2 & 3 BEDROOM HOUSES AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS A PLACE to treasure Captain’s View offers a contemporary collection of quality homes including two and three bedroom houses and two bedroom apartments. Located in Llanrumney, an area rich in history, Captain’s View will create a new neighbourhood in this already close-knit community. Close to many good schools and leisure facilities, this is the perfect setting for family life and to discover the delights of the wider Cardiff area. CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR “Creating an exciting new neighbourhood in the historic area of Llanrumney” 2 Computer generated image of Captain’s View, indicative only. 3 2. CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR THE REST is history 1. 3. 1. AportraitofHenryMorgan 3. ApaintingofPenelopeunder (1635-1688) sailbyHenryMorgan 2. AdepictionofHenryMorgan 4. AportraitofHenryMorgan RecruitingfortheAttack: (1635-1688) “BuccaneersandMarooners 5. Rumdistillerycellar oftheSpanishMain” 5. From landmarks defined by centuries Thefamily’smostinfamousmember under Norman rule to an iconic pirate wasSirHenryMorgan,asuccessful 4. of the Caribbean seas, Llanrumney’s privateer.Hisreputationasafearful heritage holds an important place in buccaneerinspiredthepopularbrand Cardiff’s history. ofrum,CaptainMorgan,created in1944. Llanrumneyhaslongbeenassociated withtheMorganfamily,whosecoat SirHenryMorgan’sinfluenceisnot ofarmssitsabovethefireplaceat limitedtorum.Llanrumneysharesits LlanrumneyHall,thehomeoffive namewithapopulatedareainthe generationsofMorgans. StMaryRegioninthenorthofJamaica, anareasocalledasitisonthesiteof oneofMorgan’sJamaicanproperties, whichhewistfullynamedLlanrumney. 4 5 CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR A VOYAGE of discovery Cardiff is justifiably regarded as Cardiff Castle the cultural centre of Wales, offering OneofWales’leadinghistorical a wealth of exciting places to attractions,avisittothisinspiring explore from art galleries to historic landmarkallowsyoutostepback landmarks, added to this is a great intimeandexploretheRomanfort, range of family-friendly days out. theNormanKeepandtheinfluences ofboththeButefamilyandWilliam The National Museum Cardiff Burges.Setinbeautifulparklandsa HometooneofEurope’slargestart visittotheCastleisamagicaldayout. collections,includingoneofEurope’s Castle Street, Cardiff, CF10 3RB bestcollectionsofImpressionistart, www.cardiffcastle.com thisimpressivemuseumalsooffers abusyprogrammeofexhibitions Wales Millennium Centre andevents. LocatedintheCardiffBayareathe Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NP MillenniumCentreisWales’national www.museum.wales/cardiff homeforperformingarts,regularly stagingperformancesofmusicals, Principality Stadium ballet,opera,circusandcontemporary RiversidehomeofWelshrugby dance.Ithasearneditsreputationas union,plusfootball,speedway oneoftheUK’stopculturalattractions. andconcerts,withdailytours. Bute Place, Cardiff Bay, CF10 5AL Westgate Street, Cardiff CF10 1NS www.wmc.org.uk www.principalitystadium.wales 6 7 FROM LIGHT BITES to shops galore It’s not only Cardiff’s cultural highlights that make it stand out but its reputation as a city fast developing an exciting food scene. Thediversechoiceofcafésandrestaurants showcasingfoodfromallcornersoftheworld isimpressiveandthelistcontinuestogrow everyyear. ChoosefromAmerican-stylesandwichesat NewYorkDeli,tapasatBar44oratempting tastingmenuatParkHouseRestaurant. Forthebestingredientsintownvisitthe long-establishedWally’sDelicatessenwhich specialisesingourmetdelifoodfromaround theworldandhasrecentlyintroduced Wally’sKaffeehausservingupauthentic Viennesecoffee. Closertohome,thereareanumberof restaurantsandsomeexcellentfamily- friendlypubs,servingclassicdishes alongsideguestalesandcraftbeers. Andwhenyou’reinneedofsomeretail therapy,CardiffGateRetailParkisashort distancefromCaptain’sView,whereyou willfindvarioushomefurnishingstores, andeverythingyou’llneedtokitoutyour newproperty. 8 9 CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR R I S E & S H I N E for a healthier life Connecting with nature and the Llanrumney Cricket Club great outdoors is easy with a wealth Llanrumney Football Club of parks on the doorstep, and with Llanrumney Rugby Club fully-fitted gyms and local sports Therearelotsofwaystogetinvolved teams nearby, staying in shape has inlocalcommunitysports,Llanrumney never been more fun. hasitsowncricket,rugbyandhockey clubsofferingtrainingopportunities Riverside Park forbeginnersaswellasmore Thisgreatfamilyparkisborderedonone establishedplayers. sidebytheRhymneyRiverandishome totheRumneyRugbyFootballClub. Bute Park Hartland Road, Llanrumney, LocatedintheheartofCardiffand Cardiff, CF3 4JL overlookedbyCardiffCastlethiswell- lovedparkisactuallyoneofthelargest Better Eastern Leisure Centre intheUK.Itsmaturehistoricparkland Followinga£6millionredevelopmentthis featuresover2000trees,manyof state-of-the-artgymprovides whichareknowntobethebiggest anewFitnessSuiteandSwimming exampleoftheirspeciesintheUK. PoolaswellasaGroupCycling City Centre, Cardiff, CF10 3RB RoomcompletewithTechnoGym www.bute-park.com bikes.Unwindafteragruelling workoutatthecentre’sFfresCafé. Llanrumney Avenue, Llanrumney, Cardiff, CF3 4DN “ From exploring the beautiful countryside on our bikes and stopping for a picnic to taking the kids to the local pool to let off steam – there is no shortage of things to do in the local area.” 10 11 CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR X MARKS the spot Captain’s View is perfectly located with many local shops and services only a five-minute walk away. Good transport 4 mins 10 mins 16 mins connections allow quick and efficient FishpondWood TescoExpress EasternLeisureCentre travel further afield. 9 mins 13 mins BY FOOT Llanrumney RiversidePark Library&Hub CAPTAIN’S VIEW 23 mins 24 mins 31 mins CapitolShoppingCentre ButePark CardiffBay Ride your bike Take the bus Take a train Makeuseofthemanybikeracksat Routes49and50operateafrequent Thenearestmainlinestationis Captain’sViewandchoosetotravel (everyten-minuteservice,Monday CardiffCentralwithtrainservices ontwo-wheels.Notonlyisitthe toSaturday)fromCentralCardiff toManchester,Bristol,Birmingham, greeneroptionbutitallowsyou toCountisburyAvenue,whichis GloucesterandLondonPaddington. onlyafour-minutewalkfrom 24 mins BY BIKE toenjoythelocalsurroundingstoo. HeathHighLevelisthenearest StDavid’sDewiSant 26 mins 30 mins Captain’sView. localtrainstation. CardiffCentraltrain Principality station Stadium CAPTAIN’S VIEW 18 mins 23 mins 25 mins ButePark CardiffBay PrincipalityStadium Take the car Take a walk Get to the airport Cardiffcitycentreprovidesagood Whetherit’savisittothedoctoror CardiffAirportiseasilyreachedby rangeofparkingfacilitiesaswell thelibrary,allyourlocalday-to-day carorpublictransportfromCaptain’s 22 mins 24 mins 39 mins BY CAR asthePark&Rideservice,which servicescanbereachedonfoot. View.Thisbusyairportoffersdirect StDavid’s CardiffCentral CardiffAirport makestakingthecarouthassle- flightstomanypopularEuropean DewiSant trainstation free.Captain’sViewisclosetothe destinations. CAPTAIN’S M4providingswiftaccesstoother VIEW destinationsinWalesandacross toBristolandontoLondon. 12 Travel times and distances are approximate only and sourced from Google. 13 CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR 03 04 02 01 YOUR NEW 50 Braunton Avenue quarters 49 05 06 48 47 CAPTAIN’S VIEW 07 46 Located behind Braunton Crescent, this development will be 08 comprised of four two bedroom houses, 28 three bedroom houses 45 and nine two bedroom apartments, many with views across the park. All houses are semi-detached and feature private front and rear gardens. 09 44 10 43 Braunton Crescent 11 THE COOK – 3 BEDROOM HOUSES FRANKLIN COURT – 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 42 12 41 THE CAMPBELL – 2 BEDROOM HOUSES AFFORDABLE HOUSING 13 40 14 39 15 38 16 37 PHASE 2 17 coming soon 18 28-36 19-27 70 71 67 68 69 66 73 74 64 65 62 63 75 76 60 61 58 59 56 57 54 55 53 51 52 86 85 88 87 90 89 76-84 92 91 94 93 14 Site Plan Indicative: To be used for plot identification purposes only. 95 15 See our Sales AdvisorFishpond for more Road detailed information regarding site layout and landscaping. 96 98 97 100 99 102 101 105 106 104 103 Clevedon Road Llanrumney Ave CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR is YOURyour HOME castle 16 Example show home interior photography, indicative only. 17 CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR Combiningstylewith substance,Captain’s Viewpresentselegant, contemporaryliving spaces,filledwith lightandmeticulously finishedwithquality fixturesandfittings. 18 Example show home interior photography, indicative only. 19 CAPTAIN’S VIEW GOLWG-Y-MOR THE CAMPBELL THE COOK 2 bedroom house 3 bedroom house PLOTS 47, 49 PLOTS 01, 03, 05, 07, 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 PLEASE NOTE 48, 50 ARE HANDED PLEASE NOTE 02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 ARE HANDED WC BATHROOM MASTER BEDROOM LOUNGE/DINING LOUNGE/DINING BEDROOM 2 ENSUITE HALL HALL WC WC KITCHEN KITCHEN BEDROOM 2 MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 3 GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR 3.39m x 2.28m 11’1” x 7’6” Kitchen 3.29m x 2.18m 10’9” x 7’2” Kitchen 5.07m x 4.43m 16’8” x 14’6” Lounge/Dining 4.62m x 3.75m 15’2” x 12’3” Lounge/Dining 3.44m x 2.96m 10’11” x 9’8” Master Bedroom 4.62m x 2.71m 15’2” x 8’10” Master Bedroom 3.33m x 2.96m 11’4” x 9’8” Bedroom 2 4.33m x 2.60m 14’2” x 8’6” Bedroom 2 2.23m x 2.02m 8’1” x 6’7” Bathroom 1.98m x 1.93m 6’6” x 6’4” Bedroom 3 Bathroom 2.02m x 1.90m 6’7” x 6’3” Total 63.50sqm 683sqft Total 78.00sqm 839sqft 20 Development layouts provide approximate measurements only. Dimensions are for guidance only and are not intended to be used to calculate carpet sizes, The measurement for Bedroom 3 has changed, please
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