlbert Johnson Kalberloh Kelley 127 Kelly 141 Kidd Knight Lewis 25 Lewis 6 Lovasco Mackey Mayhew McDaniel McGaugh McGirl Merideth Morse Mosley Murphy Nurrenbern O'Donnell Owen Patterson Perkins Phifer Pike Plocher Pollitt 52 Pollock 123 Porter Pouche Quade Railsback Reedy Richey Riggs Riley Roberts Roden Roeber Rogers Ruth Sander Sassmann Sauls Schnelting Schroer Schwadron Seitz Sharp 36 Sharpe 4 Shaul Shields Simmons Smith 155 377 378 Journal of the House Smith 163 Smith 67 Stacy Stephens 128 Stevens 46 Taylor 139 Taylor 48 Terry Thompson Trent Turnbaugh Unsicker Van Schoiack Veit Wallingford Walsh 50 Walsh Moore 93 Weber West Wiemann Wright Young Mr. Speaker NOES: 001 Rowland PRESENT: 003 Aldridge Brown 70 Windham ABSENT WITH LEAVE: 015 Christofanelli Collins Cupps Dogan Hicks Ingle McCreery Person Pietzman Price IV Proudie Reisch Rone Tate Thomas VACANCIES: 001 HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Representative Sauls offered House Resolution No. 115. INTRODUCTION OF HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following House Concurrent Resolution was read the first time and copies ordered printed: HCR 21, introduced by Representative Kelley (127), relating to Medicaid coverage. INTRODUCTION OF HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS The following House Joint Resolution was read the first time and copies ordered printed: HJR 42, introduced by Representative Griesheimer, relating to term limits for members of the general assembly. INTRODUCTION OF HOUSE BILLS The following House Bills were read the first time and copies ordered printed: HB 876, introduced by Representative Dogan, relating to law enforcement officers, with penalty provisions and an emergency clause for a certain section. HB 877, introduced by Representative Christofanelli, relating to income tax deductions. HB 878, introduced by Representative Christofanelli, relating to the treatment court commissioner in a certain judicial circuit. Tenth Day–Tuesday, January 26, 2021 379 HB 879, introduced by Representative Dinkins, relating to titles of certain health care practitioners, with penalty provisions. HB 880, introduced by Representative Deaton, relating to concealed carry permits. HB 881, introduced by Representative Coleman (97), relating to liquor sales. HB 882, introduced by Representative Anderson, relating to the Missouri homestead preservation act, with a delayed effective date. HB 883, introduced by Representative Sassmann, relating to voter registration records. HB 884, introduced by Representative Windham, relating to state funding for higher education costs. HB 885, introduced by Representative Windham, relating to primary elections. HB 886, introduced by Representative Nurrenbern, relating to permissible uses for campaign funds. HB 887, introduced by Representative Doll, relating to consent for voluntary searches. HB 888, introduced by Representative Doll, relating to the ethics commission, with penalty provisions and a delayed effective date. HB 889, introduced by Representative Lewis (25), relating to insurance coverage for mental health conditions. HB 890, introduced by Representative Windham, relating to incarceration. HB 891, introduced by Representative Griesheimer, relating to the offense of aggravated endangerment of a highway worker. HB 892, introduced by Representative Black (137), relating to renewable natural gas. HB 893, introduced by Representative Riggs, relating to iron curtain speech day. HB 894, introduced by Representative Riggs, relating to Mark Twain day. HB 895, introduced by Representative Davis, relating to unlawful possession of a firearm, with penalty provisions. HB 896, introduced by Representative Black (7), relating to a state plan for career and technical education certificates. 380 Journal of the House HB 897, introduced by Representative Black (7), relating to retirement benefits. HB 898, introduced by Representative Cook, relating to crimes committed against law enforcement officers and first responders, with penalty provisions. HB 899, introduced by Representative Phifer, relating to sales tax. HB 900, introduced by Representative Lovasco, relating to strategic lawsuits against public participation. HB 901, introduced by Representative Lovasco, relating to special personalized license plates. HB 902, introduced by Representative Lovasco, relating to expungement. HB 903, introduced by Representative Lovasco, relating to domestic animal death, with a penalty provision. HB 904, introduced by Representative Ruth, relating to Missouri state highway patrol fees. HB 905, introduced by Representative Basye, relating to the designation of a memorial highway. HB 906, introduced by Representative Morse, relating to a rural primary care physician grant program. HB 907, introduced by Representative Porter, relating to property insurance. HB 908, introduced by Representative Andrews, relating to statewide missions of institutions of higher education. HB 909, introduced by Representative Windham, relating to delinquent motor vehicle liabilities. HB 910, introduced by Representative Windham, relating to taxation. HB 911, introduced by Representative Hill, relating to the designation of a memorial highway. HB 912, introduced by Representative Henderson, relating to air ambulance services, with a delayed effective date. HB 913, introduced by Representative Merideth, relating to income tax, with an emergency clause. HB 914, introduced by Representative Falkner, relating to regulations of companies. HB 915, introduced by Representative Shaul, relating to gaming, with penalty provisions. HB 916, introduced by Representative Derges, relating to assistant physicians. Tenth Day–Tuesday, January 26, 2021 381 HB 917, introduced by Representative Coleman (97), relating to permissible uses for campaign funds. HB 918, introduced by Representative Hicks, relating to costs for filing orders of protection. HB 919, introduced by Representative Richey, relating to obscene websites, with penalty provisions. HB 920, introduced by Representative Baker, relating to the general municipal election day, with a delayed effective date. SECOND READING OF HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following House Concurrent Resolutions were read the second time: HCR 15, relating to the United States Supreme Court. HCR 16, relating to the Oregon Trail. HCR 17, relating to an application to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of states to propose certain amendments to the United States Constitution which place limits on the federal government. HCR 18, relating to "Christmas in July". SECOND READING OF HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS The following House Joint Resolutions were read the second time: HJR 39, relating to property tax. HJR 40, relating to modification of statutory measures proposed by the people by the general assembly. HJR 41, relating to the general assembly, with a delayed effective date. SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS The following House Bills were read the second time: HB 851, relating to essential workers. HB 852, relating to prohibited uses of public funds. HB 853, relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices, with penalty provisions. 382 Journal of the House HB 854, relating to the public service commission fund. HB 855, relating to the statute of limitations for personal injury claims. HB 856, relating to tuition at institutions of higher education. HB 857, relating to religious freedom. HB 858, relating to commercial driver's licenses. HB 859, relating to county health ordinances. HB 860, relating to centers for the treatment of sexually deviant behaviors, with penalty provisions. HB 861, relating to the air conservation commission. HB 862, relating to the clean water commission. HB 863, relating to workers' compensation for firefighters and other first responders. HB 864, relating to the division of workers' compensation. HB 865, relating to county early childhood education services. HB 866, relating to the minimum wage rate. HB 867, relating to absentee voting. HB 868, relating to tobacco products, with penalty provisions. HB 869, relating to Buck O'Neil day. HB 870, relating to county planning commissions. HB 871, relating to watercraft, with penalty provisions.
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